PAdE FOUR THF MTCHMAMfDAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 "I I'Mil I . A IVAA L IA l N x ........ ... Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student ublications. Members of Western Conference Editorial 'Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- sitled to theruse for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master eneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, 4-.00- Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street.' Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAl STAFF !Telephone 4926 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Chal fry Editor............Robert S. Mansfield tiewas Editor ........... Manning House worth VJomen's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay "por-tsEditor............. Joseph Kruger 'egraph Editor....... William Walthour ,Iiand Dram. ..R..Robert B, Henderson Night Editors .Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T, DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors rwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants cilitating import and export opera- tions. Indications point to a commer-, cial treaty soon. 4L Secured inthe rear by a friendly ,,. Poland, Russia is looking steadily A OTlI E R Eastward, Moscow is crowded with B m oriental diplomats and business men. T1, TE' R Soviet, Japanese, and Chinese repre- sentatives ave now participating in a No one can ever say Chimes isn't triangular railroad conference, which a wide-awake organization. But two was called to eliminate existing fron- months after his arrival in Ann Ar- tier difficulties with the hope of in- bor, they run an interview with Jesse stituting direct railroad communica- .nch Williams. And we will s that tion between Moscow and Tokyo. Re- said interview was .the best article which has appeared in said magazine cent Russo-Japanese agreements are i ah eardfiseidtence. said to give Japanese firms important in all the years of. its existence. oil and coal rights in the northern half of the island of Sakhalin, and We were also very relieved to learn,' Japanese business experts have been through the events in retrospect col- studying possibilities of developing iimn that this paper had not sold the fisheries and lumber and mineral itself to the Opera. We must admit, resources of the Russian Far East. however, that this wasn't among our In China, the Soviet are pursuing a greatest fears. First of all we doubt singularily successful policy based that Union has enough money, since upon an active sympathy with the the Daily rates have gone up, and I i i It MUSIC AND D DRAMA I Books for Children Our Juvenile Departineits are filled with a fine selecton of books, ganies and stationery for little brothers and sisters. We are showing many beautifully illustrated editionS. TAKE HOME BOOKS FROM ANN ARBOR (j ca 's B took Stores ,a scA Gertrude E;. Bailey Wi1iam T. Barbour harles Behymer 'William IBreyer PhlpC. Brooks :.. B ckingamn Edgar Carter Carleton Champe Eugene H. Gutekunst I ouglas Doubleday Mary Dunnigan JameT. Herald abehS. Kennedy Miles Kimball )aion Kubik Walter H. Mack Louis R. Marku Ellis Merry Helen Morrow Margaret Parker Stanford N.tPhelps Evelyn Pratt Marie Reed Simon Rosenbaum Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtland C. Smith Stanley Steinkn Clarissa Tapson Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Chandler J. Whipple Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilszke radical and nationalistic elements which are contending for mastery in that feverish 'area. They have al-- ready assisted the Canton regime by sending fuel from Vladivostok, and Russian officers are assisting in the training of the Canton-Chinese army. Since Russia is the only country which has voluntarily renounced ex- tra-territoriality and other rights. usually claimed by foreign govern- ments, in China, she is enjoying con-' siderable popularity with the Chinese nationalists. Soviet influence is di- rected to an attempt to persuade Japan to adopt a similar attitude to- ward China, a movement which may well be successful since the passage and enforcement of the American im- migration law, and the decision by the British Conservatives to build a naval base at Singapore. To the American observer, it must seem more than likely that, in the very near future, Soviet Russia will furthermore if the Daily sold itself to the Opera last year, they certainly took great pains to conceal that fact in any of their reviews-How do we know that the Daily didn't sell itself to "Tambourine" and pulled the same sort of camouflage- We wonder just how many people would read Chimes if they didn't get free with the Daily every Sunday-- * * * The answer may be found, of course by looking up the record of their circulation last yoar, which was so stupendous that the Board in Control just had to do something about it. '* * * If we had our way, we would come to some sort of agreement with the Tinies-News, whereby they delivered Chimes every other week-That would make the com- petition, fair, at least. * * * ill . . . To make an act of tragic violence! Give me no help in lamen- tation; I am not barren to bring forth complaints: all springs reduce their currents to mine eyes, that I, being govern'd by the watery moon, may send forth plenteous tears to drown them all! Distraught, I ani torn with a mighty passion; I could move worlds with mine wrath; I am in a very temper of frenzy! Swords, bullets and bludgeons, there did appear to mine eye an article in Sunday last of Chimes (peste!), say- ing-ah, thousand, thousand curses will prove as bitter-black!-and say- ing, "When the Michigan Daily issued, on the Friday before the Union Opera began its run of a week, a supplement including a full page advertisement and three pages of news about the Opera, everyone . . . concluded that the Daily had sold, SOLD, SOLD itself to the Opera as it so flagrantly did last year. "Readers settled down to an orgy of fraudulet reviews . Then, m'Lord, as Music and Drama editor of both Chimes (peste!) and the Daily, also in charge for the last two years and a half of every line Open Ebenings Until Christmas At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. C' 3 +PEN SF FI i] HIM a "Ride HER a"W a Gifts neatly wraj REAL P pi r a lI p ECIALISTS ping, ays which to buy Masterpen nd G ift-Set" ped for presentation SERVICE WV fi . i it 1' Il BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising................Joseph J. Finn Advertising.............TI1..Olmsted, Jr. Advertising .......... ...Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising...........-......Wm. L. Mullin Circulation...............H. L. Newman Publication...............Rudolph Bostelman Accounts..................Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving F. A. Norquist George -. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl, Bauer Julius C. Pliskov John 11. Bobrink Robert Prentiss W. J. Cox Wm. C. Pusch Marin A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner A.Rolland Damin Joseph Ryan ames R. Deuy Margaret Smith Mary Flinterman Mance Solomon Margaret . Funk Thomas Sunderland Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg T. Kenneth Haven Wmn. J. Weinman R. Nelson Sidney Wilson TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON RUSSIA FACES EASTWARD With the signing of the Guaranty pact after the recent Locarno confer- ence and Germany's subsequent en- trance into the League of Nations, Soviet Russia has apparently aban- doned hope of a political alliance in Western Europe and is even now de- voting the larger share of her diplo- assume her place as a great Asiatic I ENL L .I power, with her greater interests on We wish that we could have been the Pacific rather than in Europe. It present at the recent meeting of the must be admitted that economically, Cosmopolitan Club, at which a mem- Russia must grow more interested in ber of the local University (Michigan) Western countries as their exports faculty told the wide-eyed listeners and imports expand, and it is observa- that Hawaiians think all Americans ble that their shipments to and orders are rich, and Americans think that from Germany and America are grow- all Hawaiians play the ukelele. The ing measurably. same speaker went on to warn these But politically, Russia faces the gentlemen not to become to familiar Orient; as the Soviet grows stronger, with the English language. and is more and more able to detach This seems like unnecessary advice. its energies from immediate economic It is our opinion tlat of the many concerns, there may arise from a native born students in attendance chaotic Far East a vast, powerful jat the above mentioned institution confederation, based upon an entirely very few are even on speaking terms new form of government. with the language. And practically none of them have SO PASSES WORDLY GLORY obeyed the age-old dictum-"be fa- The famous Scopes case is appar- miliar but by no means vulgar" (just to show you that we are educated ently ended, gone the way of the fea- .thomsfom Poa oius'aeech id that comes from Polonius' speech -in tures which flash for a day, a week, Hamlet, a modern play which is quite or a month, and vanish into the dusty, the rage now, in New York-it is our forgotten files of newspapers. Scopes impression that it is now being done was given until Nov. 30 to file a bill as a comedy of manners. A few years of errors on his trial but this has not ago it was done as a Neuro-psycho- logical piece-all the same play that been done, so undoubtedly he will before that was used for barnstorming have to pay the fine of $100 for his by Hampden and others-you must violation of the Tennessee Anti-Evolu- have heard of it). tion law. The news item regarding the point was scarcely noticed by I r r matic activity to that more promising I readers, who a few months ago I field of operations-the Far East. eagerly read every account of thel Sentiment in Moscow leads to the trial and the speeches of Clarence belief that the Locarno pact gave Darrow and the late William Jennings F1ngland a firm hold on the European Bryan. The town of Dayton has returned balance of power. Germany entered Thetobsuiyt h as iton. the League despite the vigorous to the obscurity which was its own. objections of the Soviet, who The newspaper correspondents, law- felt so strongly upon the question yers, witnesses, and concessionaires, .sall of the great throng which filled that Foreign Minister Tchitcherin h9sreswieteral asn hurried from Moscow to Berlin in ant effort to dissuade Foreign Minister progress, have long since gone their St'resemann of Germany from going to way. The trial has long been over, tie now famous Locarno conference. now the last shot has sounded out of Before Germany joined the League1 the past. The public has anost for- possibility of close coordination of Soviet and German foreign policies in the Far East was entirely possible; "A special train for every student but now the belief that "Germany has ,'returning to home and mother for the been drawn into the orbit of British holidays" seems to be the battle-cry diplomatic influence" has turned Rus- of the railroad agents. sia's political gaze entirely away from Western Eu'rope. The Soviet anti- "Ohio Thugs Use Chloroform"-- !..-thy toward England arises pri- Free Press headline. Just another in- marily from the avowed policy of the dication that the Buckeye state is fornrer to befriend the oppressed peo- progressive. ples of the East from, Turkey to "Don't be acigar repair man," says Caina, and the Soviet's open sym- on tiement. e'd rat," be pathy with the aspirations of the tat a spumber ' Eastern revolutionary nationalist movements has naturally tended to alienate a nation with such extensive colonial stakes as England. Another EDITORIAL COMMENT thorn is the apparent reapproachment between Russian and British Labor, which deeply concerns the British THE INTELLIGENCE OF CON{RESs Conservatives, although in reality the (The New York World) Soviet government has no official con- An expert on something or other is cern with the Russian trade unions. measuring the heads of Congress with Reacting to what it terms a danger- a view to ascertaining how much in- ous British ascendancy in European telligence is in them. If this is the diplomacy, Russia has initiated a expert's notion of how to ascertain movement to form a Soviet-Polish the intelligence of Congress, then itt agreement, whereby Poland will con- will not be a hard matter to ascertain1 stitute a precautionary buffer between the intelligence of the expert. If lie:i Russia and the western nations. Po- really wants to measure the intelli- land is favorable to such an agree- gence of Congress let him go to the ; ment, partly because she needs a mar- Congressional Record and find the , ket for her exnanding industrie. and ratio of sense to wind in tihn een-l Now that the colleges of the United States have endorsed the World court plan-nothing further will happen. It is doubtful that this country will en- ter it before a few more names of future presidents are added to the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge plan. * * * "Christian will Present Christmas Music Today" reads a Daily head- line . That would seem more or less obvious. LIMERICKS XXIV A show, ("Tambourine" was its name) Gave the critics a chance to de- claim It got much hell, much praise On alternate days But the houses were filled just the same. PICTURE PUZZLE 0, 2 V HAT IS T flI5 Ileie is another opportunity for those who wish to develop their men- talities beyond that of the average moron (student) of this University. We will rublish the answer in the Christmas day edition of the Daily. Although it is a bit more difficult than the first one, we feel sure that every- one who wants to can solve it with just a little practice. Don't guess-There is only one right -> s appearing in either paper on the sub- ject, may God be swift in his wrath! I would have them know, pox on 'em, that never since such a position was created on the Upper Staff has a single censored criticism been pub- lished; never, never, has a single re- viewer been instructed before attend- ing a performance. MAay men's eyes scowl on him who wrote such dastard lines, as in a theatre the eyes of men, after a well- graced actor leaves the stage, are idly bent on him who enters next, thinking his prattle to be tedious! True, gentles, our paper, if you will, sup- , ports such an enterprise as befits in- telligence, with plain statement of fact, and, God wot, untouched, as' Church and State, by tainted fingers from a Business Staff. But read the criticisms last year, of Cowles and Bicknell and Ramsay, to see with eyes God gave you that their harsh judgment far outweighed a single one on the present "Opera su- preme, magnificent and well nigh per- fect, of all time!" Peste, peste! * * * ' "WHOM GLORY STILL ADORES" When Bernard Shaw wrote his famous farce, "Great Catherine," which the Comedy Club is to present in the Mimes theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, January 12 and 13, he felt constrained to admit another of his devastatlpg apologies. "Exception' ihas been taken," he said, "to the title of this unseemly tomfoolery on the ground that the Catherine it repre- sents is not Great Catherine, but the Catherine whose gallantries and amours provide some of the lightest pages of modern history. In reply, I can only confess that Catherine's di- plomacy and her conquests do not in- terst me. "But Catherine as a woman, with plenty of character and (as we should say) no morals, still fascinates and amuses us as she fascinated and amused her lovers. There were great sentimental comedians, these Peters, Ih liabet s, and Catherines who played their Tsarships as eccentric character parts, and produced scene after scene of furious harlequinade. "Catherine kept this vast Guignol Theatre open for nearly half a cen- tury, not as a Russian, but as a highly domesticated German lady whose household routine was not at all so unlike that of Queen Victoria as might be expected from the difference in their notions of propriety in sexual relations." THE ORGAN RECITAL A review, by Vincent Wall. The outstanding note in the organ recital Sunday afternoon was the naive simplicity of the program- that, and the spirit of Christmas. Con- sisting entirely of Noels and Carols from the French, German, Spanish, and English, the program never grew monotonous through the sheer art- istry of Palmer Christian's interpreta- tion of these numbers. To those who have attended any of the twilight organ recitals, the de- parture from the highly classic usual- ly presented displayed an entirely dif- ferent phase of his remarkable talent. By combining a perfect technique and registration with a seemingly spon- I taneous intuition of the spirit of the Nativity, he succeeded in creating at the outset an impression that domi- nated the entire program. The solos of Thelma Lewis, as well as the chorus nubr c anrried hia ,'AKE Airf SL HOLIDAY SALE ON ALL HATS IN ST.OCK{ Have your hat cleaned and blocked before goingb 1o1e. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415. (Where D. U. I. Stops at State St.) Frequent Service CENTA Irving Warrnohs,Q SG CHIROPODIST AND OREIQI01)IST 707 N. University Aye. Phone 1212 ..... . ,. >. -, _ ___. .,_ ----- ... a i r, ® C P LE ASE MAKE PATH CAMUS Christmas WEDNESDAY NIGHT 8-10 Santa Claus and all the extra things that make a Christmas party distinctive. 75c per couple. Tickets at Slater's Book Shop. G r anmftg e r's Acadciny f ,. :, .-_____. ______ _ 77- 4 R 5 r I 1 AL - - 1 _ 1 Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columus.--Adv. Special Selling of 50 Suits \N IT J s A 6 .a a Sale Ends Today! $50-$75 values $35 These suits are of this fall's merchandise. They are all excellent values. I