PAGE TWO TI-4 J MICHIGAN DAILY "i i ;;,i :1 1'. l l :t 1 , : ii l ;it :I, , ] 1 . T1-'ll~' MICHIGAN DAILY TiJ ESI)AY, 1)F:cE;~1 HER 124 1925 ..---- -a.e- ...-, . ,.,,. ,... ,T... GROUPS WLL IV HISTORIClAL PAPERS Discussion Limited To Ten Minutes For Each Speaker; Time Of Each ~Papers Also Set FIRST MEETING DEC. 29k Prepares For Record Flight Is Rebuked For MAJO ILLIE CAppeal To INew larofe ,ta < y S E'( fI11.1; >:;:<:"::"::. Left RxBY i WILL SPEAK. THURSDAY ..., Maj. Reimold Melberg, formerly of the exeenti eie of the neon-di- visional artille ry unit 'stationed at Detroit, arrived at the niver sity yes- terday to assume h;is (lzit(5 as ipro- Popej [Chicago Plans To ! Give World Fair Chicago has planned a world's fair to be laid out along the new ten-mile parkway water front in either 1934 or 1937. TPhe former dlate is th-e anni- versary of its incorporation as a vil- lage and the latter (late is the anni- versary of the granting of the city charter. Civic leaders who sponser the ex-1 position aim at the greatest centennialI ever held and the completion of the $150,000,000 "city beautiful" plans.I The (late, 1937, will most probably be chosen for the exposition. Last Of Warnings Have Been Mailed! All notices of unsatisfactory wvork~ have been mailed to students in the, Iteaycollege and should be receiv-; ed by those concerned not later, than Wednesday morning.I Any mistakes that might have oc-? curre(I in matter of addresses, indica- tion of courses envolved, or any dis- crepancies that were due to the :over- looking of dropped courses are to bel reported to the secretary of Dean Wil-! bur I1 umphreys, of the literary col- lege. LISB04.-Bernardino Machiado has been elected president of Portugal to succeed1 Teizeira Gomes who resigned because of ill 'health. 1. TYPE RILING, IT College State and William Sts. J Twelve group meetings, organized. "~ for the presentation of papers on cr-'. ..*.. tain phases' of history. are included in the program of the11 aerican Historx cal association's 40th innual meeting,j ?#:'. 4hlch is to be held iii Ann Arbor Dec' r' 29, 30, and 31. The time of ecad paper at these, sessions has been limited to I 20 minutes each, and the discussion to1 .:v.. ~:X 10 minutes for each speaker.: z The first group session will be held'> Tuesday morning, Dec. 29, being al joint meeting with the Agricultural'>l History society, under the chairman- I9 ship of Louis B. Schmidt, of Iowa. State college. At the same time, his- s il torians interested in Latin-American!I M relations will gather, with William W. Pierson, of the University of North Carolina, as chairman. A joint ses- sion with the History of Science so- iety will aso be held Tuesday morn- X. ing, b J. Henderson, president of that society, being the presiding officer. At - this meeting, Prof. L. C. Karpinski, of the mathematics department, will pre- sent a paper on "The First Text Book t r in America." Tuesday afternoon "Union Problems of the Civil War" will be discus;ed at dne meeting, under the chairmanship of Hon. Clarence M. Burton, of Detroit. Those interested in medieval history ... will also meet at this time, with Fran- cis A. Christie, of the Meadville Theo- logical seminary, presiding. O Prof. Arthur E. Boak, of the history department, will deliver a report on' th~e excavations of the University of Michigan at the Ancient history ses-^,, sion. to be held Wednesday morning,i., Dec. 30. Other groups convening at)I this time will be that on American I Colonial history, wih Winfred T. Root, of the University of Wisconsin, pre- siding, and that on Canadian-Ame ri- - - - - --- --. Can relations, at which Arthur G.! Doughty, keeper of public records of' A plane with a super-charger and Ottawa, will be the chairman.( ingenuous tank which will feed the Wednesday afternoon, Andrew C.; pilot oxygen through a tube, is being McLaughlin, of the University of Chi-[i prpared at Dayton, ., fr the at- cago, will lead the group discussing tempt Lieut. John Macready will make "The Responsibilities and Resources to reach a record altitude of eight of the American Historical Associa-"miles. The present mark. is 41,000 tion." Former-Sen. Albert J. Bever- feet, Photo shows tie lieutenant in idge, of Indianapolis, will speak at this' the wool-lined leather suit made for meeting on "Historical Research as a the flight. PubilicInterest." ' Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of the his- be or_ "Opportunities for Research in tory department, wil preside over the the Colleges,"'led by William K. Boyd, group dealing with "Personalities of of Duke university,, and the "Confer- Tudor-Stuart England," which meets; ence of Historical Societies," at which Thursday morning Dec. 31. At thej Benjamin E. Shambaugh, of the Iowa same time Henry E. Bourne, of West-I State Historical society will preside. ern Reserve university, will be the The subject of this meeting will be leader of the meeting to discuss "The "Hlow may the work of collection and Rlevolution and Restoration in France." publication as carried on' by hstori- The final group meetings, also to cal societies be made more effective l be held on Thursday morning, will for the purpose of general history?" Eat; Drink; and Be Merry! =Drop in some time and enjoy some of our Chineset Dishes. They are specially prepared by a Chinese chef.W "A fine place to eat and be entertained." COLLEGE CAFE ANNEX~ 14 NORTH WASHINGTON-YPSILANTI M-ar t in H ailer The Furniture Vrift Store 112 East Liberty , You are invited to shop a few moments in our store. Browse around among theaises. Manifold gift ideas you will find and valuer, in price that appeal. Small Occasional Tableso Are ever popular.. Solid ma- logany is the wood used in this table.4 $23.00E This Tea Cart Has small silver drawer and drop handle-two convenient features, fessor of military scence and tactics, I" 1! sw7GS o . ' V+L. which office has been. vacant ..,lce the Casts Of A1p eman death of Ma, for l~urdiek last August. Majo MebergattndedtheVniver-New 'casts of Pithecanthropus, the sitytas a st:udent from 190) to 1911. In : Java apeman which was discovered by the spring of 1511 he enrHolled1 at the ~ ~ Du Bois, are now on display in the United States mrilitary academy at.. geology museum on the second floor of West Point, wherelie was graduated I.. the Natural Science building. The in 1915, casts, which have been restored and Upon graduation from \Wcst Pi 'cit, cleansed, consist of the top of the Major M~elberg was a iS~iiOd to the -~ skull, femur, three teeth, and frag- coast artillery ('0 i'j)5 tFort Monroemnt of the lower jaw, and are be- where h,_ :en sin ed until 1917, whein Cliniton It. ]Toward lieved to be the only casts of the .Java he was sent ove r eas. i Direct appeal of Clinton IH. Howardaea i!xstne After the World wr, ibr4jor M 1l- chairmnio(f an or ganiization known as ihchou s supposed to be I ihcnhou sberg was satio(ned1 fte M~euse- ''United (commnittee 1or prohibitions en-1 th1 isnln eweaeadmn Argonne fr nm S1 81 -21i. orcemnent, to Pope Pius XI for sup- __themissig __ikbeteen_ peanman In the fall of E)21, ;1ijor Me _ lr ort, has brought a sharp rejoinder PONTIAC.-Flint high school's (IC- retur ne(I to Ibis (ouiiiI z'y acrd assumez d jfrom Rev. ..J. Burke of National bating team defeated Pontiac in a duties at t o;°. Adap.L,, Ulofle Islaud, Catholic Welfare conference: "ti contest here yesterday afternoon in from where t? f=,came itofDetroit ill May impudence in demanding that the Holy' Michigan High School Debating lea- of the year k Father personally interfere in the gue competition. Mtajor Melherg will 1u -.uss-1fli. R. p~olitical affairs of America.. Prohibi- O. T. C.- Its X "ri'd ! and Eeist ion is a piolitical question andl should ___________________________ at the Army and a '.y li inr i setlled politically. which will bo held ait 6 o'clock 'lhurs-1 day at the Union. Ie will speak (of! MANILA.-Cholera which has been i MEN and WOMIEN- the inovemient being; made to abolish; confined to the provinces in the vicin-;I all R. 0. T. C. unit;; hi the United; ty of Manila, has appeared in the For Your CHRISTMAS LIST j States, st i rsathle work which has southern islands,,said an official tele- been acconmplished by t he organization gram. While Manila is free from the1kWitroSumr oegnTr Iand the re aso for its continuation, disease, it is pirevalent in three adjac- udr"lr"Mngmn. As - ; en~~~~~~'lt proinGices. ne Cak Mngmn. As BERLIN.-- Fifteen years imprison-! Private European Tour for Women. '.iin -. ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS BFORE VACATION LEFT TO EAT AT LUNCH ROOM 333 MiAYNARD A Few Gifts Suiggestion s for Chri stma~s that Will be App ,rccI(-ted: r: t ,. ) 50c to $3.50 MEMO BOOKS 50c to $ 1.00 nient was theSelele t rc pronom ice d ont Walter J'ullerjahn, former official o1'' the Wittenau Chea,;cal WVorks, llerlhj, by the siiupee(ci t , \whic'li 101111( him. A-uilty of high trea1 sonl. SPRINGFIELID, Mass. - SoloMon; Buckley Griffin, for more than 40 years managing editor of the Spring- field Republ~con prior to his retire- ment in March1, 1919, died Friday inI his hoMe.f Little investment-big returns, The Daily Classifioas.-Adv.j 0. D. MORRILLI Open Eenis Until CGliristis Travel with "Clark" andi you Travel Intelligently :rRS. 3r. F. CAKE Hall House lDormnitory 114 Waslitemaw Ave. Ann i Aybor, )Iicliigan 719 North 'Univ ersity AveJ -Phone 4514 p; Read the Want Adsh i '' ~- NOW AT THE 100, 2icy3c Nighits loe, 50C U.JAES'CRUZE'S SUCESSOR TO STNS COVERED WAGON'S"_ I E POY XPR - .°- -OMP I 0/ee ow I V Iye I LI n MuteQ jf ae qua. of'lt e th121 Po of l' bo c s I~c 9ar Cmo et f/ c~r~d ir oft tl 4Oo 'doV -- Pe pi I I3U C evilot Suits $40 -$45 Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves Scanfs, Neckties, Socks t J f t, 11 . }1 1+ ' E _ } t tY , : tli ," s t ..i'- .. J- f- t , ..; ,7 .-. ,1 / r. ,, I -ADDE-D ATTRACTIOS- I I