ESTABLISHED 1890 Y A6F t a n Adf oar MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 72 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRESENT PLEDGING SYSTEM 1 SUPHELD BY CUNCIL'SVT E ADOPTED RESOLUTION SUSPENDS ALL ACTION ON PROPOSED DEFERRED PLAN PRINCIPLE FAVORED Interfraternity Body Wishes To Aid Universit y In Making Conditions Suitable For New Proposal Favoring the principle of deferred pledging, but believing that any change in the present methods of fra- ternity rushing would not be practical until living conditions and social op- portunities for freshmen are improv- ed, the Interfraternity council yester- day adopted a resolution definitely postponing any action of a new sys- tem of deferred pledging. The vote was heavily in favor of the resolution, but three fraternities opposing the de- cision. , The council, according to its reso- lution, wishes to aid the University in Instituting a dormitory or commons system for freshmen, thus insuring good living conditions and opportu- nity for meeting other members of the same class, believing that when such conditions are available for frst year men, it will be possible to defer fra- ternity rushing for the good of both. the rushee and the fraternity man. The resolution, which had previously been adopted by the j'udiciary commit- tee of the Interfraternity council, fol- lows: "The Interfraternity council is in favor of the principle of deferred pledging, but does not feel that it can be put in successful operation under present conditions at the University, because of lack of proper living con- ditions and social opportunities for the freshmen. We should like to co- operate with the University in an ef- fort to improve these conditions and opportunities, in the belief that this will be for the best interests of the University and that -with this co- operation a successful system of de- layed pledging may be put into ef- fect." Following the settlement of the question of deferred pledging, the council considered instituting at Michigan a system of grading profes-. sors on their ability to teach a class in an interesting manner, on their proficiency in research work, and on other qualities, in an effort to ascer- tain which men on the faculty are most successful in their work of teaching the students and keeping undergraduates interested in their work. A similar system has been in effect at Harvard, where it has proven successful. The result is obtained by each student, at the end of each se- mester, grading the instructor on his work. According to eports from Harvard, the vote has indiated ac- curately the value of the professor to the university.- Complete details of the Harvard plan, and the opportunity of starting such a system at Michigan, will be presented to the council at its next meeting, early in January. SENTOS RECOGNIZE ROBRT LA FOLETTE1 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-Senator La Follette of Wisconsin was recog- nized today as a Republican by the Republican Senate committee on com- mittees. He was given assignments to the standing committees just as any other senator of his party. A year ago his father was read out of the party councils and removed from his rank- ing places on these bodies. The young Wisconsin senator was assigned to three committees, manu- facturers, mines and Indian affairs. His father was chairman of the manu- facturers' committee up to a year ago and also was a ranking member on Indian affairs. The vote in the committee was unanimous. Orders For Opera Tickets End Soon Ticket applications for all road per- formances of "Tambourine" are now available at the house manager's of- fice in the Union. Union Members KELLOGG EXPLAINS To Vote Upon New ProposaFlGNPLCE Thursday, Jan. 14, is the date that has been selected by Richard Barton, x'26, recording secretary of the Union, for the special meeting of Union mem- bers at which time the proposed amendment to the Union constitution will be voted on, providing a quorum of 600 members is present. Barto set the date of the meeting I last night when one of the circulating. petitions, bearing 200 signatures, had been presented to him. In accordance with the constitution, the recording secretary must give at least ten days' notice by suitable posting and publica- tion, for calling such a meeting upon the written request of at least 2001 members of the Union. T ITI WOOLLCOTT WILL LECTURHE JAN. 2 Dramatic Editor Of New York Times Will Be Sixth Speaker On Oratorical Program SUBJECT NOT CHOSEN Speaking as the sixth lecturer on the season program of the Oratorical association, Alexander Woollcott, dra- matic editor of the New York Times, will appear in Hill auditorium Jan. 22. His specific subject has not been chosen, but it will deal with the stage, plays, and players. Mr. Woollcott is not only regarded as a supreme authority on theatrical matters, but upon his verdict largely j depends the fate of many a new play. In connection with his editorial work, he makes a yearly visit to London and Paris to see the plays which are destined for production in this coun- try, and to form an opinion as to their probable success or failure. Recognized as a brilliant writer, and an able speaker, Mr. Woollcott is well known in theatrical circles. During his long career as a dramatic critic he has made the acquaintance of the leading men and women of the stage in this country, in England, and in France. His acquaintance also in- cludes the principal dramatic authors. In his lecture, Mr. Woollcott will discuss the life of the New York stage from a dramatic critic's point of view and deal with a number of subjects j that appeal to all who are interested' in plays, playwrights, theatre-going, and the characteristics of audiences. ecora Cited By Summerall In Own Behalf SERETARY USES MEETING OF (lREMiN COUNCIL AS FOL C GIVES DEBT POLICY Clites Locarno Securiy Treaty Sakrativ-aa Exclusion As Exampics Anda (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-The foreign policies of the Coolidge administration with the reasons behind them was ex- plained here tonight by Secretary Kellogg of the State department in a I speech running the whole scale from the Sakratvala exclusion case to the' Locarno security treaty. Using a meeting of the council of foreign relations as his forum, the secretary addressed these pronounce-, ments to American citizens and to foreign governments. A warning to American bankers against "indiscriminate" loans to German states and municipalities, al- though "the state department has not felt itself called upon to object to such loans as against the public in- terest." Reaffirmation of the government's desire to cooperate in European re- habilitation, but keep clear of Euro- pean politics.{ A declaration that he set as muchI store "by the spirit of Locarno as upon the treaty of Locarno." An expression of hope that Chinal will realize her aspirations for free-1 dom from unequal treaties. An exposition and reiteration of the American War debt funding pol- icy. A defense of his own action in ex- cluding aliens who desire "to teachj their pernicious doctrines of com- munism" in this country. Mr. Kellogg spoke from a carefully prepared manuscript with every evi- dence of consciousness that his wordsj would be heard round the world. It' was disclosed that the address was regarded as of much importance, par- ticulirly that section dealing with foreign debts and that touching upon the American attitude toward Euro- pean conferences, although it contain- ed no direct reference to the Geneva disarmament movement. VAUDEVILLE TRYOUTS TO, REPORT THIS AFERNOON' Dimes Will Select en For Tourna- meant Which Will Be Held Jaen. 7-8 Try-outs for the annualMimes vau- deville tournament, to be held in the Detroit Judge Will Speak At Law Gathering Judge Ira W. Jayne of Detroit, cir- cuit court judge for Wayne county, will be the principal speaker at the all-law smoker to be held at 7:30i o'clock Wednesday night at the Union. Other numbers on the program will be the Midnight Suns, male quarette from the Glee club, and a specialty act from the same source. Two dancers of the Charleston will also contribute to the program. The social committee is negotiating for the services of a five-piece or- chestra. Admission to the smoker will, be restricted to law students. HOSECOMMtITTEE OPPOSES COO'DLIDGE, Democratic-Insurgent Majority Report Of Special Group Is Contrary To President's Views REPUBLICANS RESIST (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, IDec. 14.-Continu ance of the government's existing Mer- chant Marine organization with great- er concentration of power to the Ship- ping board, a plan contrary to the views of President Coolidge, was rec- ommended today in a Democratic-In- surgent majority report of a special House committee. Concurred in by three Democrats of the committee and Rep. Cooper, Re- publican, Wisconsin, the report op- posed concentration of authority in a cabinet officer and endorsed the en- terpretation the board has made of its own rights, The three regular Republican mem- bers of the committee in a minority report advocated independence of the Fleet corporation from the board in the operation of ships and recom-1 mended reorganization of the existing 3 system along the lines proposed by President Coolidge in his message toj Congress. The majority report recommended that the board elect its own chairman! and continue "to determine the estab- lishment, increase, or discontinuance of trade routes and services, includ- ing the number and character of ships! to be operated and the frequency of sailing.! Professor To Speak On Bar, ul/~l~S Large larjority of Republicans pose 25 Per Cent iMaximum Surtax Rates Op- HOUSE APPOVES NEW REDUCTION OF INCOME TAX RATES PROVIDE FOR CUT IN SURTAX FROM 40 TO 20 PER CE iT AMENDMENTS LOSE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. - The sweeping reductions in income taxes proposed in the revenue bill were ap- proved today by the House. The new rates provide for a cut in the maxiigum surtax from 40 to 20 per cent and for reduction in all the nor-. mal taxes. j Overwhelming support of the non- partisan bill drafted by the ways and means committee developed during the first day of consideration of amendments by the House. Half a dozen proposed changes were swept aside, many without the neces-I sity even of a record vote. The most serious fight came on the proposal of Representative Rainey, of Illinois, a{ Democratic member of the committeeI to increase the maximum surtax to 25 per cent. It was rejected after a sharp three hour debate, 196-117. Pre- viously the House had 'rejected, 266- 54, an amendment by Representative La Guardia, socialist, New York, to make the maximum surtax rate 30 per cent. Other amendments were turned down in rapid order and with little show of partisan division. The sur- tax vote, however, found most of the Democrats including Representative Garrett, of Tennessee, the minority leader voting for the 25 per cent maximum rates while a large major- ity of the Republicans opposed it. A large attendance participated in the five hours discussion of the bill today during which its most vital pro- visions were disposed of. Adjourn- ment was taken when the provision to increase personal exemption from $1,000 to $1,500 for single persons and from $2,500 to $3,500 for married per- sons was reached. Several amend- ments are pending on this provision. Anohter provision of the bill in- creasing from $10,000 to $20,000 the amount of income on which the 25 per cent credit for "earned income" may be taken, was approved without debate. ECONOMICS CLUB HEARS PROF. PHILLIPS LECTURE "Plantations With Slave Labor and Free" Is Subject of Paper TI r c U . I eI t: s fI n t I i c ts Cl 40 u s 4 t] 0 s e G d V a r. eC i0 n Drama Critic Will Deliver Address Here W, alter Prichard Eaton, who for I norv than a score of years has been ecognized as an outstanding figure in ritical and general literature, will ecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon S n room 1025 Angel lhall on the sub- ject "Sheridan and Contemporary somedies of Manners." Mr. Eaton, who is a Harvard grad- ate, is vice president of the Drama I League of America, member of the National Institute of Arts and Scienc- s, and for some time was an instruc ;or of journalism at Columbia univer- ity. For varying periods, he was the Iramatic critic of the New York Sun, ew York Tribune, and weekly and nionthly periodicals. (E PROSSOR i TO SPEAK TODAYki lernian 11. Chapman Will Lecture On "The Necessity Of A Profession U In Forestry" t C WUTHOR OF MANY BOOKS i As the first lecturer in a series of pecial addresses on the subject of s Forestry, Prof. Herman H. Chapman, I >f the forestry department of Yale a iniversity, will speak on "The Neces- It ity of a Profession in Forestry" at a :15 o'clock today in Natural Science} uditoriumc In view of the effort the Universityv s making to guide students in the hoice of their careers, it is thought .hat Professor Chapman's talk will be >f interest to students other than thoseF pecializing in the work of the for- r estry department. All students whoe an attend this lecture are urged to, lo so. - Professor Chapman graduated fromd 'he University of Minnesota in 1896 ind in 1904 received the degree of raster of forestry in the Yale for- It stry school. He was superintendent I f the United States agricultural ex- periment station at Grand Rapids, 1 Minnesota, from 1898 to 1903. Follow-r ing his field work, Professor Chap- nan became an instructor and later I an assistant professor in the Yale school. At the present time, he isE the holder of the Harriman profes- t sorship in forest management at that1 institution. He is a member of the State Park and Forest Commission ofx Connecticut and the Society of Amer- ican Foresters. Professor Chapman is the author oft several books: "Forest Valuation",' 'Forest"Mensuration", and "Forest1 Finance". COLLEGE HEAD VISITS UINIVERSITY HOSPITAL Dr. Henry Houghton, director of the Union Medical college, Pekin, China, visited Ann Arbor yesterday to inves. tigate the workings of the Medical school and University hospital. He left for Detroit, later in the day, where he has been staying with friends. The school of which Dr. Roughton is the head is a Rockefeller Founda- tion school, having been established for the purpose of advancing medi- cine in the Orient. He has been in this country for two months inspect- ing various medical schools, and is expected to return to this city some time during the Christmas recess. PICTUREIS FOR 'ENSIAN MUST BE IN BYIA l1 Pictures of all organizations that have contracted for space in the 1926' Michiganensian must be handed in at the 'Ensian office Jan. 15. In viewf of the large number of groups that will have to have pictures taken, it is urged that appointments be made with the photographers before Christ- mas vacation. All senior pictures must be taken' and all proofs returned to the photog- raphers by Friday. Adjustments of irregularities in senior pictures will be made at the Michiganensian busi- ness office in the Press building from PRICE FIVE CENTS FIIINO SENATOR RELATS FATS OF SLAN DEOCRA AYS LOCAL POWERS OF PEOPLE IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS HAS INCREASED DISCUSSES AT TITUDE )smena States Policy Of Granting Increasing Political Power Is Strictly Followed "Indebtedness aind gratitud 'will always pervade the sentiment of the Philippino people toward the United States," said Sen. Sergio Osmena, president protempore of the Philippine senate, in a talk delivered yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditor um on "Democracy in the Phlip. pines." "As a logical outcome of the grader mal development of self-government in he Philippines," continued Senator )smena, "there had to be an increase n the local powers given to the Phil- ppino people and a corresponding de- crease in the power of the local repre- sentatives of American sovereignty. This, however, was done without in any way diminishing the essence of hat sovereignty, the process culmin- ating in the granting of inde- pendence-the crowning achievement of a great joint enterprise carried to a successful conclusion by the good will of two friendly peoples." Traces Development Senator Osmena traced the growth f self government in the Islands, stating that the policy of granting Filipinos ever increasing poltical power with a view to final independ- ence has been strictly followed. He illustrated this point by explaining the favorable attitude toward this tend- ency which was maintained by Presi- dent Harding, in the face of repeated recommendations to destroy it. Sen- ator Osmena also gave the details of the governor-general's position un- der the Jones law. "We cannot escape the conclusion," he stated, "the the governor-general no longer has the responsibilities which he previously had. The power of administrative supervision and veto has been given to him to safe- guard the rights of sovereignty and the international obligations assumed by. the United States. But, if they be well understood, these powers have more of a negative than positive char- acter. % Describes Governor's Role "It is not expected of him to frame the policy of the entire government because that task is assigned to the legislature and 'he is excluded from membership in that body. His role is that of a man of lofty character with great moral prestige, beyond the 'reach of local partisanship, placed by the government of his country to guard impartially the integrity of the repre- sentative regime already established, and to see that the law promulgated by the representative of the people is faithfully executed." Senator Osmena went on to say that this position of the governor-general has not changed:the authority and re- sponsibility of American sovereignty in the Philippines, inasmuch as the legislature cannot approve of laws in conflict with the Jones law because the courts will declare them unconsit- tutional. What has happened, he said, is an increase in the local powers given the Philippino people with the aim of granting them autonomy. NE W MNENTION ENABLES DEFSTUDENTS ~ TO HEAR WEST HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 14 Experiments were made today at the American School for the Deaf with a machine which is a combination of radio and phonograph, with head piece and speaking tube attachments enabl- ing pupils at the school, who never before had hearti a human voice or any sound, to hear not only the voice of the speaker, but their own voices as well. An 18 year old girl considered to- tally deaf since she was four, the first pupil used in the test, heard and spoke her own name for the first time, knowning from signs and lip reading that it was her name. There is little demonstrativeness in the deaf children, but the light of their eyes and the quick change of (By Associated Press) Mimes theatre Thursday and Friday Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips, of the his- WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. - Major evenings, January 7 and 8, immediately Prof. E. Blythe Stason, of the Law tory department read a paper before General Charles P. Summerall, senior following the Christmas vacation, will school, will talk on "Qualifications for the meeting of the Economics club on officer in the army air service, de- be selected to-day, to-morrow and tho will tal on " lcations for I fened toay beore te Mithell the Bar" at the third vocational guid-Lao an fended today before ihe Mitchell Thursday afternoon in the Mimes the- 1 ance meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in Plantations with Slave martial his record as former com-LFree" last nght. madn eea fteHwia cIatre from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. Lane Hall auditorium. Professor Sta-i maning general of the Hawaiian de- son will point out to those students Professor Phillips said that efforts partment and the part he took last Any organization or student on the who are interested i the legal pro- were made in ante-bellum 'days to im- summer as commander of the second campus is eligable to try-out, and all fession some of tie qualities of char- ire the worng abldto th 1 ~prove the working ability of the , corps area in directing the anti-air- acts will be selected and personally ; actor and personality which are deem- s craft tests at Fort Tilden, New York, supervised by F. Mortimer Shuter, di- I ed necessary for success in that pro- slaves, who were encouraged to be-Li and the night searchlight demonstra- I rector of the Union opera. The pur- fession. He is giving the talk withi come apt in special capacities. Hos- tions at Camp Dixon, New Jersey. pose of the contest is to discover avail- a view of assisting students to decide j pitals with reliable physicians were In the first place, the veteran gen- able material for the 1926 opera, and whether or not they will enter law frequently to be found on the larger l oral bared his record to disprove Col- as in the past a silver cup will be as a life work. plantations to care for the laborers onel Mitchell's charge that he was awarded by a vote of the audiences to This meeting is one of a series of i ignorant of Hawaii's air defenses, the best number. vocational talks given by prominent "fthey beca e, P l.r which were among his responsibili- While it is customary for the vari- members of the various professions, in nAfter the war, Professor Phillips ties in 1923. Then, he gave emphatic ous fraternities to furnish the major- I an attempt to aid students in determ- wention to say, "the reedmen s con- e denial to other charges, involving: ity of the acts, especial attention is ining on a profession for their life they had been staves.Dbett to the low statements that he had ordered night called to the fact that ethproduction work. land opportunitieswere - formation planes at Camp Dix despite )Ifisdopenhtofanydstudentainuthe Univer-i1 the dangers and over protests of fly- sity, and is in the nature of an al- fd the freemo acire faks tourametiaanMin n nr j11but they were too im provident to take ing officers, including Capt. Willis campus tournament. advatagIIWIIcilportnites.Thi h-hae cmmader f te 2th bm- ULU11J~11 flil! Lfl ~l advantage of such opportunities. They nHale, commander of the 20th bom-were satisfied with a living, and that bardment squadron at Langley Field, Relicwiatmeswas all they desired." Realizing the dangers of night for- Resent Doubts Of """ mation flying, he testified he had per- S e ss Associated Pres sonally ordered that the planes flylt'EW YORK, Dec. 14.-Assertig with sufficient distance between them that "harm has been done for whichj to guard against any possibility ofI (y Associated Press) no amount of investigation and ex- hadlseen seectedfo thet night test TC N, Arizona, Dec. 14.--Sci planatory statements can atone," the d entists of tha University of Arizona Spectator, student daily newspaper at by air officers. Throughout the Til-! i Columbia university, expressed edi- L. L. Forsythe, principal of the Ann den and Dix tests, he declared, the stood by their statement today in the torially today the attitude of the un- Arbor high school, addressed the recommendations of air officers were face of doubt expressed by eastern sci- dergraduates toward the situation Men's Education club last night on followed by him and they had ex- entists as to the genuineness of relics arising from the announcement that o . . . pressed complete satisfaction with the unearthed near here, which the dis- Knute Rockne would be the Columbia"How to Prepare for Criticism in the arrangements at the time. i coverers claim, tell a disconnected football coach and its subsequent de- Administration of Schools,"a The general plainly welcomed the story of the discovery of America nial by the Notre Dame mentor. If a school has any merit at all, he opportunity to appear in his own de- 'some 700 years before Columbus' The Spectator scored the "appar-E said, its executives will be subject to fense before the tribunal. voyage, ently free reign in dealings carried criticism over a period of time. They "Such an attitude is to be expected," on by one representative of the uni- mustmra perhomsofvtsne.thesfI said Dean B. C. Cummings, professor versity, or rather of the very small u prepare themselves with suff- tOr eaheiX. Iof archaeology of the university. group charged with the direction of cient facts and arguments to meet the