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December 13, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-13

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 71





________________________________________________________________________ U

.Acton Follows Committee Meeting In
Which Coach Admits He Was
Under Contract
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 12.-Columbia
university officials announced tnight
they had withdrawn their offer to
Knute Rockne, of Notre Dame, to be-
comedhead coach of the local football
Action by the Columbia football
committee followed a long conference
this afternoon with Rockne, during
which he admitted he was already
under contract to the University of
Notre Dame, where he has acted as
coach for eight years.
In an official statement, the Colum-
bia also said Rockne had signed a
three year contract to coach football
at Columbia effective next spring, but
made no attempt to explain Rockne's
apparent failure to reveal the exist-
ence of his contract with the Indiana
intitus ion while negotiating the new
agree ent.
Columbia's statement follows:
"Mr. Knute K. Rockne signed an
agreement on Dec. 1 to act as head:
coach of the Columbia football team
for the periods of the next three years
at a stipulated salary subject to the
approval of the Columbia university
committee on gthletics.
"The football committee presented
the agreement to the University com-
mittee on atheltics on Dec. 11, recom-
mending its approval. Thereupon the
S university committee on athletics ap-
proved the agreement and the an-
nouncement of Mr. Rockne's appoint-
inent as head coach followed.
"At the time this contacrt was
Bade, Mr. Rockne stated that he was
not under contract to the University
of Notre Dame. It now appears, both
from statements by the Notre Dame
authorities and by Mr. Rockne him-
self, that Mr. Rockne was in fact,
and still is, under contract to the
University of Notre Dame.
'The Columbia committee would
not have offered a contract to Mr.
Rockne or any other man, or appoint-
ed him as head coach if it had known
that he was under contract to another
university, and regrets the entire sit-
uation. In view of the foregoing, the
appointment of Mr. Rockne is with-
Due to heavy student travel north !
from Detroit via Mackinaw City the
night of Dec. 18, the Michigan Cen-
tral railroad has found it necessary
to arrange a special section, sche-
duled to leave Detroit at 8:30 o'clock,
city time, that night. This train will
carry all extra Pullman cars bound
for Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Calu-
met, and intermediate points, and was
previously scheduled to leave Detroit
at 10 o'clock.
For student travel to points south
of the upper peninsula, a train will:
leave Detroit at 10 o'clock, as sche-
duled. The change in the first sec-
tion was made in order to get all the
cars across the straits, where only
one ferry is available, according to
C. E. Vekovius, travelling passenger
agent of the Michigan Central.
A large number of student reserva-

tions have been sold on the train
which has been changed, and the
Michigan Central calls attention tol
the new arrangement in order to pre-!
vent students from missing the prop-
er section, which would mean a 24
hour delay in their trip home.
Medical Society
To Hold Election
Washtenaw County Medical associa-
tion will hold an election of officers
for the coning year at 6:30 o'clock
Wednesday, Dec. 16, at the Union, it
was announced yesterday. The main
speech at the gathering will be given
by President Clarence Cook Little.
He has chosen for his subject "Mod-
ern Medicine and the Germ Cells."

Prominent Filipino Statesman

Sen. Sergio Osinena, for 15 years speaker of the Philippine assembly,
will speak today on the independence of the islands.

vrnr itrnrnnV

"Greeks Of New World," is Subject
Of Address To Be Delivered in
Natural Science Auditoriunt
Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley of the Car-
negie institution, of Washington, who
will speak on "The Greeks of the New
Work" at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon in the Natural Science audi-
torium, has made several archeologic-


s ,r
Twenty lour Debate Brings Ap)roval
Of Both 1-,ijor Parties; Sponsors
Predict lPssage Of Measure
(By Associated Press)
WVASHING ION, Dec. 12.-The $325,-
000,000 tax reduction bill reached the
-lest stag:. in the house taday, and
Monday some of its major provisions
will be taken up for approval.
More than 20 hours of debate on the
measure this week developed general
endorsement from both Democrats
and Republicans, but the bill faces at
least a dozen amendments which will
be offered next week on vital points.
Sponsors of the measure, which was
framed by the ways and means com-

Cooperated With American'( govern.
ment During Insurrection; Known
As Leading Man In Islands
Democratic development of the gov-
ernment of. the Philippines which'
makes independence practicable, will
be discussed by Sen. Sergio Osmena,
of the Philippine islands, in a lecture
at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in Natural
Science auditorium.
Senator Osmena has been active in
Philippine politics for many years.
In 1907, he was the first speaker of
the Philippine assembly, and previous
to this time he was the first president
of the Conference of provincial gov-
ernors. At the time of his election as
speaker of the assembly, the position
was the highest within the gift of the
Filipino people, and he held the office
until 1922.
During this 15 year period, Senator
Osmena, with another important char-
acter in the Philippine government,
Senor Manuel E. Cazon, played a more
important part in the political and
material development of the islands
than any other Filipino.
When Senator Osmena was speaker
of the Philippine assembly Senor Ca-
zon was the chairman of the opprop-
riations committee and an influential
person in the house. About 1910 he
came to the United States as a com-
missioner to Congress for the purpose
of securing more independence for
the islands. As a result of this the
Jones bill was passed which gave the
islands control of the legislative de-
partment of the government. In 1917
Cazon was then elected president of
the Senate. At this time, Senator Os-
mena and Senor Cazon became rivals
for the h'ead of the government. In
1922 Senor Cazon left Senator Os-
mena and established a new party.
Senator Osmena then resigned as
speaker of the house and became a
senator, while Senor Cazon still re-
mained president of the Senate and
ranked as the first man with the
Philippine people. However, in the
opinion of many Americans, Senator
Osmena is the first person in the is-
During the crisis of 1923 in which
the Filipino members of the Council
of State resigned and refused to co-
operate with General Wood, Senator
Osmena was not directly impleated,
the move being primarily one of Senor
Cazon's. As a result, in the elections
of 1925, he maintained his strength in!
the portion of the country in which
he was concerned, while the strength:
of Senor Cazon decreased.
At the time of the Philippine in-
surrection Senator Osmena edited one
of the two papers which favored the
Filipino cause. When he saw that
further resistance to the American
government would be useless, how-'
ever, he cooperated in making the new
rule a success. He became governor
of one of the most important prov-
inces in the islands and assisted the
Philippine constabulary and American
army in stamping out banditry and
guerilla warfare.
Senator Osmena came to the United
States as a delegate of his government
to the Interparliamentary union which
'met in Washington recently. He is
coining directly from Washington to
Ann Arbor, arriving here tomorrow

noon, and he will return to the capitol
Tomorrow night.
A reception will be given for him
[by the Philippine Michigan club to-
I morrow night at 8:30 o'clock in Lane
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will present a special program of
Christmas music in Hill auditorium
at 4:15 o'clock today. The concert is
complimentary, and the general pub-
lic, with the exception of small chil-
dren, is invited.
In addition to the organ music,
Mr. Christian will be assisted by Thel-
I A.1 T s. _ nnria Ti a nni of Th _ o-

"Tambourine" Matinee Wins
Praise Of President Little
After witnessing his first UnionI that, while the Michigan show is much
opera at the matinee performance of more artistic than that of the eastern
"Tambourine" yesterday afternoon, school, the Harvard operas are more
President Clarence Cook Little de- humorous. "The Union opera is pri-
scribed the current Union offering as marily artistic and more on the order}
"a -dandy show, comparing favorably of the professional show, while the
with many professional productions." Harvard musical show is primarily
While commenting favorably on the humorous," the President declared.
entire show, the President especiallyI
praised the precision of the choruses, A review of yesterday after-
which, lie remarked, showed the re"- noon's o eray will
sult of months of training. "While I noon's opera performance will
sl be found in the Music and Drama
am not able to compare "Tambour- I column on page four.
ine" with previous operas, since this
is the first one I've seen, I certainly
enjdyed this afternoonjs show,;' he Last night's performance closed the
said. Ann Arbor run of the show, which
In speaking of the undergraduate will give its next performance Friday
productions of his own university, night at the Auditorium theater, in
Harvard, President Little declared I Chicago.
Collegiate Conference Advocates
U.S. Entrance Into World Court'
(By Associated Press) "Be it resolved that we advocate to
PRINCETON, Dec. 12.-Without de- the President and Senate that the
bate the national collegiate World United States enter the Permanent
Court conference resolved tonight, Court on International Justice under
244-6, to advocate to President Cool- the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge plan."
idge and the Senate that the United Voting as individuals, 193 delegates
States enter the World court under favored entrance with Harding-
the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge reser- Hughes reservations, 9 favored en-
vations. trance under the Harmony plan, 1391
The resolution read: voted that the United States adopt]
"Whereas, we, the delegates of 250 some program with nations to secure
institutions of higher learning in the peace and that entrance into the
United States, desire to hasten the court be regarded as the first step in
securing of peace to all peoples. such a program.

Colonel's Accusations Based On Report
Of No Provision For Air
Defense Of Hawaii

OHIO TEAM, 32- 27



Interfraternlty Group Will Again Dis-
cuss Proposed Plans Of
Deferred Rushing

By Joseph Kruger, Sports Editor
Sporadic flashes of real basketball
ability, culminating in a sensational
rally in the closing four minutes Of
play, enabled Michigan's Varsity five
to emerge victorious in the opening
contest of the season last night at the
Yost field house, the final score read-
ing 32-27.
The invading Buckeye contingent
was leading the Wolverines 20-25 with
but four minutes remaining to play
when Capt. Dick Doyle scored his first
basket of the game, a pretty shot from
beneath the basket. Ed Chambers
followed quickly with a long shot
from the center of the court, and then
Frank Harrigan placed Michiga in the
lead for the first time in the second
half with a clever shot, making the
score 26-25.
Chambers stretched the lead to
three points with another spectacular
long shot, but Blickle renewed Ohio
Wesleyan's hopes with a two pointer.
Harrigan and Doyle then followed
with two short shots that sewed up
the contest.
The play of the Michigan five up
until the last few minutes of the con-
test was perhaps characteristic of
most season's openers. There was a
lack of coordination in bringing the
ball up the court and into scoring
positions, most of the baskets result-
ing from individual play. And inac-
curacy when close to the basket cost
the Wolverines many additional
Defensive Strength Displayed
The team gave indications of, real
defensive strength for the greater
part of the game, the players staying
close to th ir 'opponents. However,
the Michigan defense appeared to
crumble several times, and the visi-
tors broke away for easy baskets.
The Wolverines were woefully wealk
in following up their own shots, con-
tinually failing to drive in to the back-
board to recover the ball, or to fol-
low up with a short shot.
Captain Turney gave the visitors
the lead with a two pointer immedi-
ately after the opening whistle, but
free throws by Harrigan and Cham-
bers, and a one arm shot by Harrigan
gave Michigan an advantage that was
retained until the closing minutes of
the first half.


Mather's FIve Displays' Lack
Coordination In Advancing
Ball Down Floor


al expeditions to Central America, the
most recent of which was to Chichen
Itza, where excavations were started
in May, 1924, by the Carnegie institu-
tion. Dr. Morley is in charge of this1
project which is expected to continue
for ten years according to an agree-
ment made with the Mexican govern-
Chichen Itza is thought to have been

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.-Col. Wil-
liam Mitchell's charge that the War,
department was guilty of almost "trea-
sonable" conduct in failing to provideI
air defense plans for Hawaii in 1923
was denied today before the army
court martial trying the air officer. I
Maj. Lester J. McNair, who was at
the time serving on the staff of the

Deferred rushing will be consider-
ed by the Interfraternity council for
the second time at a special meeting
to be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in room 302 of the Union.
At the meeting of the council last
week, the subject of deferred pledg-
ing at Michigan was introduced with 4
the report of the committee on fra-
ternity rushing, which advocated thel


founded as early as 530 A.D. by an mittee, predicted tonight, however,
exodus of Maya indians who were that it would be approved by the
driven from the old empire by a scar- House before the end of next week
city of food. The city was rapidly and possibly without change.
settled and after a period of stagna- The non-partisan character of the
tion, a Mayan renaissance brought bill has won support for it during the
about a development of architecture long debate from both sides of the
which was unequalled in the ancient chamber. Representative Garrett, of
American world. Tennessee, the Democratic leader, to-
A religious ceremony in which day gave his endorsement though heI
young Itzan maidens were sacriliced opposed vigorously the provisions tol
to the gods brought to the city Ohis- give life appointments to members
ands of pilgrims each year. The ruins of the board of t:x appeals.
of the temples and buildings of the Scattering opposition also appeared
city are the objectives of Dr. Morley during the week's, discussion to the
and his party. The excavations of )oPosod 50 percent reduction in the
this ancient American metropolis will r m::imum sur tax and in inheritance
be continued next year by the Carnegie tax rates. Fights against these two
institution. and the tax board provision are ex-
pe(ted to constitute the most serious
opposition when the bill is taken up
ALINIS SHOLASHIPMday for amendments.
The opposition apparently is not or-
anizedt on party lines against any of
thelprovisions, and Representative
Green, iRepublican, Iowa, chairman of
thie ways and means committee, and
One Will Be Chosen To Studny At':t~ ~) n en omteai
Oxford For Thien TViYrs y Representative Garner, Texas, ranking
do ressY) Democrat on the committee, were pre-
(yA--e pared tonight to lead the fight for,
(By Associated Press)Icomplete approval of the compromise1
CHICAGO, Dec. 12. - Twenty-one measure. N1r. Green has served no-
young men from colleges and univer- tice he will not sanction any measure;
sities were interviewed here today by in reduction 01 taxes proposed in the
the Illinois selection committee for bill.
the "Rhodes Scholarship of 1926". '_ _
One of the twenty-one will be amon I
those from this country who will be i
sent to Oxford for study for three CP
years. The twenty-one included edi- n
tors of the college dailies, and leaders IiII
in various undergraduate and extra. . IL SEIORS
curricular activities. Each was nomi
nated by his college and recommendedI Announcements have been made by
by prominent men of his community the Aliehiganensian that in order that
on the basis of personality and qual-
ities of leadership. a senior may have his picture placed
The committee was to send a sealed in the senior section of the 1926 Mich-
report tonight to the national com- iganensian, lie must first obtain a
mittee in Philadelphia, which will "Senior Picture Receipt" from the
probably announce the awards for theII 'En sian office in the Press building.
country MondIay. These receipts may be obtained by
Dr. Harry Tratt Judson, former filling ouf an activities card and pay-
president of the University of Chicago, ing :. No pietures will appear in
heads the Illinois committee. the 'Ensian unless a receipt has been

Hawaiian departmental commander~r, continuance of the system now in ef-
showed the court the plans of 1923.ect here, in preference to any of
He said they existed when ColoneI three types of deferred rushing which
Mitchell, then assistant chief of the had been suggested, which included
army air service made his inspection a plan whereby fraternity pledging
armyhairaserviceamadeoris and remor- would be permitted on the second
of the Hawaiian air forces and report- week of school in September, the open-
wd that the air defense of the island ing of the second semester in Feb-
was lacking in war plans. ruary, or in the middle of May.-
The Major said ho was revising the As several fraternities strongly fa-
war plans when Colonel Mitchell vis- ee a ti esst f
ited the island and that they had been vored the adoption of a new system of
continuously revised and kept up to rushing, the council's decision was
postponed until the meeting tomorrow,
date ever since. On cross examina- which will be called to order at 4
tion, however, it was brought out by wchowklanehalledour rerath4
the defense council that Colonel Mit-1 o'clock, an half hour earlier than the
t s'Ccustomary time in order to allow for
chell had questioned the ranking air the debate on the subject which is
officer in Hawaii in regard to war edectwd.i
plams fr tre ir srvie, nd d Iexpected.
plans for the air service, and had The report of Jackson Stith, '26, on!
been told that none existed. This in- the meeting of the Interfraternity
formation, it was said, had been the councils of the United States in New
basis for Colonel Mitchell's charge. council o e Uited tt i Ne
The court held a brief session, suf- York, will be postpone t thetil
ficint nly o hve1Majo Meairfinal decision on the rushing prob-
ficient only to have, Major McNair lem is reached.
conclude the examination of Captain
John. P. Lewis, coast artillery anti-
aircraft battery conmander, and to Cosm opolitans
allow Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Williams,,
chief of ordnance, to make a brief A ddressed By
statement.-ut eo
Just before adjournment, Rep. Frank Dean ElE n .rF
R. Reed, told the court that the trial,1 D ar gr
so far as the defense was concerned,.
should end next Wednesday. The "Chief among the causes for mis-I
court welcomed the statement and understanding between the peoples of
partly agreed to the Saturday after- different nations, is the great number
noon holiday which it had been un- of generalizations made by travelers,"
willing to authorize previously. said Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit-
erary college, speaking at the lun-.
.oitcheon of the Cosmopolitan club inj
OL gens IHarris hall yesterday noon.n
"T n in t li, r r. .. r"..


Ohioans Rally
With Michigan leading 11-4, Ohio
Wesleyan started a rally that ,finally
put them ahead when the first period
ended. Turney,'who was the star of
the invading five, accounted for three
baskets during this rally. The half
ended 16-13 in favor of Ohio Wes-
The Ohio team quickly increased
their total to 20 points after the sec-
ond half started, before Michigan had
accounted for a single point. Then
three free throws in succession by
Cherry, Harrigan and Doyle, and a
short shot by Chambers brought the
Wolverines to within two points of
the visitors.
Wolverln'es Appear To Lag
F The Wolverines then appeared to
lag, and the Ohio five scored two
baskets and a free throw, while Michi-
gan accounted for two points from
the foul line, making the score 25-20,
with Wesleyan in the lead. With its
chances for victory dwindling rapidly,
I the Michigan quintet then unleashed
the spurt that overwhelmed the visi-
tors completely. Chambers, Doyle,
and Harrigan each accounted for two
baskets in that final rally.
Frank Harrigan was the leading
scorer of the contest with six baskets
and four free throws to his credit,
making a total of 16 points. Cham-
bers ranked next with nine points,
making four baskets and one foul.
Dick Doyle scored two baskets and
two fouls. "Red" Cherry, although
scoring but one free throw, played a
stellar floor game.
The Lineup
Michigan Ohio Wesleyan
Ch'ambers .......F.............. Hill
Doyle (Capt.) .... C... Turney (Capt.)
Cherry. (. . .... miA.a


7ill Vii U . It is an easy tnhing for a traveler
S v s tU.itianestirS to make a general statement about a
country, based on observations of only
To Sell Jewes~afew natives, or a few sections of
the country. For example, foreigners
think that all Americans are rich and


(By Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Dec. 12.-Representatives
of the Soviet government will soon
visit the United States in connection
with the sale of certain surplus arti-
cles from the old Imperial collection
of jewels. Dutch jewelry firms ap-
peared to be manifesting much inter-I
est in some of these articles and onel
Sof their representatives is negotiatingI
i with the Soviet government.

it is the general opinion that all!
Hawaiians play the ukelele. The in-
creasing popularity of the low priced:
foreign tours for students makes pos-
sible the explosion of these generali-
ties, and a better American under-
standing of foreign conditions."
Dean Effinger warned the foreign
students against the general tendency
to become too familiar with our lan-
ugage. He said that idiomatic and

p o-t-.--.qrff -__ VLAP-- . I


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