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December 12, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-12

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29 TO 31

Brightly colored gowns, black and broke into the strains of "The Vic-j
white formal attire, melodious tunes, tors" and Frederick T. Beaman, '28E,
shaded amber lights, green palms and general chairman of the committee,
ferns,-this was the Prom of the class led Miss Eleanor Taylor Holt of Bea-
of 1928 in the Union ballroom last ver, Pennsylvania, to the floor to lead
night. the grand march. With the customary
The ballroom was arranged with last minute rush of the stragglers to
comfortable divans and chairs, and get in the picture, the flash was made
lighted with the glow of parchment j and the photograph taken of the
shaded floorlamps. At either end party. By 11 o'clock more than 400
were the two orchestras in banks of couples were attending the dance.
palms; the Keystone Serenaders from Programs for the Prom were in
Detroit, and Charles Wolcott and his checkered orange and black,. and the
seven piece Union opera band which favors for the women were compacts
began to play at 11:30 o'clock be- of silver. The room adjoining the
tween numbers of the Serenaders. main ballroom contained card tables
At 10:30 o'clock the orchestra for the chaperones.

More Than 350 Historians From
Parts Of Country Expected
To Attend Gathering



Claims League Of Nations Might End
War But Would Crush Freedom
And Liberty
PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 11.-.
John H. Elliott and Elizabeth Par.
rott, delegates of the University
of Michigan to the national un-
dergraduate World court confer-
ence here, have reported to the
officlals in charge.
(By Associated Press)
PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 11.-Sena-
tor Irvine L. Lenroot, of Wisconsin,
urged the entrance of the United
States into the permament court of
international justice in a debate to-
night with Clarence Darrow, Chicago
lawyer, who opposed the court on the
grounds that it was not worth the

Addresses by Hon. Albert J. Beve-
ridge, former United States Senator
from Indiana, and Prof. Charles Mc-
Lean Andrews, of Yale university,
president of the American Historical
association, are included in the pro-
gram of the 40th annual meeting of
that organization, to be held in Ann'
Arbor on Dec. 29, 30, and 31, as an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. William
A. Frayer, of the history department,
who is chairman of the committee on
local arrangements. More than 350
historians, from colleges and univer-
sities in all parts of the country, are
expected to be present.
The Mississippi Valley Historical
association, the Agricultural History
society, the History of Science so-
ciety, the Bibliographical Society of
America, and the American Catholic
Historical association, are meeting in
conjunction with the major organiza-
Arrange Program
Five general meetings are to be
held, and there will be 12 group meet-,
Ings dealing with certain phases of
history, two luncheon conferences,,
and the sessions of the five other or-
ganizations which meet at the same
time .
A reception will be given to the
members of the associations at the
WilliamL. Clements Library of Amer- f
ican History Tuesday afternoon, Dec.
29. The president's annual address
will be given at the general session
Tuesday night at the Union. Profes-
sor Andrews' subject will be "The I
American Revolution: an Interpreta-
tion." Preceding this speech will bej
an address of welcome by Regent
William L. Clements.
Wednesday night, Dec. 30, a general
meeting will be held, at which papers
will be presented on "The Problems
of The Far East." Following this ses-
sion, a smoker will be held for all the!
A luncheon will be given to the
members of the associations by the
Board of Regents Thursday noon,
Dec. 31, at the Union. Prof. A. L.
Cross, of the history department, will
be the toastmaster.
Will Elect Officers
The annual business meeting of the
association will be held Thursday
noon in the Natural Science auditori-
um, at which time the officers for the
next year will be elected.
The new president will preside at
the general session Thursday night, at
which former Senator Beveridge will
speak on "Abraham Lincoln and the
Early Abolition Movement," and Prof.E
Nathaniel W. Stephenson of Yale uni-
versity will give an address on "John
C. Calhoun, 1812 and after."
The various group meetings will be-
gin Tuesday morning and extend
through Thursday morning. Several
faculty members will deliver ad-
dresses at these gatherings, Prof. L.
C. Karpinski of the mathematics de-
r partment giving the first of these
Tuesday morning before the History
of Science society. He will discuss
"The First Text Book in America."
Prof. A. E. Boak of the history de-
partment will give a report on the ex-
cavations conducted by the University
of Michigan at the ancient history
group meeting to be held Wednesday
morning. Prof. Arthur L. Cross of
the English history department will
preside over the group dealing with
'Personalities of Tudor-Stuart Eng-
land," which meets Thursday morn-
Machado Elected
To Head Portugal
(By Associated Press)
LISBON, Portugal, Dec. 11.-Ber-
nardino Machado has been elected
president of Portugal to succeed
Teixera Gomes, who resigned yester-
day because of ill health . Machado
was ousted from the presidncy of the
Portugese republic in December, 1917,
and exiled, but was recalled In 1921
to take the post of premier.

Architects To
Stage Annual
Ball On May


Scientist Believes Newly Discovered
Tomb Is That Of Tin Ilanan;
Age Is Questioned
f ~~-

Signs Three-Year Contract As Mentor
Of Columbia University
Football Team

At a meeting yesterday, the Archi-
tectural society of the Architectural
college set Friday, May 7, as the defi-
nite date for its annual May party. As
in former years, the party will be a
costume ball and will be held in Bar-
bour gymnasium.
At the same meeting a program for
the decoration design contest was
drawn up. The committee this year
has selected no particular period or
style to which the designs must con-
form but has left that to the judgment
of the competitor. It is expected that
due to this move more original and
beautiful designs will be entered. The
object this year is to get a background
into which any costume will fit so that
any color or style of costume may be
The competition which is open only
to architectural or decorative design
students will end Jan. 8. A committee
of judges will be selected from the
faculty and the society, who will se-
lect the best of the designs entered.
The prize offered for the winner is a
ticket to the ball and an etching by
Samuel Chamberlain, who is teaching
in the college for the current year.
Contest Opens
Pr, )n aV' 1rWA. '*a n l1 .a


(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Dec. 11.-The discoveries
made in the Hoggar country of the
Central Sahara by Count .Byron Kun
de Prorok and his de Prorok-Beloit
expedition came before the Academy
of Inscriptions of the French Institute
today and aroused more interest
among the members of that body than
the schedule election of a new mem-!
ber of the academy.
Prof. Stephane Gsell of the College.
of France, an authority cn North Afri-
can archaeology, read his report on
the discovery of the tomb which
Count de Prorok believes is that of
Tin Hanan, the legendary ancestress
of the kings of the Tuaregs, the
strange white 'race of the centralJ
The discussion showed a division
of opinion among the scientists .as to
the antiquity of Tin Hanan's tomb al-
though all agreed on Its importance I
to archaeology. Solomon Reinach,
conservator of the national museum
of St. Germain, called it the "greatest'
discovery and richest tomb ever,
found in North Africa outside Egypt."
He placed the date of the tomb about
500 B.C. The Abbe Chabot, noted
orientologist, however, said it dated
from about the time of Christ.
M. Gsell, who said he had been mis-
quoted by French and American news-
papers, asserted the tomb would not
have been made earlier than 1,000 B.
C., because of the iron objects found
in it, but said he thought it more like-
ly it dated from the ninth or tenth
century of the Christian era. Dis-
patches from Paris quoted M. Gsell as
saying that Tin Tanan lived in the
15th or 16th century of our era.
Williams Asserts
'Tambourine' Nears
Broadway Calibre!
"Tambourine" is a musical show ap-
proaching Broadway calibre, rich in
that joyousness of execution that
should characterize an amateur pro-
1 duction, according to Jesse Lynch Wil-
liams, holder of the Fellowship in
Creative Arts, following last night's
performance of the Union Opera.
"The opera compares very favorably
with recent Broadway productions,
differing happily however, in the ab-
scence of vulgarity," the playwright
said. Again referring to those shows
A review of last night's opera
performance will be found in the
Music and Drama column on '
| page four.

SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 11.-
lintite Rockne, athletic director
of Notre Dante, mentioned in dis-
patches as having com to terms
wvith C'ol imbia, university as, head
football coach, could not be
reached here tonight. The Rev.
Matthew Walsh, president of
Notre Dante, said that Rockne left
South Bend early this week on a
vacation. He planned to be gone
a mouth.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-The Columbia
university committee on athletics to-
night announced that Knute Rockne of
Notre Dame bad signed a three-year
contract as head coach of the Colum-
bia football team.
The announcement followed a meet-
ing this afternoon of the athletic and
football committees of the university,
at which James R. Knapp, chairman
of the latter committee, and Reynolds
Benson, graduate manager of athletics,
submitted a report of negotiations
with Rockne, which were completed
during the latter's recent visit to New
York. Rockne's selection was ap-
proved by the athletic committee and
Benson said that the Notre Dame
man would assume charge- of the
coaching at Columbia this spring.
The committee also stated that
Rockne would confer with Columbia
football officials Dec. 28, at which time
the question of his assistants will be
discussed. The selection of his aids
will be left entirely in Rockne's hands,
however, it was explained.
(By Associated Press)
TOKIO, Dec. 11.-Premier Kato to-
day discussed with the Associated
Press the subjects of disarmament,
sovietism, American and China, and
declared Japan gladly would partici-
pate in any legitimate disarmament
conference, but he believed the time
was not ripe at present for such a con-
ference to prove successful.
The premier did not believe that
Russia would enter such a conference,
and h-e also said he feared that cer-
tain European countries were not yet
The Japanese government wanted
the United States to participate in
any such conference called.

"fuss' being made about it. 1O.i R o enam e via OLd
Mr. Darrow declared that "this S
World court, which means nothing, is k t g A rena
got up to take the place of the LeagueI
of Nation's". Senator Lenroot, how- Seeking a new name for the old
ever, maintained that the court was Weinberg coliseum, wlih was pur-
absolutely independent of the League, chased by the Athletic association last!
although the latter body named the spring after it had been partially des-
judges and paid their salariesn troyed by fire, the association will
Debate Features Conference h open a contest to secure a new name
The debate he d in con ecollegiate for the building today. The repair!
the opengolg work will be finished in time for theI
World court conference, was attend- opening of the ice-skating season
ed by representatives of 245 educa- I either before Christmas or immediate-
tional institutions. Mr. Darrow sub- ly after the holidays.
stiti4ted for iSenator Brookhart, of The only rule concerning the new
Iowa, who could not keep his engage- name is that it must contain the word
ment because of an appointment. "skating". No limitation is placed on
"Is there any reason to make all the number of suggestions any one
this fuss about the World court?" Mr. contestant may enter, and the winner
Darrow asked. "We could pick our will be awarded a season pass as a
arbitrators from the same court even prize. Titles should be signed with
if we were not paying their salaries. the name of the contestant and mailed
I cant take this question as seriously I to the Athletic association of the Uni-
as I wish I might." I versity of Michigan, Ferry field, Ann
He belittled the powers of the court Arbor.
to make any worth while action. The . An organ was ordered yesterday to
League of Nations, if it did work, he furnish music for the skaters, a mod-'
said, "might end war, but it would ern three-stepped instrument especial-
crush freedom and, liberty and individ- ly designed for the use to which it
uality from the heart of man.'' will be placed here. The plans of the
"Court No Good" Athletic association call for the instal-
"This World court, I insist, is no !alation of an artificial ice plant with-
good," he said. "If it is anything, it is I in the next two years.
a step towards a League of Nations
and a short step at that, and I think
the intelligence and the self-respect Yale Lamnents
of the American citizen ought to cause
him to ponderhwell before hescould A thletic Craze
give up what he has for the sake of I -
ending of wars. -
"I believe in ending wars. I would (By Associated Press)
like to end war. I would like to make NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 11.-With-
everybody sober, but not by the Vol- out a "panacea", but believing that
stead Act'. I would like to make them some way will be found to end what
sober by teaching them to control is called "championship hysteria", the
themselves. I would like to end wars Yale Alumni Weekly today discussed
by good fellowship and good feeling the college and professional football
between the nations. And I believe situation and what it terms "the re-
that it can never be done in any other action of the interesting offer that the
way." Harvard Crimson made to get support
Senator Lenroot, who spoke first, for the movement to cut down em-
said the court by its refusal to ren- I phasis on football".
der an opinion in a dispute between The weekly, says, "College football
Russia and Poland, requested by the N has become a great public spectacle.
council of the League, had shown con- It has produced a situation that calls
clusively its independence . of the upon university leaders and level
League. The refusal, he said, was headed alumni to do something about
based on the unwillingness of Russia, it; the question is what. It is one
a non-member of the League, to con- thing to arouse public interest and
sent to the jurisdiction of the world quite another to end it. Asking the
court. public to stay at home and then scrap
"There is a mistaken idea prevail- their radio outfits on 'big' football
ing," he said, "that the court is de- games and politely request newspaper
pendent, not on the statute, but on sporting editors to pay, in deference to
this covenant of the League of Nations, education policy, no attention to the
for a part of its jurisdiction. The games, would hardly work. News-
fact is that Article 36 of the statute papers are in a fair way to kill the
expressly provides that the jurisdic- sport as a college game if they keer
tion of the court comprises all cases on 'playing up' the sport as they did
which the parties referred to it and this fall, to be sure, but they are
1 all matters specially provided for in obeying the demand of the American
treaties and conventions in force." public to be informed about it.

Members of the "M" club, who
will occupy a reserved section
at the basketball game against
Ohio Wesleyan tonight at Yost
field house, are requested to
wear their "M" sweaters and
hats. The purpose of this spe-
cial section of Varsity athletes
is to encourage the wearing, of
Varsity insignia and to provide
a nucleus for a cheering section
at the basketball games.
Viscount Cecil Emphasizes Importanceg
Of Disarmament; World Must a
Disarm Or Perish f
(By Associated Press) p
GENEVA, Dec. 11. - Emphasizing o
the importance of disarmament, now 1
being considered by a League of Na- t
tions commission, Viscount Cecil of
Chelwood, British statesman, told they
Associated Press that a future world
war almost certainly would destroy v
Viscount Cecil outlined the difficul-
ties besetting the attempts of the com- p
mission in solving the disarmament
problem. The commission is working f
on an agenda for an international dis- ,a
armament conference.A
The chief obstacle to disarmament r
was the desire for security, cause of
suspicions and jealousies of nations,
he said. Some amelioration in thisa
spirit had been brought about. i
"The more nations become in thea
habit of referring disputes to pacific
settlement," he said, "the less they t
will regard one another as potential e
Recalling Lord Grey's statement thatf
the world must disarm of perish, Lord I
Cecil said:s
"A future world war almost certain-
ly would destroy civilization. That isd
why the peoples of Europe are de-s
manding so insistently. that their gov-
ernments should agree to a scheme of1
Lord Cecil said the first factor mak- I
ing the outlook for disarmament a
brighter, was financial. Next came thef
obligations of the "allied and associ-
ated powers" in the Versailles treaty,
to further a general scheme of dis-
armament and their assurances to the
former enemies that their disarma-
ment was only the first step towardf
a general reform in that direction. Hel
emphasized this assurance was ex-
plicitly repeated at Locarno.
Council Of Churches Also Asks For
Demilitarization Of Chaplaincy
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Dec. 11.-Repeal of the
immigration law excluding Japanese
from the United States was urged ati
the closing meeting of the Federal
Council of Churches' executive com-
mittee today. A strong plea for thei
demilitarization of the chaplaincy also
was made.
The council acted affirmatively on
the report of the committee on good
will which asserted that the Japan-
ese had been "deeply wounded" by
America's immigration stand, and
asked that the council take some steps
toward expressing to Congress dis-
approval of the Japanese exclusion
and asking repeal of the law.

C. C. Morrison, editor of the Chris-
tian Century, Chicago, stirred discus-
sion with a plea that the Council of'
Churches take action toward demili-
tarization of the chaplaincy -ystem.
Such action, he said, would be "the
first step of the church to excommuni-
cate war."
(By Associated Press)
t LONDON, Dec. 11.-The Irish boun-
dary question, which long has been
an irritation to the people of Ireland
and the British government, finally
has hee nsttled nnder the nareement

luckeye's Strong Team Will Be Faced
By Doyle, Chambers, Harrigan,
Schroeder, and Cherry
By Joseph Kruger
Ohio Wesleyan's giant five will en-
-age Coach Mather's Wolverine quintet
at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Yost
eld house in the opening encounter
of the season.
The Buckeye squad boasts five vet-
rans, all of whom are tall, strong
players, who made quite a reputation
on the court last season. Ohio Wes-
eyan possesses one of the strongest
eams in the Ohio conference each
Coach Mather will start the contest
with Ed Chambers and Frank Harri-
gan at the forwards, Captain Dick
Doyle at center, and "Red" Cherry
nd Wayne Schroeder at the guard
ositions. Ha'rrngan and Schroeder,
he latter a sophomore, will play their
irst game of collegiate competition,
and upon their showing will depend
Michigan's strength in the Big Ten
Chambers Is Veteran
Chambers, who played at forward
nd guard last season, has been play-
ing a fine brand of ball in practice
and should prove to be one of the
eading scorers in tonight's encon-
er . Harrigan is also a clever shot,
especially around the basket.
Schroeder possesses the ideal build
for the back guard position, but he
acks experience. Doyle and Cherry
should prove real stars this season.
Coach Mather's chief problem Is to
develop a strong defense as this
seems to be the team's chief weakness
at the present time. Offensively the
Varsity five has shown considerable
strength in scrimmage, and the Skip-
per has been holding defensive drills
all week in order to bolster up the de-
fensive power.
Football Men Will Play
Ohio Wesleyan will line up with
Hill and Lamme at the forwards,
Captain Turney at center and Har-
low and Campbell at the guards. The
first four mentioned were -all mem-
bers of the football team that held
Syracuse to a 3-3 tie this fall.
Captain Turner, the visitor's cen-
ter, is rated as one of the best play-
ers in the Ohio conference, and he
and Dick Doyle should engage in an
interesting duel.
Michigan will meet the University
of Pittsburgh five at the Yost field
house on Thursday night in the sec-
ond non-Conference game. Molenda,
who joined the squad yesterday, and
Oosterbaan, who is expected out on
Monday, will in all probability see ser-
vice against the "Smoky City" five.
The Lineup
Michigan Ohio Wesleyan
Chambers ..... ..F......,.......Hill
Harrigan .....F......... Lamme
Doyle Capt. ...C...... Turney Capt.
Cherry ........G.......... Harlow
Officials: referee, Ritter; umpire,
Law Club Holds
First Of Annual
Winter Formals

Members of the Law school last
night ushered in the first of the tradi-
tional winter formal the Lawyer's ball,
to be held each year in the Lawyer's
club. The walls were banked with
palmsand two hug pines stood guard
over the musicians' pit, each lit by 36
electric torches,. and each freighted
with the ormolu associated with
Christmas trees. The feature of the
decorations were two electrically op-
erated fountains, which spurted water
alternately colored blue and red.
Among honorary guests was "Miss
Detroit,-Miss Jane Porter, whom De-
troit sent to the beauty carnival at
Atlantic City last spring, and who was
awarded fourth prize there. Patrons
and patronesses of the dance were
iMrs. C'1enePok nnrTAM++- Mra Trv


that entertain New Yorkers, Mr. Wil-
liams said that "he had never seen'
a Broadway production with more
striking gowns aInd effective stage
settings, accompanied at the same time f
by admirable taste and restraint in1
the use of color.1
Mr. Williams expressed his surprisex
at the various derogatory comments!
which have been made regarding the
Opera book. He indicated that he had,
found it quite strong and entirely ade-
auate to the demands placed upon it.
The musical comedy book he said, is
of necessity fragmentary, but that in'
the case of "Tambourine" the plot
was entirely capable and that the
authors deserve much credit. Thej
playwright was very enthusiastic re- I
garding the music of the production
on ha emmented nnn the difficul-(

British Campaign
To Save Old Ship
LONDON, Eng., Dec. 11.-Similar to
the present campaign being carried on

by the school children of the United'
States to save the historic frigate, I HAVRE.-Early Christmas shop-
"Constitution," the British people are ping in Paris delayed the sailing of
raising $125,000 for the purpose of! the steamer Rochambeau for New
preserving their old two-deck line of! York for 12 hours. Several hundred
battleship, "Implacable". carloads of presents are on board.

"We have no panacea for the situa-
tion. But we do have faith that it
will work itself out. The sport is
worth keeping for its own sake and1
as a lively American institution. All
it needs is a little horse sense and
courage to keep it within the bonds
that are best for it."

(By Associated Press)I
JACKSON, Dec. 11.-President Clar-



ish of learning, added sophistication
and initellectual snobbery, but abroad-


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