T'RIl).1 ', D] :CI .ti91;1 '.1 , 11, 1. 5 ~~'RIDAY DECEMIETHI,11,IC2TGPA1 DSEVY PACE SEVEN IU __ . r I tJ PM~ ADVERTISING 0 I~l ; B'WANTED ) LOST-Large Rsize orange colored! EXPERIENCED two payment men to Cothliiz Fountain Pen, last week.{ open office covering entire district. Call 9264 att 1217 Geddes Ave. Gco. Full co-operation and protection. H, McArthur. Reward. 67-68-69. Send $1.00 for supplies and corn- ________________- plet ifomation.Cld A. Ram- LOST Gold~ Eversharp, on South U,! sey, 25-27rOpea Place,l Cincinnati, between Eng. Arch. and Washtenaw.+ Ohio. tf. Please call Dunn, 3244 Rewair'. 67-68-69.I MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict 'managers, organizers experi- LOST-H-eavy overcoat, (lark blue in enced'on two pay plan, also special color, with a freshman cap in offers. Write or wire today for real pocket. East Hall at 11-12 A. Wi.; proposition. State fully experience. class, Dec. 8. Fipnder please return Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place,! to 713 Catherine St. 69-70-71. Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. LOST'-A Steel c Bead BagS., containingi FOR SALE- blue vanity creonS.University Ave" ,XWednesday Eve. Reward, for return to Daily Office, Box 39. 62. FOR SALE-1921 Ford touring, start-f 1 er, demountable rims. Price $60.00. LOST-Phi Gamma Mu Pin. Name Ph one 9761, 408 E Washington. Racher inscribed. Address 625 For- 67-68-69. est o Phoe 2165. ewar . I'FOR SALE-1921 Ford Sedan, good _________________68-___ 9.____ mechanical condition. must sell! NOTICE 1immnediately. 419 Hill St. Dial Congresswomen On Their Way To "Workz" Coley Speaks To Edison (lub fJDean Mortimer IE.(Cooley oft he (")1 loges of E~ngineering andu Archiitectilro: was in Detroit yesterday. where lee ,,poke at an informal dinner of the Edison Power' club. The subject of his talk was not announced. Prof. 0. N. Hollis of the mnechanical' engineering department aiccompanied Dean Cooley.j Let The Daily sell it for you thin the Classified columus.--adv. !t my to I I{ , T ey ae. 1 lf~C' ~ i1 n e '~~~1I 4 °~ t'I- k Ap The word "overhaul" has a very specific meaning in our business. Applied to a used car, we define it as follows: "To replace or re- pair every part necessary to put the car in good running order." And that is not simply a defini- tion. It is a creed. 'R. H.-AL3ER 205 WE-ST HURODN ST TYPE ITING & MIDEOGRlAt'1INII Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. . D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, ° The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. SCHIAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of musical, instruments. It pays to, trade here. th., f., sat., tt. BUJSINE S NOTICE "' Riders Pen shdp, because Uf its rapidly growing business, will move into larger quarters Jan. 1st. Our new top will~ be across the street from ur present location and nearer to the= campus. /315 jState St after Jan 1st. Watch us grow. Riders Pen Shop. NOTQE-Buy the latest fiction at Bid le's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar- cad. w., f., sun. tf. Japanese Students of U. of Mv.- CHRISTMAS BAZAAR for the benefit of the Jara,4ese Students Christian Asso. Many selected Japanese Articles suit- able for gift will be displayed at very reasonable prices k Friday, Dec. 11 from 3 to 9 11. i. Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a. m.9 p in. I at Lane Hall. 69-70. WE take pride in the quality of our worlj You should take pride in our pro %cts. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. You fare requested to visit our shop at yur earliest convenience. ARNOLD %3ate St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. TYPE WRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaied, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est Mtock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS Personl cards should be ordered now. Goot work requires time. Printing and ~engraving a specialty. Largest and Jdnest selection obtainable. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store j tf. NOTIE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way, Concert Artist Tuner available r for 'you. No extra charge The exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor ~Allmendinger. Office at res- dence, 901 Granger Ave. Not with any. Music House. tf. We pay best prices for men's used1 clothling. Dial $040. Student Tailoring or. N. Univ. and Thayer tf WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices Edw. A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. ELSONl BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- mauent waving, and Marcell waving our; specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. FOR SALE-Three new black IDog- Women are mre in evidence in hails of congress than ever before. A trio of them sit in the house, and sin coats, price $40.00 each. Call: the galleries are packed (daily by an almost exclusive feminine audlience. The three women representatives, Wilson, 7517, if interested. G9-70-7i constituting largest dlelegationl of the sex ever to lie members of house, are seen onl their way to "work," Left Ito right: Mrs. Florence Kahln California, and Mr's. John Jacob Rogers, Massachusetts Republicans; Mrs. Mary tNorton, New Kersey, Democrat. '8 AZ argest selling C OO EYT I K Cooley stated, are suffering from ex- Ipecl!C O , ' I K Indiana Has Page quality peni treme poverty. Unless these are gvn th ws~ iIPO-0V T Y VVOULD jopportunity to better themselves they3 From Old Bible will eventually sinke to the level main-! tamned by the Russian peasants at the! b lc~_____timie of the revolution there. 4 BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Dec. 10.-One 17_ "Four out of everyv five of thec stu- I_____________ of the treasured articles oft he uiii blc t---= dents in the Uivesiy ould not beiBELN- Zinaida Jujwkja versity library press here is a leaf degree Superlative in quality, I here if they had been born of poor Rusa!p'iadoni isn from a Gutenberg Bible which is 475 the world-famous parents." Such was a belief express-, ,~ran h oic eiv years 01(1. The page in possession of 3 yPo.CalsiI olyi the library is from the first issue of " ( lecture Wednesday before a class in ; :umpedl from Devil's Bridge in the the book of Isaiah. s eus ivr ndwaydowed Johannes Gutenberg spent five years Professor Cooley assented that pov- Ip~rinting this book at Mayennes, Ger- Buytyoilogy. tem frm is acondi-Ic ertyin ts etree i Let The Daily sell it for you thru many. Ini 1911 a copy of a perfect give best service and i tion which perpetuates itself andI the Classified columns.-Adv. Gutenberg Bible was worth $50,000. longest wear.i from which those born into it seldomI _ Bud Rubbe ends, per doz.$1.20 slfrepe tusitopve..H rbtedo the. act I ll11fl/IIJtIIIIi111lI1IfitII iIIIIIIIIIIIII filtIlII1lih IIIIif111II1flfl111 Rubredprdz .0 sl peptiyo.pvryt h at a e4t all dealers that it makes for the dehumanization tl~~n 22American Lead Pencil Co. of its victims to so great an extenti dozen 220 Fith Ave.,tNaY they are not only imprtgparedl to-1 1 beotter their condition, but are also of Ora gepudding,bl c Sso low mentality that they do not care- J d 1UdA . Read .the Wa t antAds about realizing higher standards. a n t a d a il -- Read the WantMore than tent per cent of the popu- ;w ln t an v nila- l ation of the United States. Professor { - this week's deliciousI special at the Ann Ar- Tuxedo jewielry brDiy is always acceptable ai40 as a gift. Our ceom- - pleteline of beautifully - boxed sets (links an Ann Arbor Dairy ,us emt iCo.- price range. $2-$9.5o THE HOME OF PURE MILK cfo~lln~9S~nei&K RY OUR DODG6EROTHE1R! DEALERS SELL GOOD USED E ARS 'l_--....i ST'Y KINNEY'S: CLE QUALITY PR: THREE BUYING ESSENTIALS ICE Our New York Buying Department Keeps Us W\ell Supplied with the Season's Newest Styles. 4 98 atid 50 Women's Sport Hose in Wool, and Silk and Wool $1.49 and $1.79. 117 SOTH 3AIN l:... . TEN, PAY. PLAN SUIT OR OVERCOAT 1' K; \\1jjo- Flannel Pattern $3rt 1I Winter! fI TAILORINGr Students Tailoring Phone 80401 Cor. N. University and Thayer. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AIND PRE SSED, $1.25 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c '1ILEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTE3RING A SPECIALTY ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND -COATS REASONABLE PRICES This is the weather that demands a warm suit} and overcoat. A new suit or overcoat made up from cold weather goods and with the latest styles will keep off the cold chills. We are glad to give you any information you may desire. A. C. Bath r Society Brand and Other Good Makes $35.00 to $55.00 Pay $8.00 or $10.00 Down and Pay $4.00 or $5.00 Weekly I ill Ill