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December 11, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-11

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
f4tledto the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postagle granted by Third AssistantaPost-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.

! ,

Telephone 4925

Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor ........... Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor ..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor.............,.Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.........Wlim Wthu
Music and Drama...Robert B, Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykks
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editos
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow
William T. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelps
William Breyer Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
1 a. Buckingham Simon Rosenbaum
Edgar Carter Ruth Rosenthal
Carneton Champe Wilton A. Simpesn
Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair
IDouglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith
Mary Dunnigan Stanley Steinkn~
ames T. Herald Clarissa Tapson
.lizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau
Mliles Kimball David C. Vokes
Marion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
Walter H. iack Cassam A. Wilson
Louis R. "Markus Thomas C. Winter
Ellis Merry Marguerite Zilszke
Telephone 21214
Advertsng.................Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............ ..T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising.............frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising.................Wm. L. Mullin
Circulation.. .......... L. Newman
Publication..............Rudolph Bostehnan
Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold
Ingredi M. Alving F. A. Norquist
Gebrge 11: Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
on 11. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W. J. Cox Wm. C. Pusch
Mar olnA. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner
A. Rolland Damin Joseph Ryan
James R. DePuy Margaret Smith
MNary' Flinttrman Mance Solomon
Margaret L. Funk Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
It. Nelson Sidney Wilson

old haunts, and, it has been proven in
a majority of cases, to their old
crimes. And the final decision in such
an important matter left to the gov-
ernor of the state, who has plenty of4
other duties far more pressing than
the investigation of individual cases
of prisoners who desire to be paroled
before the conclusion of their terms.
Governor Groesbeck is not at fault-
the task of supervising the state
parole system was deposited on him
by the legislature, and the old parole
commission, which was functioning
successfully, was abolished, leaving
the matter squarely up to the execu-
tive. It is beyond the faintest realm
of possibility that the governor could
have carefully investigated more than
7,000 parole cases during his term
of service; to have accomplished such
a task would have required all his
time and left none for the perform-
ance of the duties for which a gov-
ernor is primarily elected.
A trained man, permitted to devote
all his time to careful consideration
of particular cases, should be selected
to head Michigan's pardon and parole
system . He should serve as the head
of a commission similar to that
abolished by the legislature-and
which should be held responsible-
not the governor of the state. The
reports and statistics of this commis-
sion should always be open to the
public, and not kept in a guarded se-
clusion, as has so often been the case
recently . And full reports of all
cases in which a criminal has been
paroled should be forwarded to the
judge and prosecuting attorney most
interested, a practice that has been
allowed to fall into disuse by the
present administration, according to
various judges throughout the state.
The universal condemnation of the
present situation is well grounded in
facts. Criticism will continue until
popular resentment of the practice of
dumping paroled criminals back on
the state in wholesale lots reaches the
point where it will force a reform.
And that time should not be far dis-
The limelight sheds a pleasant
warmth on those who perform be-
neath its brilliance, but it is a danger-
ous brilliance, that is too apt to burn
the man who would live beneath its
glare. The reward that it pays in dol-
lars and cents is bought at the price of
peace of mind that often is worth
more than gold.
The light is directed on those who
are spectacular, and it brings with it
the responsibility of remaining spec-
tacular, of continually living up t
the expectations of a public that is
satisfied with nothing. It takes a
strong man to continue to lead a
calm existence when he occupies the
center of a stage that is absorbing the
interest of halfathe UnitedaStates and
whose name appears daily in the
largest streamers the newspapers
The latest man to hold the center of
the stage is a youngster from a small
Illinois city who has developed the
knack of running through a broken
field with a football under his arm in
a manner that is spectacular in the
extreme. Perhaps Red Grange is not
the greatest football player that ever
lived, there is no doubt about his
being the most interesting from the
point of the spectator, and hence, of
the box office. There have been Trun-
ners who have gained more ground
than Grange, but there never has
been a man who could "run like
The spectacular has made Red

Grange. They called him "the Phan-
tom of the gridiron;" they wrote oft
the "flaming, path" his red head cut
through opposing teams; they likened
him to a "meteor flashing over the
chalk lines;" every word of the press
reports added to the dramatic aura
that surrounded the brow of the
youthful star . There never has been
an athlete press-agented like Red
Grange, and it was all the gift of the
newspapers. The cost of buying such
newspaper prominence would run into
millions of dollars.
But the limelight is beginning to
burn. Wednesday afternoon the Bears
lost in Boston, and the mighty Grange
did not gain with his customary
matchless style-he was worn out
after weeks of football and notoriety
without a chance to rest or avoid the
glare. That he has run so well thus
far against the calibre of men who
have made up the teams that have met
the Bears is a tribute to his greatness.
But wh n he failed-once-the fans
jeered him as he left the field. Public
opinion is nothing if not fickle.
Others who have trod the path to
glory that leads over the goal line
may have envied Grange his unusual9
opportunity; now they may sympa-
thize with him in his determination to;
go on and give the public its money's
worth when he is tired out-mentally
and physically. The limelight is be-3
ginning to burn.:

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. Thevnames of communi-
cants wil, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
This query can well be put to the
thinking mind today. It is not the
nationalistic regime with its acom-
panying spirit of patriotism-the\lat-
ter too often smug self-sufficiency
and the tool of bourgeois greed-
shouting out loud its pitiful obso-
lesence and inadequacy? Is it not
entirely out of harmony with the over-
powering complexity of modern civili-
zation? Is it not inimical to world
Alfred Korzybski strikes a great
note in the following quotation: "By
virtue of the advancement that has
been going on with ever accelerated
logarithmic rapidity in" all the sci-
ences and their practical applications,
the social sciences excepted, our
world, "once so seemingly vast, has
virtually shrunken to dimensions of
an ancient province; and manifold
peoples of diverse tongues and tra-
ditions and customs and institutions
are now constrained to live together
as in a single community. There is
thus demanded a new ethical wisdom,
a new legal wisdom, a new economic
wisdom, a new political wisdom. For
the new visions our anguished times
cry aloud but the only answers are
reverberated echos of the wailing cry
mingled with the chattering voices of
excited public men who know not
what to do." And the explanations?
"The siences of ethics and jurispru-
dence and economics and politics and
government have not kept pace with
the rapid progress made in the other
great affairs of man." Korzybski
states that herein lies the reason for
our social unrest and chaotic inter.
national relations.
And is he not right? Has not the
post-war era been one demanding a
new political enlightenment? Has no
the light thrown of late upon the
motives which actuated the leaders of
the world powers in that stupendous
conflict revealed the dastardly sordid-
ness of the whole affair and bared the
utter hopelessness of nationalism i
a world now so complex as ours? The
war most emphatically was not waged
"to make the world safe for democ-
racy." Nor was it staged to accom-
plish any other idealistic ends ex-
pressed in saccharine phraseology,
We probe to the bottom and find the
war's stimulus in an expansive na-
tional consciousness (patriotism) ex-
pressing itself in grasping national
imperialism-the extension of na-
tional domain, of trade supremacy, of
national prestige and vain glory.
Worst of all, these motives were
known to corrupt leaders alone. The
public was by insidious and hateful
propaganda led into the belief that
they were struggling and suffering
martyrdom for an ideal. Our Presi-
dent was probably one of the deluded
idealists. War-wholesale slaughter
-for such mean and low ends was
one of the greatest crimes ever per-
petrated. Nationalism becomes a
hateful word.
Well the writer realizes the possi-
bly revolutionary tone of this expres-
,sion. But obviously it is by no means
new. At any rate, it is not the duty of
university students, ostensibly the in-
telligentsia, to face such matters
squarely-to probe deep, to reason
fairly, and to strip sentiment and
prejudice from the mind? There is
nothing so great as a true intellectual
freedom and independence. It is, in
fact, the back-bone of the university,

from which will emanate future pro-
gress. Timidity and inertia and tra-
dition shall not yoke us to the belief
that because our present government
is nationalistic therefore nationalism
is the acme of perfection. Govern-
ment operating in the interests of the
people at large, for the greatest good,
is the one we must have. If that gov-
ernment be international in character,
we must strive for it.
G. T. W. Patrick affirms that "as
higher levels of good are successively
realized, the lower levels become
evil." Thus while nationalism was
a goal to be fought for and died for
in the last three centuries, it no
longer enjoys the status of a great
good. Its archaic structure, its in-
ability to cope with the present prob-
lems, are only too manifest. It must
be relegated to the past-to the limbo
where all the other types of govern-
ment have journeyed which have out-
lived their usefulness. Again, in
Patrick's words, "With ouTw idening
social and economic interests, inter-
nationalism represents a new value,
so that a selfish nationalism becomes
an evil." And as nationalism is essent-
ially selfish, is not our course clear?
The paeon of this decade should be
a cry investing our hopes and efforts
in the League of Nations as an initial
step. From the maintenance of its
integrity and an extension of its
scope the world might very conceiva-

TONIGHT: The Whines present
"Tambourine" In the Whitney theater
at 8 o'clock.
TONIGHT: Louis Graveure sings in
Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock.
* * .
A review, by Robert Ramsay.
There have always been two kinds
of opera. One is the opera of last
year, or the year before depending en-
tirely upon the choice of the speaker,
the other is this year's production,
which is perenially the "opera differ-
( ent." So it has gone since operas
were first invented; each production
has been launched amid a verbiage of
empty promises of new interests, new
ideas, until the devotee tends to be-
come aged and cynical waiting for
that elusive something new.
' This year, for the first time in their
word. They have ventured into un-
explored realms and have presented
the opera different, and it is the best
thing that they have ever done.
"Tambourine" must stand as surely
at the beginning of a new era in
operas as "Tickled to Death" marked
the passing of the old. With it passed
the bumpkin humor that contemplated
nothing higher than a straw hat act
center stage which delved searchingly
into the archives of jokedom and'
brought out some "fast ones," a dis-
play of wit which could only he greet-
ed with pleasure in the row of fat
dowagers who laugh because it is
obviously expected. The authors of
the present opera are to be praised as
the first who have appearently re-
alized that comedy of line has never
been a successful substitute for com-
edy of situation.
Despite what any one may say,
"Tambourine" has a plot of no little
interest. There is no scene which
does not effectually further the plot
to the end, and only one scene that is
not adequately handled. If the cli-
mactic appearance of the queen is
dampened by the insufficient dramatic
ability of the rest of the cast, even
that can be forgiven. Again the au-
Ithors are to be congratulated for hav-
ing seen that an opera- is first of all
Of course it has its faults, but they
are- fortunately not the result of the
new experiment, but the effect of a
retrogression back to type, a conces-
sion no doubt to the traditional in
opera. These are few, but so notice-
ably break the essential unity of the
whole production that they cannot
escape notice. First is the Tuxedo
and cane chorus of the Girl in White
number. It is an interesting dance,
and beautifully done, but beauty
ceased to be its own excuse for being
with the perfection of modern cos-
metics, and this dance is a deliberate
interpolation damaging to the whole
effect of the opera. Second is the
comedysong of Sniggs and the Diplo-
mat, into which campus affairs are
dragged in by sheer force with an
effect that can only be deliterious to
the unity of the opera. Then there
was the obvious bid for rah rah with
the singing of the Victors, no doubt1
well calculated to stir the unaccus-
tomed blood of the alumni but scarce-
ly adequate to arouse a present day
student to anything but luke warm
Some day in the future when you
gather your grandchildren about you
and the great log burning in the fire
place, (providing of course that cer-
tain movements recently set on foot
have not reached such alarming pro-
portions that there will be no grand-
children) you will tell them of the
best opera you ever saw, and per-
haps you may remember to describe
td them the almost superhuman
finesse of direction. My heart goes
out to the man that conceived th'e

mystic chorus-not the chorus itself,
but the picture of the two motionless
sentinels back stage-as admirable l
a conception as I have seen in the.1
opera. It was characteristic of the
care with which the whole produc-
tion was staged. *
The preliminaries for the oral inter-
pretation contest, which is to be con-
ducted by Professor Hollister, will be
held in the auditorium of University
Hall at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon
and at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing. Those who wish desire to enter
the contest are asked to indicate the
time they will tryout by writing their
names on the lists posted in the west
bulletin board in room, 302, Mason
* * *


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Deferred rushing would cause
freshmen to lose the good influence
which they now obtain by being af-
filiated with fraternities, say the op-
ponents of deferred rushing plans
which are now being considered by
the Interfraternity council. The claim
is made that the first year men would
not attain as good scholastic records, I
that they would not be influenced to
enter campus activities, and that they
would not receive the social develop-
ment that they now receive.



With the University in an over-
crowded condition, and with the num-
her of students who are here without
a purpose increasing every year,
would it not be better if some of these
individuals who do not care partic-
ularly about an education were weed-
ed out during their first year of resi-
dence? They should not be pampered
in their work so that they are barely
able to secure the required number of
hours to be initiated. Many of them
get through the first year and then
spend the rest of their college careers
on probation until they are requested
to leave.
The kind of a student who merely
go _s out for campus activities because
some upperclassman in his fraternity
house tells him to, is not the kind who
attains success. The student who
makes a success of campus work is
the one who goes into it for the love
of it, the one who finds his work
really interesting.
The question of the social develop-
ment which a freshman obtains
through fraternity connections is de-
batable. Fraternities may prove bene-
ficial, or they may not, each individ-
ual reacting differently to such in-
These three arguments which have
been advanced by the opponents of
deferred rushing are unconvincing.
Thyshould not be sufficient to keep
1hce council from taking some action
towards trying a new system of rush-
Deserting the attitude of defiance
which he has employed in his recent
dealings with the public, Fred E.
Janette, state parole commissioner,
has announced that the number of

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Next Sunday's issue of Chimes will
contain the report presented to the
faculty by Professor 0.. J. Campbell,-
as a result of his participation as
representative of the University at
the Conference on the Drama in
American Universities and Little
Theaters, which was held at Pitts-
burgh, November 27. Professor
Campbell's report is regarded by those
who have already examined it asj
highly important from the standpoint
of general campus dramatics.



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