m FRIDAY, T)FCEMnETt 11, 1925 THE. MTICANfDAIL Y PAIEETITRE1^ FRDA, EEMER., 92- _ _ . i r 1 3 x L pp R a u CHITA 5~I9Hobbs Describes I Two Will Attend !Patterson Favors Pop oged Green- Forestry Meeting Honor System For EDI1IDD L~nJ Expedition! MiC~ yri Cass Attendance J; 2 2C' w:_-convinced thalit t1 i ieIthas hecia sgges ( ~ sitn t uhyereulsls 1 Associton Eiiiblcns*, a L e of plane used {Iby AMacent i us(iy lero Ii esan (GeoroW. Patterson of the en-j 'ot~za;1ii C(710(10, Heady For IM ~i a s b I}t suited for arctic cx- d OLWi,( gineering collegec that the time has 4,tI{>In ,tote jploratiot), in.spite of what General mia l o v~ti {of hesoiey f'come for treating upperclassmen as American foresters, Dec. 16 and 17. - Mitchell has said to fthe (:oitral'y, The mings of the ovninwlsuticetlymature to take care of l,*E K $2;00F N rf ..1 ob ftegooyd-Ib eda h oetpout aoa S E E K * 2 2 , O G F U D P o f. W . i. o b b of th e g e o o g y o-1 he eld at h e o re t J ro d cts la b ra- th e jir oo wn p ro b le m s o f a tte n d a n c e .a t partmenttold menbers of the forestry tory, tfre only institution in the coun- clusses. Christmas sas totaling 74,000,000 cu fhspooe xeiin x try, that is owned and maintained by! If Dean Patterson's uggestion is bearing the -Christmnas candles and the ., .ig h eerltpgrpyo the United States forestry service, and accepted, upplerclassmen of the engi- dotuble-barred cross, emblem of state '(Greenliand, t,.e atmospheric conditionsI which dloes extensive research work nern'olg il o ogrb e naticnual tubecrcu losis associations, there, and the previous expeditions! in wood. quired to explain absences to, or ob-!I were released in Michigan recently. made by arctic eploirers. Is Previous to coining to the Univer- tamn excuses from, the assistant dean, Throughout the United States a billion It is proposed to estabilish' a bs sity, Professor jotter was stationed but, as. a matter of courtesy, to ex- and 'a quarter were distributed for at -llcilsenbog, he said and another i t the laboratory for three years, do- plain to their instructors any irregu- sale.- These seals are the sole source{ mile.i0lnd, where the neteoro- in r esearch work there. tItiso tedne of revenue for the various tubercuI logical station will be located. rrhe j____________ ____________ losis institutions, local, state, and na-f type of planle that is to be used wvill; Little investment-big returns, The For every article for sale, there is tionial, which ;ire engaged in the war- belttted so that landings can be made #Daily Classiflens.-Adv. a buyer. Reach him thru Classifleds. fare against the disease, on both water and snow. Instead of i________________________________________________ A fund of $225,000 is sought to car- the usual landing wheels, snow skids ____________________________________________ ry on the battle in this State. 'This or skids will be substituted. amount is $50,000 in excess of thej goal 'a year ago and has been nzeces-Std ns R ve sitated by the failure to keep pace S u e tsR ve with the number of tubercular cases zoology Stories1 recorded last year, which were 4,000 more than in the previous year. The Christmas seal movement began . Reviews of articles appearing last IFriday, December 1th 18 years ago. For the sale that year, month were given by students of the 300,000 seals were printed. For the! zoology journal club at its meetingI M ASONIC ]7 I ILE vale in progress now 1,250,000,000 seals last night in the Natural Science!T M P have ,been printed. Three of the larg- building. "Palm and Sole Studies"! est presses in the United States were was the paper given by Leonard P. Y PSILANTI at work a year ago printing the run. Schultz, grad., and two scientific ar- The design of thlis years seal was ticles were reviewed by Elsie W.j selected a year and a half ago. A Townsend, grad. Josselyn Van Tyne,Bil$12 speia kndofpaper has to be milled grad., told of a summer's work at' for the sale, a special mucilage made, Borro Colorado laboratory in Panama.j and a special ink and special process I c used in their printing. letins. It will include several books ! Iia M n e o .sc of science and commerce, including a ~IPRII ni TA Pil annvr~ number of industrial reports._______________________ /TODAY AND SATURDAY ONL. Thrilling? Yes ,,-n plenty of comed situations that make this story of the sea. - r Air, one of the beta year s I -Policy- 2:00-3:30 loc, Sae 7:00-8:30) loc, 35c, *I~oc --o r: It's Novel! It's Unique! . otei I " + ' . ~ONVII iJM INI UH IVIREJ SIFTI TO .1INANA1DAIL r BLOOMINGTON, Ind.,Elec.10.-It -- was announcedl recently that a dona- tion of $50 for the purchlase of refer- ence hooks for reporters on the In- diana, Daily Student° has been given by Sigma Delta Cliif, professional jour- nalistic fraternity. The chapter also plans- to heave an enclosed book case made in which to place them. Am~ong the "collection, probably will be a copy of ."Who's Who,". the 1925 World Almanac, a post office guide, an atlas1 and university catalogs and but- I ,® a I NOW _______________________ I N fl, I Brand New Program ,. ; I DETROIT THIEArRES, T'HIS WEEK I Ki~ 0,& m,.om I "Oft mphm IFM WA 1 Hah .1 0, 3 I P NSYLV I 111 1' ( 4 S} 1 . ' I s :. ' " ' r r 9 °" ; r i r I, / 41 yi III A v41) rI Zjp11i K + Eves. - 50c 4o $2.50 G RRIC Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Last Time Sat Eve., Dec. 12 ~Word's Best Laughing Show With Mr. Mulligan and Mr. Garrity Next Week-Leon Gordon in "White Cargo' Bontel Pay o Nights 75c to $. ius'hzs&a50 Mats. 5oc and 75c Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792 The BONSTELLE CO. In the Blithe American Comedy "MRS. PARTRIDGE PRESENTS"! S utBy Mary Kennedy andi Ruth Hawtliorne Ij*u*nLafayette aghts at c oShelby BIargain Mat., Thursday, best seats, $2. Sat. Mat., 50c to $2.50 Trel. Cadillac, 8705 The Musical Triumph of a Generation Tho STUDENT PRINCE l Beg. Sunday Eve.~ Dec. 13 ________"HELLO, LOLA" I I A' V LO, 'A 4 IS ,, r f i ; / b f ti'_y F;{ , i A .3 a N sr 9 1 , , )t l 0 4i y v y, 'ty' r+ + ?zy / ! :y' . ,ti -:;' d, r° ' r ' ,. rx ,,1 ...= ~a.__ ~.,.__.5 0 I IVICTOR RECORDING, ORCHESTRA --And - I 11PRETTY VanBibber Comedy, TOM. MOORE ZAZU PITTS olo.STARTING SUNDAY fa sum with ANN PENNING TON "A Parisian Knight" In f iilhfn1 keeping with) this theatre'spoi, A G' LA't PICTURE IEV1 y rIWIEEKI, it tkxi il (1gi ynd ' nwi ioncrn that -we annoiince th0 g renatest ,ichievviaut, suirpamssiu in be;103~u p~ower all dramuas of the past. 4 aR -, "f . / Under New Management Our Slogan- Quality iandtiService at Lowest Prices CROP SUEY AND AMERICAN DINNER Served at All Hours SPECIAL DINNERS 1 : 309 a.mi.- p.m. & 5i:30.8 p.m. Varsity Inn 51.01 East William The SACK SUIT O(Two and Ahre button) CJT' with that conserv- atismn carefully dressed men demand, and 'tailored in ap- propriate, rich patterns that stamp them as d is- of pirat brecw, shoot it down get started on a laughing as pirates do, stew, with: ., S i_ Leon Errol A N D Dorothy Gi'sh COMING SUNDAY take a swig II, ,~1Iiiv t ''s.,.! It ,i -J re it is! The glamorous, glittering, gloriou~s austark with our Norina livinig 1in its dramatic ttrayal that puts her leaps and bounds ahcad ofR the rest., Thrills, intrigue, stolen moments-and" rflti d it all one beautiful girl -and a man fighting for , 47< Her Gra port all amic 11 I U I m