VAGIJ TWO, THE MICHIAN DATT V' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1,925 _________ ITi \ il t at a...rt kl HILL WILL SPEAK Priomjinjent Boston att orney T1o. Be Here Next 7Thursdaiy is School Of Rleligiont Speaker. TAUGHT AT HARVARD Arthur IDehon Hill, prininenit lTh ton lawyer, will speak on, "Criminal Law and the Lawyer" at 4 :15 o'clock, Thursday, Dec. 17. in Natural Science auditorium. The lecture to 1)e given by the easterner will be the filth of the series arranged by the Michigan3 School of Religion, inl connection with Prof. Kirsopp Lake's semninar ini the moral issues of modlern life.- The speaker has p~racticed law inl I Boston since 1894 and is now senior member of the law firmi of 11il1 Bar- low, and Homans. Mr. 11111 was di,-1 trict attorney of the county of Suf-I folk in 1908-9, and for a considerable1 period was a member of the faculty of the Harvard Law school, a ptositioii from which he resignied ini 1916. With the entrance of the Unlited States intol the war, he associated l himself ,vith the Judge Advocate's (lepartmneii, later becoming a lieutenant-colonel andj serving in France tor several months near the end ot the war. Mr. Hill is a inember of t he Ameri-I can. Criminology society,. and the American Bar association. By virtue l of his extended experience in both thel theoretical and practical phiases of criminal law, Mr. Bill is said to be eminently fit to treat mnodernlawI xvin the light of its moral and social iml- Conrad Believes Author L istict From Journalis I Internal TWar. Rages As Congress Reopens ''fhat thli a tlor and t l a2'.,rlpaper nani havxe 1littlie in cornnmon ; that t h( ill of I 'ecii; ' i'(bm A t iuply anl ilu4iiilli the craft of tho other; that 5o fall from ttee ('iit(eice Of :ia a a l~l 1)ridg"e, Ithere(is a blarii( r between til two lprofessiolls. si ll lun tlble only Ihv a re-del cnrn in a ion to pr oject one's self ito)a (dilferenit reatlt o1 eiidezlvor --thlese v, eve the ei 011010exp)ounlded in ,lour it lisin and Litt l at ure", fifth of l I the ess< Vs on no tharshi"iin t he newow = )00l, Thte A U ii msM iind,.' by La.w- 1(ec11(0I. ('on va of the rhel ori de- pa rt ment. I wct itt to insist up(ri a colhilete' (lis;:in ci ion be't'vc"!a Jou'rial ilsm a it lit erat u'("', Ithie c a ioi' otf " In per"' writes'. '"1 want to 0 (Md the ceoillusion hiat i-uIls poor lito('ature. journalisuni hat call-; goodIjoua'il aisi . lit ertaturye.{ i o7rncl at o ('il nev'vbecome litera- ruI0 bry ])gir:; well -1;trim en)..... :tor (can 1it eratulre, by being poor, be- Covl oti 0 ii alisln. It becoies merely 1poor at tre:'" C'onrad secs no esp(ecial Conniectiont bet wee-n newsaapel' experience and lit- era rv t ra iing. The natures of the; journalist andi the artist are different. 'The report er's dIuty is to see the world i as it is andt to use words which will.I rep~rodulce actual conditions; the lit- erary mlan, on the other hand, must create a world, and must posses;; a vocabulary which will further, and srj fe-guard the illusions hie creates. Only by foreswearing for the time be- ing, at least, his chosen field and itsI laws can ant author becomne a goodl ittllllll 1111111t11ltIIllillii -lllit ll;IIIIGx!'!IIIII Frog, Chicken atxd Steak Dinners Served at - - BOULEVARD INN Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road, t from noon till midnight. , - Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. in a tactful, cordial tone "The Write Gift" says: "WRITE" ' Such a gift spans the miles o between you and binds friendship closer. From the wealth of styles and grades in our store s ® .0you will find it very cazy a j to select the Boxcd Writ- * ing Paper that 'ill reflect ° ~the personality of the one, You wish to remember. All Christmas Gift Box Stationery One-half Regular Prices Until Vacation. 0. D. MORRILL l? NICKELS ARCADE Open Eveniings Until Chiristmias. ; x < / por, rporter' or a reportyQr a good author. fradi ue ih "TtIIUIhe lines of direction in the dle-Logot(lt) 1fi hft trin ons h ai presents new gavel to 'Nichola n:vrme aanlfan a a election as speaker of house in- r t itoc both, it is simply that he p)o)- jsrensIeinrvl I1Ii A P K IARI L U A T H110sase' tile pow er of changing _him self___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __are___in_ __revolt_ __ LL..II( !!L~tUJ ovr itnl oe.kind of lperson1to.a-- "A prophet is nnhor-noi ed in hins own- ITIIPfAI- -I~ Crusade Started country" So runs an old sayingadiI n an u g sLITT[LL[ IIHIULU flUUINgan t tlee this statement seems to) be true, Es-nr TIrfliriut pecially when one considlers how, the! Force Cairo To 11~Ih ~~II~l inventors of thermonmet ers have been U T U [IIIL IIIIILU (()LAtaIIJUS, Deci. 10. A national treated by their native lands. New ep o esvuo a de iagainst thre signiingm of athletes. -The,. Fahrenheit thermometer was l - hi gh School melt Fav1or Raiisintg of tot dramnatic roles in nittion pictures invented in 1720 by a German, b)ut to-,i Cairo, famous Egyptian city, is go- Iutii''isity Entrance e liqurentents ,was begin heire recently at thme insti- day no Fahrenheit thermometers are! jii to) hiave ,il automatic telephone aa- 't ion of IR. F. Woodhull,. llover, N. J.. used in Germany. Reaumnur, a :French- lsr ste'n. At the lpresent time it is Appr'eciation of the action t aken b ly prosiulo nI of the motion picture o)wn-i rnan' ivened n 330 he ~heiiiieacessary for operators to) know six the Michigan high school l(inila s asoirir fAircwe ter which bears his name.bu tolay; languages in order to properly serve aoi ato ttloi eetme uI->oti t ion backedl by hilnwas adopted there is hardly one of his instruments u1 slsorles T s ,. gpinb i hi ell)iso heasca within the boundaries of France. Adtli an . , ec, reiyiadWhen they offered to co-operate with ~in Chrstnwh, ivete te ChtgrdeAraluic. A Biritish officer calling a fel- 1 the Uiniversity in raising the i'c~ nire- ,tlr. W oodhull said the fight wouild thermometer in 1743, was a Swedle, lowv officer will ask for the number 1 mieiits fo)r college entrance, w as ex-! he carried thbroughout: the country. , but Sweden now uses, not thetther- in Italian, switch- to) Arabic when he itrselb rsoen 'a:1eCo Tm eolto1 cnano eon mlometer invented by one of its sons, is connected to the switchboard of hisi Little in a lette to) the seceotary iiiomndlion to Will 11. Hays. pre-sident' but the -French Reaumnur 11 iimrlen t (01le fine's (lelartinenti. adldress his that organization Wedniesday. of I he mnot ion pic-turye produc-ers and~ colleague's secretary in French andI"W'e' are now- at workl hereon p1 1re- oh ist rihuto rs of Amierica. incr., that th(en employ his own t ongute in talking liniinary hplanls wbh-ch I 1ho)e st50ol1 will 'bot0 he andh his organization co- to +shi-thryotacr.izeinthe lont o ea tewith us inl this enodeavor tot l 'Ill(,macine yste wil reove he omnhiitteo' to co-operate with that of purge the motion p~icture' industry of1r iii iivr flhfor famliliariwith somayj your organization," said I'resid(it_ such coniditionis, which are wholly U8ir1 I P r9inia 'languages, lbut the wires willstllLittle. "We are also planning to) in- !detrimental to prodlucers and distribu-'cryteollt- pehofa yn vetenmbsofoucnzj1-1. jr,!tsswllstohehaerw-t tionialities._ to attend a meeting at Ann Arbor , erg."" Lake Placid, in the heart of the Adl _______________1sooni after the first of the yearr i irondacks, with homes andl hotels order that we may all 1)e able to) ,it; 3 LANSING.-Reports fromt several; along its shores, now has a complete f down together randI discuss piolicies ; upper p~eninsuia counties andl some system of submarine telephonecono- I OWA HE-09ATEIIS WAILLIanol nethoods," lieaddeod. s os fte lowrpeislata sec____________s___of___the_____lower_____ peninsulae thatmn cuoinon ii :NNOUNGC ONTRUCTION OF PSTOFFICE ANNEX I ( iitati (IPlains' Call For Building Of New Uniit Early Next Summer Tent, ,tive plans have been, dirawn zip 'for a $204100 addoition to the local p~ost office,: cons:truction of which will probably start early in the summer, it wvas announo-ed by postal officials. The io'w unit will be usedl for the p~arcel p~ost division, to relieve thel congestion of the main workroom andl Pro-ide greater spaOce for the car- riers. The plans call for an ext ension on the southeast. sidle of the main build-; ing_ The north wall of the addition will be bilt of br'ick veneer, which' will permit its being torn down later' for the addition of another unit. Fur- ther plans also are being made for a =new. C..D. room.E EAST LANSING.-The board bill of Michigan State college students who I f ns ra ri { What Chbristmas Cheer A Box of Fine Candy can carry, especially when one canr get;-as fresh, home-made chocolates as Preketes can offer. Our reputation for dainty lunches, salads and sandwiches is rapidly spreading, and more students than ever before are taking advantaige of our fine service. I 1 i ~'Peket 's SuarBowl 101) 801111 +MAlND niunication, The submarine t; installation was resorteod to) b o (f the' rocky and inaccessible which would not permlit the of poles for wires. About pounds of cable were laid i waters of the lake and thev homes are connected to the typeC of bec-ause sh ores, BE SENT TO itfl l S n c e t h a ti io' w o l~v e s a re h a r a s s in g a n d k illin g ( de e r -c f at h e ci so l g o ari ie sbav e r a g e' 7 OOEthree American to ms have' maode tho'(,l the tonservation commission to in-1 ~ i t~ . ~ ny b-og thrgm nmlhv ei 'beee RooM0 1i olrmr DIAL 21414 settinly }lg; 50,000! IOWA CI /TY, l ec.yl0.- in the 1IBaird o, coach of the t.Tniversil vrions; debating team. has receiveC main from the Institute of Int Prof. F. C. ty of Iowa !d a notice ternational cable, running up the center of the ! education that the Iowa debate team! lake, with underground cables. j has beeni selected to) take the trip to Europ~e in 1927 as tile American rep- CHICAGO. -- Severe earth tremors; reseutative. Each year the Institute were recorded at X3:21 A. MV. today by sends one American team to Europe to) the United States weathe'r bureau dete uropeau teams. This custom seismograph at the University of Chi- was lbeguni so 'eral years ago when ca go. Bates college Sent men to debate Cam- 'N U UUEUU.UUUUEEUEEEEUEEENEUUE U B 3 I U U K U U U U ml trip with all exp~enses midl. ictease its corps of state trappers. LANSING,.-Claimns that collegeeife;I LANSING.- --The five-day marriage;- teaches only habits of ease anol lazyI law whiio-h bo-ine effective last Au -l' GveGitsTh t ro thinking. shouldl be dismissed '1asuuigut, is slowing up marriages in Mich- G v itsT a rv just and vicious criticisms, Dr. John Iiginm accomrding to) reports from several L. Seaton, presiodent of Albio~n col-; coumnties. u I l lge told the Michigan State college j L v WyEWP lant students. PAY YOUT SUISCItIPTIION ?1(93.!, TODAY AND TOMORROW -Pistis eois rmoe - Order now for Christmas delivery rbone G030 f ~tate at JLbertyp Matinees-lt0e, 2:w - Nigl>t -()eq Rci Nowxrrsitoall top lttr@legr tir" *1- i :Buy Christmas Gifts at Reduced Prices: U All merchandise definitely reduced in price. *Here are some excellent gift suggestions: NJ U ® Scotch Flannel Scarfs . ......... $I98A lie Loved The greatest dog hero ever seen in anyj picturel lie knows hate for his enemhies as he knows .WILD 64f ak Christmas "Merry With Useful Gifts Buy Early and Get the First Choice. We have so many articles to select from that will make your friends happy. A FEW SUGGESTIONS YOU MAY NEED- I . U Handkerchief and Tie Set's ..$2.25 : Silky Grenadine Mufflers, college Stripes " " " "t " ". "" . a. o" "."."" .".". " .. 2. 9 Newv Plai'ds .in Flannel Sport Blouses, $9.00 value ........ $6.49 i 4" I love for his friends and never ifalters Itoward either. t:Adventure and romnce auind in a wonderful love story lull of swift action. A~dventu mre anid Romne A bou 11(1in a: Won01derfu~l Lo-ve Stork- of SIVit I IFlexihle Flyer Sleds lee Sates with, Shoes lee Skates -without Shoes Skis in All Lentgthes Pocket Knives Scout Kntives Scout Axes Casseroles C'rumblTrIays Ash T1ra'ys Toaste^ P1er'colators IPyrex Ware IV-] --A q,11, . , A 'iXTnnl 1-4ne? arcr r. a n nr tanr+:r 111 A r ,U