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December 10, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-10

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume VI THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 Number 8


; st

University Lecture :
Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Wash-
ington, will give a University lecture at 4:15 P. M. Wednesday, December
16, in Natural Science Auditorium on the subject "The Greek of the New
World." The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides.
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins.
Special Lectures in Forestry:
A number of special lectures in Forestry have been planned for the nxt1
few months. Some of the speakers who have promised to come are Profes-
sor H. H. Chapman, -of the School of Forestry of Yale University; Dr. S. T.
Dana, Director of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station at Amherst,
Mass.; and Clyde B. Leavitt, Michigan A. B. '01; M. S. Forestry '04, Chiefi
Forester of the Dominion Conservation Commission, Ottawa, Canada. .
- Thwfilrst:ecture is to be given on Tuesday afternoon, December 15th, at
4:15, ithth&'auditorium of the Natural Science Building, by Professor Cliap-
man o Yale. Professor Chapman's topic will be "The Necessity of a Pro--
fession of Forestry in America."
The general public is cordially invited.
John R. Efuger
Books and Periodicals for Mount Pleasant Normal School:
The Library of the Mount Pleasant Normal School was entirely destroy-
ed by fire on Monday. The University Library is forwarding a number of
volumes from its duplicates to the Mount Pleasant Normal School. If mem-
bers of the faculty and others have journals, particularly in the field of
education, and' books which they wish to give to aid in re-establishing this
Library, they may bring them to the Order Department of the General
Library'for forwarding to Mount Pleasant. The University truck will call
for consgnments too large to be brought individually to the Library.
Win. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Ann Aobo' Art Association:
The exhibition of the work of Ann Arbor artists and amateurs will be
held in Memorial Hall, afternoons, 1:30 to 5:00.
Mr. Myron B. Chapin, Instructor in Drawing and Painting, will give a
gallery talk, Thursday evening, Dec. 10th., 7:30 o'clock.
Free to members and students of University and Schools.
Warren P. Lombard, President.
Rhetoric Staff:
The following members of the Rhetoric Staff are requested to meet in
Room 3227 A. H. Thursday, December 10, at 4:10 P. M.: Professors Rankin,
Brumm, Cowden, Everett, Walter, Peterson, Morris, Thorpe, Whitmore, and
Schenk. F. N. Scott.
Interpretation Contest Preliminaries:
The preliminaries for the contest in the oral interpretation of poetry
will be held in the Auditorium of University Hall on Friday, December 11,
at 4:00 and on Saturday, December 12, at 9:00. Contestants should indicate
the time they will tryout by writing thei names on the lists posted on the
west, bulletin board in room 302, Mason Hall.
R. D. T. Hollister.
Concert of Christmas Music:
Palmer Christian, University organist, Thelma Lewis, soprano, and. a
chorus of selected voices will give the following program of Christmas
music in Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock which is com-
plimentary to the general public:
A Song of Praise (Matthews), Noel (Mulet), Fantasie on Two Noels
(Bonnet) Mr. Christian; A cycle of Ancielt Carols (DeLamarter) Miss
Lewis; Berceuse (Guilmant), Choral Improvisation on "Indulci jubilo"
(Karg-Elert) Mr. Christian; "'the Neighbors of Bethlehem," "O Bethlehem,"
"A Lovely Rose is Blooming," "The First Nowell," The Chorus; Silent
Night, Holy Night, Variations on an Ancient Christmas Carol (Dethier) Mr.
Charles A. Si, Secretary.
The following organizations have been given permission to hold parties
on Friday, December 11th:
House Parties: Alpha Delta Phi (Closed)
House Dances: Acacia (Closed)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Lawyers' Club
Sigma Nu (Closed)
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Closed)
Theta Chi (Closed)
Theta Delta Chi
Xi Psi Phi (Closed)
J. A. Bursley.
Jntercollegiate Debating Class:
The Central League debating teams will be selected from the men's Inter-
collegiate Debating class Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in room 3209,
Angell Hall.
The contest is open to the public and those students that are contem-
plating entering this class for the second semester are urged to be present.
G. E. Densmore.

Newspaperman Prepares Material i
For President Coolidge's Speeches9 hIINIL JUI ULIL
most important -o FO R lIFLE IEAlv
duties of F. Stuart Crawford,
New York newspaperman who Will Meet 12 Universities During Sea-
succeeds Judson C. Welliver as son ;Maine, Porto Rico, Missouri
executive clerik at the Whit Dates Pending
House, is the preparation of ma-3
terial for the president's ad- 1 TEAM POSITIONS OPEN I
dresses. Mr. Crawford is seen
at work at his desk in the x- Matches for the University rifle!
ecutive office. team have been scheduled with the
following schools: Jan. 16, University
of West Virginia; Feb. 13, Michigan!
State college; Feb. 20, dual match
with University ofeIndiana and Ohio
State university; Feb. 27, dual matcht
with University of Iowa and Univer-
versity of Minnesota; Mar. 6, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin; Mar. 13, dual
match with University of Illinois and#
Northwestern; Mar. 27, University ofI
Nebraska; Apr. 10, University of Cin-I
cinnatti; and Apr. 24, University of
Dates are pending with University
of Maine. University of Porto Rico
and the University of Missouri,
The rifle team will consist of 15
men whose high ten scores count.
# The members ,fire in four positions,
prone, kneeling, sitting, and standing.
The team for the first match has
not as yet been selected as Capt. G.
W. Dunn, Jr., is desirous to have
more material from which to choose.
. All men wishing to try out for posi-
tions on the team will report to Cap-
t ain Dunn.


(By Associated Press) was dissatisfied and decided to rep
PARIS, Dec. 9.-The manuscript of write the whole story. 'Les Miser-
a novel written by Victor Hugo ten ables' was the result.
years before "Les Miserables" ap- "Exile had caused changes ii
peared, has been discovered, and soon Hugo's mind and it had its effect oa
will be given to the public, his story, so that while 'Les Miser-
The project is the idea of Gustave es' has the basic theme of 'Les Mis,
Simon, the venerable literary executor'erables,' there are essential differ-
of Victor Hugo, who for forty years ences in the two works. The earlier
has been active in promoting inter- novel, it is said, will read like a nev
est in the great novelist. book. In 'Les Miseres' there is none
Both the fact that the old manu- of what is usually called' the love
script is in existence, and the plan interest, and Cosette, one of the fam-
to publish it, have been kept secret ous figures, does not appear. In oth-
hitherto, as far as the public is con- er words, Les Miserables' was almost
cerned. i an entirely new story.".'
Announcement of the discovery and
proposed publication of the manu- SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua.-
script was made here by the Amer- The volcano Ometepe on Lake Nica-
ican Braille Press for War and Civil- ragua is showing activity. Heavy
ian Blind, rumblings are heard. Several small
The following statement was made shocks have been felt. The streets
by a representative of the Press: of Rivas are covered with ashes.
"It should be interesting to know
that Victor Hugo's literary executor, PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.
Gustave Simon, the- scholar and bib-
liophile, is still busy and that after
years of research he has discovered .CHARLESTON CLASS
the manuscript of 'Les Miseres,' a
novel written by Victor Hugo more Every W ednesday
than ten years before the appearance
of 'Les Miserables,' or more than 8:15 P. M.
three-quarters of a century ago. (
"Except for the last two chapters,'5.W
'Les Miseres' was ready for publica-, 5 One-Hour Lessons $5
tion when Victor Hugo was sent intoRN
exile, which drove all thoughts of fin- PRIVATE L*SSONS DAILY
fishing the novel from his mina. The1 10 A. X. TO 10 P. M.
manuscript was thrown aside and not ITERRAC + G STUDIO
even looked at for ten years. Hugo E
then took up the manuscript, read it, 220 Wuerth Arcade Phone 8328
.: lf lfllilllittUt1It[1t11iil01ll uilllllifiliill iII[ lil 111111111lilt 11111111111111111
Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
Served at
Two blocks from city bus linedonJackson Road,
- from noon till midnight.
= Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
1 1 1! i i 11 11111il ill il 1 1111111111111111111111 lil 1 illlli 1111 ii1i l i i il1

Evidence Shows Hugo Rewrote
"Les Miserables" After His



L EVNFor notices not otherwise mentioned in
The Daily. Items wiibe published on
two successive days only. Copy mist
be submitted to the Local Events
Editor by 4 P. M.
Exhibit of the work of Ann Arbor
artists under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art association, Alumni Mem-
orial hall.

All campus organizations and class-
cs wshing' space in the 1926 Mich-
iganensian must contract and pay for
same immediately. No space will be-
reserved unless a contract is sign-
ed by Wednesday, Dec. 16.
Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo addresses
men mbersof TI Sociedad Hispanica
at 7:30 o'clock in room 25 Angell hall.
(Ills topic is "Spain and the Spanish

Rehearsal of Palmer Christian choir
at 4:45 o'clock at Congregational
LANSING.-Through the co-opera-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, Ben-
jamin Lovett, dancing for the Fords,
will demonstrate old time dances at
a party to be held here, Dec. 18.
EAST LANSING.-Observance of thel
Michigan State college tradition that
bans smoking on the campus has been1
urged by the student council.


Read the Want



Give Stationery

WAHR'S University Book Store,

The Gift You'd Buy Yourself
You can get just the selection you want
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You will find many items in our leather goods department that will
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The Mayer-Schairer Co.
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Phone 455 )112 South Main Street

Praising Coach Fielding H. Yost
for the spirit of sportsmanship which
he has instilled in Michigan teams
during the past 25 years and congrat-
ulating him on the football record he
has established, which they acclaim'
"without parallel in the history of
sports," the University of Michigan
club of Chicago passed a resolution
at their last meeting thanking thel
coach and his staff for their work
during the 1925 season.
Copies of the resolution have been,
sent to Director Yost, Coaches Wei-
man, Fisher,' Mther, Hoyt, Kipke,
Blott. and,.Cappon, Captain Robert
Brown, '26, The Daily, and the Mich-
igan Alumnus. The resolution fol-
Whereas, Fielding H. Yost, direct-
or of athletics of the University of
Michigan, has been head football
coach a your , University during the
last 25 years, and
Whereas, Director Yost has during
that time made a football' record
which is unparalleled in the history
of sports, and
"Whereas,aDirector Yost has always
stood for the principle of clean play
in athletic sports and has instilled
the spirit of true sportsmanship in
all his athletic teams, and

for its clean, hard play and genuine
spirit of true sportsmanship,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that
we, the University -of Michigan club
of Chicago, hereby thank Coach Field-
ing H. Yost, our present director of
athletics, for the prestige and glory
I his achievements on the gridiron in
clean sportsmanship and victories
have meant to our University of Mich-
igan and its alumni; congratulate him
on his signal success this year in
winning the undisputed champion-
ship of the Western Conference amid
1 the keenest rivalry and strongest op-
t position, and his overwhelming vic-
tory over the Navy; express our ap-
preciation to his splendid staff of as-
sistant coaches, which Director Yost
has selected to aid him in teaching
clean sportsmanship, building char-
acter and achieving victories, and we
hereby congratulate, through Director
Yrost, the members of the 1925 foot-
ball squad of the University of Mich-
igan for their clean, hard play and
fine sportsmanship as displayed by
them on the gridiron and for the suc-
cess which they have thereby won for
themselves and Michigan.
f Signed:University of Michigan club
of Chicago.
MEXICO CITY.-The National Rail-
roads of Mexico may soon enter the oil

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