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December 10, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-10

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Wolverines To Linetlp S atlurday With
Captain Doyle, Cherry, Chambers,
Iarrigav, Aid Schroeder
Coach Mather announced, yester-
day, that the starting lineup for the
Ohio Wesleyan game would be Harri-
gan and Chambers, forwards, Captain
Doyle, center, and Schroeder and
-Cherry, guards. The coach also stated
that F. Kuenzel and Line would prob-
ably play part of the game.
The Varsity basxetbail team were
put through a stiff scrimmage yester-
day in preparation for the first game
of the season with Ohio Wesleyan Sat-
urday at the field house.
Another scrimmage will be held to-
day, and the men will be given a light
drill tomorrow in order that they may
be in good condition for the game.
Sammy Babcock was the first foot-
ball man to report to Coach Mather
for basketball, coming out for prac-
tice yesterday. Benny Oosterbaan willt
report Monday providing that his in-j
fected leg is well enough to permitI
hini to do so. Both Bruce Gregory1
and Bo Molenda are expected out by
the skipper, but it is not known ex-I
actly when they will report.!
After all the football men have re-i
ported, .Coach Mather will make the
final cut in the squad. He will re-1
duce the number of men to 16 in orderj
that he may give them more individual)
At present the first team is round-
ing into good form, although they
still have some faults. However it is
hoped that these will be eradicated
before the initial contest.
Not much is known of the Ohiol
Wesleyan team. Their first game was.
to have been played last night with1
Ohio State, but due to the fact that1

1 P

ETR I CRITIC LA UDhS GILBERT'S ie Minnesota game that Gilbert came
I RI IR N~into is own as a running back.
7. FRATERNIT LD INPROVED PLAYING ON oGRIDIicilnoicig the Gophers believed
ii IiiMichigan'sprincipal strength was to
I be found in the passing and plunging
S"Not the besttplayer on the great regarded at that time as the aofia me, the wily Mr. Yost fixed up some
1' , g , T T O R N Y aie a d B u t a hs il b tbe-1 succesor t W lter Canp. That e suf fo t n a d M e d o
-__ cause, in our opinion, the most inn- prediction is not based on present a n g only Friedman and Molenda to
Unnswjilly Large Nuimber Of buses proved man on the squad," is the opinI form, but on the belief that ie has worry about, the visitors found that
Sign Up For Interfraternity ion E. A. Batchelor, sport critic of just begun to (o his stuff." 1 one of the slipperiest backs in the
Basketball The Detroit Saturday Night, expresses In mentioning .the play of Gilbert l country had 'arrived' right in their
.in a recent article on Louis Gilbert, !during the season Mr. Batchelor states, i faces. Gilbert ran all over the place
TO START IN JANUARY star sophomore halfback on this years "In the early games we frankly did on that eventful day."
team, not think so much of Louis as a kick-
lie continues, "Gilbert has only cor- eru. Figuring probably in the terms of Inwingohidensv wrk
A record number of fraternities, 71 pinuhis , irst yer o ometition, grat Kipke, t Mchig 1rote Mr. Batchelor says, "Gilbert's defen-
in all, have entered the interfrater- but we take this occasion to go on i were rather disappointed in the Kala- sive work has been good all season,
nity basketball league, which is sche- record with the prediction that before mazoo youngster's performance. Then particularly against the forward pass.
duled to start immediately after the he finishes his football career at lit began to be noticed that Gilbert It has been hard to complete one on
Christmas vacation. Michigan he will be nominated for was doing a little better every time his side of the field, for he is a fine
Practically every general fraternity whatever all-American eleven may be he played. His kicks began to lengTh- diagnostician and an alert nian in
has entered a team and a large ma- - en out and he began to place them playing the ball. He inflicted a ter
jority of the professional fraternities e
I The seeded teams on this year's list a little better, putting them out of ble blow upon the already staggering
are entered fp the 1926 season. Break- follow: Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Kappa I bounds more c-ften, and in the Minne- I Gophers by intercepting one of their
s Alpha, Delta Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, sota game he distinctly out kicked the ) passes and running 60 yards for a
that there are only 7 fraternities on Phi Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Sigma man that the Gophers elected to take! touchdown in th'e last quarter of the
the campus, who have not signed up Delta, Phi Lambda Kappa, Nu Sigma care of this work." Minnesota game."
for the annual tourney. i Nu, Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Sigma The critic continues, "Gilbert's The article is concluded by giving
Two courts are being reserved night- Phi, Alpha Rho Chi. steady improveient in punting would the credit for Gilbert's improved punt-
ly at Waterman gynnasiun for any Last year after an exceptionally close have kept him on the team, if lie had ing to Harry Kipke and with the
E season, Phi Sigma Kappa won the done little else, but as hiV kicking got prophesy that, if Gilbert's punting con-
teams have been divided into 12 title b
i y virtue of a victory over Delta better his other activities increased in tinues to imrove Michigan will have



lix teams Chi in the finalg
and the other has only five.
A round robin series will be run off
in each group and the 12 winning
teams will then qualify for the chain-
oionship. New leagues will be formed
of these teams victorious in the pre-
iminaries and they will also play an
elimination series to determine theI
league title.
All teams that survived their group
rounds last year have been seeded in
the grouping of this yea-r's entries,
each winning team being put at the l
top of a different division. The in-
tramural office has decided upon this
plan so that the best teams may be
able to survive the first round.

game of t

the season.

scope and usefulness. It was not until "another Kipke.




Realizing that such youngsters as Rice, Bennett, Dixon, Gaston and
Giard helped make his team a much improved one last season, Manager
Sisler of the Browns, it is said, will unload more veterans before anoth-
er season, and replace them with youngsters. Bill Jacobson, Johnny
Tobin and Joe Bush are three of those slated to go between now and next

been practicing regularly at Water-

Essman, freshman football coach atM an gymium ana win ve (twn
Ohio State was killed in an automo- to the field house after Christmas va-1
bilp accident Tuesday night and the cation. Regular scrimmages will be
game was called off. held there among a league that is be-
The freshman basketball team has ing organized by Coach Mather. I
Yale Retains Top Position In
Eastern Athletics Second Yearl

while the Eli swordsmen shared fenc-
ing laurels with the Navy.
The Navy regained rowing prestige
for the East, however, by conquering
the University of Washington huskies,
two time varsity champions, in the
classic four-mile pull at Pouglikeep-
sie. This was the outstanding achieve-
ment by the Midshipmen, who also

won the boxing title from Penn State
and retained gymnastic and rifle
shooting championships, besides shar-
ing the principal fencing and swim-
ming honors with Yale.
Richard Harlow, former Colgate
coach, will tutor Western Maryland
next season.
Walkerville defeated Hamtramck in
a basketball game Tuesday night, 24
to 10.


" tl l
The Ft.


T ti
J '
,,,, .:
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(By Associated Press)
Buffeted a bit and forced to give
ground on some of the more import-!
ant sectors of the 'Eastern intercol-
legiate battlefront, the Yale bulldog
retains its grip on the major share of
athletic laurels for 1925 only by the
narrowest of margins.j
With this year's campaign in col-'
lege ranks now virtually at an end,
the summary of competition in nine-
teen branches of sport in which twen-1
ty-five titles were distributed shows
Yale to be closely pressed by the Na-
val Academy for all-round honors.
This summary shows Yale either hold-
ing outright or sharing in the posses-
sion of seven championships, one less
.than the total corralled by the Blue a
year ago, while the Navy is right be-

hind with a grasp on six titles.
Yale's heaviest setback this year
came in two major sports, track and
football, in addition to which individ-
ual titles also were lost in golf and
cross country running. The Eli track
forces yielded the Intercollegiate A.
A. A. A. "crown to Southern Califor-
nians, while the gridiron team, beat-
en by Penn and Princeton and tied
by llarvard, dropped from the pin-
nacle it had held for two previous
To offset these reverses, however
Yale's rowing machine- kept up its
victorious streak, while the Eli swim-
ming and golf teams regained cham-
pionship heights after a year's lapse.
Hockey, indoor polo and water polo
honors also were gathered again,


Copyright 1925
Rouse of Kqppenhe mer





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