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December 10, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-10

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press .is exclusively en-
*itled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
if postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.30; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 2=214.


Telephone 4925 9



Chairman, Editoz-ial Board...Norman R.hal
Ciy Edtor..........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor.............Joseph Kruger
T legraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smrnith U.Cad tonard C. Hall
Willard B.= Crosby Thon~as V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude t. Bailey Helen Morrow
William T. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelps
Villiam Breyer Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. YBrooks Marie Reed
I Buckingham Simon Rosenbaum
Edgar Carter Ruth Rosenthal
Carleton Gliampe Wilton A. Simpson
Eugene HI. Qutekunfst Janet Sinclair
Youglas Doubleday Courtlard C. Smith
Mary Dunnigan Stanley Steinic'n
James TN Herald alarissa Tapson
Eizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau
fI i les -mbalt David C. Vokes
Marion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
W4alter H. Macky Cassai A. Wilson
EllisMeRr Markus Thomas C. Winter
Eli s Merry Marguerite Zilszke
Telephone 21214

would form would be with students
who would later join fraternities and
with those who would not. Granted
that most friendships last, this would.
tend to make the breach between the
two groups less than it is under the
present system.
In addition, deferred gushing wouw
prevent the many "misfits" which re-
sult from the present system. Fresh-
men would have opportunities to learn
something of the standings of the
fraternities on the campus, and the
fraternities would have more time in
which to make decisions upon whom.
to bid.
Most far-reaching of all the bene-
fits which deferred rushing would
give would be the removal of the
present "hit them on the head and put
a button on them" methods. By the
time the first year man had been on
the campus for one semester, he
would have gained enough knowledge
of fraternities not to be influenced by
so-called "sndbag" methods. He
would know what he wanted and
would not be fooled so easily by
smooth talk.{
Eventually, all fraternities would
be benefited by a system of deferred
rushing. Some organizations might
temporarily meet financial difficulties
and some might find it more difficult
to pledge men under such a system,
but these difficulties would only be
temporary. Deferred rushing can
hardly be barred on these grounds.
Dr. Russell H. Conwell, noted
clergyman, lecturer, author, philan-
thropist, and founder of Temple uni-
versity, died Sunday in Philadelphia
at the age of 82. Dr. Conwell was
perhaps the best known lecturer in
the country. His most familiar lec-
ture. "Acres of Diamonds," was de-
livered more than 6,000 times and in
all parts of the nation. From this
talk alone, over $2,000,000 was earn-
ed, none of which was ever kept by
the man himself, but used for the
education of boys whom he never saw.
Dr. Conwell was the founder and
controller of Temple university, which
numbers more than 7,000 students at
the present time. Practically every
cent of the money earned by his lec-
tures went to help finance that uni-
versity. His total earnings have been
estimated to amount to over $11,000,-
000, little of which he used during his
lifetime. He was a Civil war veteran,
yet in 1923 he received the Edward
Bok award of $10,000 for the most sig-
nal service rendered to Philadelphia
during the year 1922. At the age of
79 he was earning $50,000 a year.
Certainly comment would be super-
fluous on the achievements of such a
man. His accomplishments will re-
main, a memorial to his unselfish
"Motorcar Injuries Woman at Mon-
roe"-Free Press headline, reprinted
for its sentimental and sensational
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. Thenames of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.





Advertising............-...Joseph J. Finr
iuvcrnLsiog ..............T. L. u.lmsed, Jr.
Advertising............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising .................Wm. L. Mullin
Circulation.... ............M. L. Newman
Publication..............Rudolph Bostelai
Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving F. A. Norquist
George I. Anabie Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
ohn I. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
J. Cox i Wm. C. Pusch
Jlarnii A. Pnie Franklin J. Rauner
A. Rolland Damni oseph Ryan
ames R. Deuy Margaret Smith
Margaret L.Fuank Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
R. Nelson Sidney Wilson
Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
"We have no American ambassa-
dor here, but we have 614 powerful
American masts which will carry
power to the factories of Moscow
and light the darkest huts and
villages. Thus we shall culti-
vate electro-diplomatic relations
with the United States. Such re-
lations cannot but bear fruit.
There are 500 kilowatts of power
to every inhabitant of the United
States. Russia has not even a
single kilowatt for each person.
There is not a single kilowatt of
Socialism in all America, but
electricity, plus Russian Social-
ism, will enable us eventually to
dispense with the present soviet
system."-Leon Trotzky.
Plans for deferred rushing, which
have been smoldering on this campus
for a number of years, are again
being considered by the Interfra-
ternity council. A committee ap-
pointed for the purpose of investigat-
ing different systems which are now
in use at other universities reported
its fin lings at the last meeting of the
council and advised against any
change from the present system .
Various systems of deferred rush-
ing have been tried at many institu-
tions throughout the country. Experi-
ments were made because of the glar-
ing defects of the "cut-throat" meth-
ods employed in the old system. Com-
munications were presented from a
number of these universities by the
investigating committee, and all of
those presented evidenced dissatis-
faction with deferred systems.
Whether the committee obtained an
unbiasel popular campus opinion from
these other institptions is doubtful.
Surely , noeschools which still keep
the new system of rushing find it sat-
isfactovry or they would have reverted
to the old methods.
The main argument of the op-
ponents of deferred rushing is that
the student body would be divided
more distinctly into fraternity and
independmnt groups.
The ill-feeling between fraternity
and non-fraternity members is due to
thn fact that members of the two
groups do not come into contact with
each other. They are divided at the
beginning of their college careers by
the feeling that they either "made"
or failed to "make" fraternities.

6 time ago we had our picture
t n, it seems to us that we forgot
t mention some of the more interest-
ing of the gory details. For example
the first thing they do when you ar-
rive is to ask you to go in a little
room and fix up-and brush your hair.
Well, obviously if you have spent a
long-time at home getting everything
just the way you want it, you are,
somewhat taken aback to begin with.
If there is anyone thing in this world
that will sl'rive our mild selves into a
frenzy of wild rage it is to be told
(and above all, politely told) to brush
our hair.
After we had ourselves and
our hair under control again, we
entered the ;actual scene of the
crime.' These photographers are
a cunning lot. In the room there
'was not a thing to arouse one's
suspicions, only a few very simple
instruments which we didn't
dream could do the damage they
did. But wait a minute. The
person in question came up to us
and greeted us, he was all smiles
and bows. He beckoned us to sit
in a chair, at which the camera
was aimed. Here we took our
But instead of going to that camera
he went over toward a window, pulled
down the shade making the room all
dark, when it had been brightly lit
before, and turned on a, light which
was as blinding as the brightest head-
light but it flickered so that no one
could possibly see anything when his
eyes were open. Then he placed a
few more common or garden spot
lights of the brightest type at various
points about the room all focused at
our left eye.
Then he asked us to assume a posi-
tion in which it was impossible to
look at the birdie without the left
eye. Consequently the first picture
made us look like a Greek statue. (We
mean by that without any eye ball,
not like these athletic figures, etc.)
The next one he told us a wet joke
and while we had the sourest expres-
sion possible to our natural visage
on our face (and it was pretty bad,
you mnay believe) he ducked behind
the black cloth to laugh it off and
snapped the picture.
Well this kept up for hours,
changing the spotlights here and
there, such encouragement as,
"Now just 17 more and I'll be
through with you" until we be-
came more or less groggy and
time or tide or such things meant
nothing to us.
S* s
When the proofs came, we thought
they had sent us individual pictures
of members of the last expedition to
Iceland. * * *
Here we have another view of Miss
Snorp. She insisted on our running
it as she thought that perhaps some
people would not be satisfied with the
other one. Miss Snorp is defraying
all the expenses this time, and we
want you to know that this is HER
present to you.
/d~ p 31i SL -

Another view of
the Ann Arbor'
* * S
Dear Santa:
Please bring the University a foot-
ball stadium. Being a student, I.
would 'rather see the game than read
a1out it in the Daily extra. And also
won't you kindly bring Mr. Tilotson a
big box of 50c cigars, so that he will
get feeling generous and maybe give
us students seats near enough to the
scene of action so that we can at least
get a general idea of what we are
cheering for? Thank you so much.
* * s
Rollo is -behaving so well of late
that we are hard up to find something
to replace him. If this keeps up we
fear we shall have to get rid of him
and get a car with more character.

A review, by Clarice Tapson.
While Florenz Ziegfeld glorifies the
American girl a few miles east of
here for the twentieth time, E. Morti-
mer Shuter glorifies the Michigan man
for the twentieth time right in town,
and both glorifications are decidedly
worth seeing. But this is a review of
It is a beautiful production and a
beautiful performance, individually
and collectively, this year's opera.
The settings are nothing short of
lovely, and the costumes are nothing
short of lavish. This, of course, has
all been said before.
And the dramatis personae is fine.
"Peaches" Warner is the proverbial
dancin' fool . He could step his way
into almost any handsome captain's
heart. Who cares whether he can
sing or not? At least he is intelligent
enough not to try it, and those Ann
Pennington feet are more expressive
of girlishness than any nasculine
voice could be.
Russell Gohring's captain of the
guards, on the other hand, is a master
of melody. He might have been the
court singer. No matter how often
he sang a bit of "Romany Rose" or
the love theme, nobody grew tired. His
is a voice to capture even the Queen
of Hearts.F
Belinda Treherne-is still Belinda
Treherne, thank heaven. Her acting
is always worth watching, not to men-
tion her figur'e. It's too bad she hasn't
better lines. They are so heavy, on
the whole, that it takes some pretty
exaggerated rendering to make them
register. Belinda can do this render-
ing. . And when you see that black
sequin dress, you'll think Camille has
come to life.
The king has a gorgeous voice, and
songs, that, while they are nothing to
write home about, still provide him
with ample opportunity to exercise
said vocal organ. And he assists the
ladies down the steps, which is about
the extent of the acting he is called
upon to do, with neatness and dis-
The humor, which is the weakest
item of the piece, is handled by Val-
entine Davies, to whose efforts the
weight of Richard Lutes as a king-
seeking American girl is added. They
do nobly, with what they have to work
on, but that is pathetically feeble.
When, in addition to these individ-
ual performances, you have a girls'
chorus that can do a tambourine num-
her without giving the impression of
Salvation Army lassies, that can
wield fans in a manner that even ex-
perienced prom-trotters would envy,
that can do a sort of a Tiller-girls
dancing number in red shoes and
stockings without being ridiculous,
not to mention a men's chorus that
looks good in uniform or tuxedo, you
can forgive a pretty weak book and
* * s
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, has arranged a special program of
Christmas music to be given in Hill
auditorium complimentary to the pub-
lic Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.,
He will be assisted by Thelma I
Lewis, soprano, who is now studying
with Theodore Harrison, and a chorus
of selected voices.
The program will be as follows:
A Song of Praise .......... Matthews
Fantasie on Two Noels .......Bonnet
Mr. Christian
A Cycle of Ancient Carols......
..... ... . . DeLamarter!
"Three Sovereign Princes"(French)
"I Saw Three Ships" (English)
"Here in a Lowly Manger" (French)
"The Holly and the Ivy" (English)
Miss Lewis
Derceuse (On an Alsacian Noel)
...... -.. ........... Guilm nt
Choral Improvisation on "In dulci ju-
bilo" (Traditional German
Choral "In Thee is Joy")....




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--- --



in the



Vioth Ends of the Diagonal Walk



I -

To the Editor:
I write in protest against the essen-
tial dishonesty of The Daily articles
advertising the lecture by Oswald
Garrison Villard. It is stated that
he addressed "the Faculty club soonI
after the close of the war." He did
not. He addressed a little group of
radicals which included Faculty men,
I believe, in a small room over Cal-
kins' drug store. He would hardly
have been allowed to speak at that
time in a public auditorium in Ann
Arbor, and his invitation to appear
here at all was matter for much un-
favorable comment. It is also stated
in Sunday's article that "He sold the
Evening Post in 1918 and purchased
The Nation." He was proprietor of
both these papers before and during
the war, and the editor of the Nation
and the associate editor of the Post
resigned early in the war because on
patriotic grounds they would not al-
low their names to be connected with
these journals. Prominent professors
at Michigan who had long been sub-
scribers to the Nation-our foremost
literary journal-at about the same
time cancelled their subscriptions
with denunciatory letters to the pro-'
It is stated also in Sunday's article
that "Mr. Villard will be the guest of-,
the Round Table club and the Faculty
at a dinner at the Union." So far as
the faculty is concerned this state-;
ment was not true.
He and his papers were repeatedly
singled out by Roosevelt for scathing;
denunciation. Villard continued to be
the close friend of Count von Bern-
storff, and when the German Ambas-
sador was finally sent home after
making his embassy the rendezvousi
of those who were blowing up Ameri-.
can ships and industrial plants, Vii-f
lard in the view of a great crowd em- I

Special Home Made
Christmas Candies
Attractive Boxes
1 lb. Box ...........69c
1 % lb. Box .......$1.25
Packages Mailed.
340 S. Sate
1ial 21702


Mr. Christian
Four Traditional Carols
"The Neighbors of



"O Bethlehem" (Spanish)
"A Lovely Rose is Blooming";
(Praetorious, 1571-1621)
"The First Nowell" (English)
The Chorus
Silent Night, Holy Night
Variations on an Ancient Christ-
mas Carol .............. Dethier
Mr. Christian
* **
Professor Hollister, assisted by
Amy Loomis, is presenting Oscar
Wilde's "The Importance of Being
Earnest" as the third number in his
Play Production course Wednesday
and Thursday evenings, December 16
and 17, in University hall. The cast
has been chosen as follows:
John Worthing, J. P.....Hugo Husted
Algernon Monterieff.Joseph Shipman

GaSsoline tation


Corner Washington and Ivision
Service and Satisfaction Will Be Yours


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