MG O TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY'' THURSDAY, IlP.C1aDI1 f?3ti 10, 1925 T1-T~. MICT-IICAM flAtlY ThURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 192~ .. .._. , DIIOBSE DEBATERlS IWHEN THE SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS OPENED FILMS SHOW VIEWS OF AT TRYOUT TODAY FN MUSCLE SHOLS PLNT fi * C clitrali League 'Teautis 11'111I) i~cu . Question Of SubsIdizim' The Commercial Air Service WILL DEBATE JAN. 15 Varsity debate teams to represent the University in the Central league will be chosen at the 'final try out.t- which will be held at 2 o'ldock today in' room 3209 Angell hail. The choice% of the personnel for the two teams, affirmative and negative., ill be made < from a "group of 18 men chosen lass;ro sparing for the class in intercollegiate debating. Debates 4n the Central league will be held Jan. 15, with Michigan's at-! firmative team meeting Ohio Statew university in hill auditorium,. and Michigan's negative team mneel in Northwestern at 'Evanston, Ill. Th e u j c o e a e il b : " e o v d that the federal government should' subsidize our commercial air ser- P+ Students planning to try out for next semester's class in intercollegi- chten deaingforomthh i l-etl eeTe view is that of the Senate( an7l louse assemblledl in ~joint sessi c cosmeteamins r ahn d Wst leaue Ito the annual message of PresidentUCoolidge, indlicat ed by arrow. The pn te toh a t etr ustda .et C ol g ,Tce P sd nt D w s w ois rsd nt ft e se t) a d Selection of the two teams will be of the h ouse. made by G. E. .Densmore, coach, and1 other members of the public speaking7 1 ~Dih en department.:uptnracotuld DeEtirel Viitrs oSee Eliminated By 1930-Sunawallj Castle's .13eaUIY IThatdiphtheria could be entirely thei.If t h ey(10, 1the (leat hs inst leV eliminatedl in the United States by 'charged to the ignoranice or negli- NAPLES, Dec. 9. - After thirty 1930 was the opinion of Prof. John Bence of the lparents," lhe adldedl. years of intermittent efforts on the Sinlxall of the public health and A program of personal hygienic e(1- part of the successive mayors of r3ge~ lprmn, al ulcys cation like the one now being uni- Naples, supported by prominent art b in eatet aepbiys loves, i ha bee 'deide n t r er. I tedy rofessor Sunudeall substan- dertaken by the State hIealthm board (4l the luser o unighly bi~dn~tat ed the statement of Dr. Lee E.,Michigan was advocated by Professor the custe of nsigtly uildngs'Sundwall to stain') out , lie disea-e. which so long has marred the superb IlFrankel of the Metropolitan Life In-- beaty f he amu~ trnghldsurance c ompany who declared thait More than 150,000 children of the1t beut f(hefmoiptonh l tei o ( e ie u nNwstate were fnoculated against diph- known as the Castel NuFovo.Idpxhracud ewpdoti o Th atlNuv a ulti 29'York state in a few years. theri by three consecutive treat- f TheCasel uoo ws biltin127- I< e have a toxin-antitoxin for ments several monhs ago as a begin. 83 by Charles I of Anjou from a deC-' nine of the slate's program. sign supposedly upidbyper dildhtelieria, best adlministered be-;c dynicut adsplenlarg ired'st een the ages of six months andl Complete elimination of diphtheria cessively by -Aphonso I in 1442, by three years, which rendlers complete; Don Pedro de Toledo in 1546 and byI immunity to the disease,"' saidl Profes-' Charles III in 1735. The kings of (sor Sundwall. "Trhere is absolutely. All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Be;imitifu the houses of Anjou and Aragon and no excuse for children to (lie of dipth- ; L the Spanish viceroys one after anoth-j er used it as a dwelling, - Besides its ,outwardI architectural I PAY 1i ~~~~~~aqbeauty the castle contains 'mn. D~?If1 T'' ('oustriietion Anid Operation Scenes Of $110,000,000) Project Seen Films of the Muscle Shoals series' from the Indlustrial America picturesE were shown yesterday in Natural Sci- ence auditorium through courtesy ofj the tourist bureau of Muscle Shoals.I The history of construction was given along with views of present day operat- ig conditions. Views were shown of the Tennessee river, Wilson dam, the; huge nitrate plants, the power house!l Swith its immense turbines,. the limieI kilns, ore furnaces and of Wilson lake., The entire project to (late represents an investment of $110,000,000 by the; IUnited States government. The power' house contains the largest steam tur- bine in the world. At present the plant is ready for operation at forty- eight hours notice. The operation of the plant means a saving of $175,000,-1 000 annually. The power house covers' 1 1 acres. The location was chosen because 37 different minerals are found within a radius of 50 miles, most of them quite useful. The water power; supplied means a saving of 3,500,000, toins of coal per year while the (lain forms a very b~eautiful lake, 17 miles' long and from 10 to 96 feet deep. 1 Luncheon Dinner - - 11:30--1:30 - - - 5.30--7:00 Green Tree Inn Sp-'cical Pr b /1 ?rran;Qc tent Phone 9646 205 S. State USED CA'R SL E STARTING THURSDAY We must sell every used car we have on hand, regardless of price. We have a very select lot of slightly used cars, from $25.00 up. on in the 1Douse chamnber, listening ortraits are striking ones of Presi. Id Nicholas5 LoigwXortli, new speaker The plan has received tiie endorse- nment of more than fifty of the coun- try's leadling educators and businessI men who based their approval on the ground that American business needs better trained executives, and is find- ing it increasingly dlifficult to obtain' them. from auburn, New Fork, a city 'of 36,000, was accomplhished by Dr. Sears of the Alilibank Demonstration by &et- tizng the peoiple of the city to take immeelation. asserted Professor Sund - \vaI.I 'Post BOy s' Given i ; ' TERMS Scholarship Fund Plans have been perfected by the Curtis Publishing company of Phila- dlelphia. to loan $250,000 to the boys employed in delivering Curtis publica- tions who wvish to attend college. An amount, up to $1500 will be loaned to each boy who can qualify, until the entire amount is outstanding. ,i '0 Fabrcs Thlat Will Not Fade. OVERCOATS aired by i&CO. to 't'ailors of (Cincinnati. , Detri Frequent Service CENTRAL 4' COVERT MOTOR SALES 500 E. Washin'gton St. Phone 3915 or. 3 714 A r Read The' Daily "Classified" ,Column If { l, NOW AT THE lofty Gothic armory. For every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. For Alen's Used Clothing. Phione 4310 11) 'W. Washington It R ENJAIMUN 1tl ttti £171 (1 A. NASH Tibe iFaniolls GoleniU111( ! Mlatiees 10c--25)c .Nights SPECIAL, CHINESE DISHES! Have you tried them yet?) - -I They are all prepared by a-- Chinese chef, = Drop in the next time you are in Ypsi. COLLEGE CAFE ANNEX- 14 NORTH WASH INGTON-YPSILANTI - r#11I 1 ttl#1H IIU #ll~ll11Itti11ll !11ltl#!!!li!!#11!#: Phone 9736 And ash that a representative of the NASH CO. call upon you to shiow samples and styles. STYLE, FI'T, WORKM)-ANSill 1' A NI)WE ARING QUALITIES GUARlANTEElD. Some of the Ibest dressed people ymn meet are wvearing Nash clothes. ...... 1.. ' . 1 1 ', FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1863i Savings Department Trust Department All polmlar Brogue models, on display GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 336 South Mate Street Ann Arbor, ii. lasfs and Potterns ex'clusive y our own design _d I [n* 1 ' °°'1 it H.1 0 W.VH . I- -- I + I JHNS4bf4V~bPHYI0' i i }t I f i i r .1922 r I 1 1 Adventure and Romance Abound a Wonderful Love Story Full of Swift Action. Oldest National Bank in Michigan WHITEHOUS &HARD) NCORP0ORATED BROADWAY AT 40T" STREET 144 WEST 4211D STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA IRoust: Bi.D. KNICKERBOCKER >BURLDI NG 84 BROADWAf'Y-A' WALL STREET CHRISTMAS Flowers and Plants Corliwell --fCoal -- Coke l Ruled this dog's le - love .jor his red. hate for his enemies -an never did he faltci, in his lavish -davotion or-punishing wnea~cnce. The Greatesk Dag Hero ever seen in any pthotog6~. His intelligence will amaze, his bravery awe, his s pl en di d beautyj charm, his great strength 'anc! -reasncrs startle you.\ ,: r, ; I , _ ¢:: _:F: Poi nsettias, Roses, Violets, Cherries Begonias, Cyclamen Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION 'TO OUR CUSTOMERS." and all seasonable flowers. i 11 "~~ . USE OUR FLOWERS BY WIRE. SSERVICE GUARANTEED. II -AD )ED ATT"RACTIO S-- We believe it pays to do business in "a friendly way. 'think so too, let's get together. I .If you F I ORCHESTRIA A Iiot of Funi 0 Pathme Novelty "TWINKLE, TWVINKiLE" III, I! !11 1 [ i vvNftw sa 1 1 f I - I... - I I