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September 29, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-09-29

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._ ._._

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays)..

Volume VI


Nuin ler 7

To the Deans:
There will be a Conference of the Deans Wednesday, September 30, at
10 a. mn. In the President's office. C. C. Little.
University; Women: Upperclass:
aThe first lecture to upperclass women, on Campus Organization, will be
given Tuesday evening, September 20th, at 7:00 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell
An~gell Hall, Barbour gymnasium. Attendance of all upperciass women
who are in their first year on the campus is required. Please bring blue-
books and pens. Jean iHamilton,
Deani of Women.
University Women :Freshiman Class:
The first lecture to freshmen women, on Campus organization, will be
given Wednesday afternoon, September 30th, at 4:15 o'clock, in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium. Attendance of all freshmen women
is required. Please bring blue-books and p~ens.
Jean Hamilton, D~ean of Women.
Senior Womien:
There will be a Tea, for all women of the Senior calss Thursday, October
Ist, from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock, at the Martha Cook Building. All senior
women are invited, and this notice is the only invitation.
Jean Hamilton, D~ean of Women.
Faculty, College, of Literature, Science, and the Arts :
You attention is called to the Attendance Report Cards which are
being' distributed through the Dean's messenger service. All instructors
are asked to read carefully the directions on the back, and to deposit the
necessary reports in the Dean's messenger boxes.
~More cards may be had at any time upon application, either in person
or by telephone, at my office. V. IL Hiunmphreys, Asst. Dean..
College of Engineering:
All new students having entrance and advanced credit credentials in
their possession, are requested to return themr at once, to the office of the
Assistant Dean. G. W. Patterson.
Psychology 139-Advanced Experinmental:
This class will meet Tuesday of this week at 2:00. Room 480 N. S.
C. H. Griffltts.
Mail Held at Post Office:
Mail addressed to persons whose names appear below is on hand at
the Ann Arbor Postoff'ice and can be claimed by the owner at the General
Delivery window, Main Office, on or before October 3rd, 1925.
Dorothy Beeker Violet C. K~ammerer
Reuel I, Blake C. S. Kegerreis
J. T. Blayon John Kimpert (or Kiper)
Alvin D: Blieden Elva Lawton
G. 'H.' Britton W. Hl. M~ackwald
Carl H. Brown G. Maldonado
Halfred Brown Estaban Manzanero
Martin L. Caher D. C. Marsh
Laurie H. Campbell John Marston
Jack Carter Edward C. Mason
Daniel D. Cluff .fiDorothy Moorehouse I
Dr. L. 'S. Cooley Shunzo Nyeda
Leonard' Danyon Alberta Olson
Stephen A. Doran Helen Palenius
L. R: Driscoll Frederick Parsons
Louise Eastman William Scripps
A. "Gill French Lee C. Snedaker
Sherley Galensky Isabelle Stitt
Marion Goodale Dooter Sweet
Mary Lois Gudakunst Elizabeth Turner
Glegn Harold Margaret Ward
J. M. Hendricks George Westoott, Jr. !
C. Russel Hofer N. H. Wu
Stanley Houser

Club will furnish the University Rifle Team for participation in the lei
"len Rifle League mnatches for this year. Members of the Club who can not,
be present will please notify the undersigned by postal.
George W. Dunn, Jr., Executive Offiuer.
'ryouits for Play Production Pla~ys:
Any studecnt whose eligibility standing is clear and who wishies to
Lake part in the casts or production work of the public plays to b~e given
this semester in connection with the play production courses may try-out
as follows:
Men on Tuesday, September 29, at 3 to 5: 30 and 7 to 9 P. M\.
kWomen on 'Thursday, October 1, at 3 to 5:30 and 7 to 9 P. M.
Try-outs will be held in the Auditorium of University Hall. Something
t;o be readl from, the book or interpreted from memory should be prelpared.
Students whose platform abilities are known to the instructors may apply
without formal try-out. R,. I). T. Hlollister.
Choral Union Ushers:
All University men who have previously assisted at the Hill .Auditori-
um for ushering at the Choral Union Concerts and who wish to continue
for the coming season will please sign up at the Buildings and Grounds
offi&'or call 7987 between 5:00 and 7:00 P. M. before Thursday, October 1st.
W. A. Davenport, As st, Superintendent,
Buildings and Grounds JDept.
Uivlersity Symphiony Orchiestra Tryouts:
;University Symphony Orchestra tryouts will be held at the University
Sclool of Music, Maynard Street, from 7-8 p. m. on 'Tuesday and Wednes-
day :of this week. Applicants should bring some music with which they
are faihiniiar and which show their technical ability. Freshmen are eligib~le.
S. P. Lockwood.
Alph~a Nut:
the regular meting of Alpha Nu Debating Society will be held this
evening at 7:30 P. M. in the society's rooms, 4003 Angell Hall. The present
air Question will be debated. Visitors, especially freshmen, are always
wel~ime. 11. Leroy Selinier, President .
Regular meeting of Adelphi House of Representatives Tuesday at 7:30
P. M. All members are requested to be present,
A. M. Sternt, Speaker.

Pi Lambda Theta :
II Lambda Theta will meet at 8 o
will be announced tomorrow.
There will be a meeting of all me
5 :00) P. IN., in Room 20 of Waterman (
squadl especially are requested to attei
'Nlcsto appear in this column mnust
1w *t in ithe box at the D~a;ly office
hr"V ided for toat purpose before 4
o'clock precceding the day of issue.
12:3R 4-Polifical science depar'tmntal
lunchleon is held at the Union.
.t :(10-i :alt}-_1J adol n club tryouts are
held in Lane hall.
4 :1-Signm Delta Phi meets at the
'Sigma Kappa house, 808 Oakland
,IVEru e.
5.00()-All nien interested In fencinig
meet in room 20, Waterman gym-
6:00-Tau Bela, P! mteets at the union.
7 : 0--First lecture to upperelass we --
inen on "Campus Organization" is
given in Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
Barbour gymnasium. anirmi
7 :00-1. 0~. 1' C. banglean ru
corps meets in the R. 0. T. C. build-
7:00-S :0%-U ivers ity Symphiony or-
chestra tryouts are held at the Un-
iversity School of Music.
7 :30---Les 'Voyaigeurs meet Ini Cabimi.
7 :311---A plia INu 1Debating society
meet s in room 4003, Angell hall.
7:30- Regular icet lug of Adelphl
H ouse of Representatives is held on
the fourth floor of Angell hall.
5:00-All mien students and faculty,
are invitedI to a reception for Presi-

'clock Wedneday, pace ci iversityg School of Music. ron
:'cock Wenesayplae o metin ;:30-Forestry club miectsiIn ro
Dors linies, Pres. "-*213, Natluratl Science buildLing .
______1 7:30--*('oey clidb meets in roomi '23
IUniversity lhall.
en interested in fencing 'Tuesday, at I ,i :41Tiiivers'lly of lichlIgan Rifle and
Gymnasium. Members of last year's I istol club meets ip the R. 0. T.
ud. C. building.
N. RI. Benhlam, Capt. of Fencing. #
London, Sept. 25. - Gerniany's ac-
ceptance of the allied invitation to a
dent Clarence Cook Little in the conference to discuss the proposed
assembly hall of the Union. i sectir~ty pact was handed to kForeigi~
i'cretary Austen Chamberlin Satur-
WEDNESI)AY j day by the German a mbassaor. It is
9:(0-5:0%-R~epresemtatires of the 1u1-l assumed the coniversationss will begi111
iform contractor takes measure-1 Oct. F) pr'obably i;soni Swiss city.
ments for andvanced course uni1-
forms at the R. 0. T. C. building.
10 :()-Conference of the dens is held Learn the Latest
in the President's office. I )lodern lDane
4 :0O-5:00-M1andolin club tryouts are!
held in Lane hall. CHARLESTON
4 :10-Instructors in Rhletoric 1, 2, 31,
32, and 105 meet in room 3213, Ang- Oe ~iy1 .M o1 .M
dlhall. We teach all modern, fancy,
4:15-FIrst lecture to freshman WO-1 ballet, stage, tango and folk
men on "Campus Organization" is j dances for children and adults.
given in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, ( TERRACE xARDE N sTruhlt)
Barbour gymnasium. ; 22 Wunerth. Arcade
7 :00-85:00-University Symiphonty or- Ph1one 8328
chestra tryouts are held at the Un-

- -$i ~- - - - - - - - - - - -~

Subscribe for The Dally today at the
Sydney, N. S. W., Sept. 28. - The
government has introduced a bill in
the South Wales Parliament provid-
ing for the establishment of a state
insurance office which would undler-
take all classes of insurance business.

office in Press Building.-Adv.

Mothers Have Tried for Years

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The Tavern is new and clean,' the service rapid and
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mosphere appeal to folks of taste.
Private rooms for parties of ten to fifty
persons. Now is the time to make res-
ervations for football parties. Scrvice
when you wish.
Our 50c luncheon includes drinks and desserts.
If you can "find a restaurant pie in Ann Arbor that
approaches ours we'll give you the meal.

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A. C. Peck, P. IN.


Instructors in Rhetoric:
A meeting of instructors in Rhetoric 1, 2, 31, 32, and 105 is called for
4:10 p. mn., in Room 3213, Angell Hall, Wednes lay ,the 30th.
T. E. Rankin.
Political Science:
There will be a departmental luncheon at the Union on Tuesday, Sept.
29, 1920, at 12:15. J. S. Reeves.
Teachier's Certificate in 'Rhetoric:
All students interested in meeting the requirements for the teacher's
certificate in rhetoric may consult with mnc this week in Room 3228 Angell
Hall. Office hours: Thursday 9 to 12, 2 to 5; Friday 3 to 5:30.
It. W. Cowden.
Geography 201 and 203:t
Research Seminar, and. the Advanced Field Course meet Tuesday after-
noon, September 29, at 4 in room 17 A. H. iK. C. McMurry.
Romance Philology 203:
My class in Old French will meet to arrange hours on Tuesday, Sep-
tember 29th, at,4 o'clock, in Room 14, East Hall. E. L. Adams.
English 293-(BibilographT) :
This course will meet Thursdays at four o'clock in room 1209 Angel]
Fll. H. C. Ilutcllins.
R. 0. T. C.: Advanced Course Uniforms:
A representative of the Uniform contractor will be at the R. 0. T. C.
Building from 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Wednesday, Sept. 30th, to take meas-
urements for Advanced Uniforms. All men entering the Advanced Course
this semester will report between the lhoars stated for measurements.
IL. 31. Bricker.
Geology 32. Historical Geology:
The laboratory sections meet for one hour each week. Additional ec
tions, at other hours than those mentioned in the announcement, will NJ
organized if necessary. R. C. Hiussey.
French 31:
Those students in French 31 who have not takent the entrance test will
be given an opportunity to take it Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock in Room 200
South Wing. A. G. Canfield.
Comedy Club:
There will be a meeting of Comedy Club Wednesday evening, Sept. 30,
at seveni-thirty, in Room' 203, University Hall.
E lizabeth St rauss, Secretary.

How to choose your
E VERY stundent kniows lie needs a typew~riter, but it
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Through our years of experience in providing students
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Standard tyboard: BY this weTTMean, the standard
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2 A Wide Carriage: Occasiomnally you 'want to use a
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32 Portability : In college a typewriter is used here, there
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Corona has the standard, four-row keyboard-it has the
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in fact, it is mnaide by the pioneer manufacturers of port-
able typewriters--inid, aus for (durabtility, no typewriter lit
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Before you buy your typewriter, come amid see us and let
us show you this latest amnd best student's typewriter.



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