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December 09, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-09

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 67





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First Of Four Talks To Be Held Under
Auspices Of Alpha
Omega Alpha
Dr. William A. White, superintend-
ent of St. Elizabeth's hospital at Wash-
ington, the government's insane asy-
lum, and one of the most renowned
psychiatrists in the country today,
will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Uni-
versity Hall on "Some Broadening
Vistas of Modrn Medicine." His lec-
ture constituteshthe firstof a series
of four to be held under the auspices
of Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical fraternity.
Soon after his graduation from Cor-
nell in 1891, Doctor White became a
member of the medical staff at the
State Hospital at Binghamton, N. Y.
After remaining there for eleven years
he took over, the superintendency of
St. Elizabeth's hospital, and has re-
mained there up to the present time.
For more than 20 years Doctor
White has been a professor of nervous
and mental diseases, teaching at both
Georgetown and George Washington
universities. He has written many
books on the subject of psychiatry,
among them being "Outlines of Psy-
chiatry", "Mental Mechanisms", "Prin-.
cipals of Mental Hygiene", "Thoughts
of a Psychiatrist on the War and
After", and "Foundation of Psychi -
Doctor White is the co-editor of sev-
eral textbooks, an also the co-editor
of the Psychoanalytic Review with Dr.
Smith E. Jelliffe of New York. He is
also noted for the large number of
contributions he has made to various
medical journals.
Doctor White will be made an hon-
orary member of Alpha Omega Alpha
at the initiation banquet of the so-
ciety to be held at 6 o'clock tonight'
at the Union.
Princess Believes
Smoking Does Not
Harm Modern Girl
Princess Cantacuzene said last
night in an interview that she was
an admirer of the "modern girl", and
pointed out that she is in many ways
superior to her sister of a few years
"I admire the 'modern girl' " said
the Princess, "and I believe she is
accomplishing more in social work,
charity work, and moral work than
her 'old fashioned' sister. The 'mod-
ern girl' chooses to work and be in-
dependent rather than sit at home.
This has elevated her status, and she
has not been cheapened by it.
"Women now have political rights,
and as a result, engage in politics.
On the average they are a good influ-
ence." In commenting on the customs
of the "modern girl" to bob her hair,
powder her face, use cosmetics, fre-
quent the beauty parlor, she said that
these practices have not cheapened
the girl to any extent. "If a girl
wants to bob her hair or powder her
face I think that she has a right to
do it," said the Princess, "but I have
two girls and neither of them have
bobbed their hair nor do they make a
practice of using cosmetics. I don't
like to see a girl bob her h'air when
it is long, beautiful, and abundant."
"Do you think it is all right for the
'modern girl' to smoke?" she was
"That all depends," she answered,
"in Europe where it is commin for
women to smoke there seemes to be
no harm in it. In this country, how-

ever, it is not a recognized custom,
and when girls smoke they do so with
a spirit of deviltry more than any-
thing else. I have smoked on differ-
ent occassions and I did nt feel that
smoking had any effect upon my be-
LUDINGTON. -- Ludington spent:
$112,584.36 this year in paving seven
streets with asphalt. K. B. Ollson,
Birmingham, was the contractor. Al
similar program is being discussed for

Discussing the electrical defects of
large-scale transmission systems as
the techncal part of his talk, Mr. Alex
Dow, president of the Detroit Edison
company, is scheduled to give the
main speech at the smoker of the
Michigan branch of the American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers at 8S
o'clock to-night in the Union. The
major part of Mr. Dow's talk will be
of a general, rather than a technical
nature, Reuel D. Layman, '26E, gen-
eral chairman for the affair, an-
Humorous readings by Frank L.
Sawyer, Grad., and slight-of-hand
acts by N. Dwight Smith, '26D, are
also included on the program.
All electrical engineering studentsf
and others interested are invited to
attend. A nominal price of 35 cents
will be charged.I
Ann Arbor was the scene of the first
stage engagement of Waring's Penn-
sylvanians. Three years ago, after
furnishing the music for the J-Hop,
the orchestra played for four days at
the Majestic theatre, and began its
first appearance on any stage. Since
that time, the orchestra has gained
a world-wide reputation, appearing at
the leading theatres from coast to
coast, and recording a large number
of selections for the Victor company.
In its original stage engagement
here, nine men composed the orches-
tra; now there are 13, and in two
weeks the number will be increased
to 20, preparatory to playing in con-
junction with- pictures for the Balaban
and Katz theatres in Chicago.
By Associated Press)
Geneva, Dec. 8.-Turkey lost the
first round tonight in the battle for
Mosul. The council of the League of
Nations, despite a vigorous Turkish
protest and even a threat to leave
Geneva immediately, unanimously vot-
ed to accept the consultative opinion
of the World Court as a guide to its
settlement of the problem whether
Mosul will go to Great Britain as
part of rak mandate, or to be handed
over to Turkey.
The World Court has declared that
the council has a clear right definitely
to determine the Mosul frontier. Tur-
key voted in the negative when the
ballot was taken, but President Scia-
lola announced that neither the vote
of Turkey nor that of England could
be counted, in pursuance of the
terms of the covenant.
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, spoke before a
meeting of the combined community
clubs of Saginaw last night, on the
subject of "Michigan Athletics." Coach
Tad Weiman, assistant director of
athletics, was in Saginaw last night,
where he addressed a meeting of the
local Rotary club.
Two addresses will be delivered by
Coach Yost today, the first at Ypsi-
lanti, this afternoon, and the second
at the banquet in honor of the Ann
Arbor high school football team and
the coaching staffs of the high school
and the University, which will be held
at the Chamber of Commerce Inn to-
night. His subject on this occasion
will be "The Six Big Plays of the



Delayed RThshing as Failed In Other
Colleges. Comumittee Considers
Three Plans
Regulations governng fraternity
rushing, under any plan in which the
pledging of freshmen is deferred for
any period of time, offer the most
serious objections to such plans, ac-
cording to members of the committee
of the Interfraternity council which,
has investigated conditions at otherj
universities and which strongly
recommend the continuance of the!
present system of rushing at Michi-
gan, in a report to the council last(
There are three systems of regula-
tions possible, according to the com-
mittee's report. The first would bar
all rushing until a period approxi-
mately two weeks before the first
pledging. Such a rule would be diffi-
cult to enforce, in the opinion of the
committee, and would lead to endless
accusations and hard feelings between
fraternities, each of which would feel
that the other was breaking the rule,
in spirit, if not in practice.
Long Iushing Period nipractical
Another method would permit
rushing over the entire period, which
would probably mean from Septem-
her to Feb'ruary. Such a system would
lplace a heavy burde, both in the
matter of time and finances, on thej
fraternities, and would detract the,
attention of the first year mian from
7his studies (luring the mrost critical
period of his college career, the com-
mitteemen believe.
A third system, that of permiting
each freshman to visit the same house
but a certain number of times, such
as twice a month, would he hard to
enforce, and would have almost the
same effect on a popular freshman,
especially the athlete, as a system
permitting rushing all fall.
Letters received by the Interfra-
ternity councl;, in answer to inquiries
on the situation, show that in many
schools where a system of deferred
ru wshing is in force, tile fraternities
j evade the issue by having men pledg-
ed by a third party, such as the chap-,
ter alumni group, after they are voted
on by the active chapter. The fresh-
man then wears his pledge pin in his
pocket until open pledging is sanc-
tioned by the university. Such a con-
dition, Jackson Stith. '26, president of
the council, declared, "is little better
than the 'snap' pledging that is now
common on the campus here."
"ill IDecide 1(a.y
Michigan fraternities will decide
the question as to whether the present
system shall he continued or a new
deferred pledging plan adopted, when
their delegates vote at the specialf
me ceing of the Interfraternity council
next Monday at the Union.

OVER $100,000
Raising over $100,000, the officials
of the 1926 Literary Class Memorial
Fund campaign declared themselves i
satisfied with the progress made at
the close of the first part of tie cam-
paign last week.
This fall, the memorial committee
initiated the innovation of raising the
necessary funds for the class mem-
orial gradually, instead of completing
the class finances during the final
year the members are in college. Ac-
cordingly, the annual senior class
dues were reduced nearly 60 per cent.
It was thought that an advantage
would be thus obtained in permitting
the members of the class to make
payments after they had graduated.
The insurance-plan fund of the pres-
ent graduating class matures in 1946
when the bi-decade banquet of the.
members will be held. The recom-
mendation of the project committee
will be received at that time. This
committee consists of Dean John R.
Effinger of the literary college, Prof.
Harry C. Carver of the mathematics
department, Harry G. Messer, presi-
dent of the class, Richard H. Frey-
berg, and J. Glenn Donaldson. They
will investigate and report that place
where it is thought the money can
be used most advantageously.
Louis Graeure, Famous Singer, here
As Third Number In Choral
Union Series
Louis Graveure, famous baritone,
who will appear on the third number
of the Choral Union series, will make
his first appearance in Ann Arbor at
8 o'clock .Friday evening, December
11, in Hill auditorium.
Mr. Graveure was born in Belgium,
but educated in England. He was
first trained as a sculptor and archi-
tect, but also as a sailor, explorer,
gold seeker and fisherman. To this
varied experience may be attributed
much of his remarkable success as an
interpreter of a wide rangs of songs.
His American debut was madi
1915, and since that time he has re-
sided in New York. His wife, Eleanor
Painter, is also well-known as the
star of many opperettas.
He is especially individual in that
his repertoire includes an unusually
wide range of numbers. Richard Al-
drich, music critic of the New York
Times, has said of his work, "Lovers
of fine singing will regret that the
song recital of Louis Graveure was
announced as his only New York ap-
pearance during the season. There
is need of more of the kind of sing-
ing he does, and Mr. Graveure has
steadily gained in artistic power since
'lie first made himself known here. In
quality of voice, in phrasing, in dic-
tion, his singing is a great source of
His Ann Arbor concert will include
a wide selection of German, Fench.
Italian, and Irish folk-songs, as well
as several opera arias.

Professor Hobbs ExplfalIns how Great
Storms Of Europe Originate '
In Arctic Regions"
Radio listeners last nikht had the
opportunity of hearing addresses of
scientific, political, and university in-
terest given by representatives of the
faculty and alumni groups. Prof.
William H. Hobbs of the geology de-
partment, Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale,
professor emeritus of medicine and
custodian of Michigan archaeology,
Mason P. Rumney, president ' of the
Alumni association, and Prof. William
A. Frayer of the Iristory department,
made up the list of speakers on the
fourth "Michigan Night" broadcast be-
tween 9 and 10 o'clock from Univer-
sity hall.
Variety was added to the program
by the inclusion of a number of popu-
lar dance selections played by the
Women's league orchestra, which is
composed of Gwendolyne Wilson, S.
of M., Angelene Wilson, '27Ed, Mary
Alice Case, '28, Audrey Wells, '28,
Eugenia Van Kammen, '28, and Mar-
garet Purdy, '27Ed.
"The World court, now five years
old, is an acknowledged success, de-
clared Professor Frayer in a talk on
"International Co-operation-The Next
Step." "Our adherence would as-
suredly add greatly to its prestige and
usefulness. The advantages to the
rest of the world and to ourselves
would be admittedly great; the risks
negligible. And yet, faced by all these
facts, and despite the consistent ad-
vocacy by leaders of both. great politi-
cal parties, we are not a member na-
Court Worth While
"The World court," Professor Fray-
er continues, "is the most immediate-
ly available of several agencies for
the furtherance of international good
will. It cannot prevent all future
wars, but as a means of decreasing
the likelihood of war, it is worth a
million times all that it will ever cost.

With the University holding almost
all the land which will be needed for
the construction of the new architects'
building and plans well underway, it
is probable that contract for its con-
struction will be let at the February
meeting of the Board of Regents, it
was indicated at University offices
yesterday. Actual work will then
start early in the spring.
The University has reached sales
agreements for the purchase of all
the property in the block bounded by
Haven, Monroe and Tappan streets,
with the exception of one lot. Nego-
tiations are now underway for the ac-
quisition of this remaining piece. Ac-
tual transfer of the property to the
University has not been completed,
Work of razing the frame dwellings
which now occupy most of the prop-
erty on which the new architects'
building will be located, is expected
to start shortly.
The $400,000 appropriated by the
legislature for the erection of the
building, will become available in the
Shuter Says Monday's Performance
Was Best Premiere He
Has Yet Staged
Making its second appearance of
the season last night, "Tambourine",
the 1925 Union opera, played before
a well filled house at the Whitney
theater, Several hundred more were
in the audience than attended the
opera at its second showing a year
ago, the balcony being entirely sold
Ticket applications for the per-
formances in Chicago, Lansing, Grand
Rapids, Saginaw, Flint, and Detroit
may again be obtained at the house
manager's office, in the Union today.
A steady line of students called for
mail order blanks nearly all day yes-
terday. Applications for seats to per-


As one more step toward a complete1 itinerary will be available within a
international good understanding it few days.w
simply conforms to the necessities off
the present world situation. That the
United States Senate will think other- A review of the opera as pre-I
wvise on Friday of this week is in- sented last night will be foundI
conceivable." in the Music and Drama column I
Professor Hobbs, speaking on his In the Mu.
coming meteorological expedition to on page four.
Greenland, gave an explanation of the
fact that the great storms of Europe Four more presentations of "Tam-'
find their origin in the Arctic regions. bourine" will be given in Ann Arbor,
In this regard, he spoke of the earth's tonight, tomorrow night, Friday night,
shape as similar to that of a tomato, and Saturday afternoon. Tickets will
rather than flattened at the poles like be on sale for each performance at
I an orange, the popular conception. the box office in the Whitney theater
Storms Originate Near Pole every afternoon as long as any seats

States That Russian Government Has
Failed To Fulfill Most
Of Its Promises
Characterizing the Soviet regime as
a government alien to true Russian
ideals, Princess Cantacuzene, member
of the exiled Russian royal family and
granddaughter of Gen. U. S. Grant, in
her address last night in Hill audi-
torium, commended the United States
for its attitude of aloofness toward
The Princess' lecture was the fifth
of the season course of the Oratorical
association. Her subject was "My
Life Here, and There. Dean Alfred
H. Lloyd, of the Graduate school, pr-
sided and introduced the speaker.
"The United States' attitude in not
recognizing the present Russian gov-
ernment has been a practical and
logical view," said the Princess, "be-
cause it is a government which is
alien to the true Russian ideals. It is
built on fallacy, and was imposed
upon the Russian people by German
propagandists. Not until this gov-
ernment has been overthrown and a
real government set up in Russia,
should the United States recognize it
and give her assistance to the re-
construction of Russia."
Soviet Fail To Fulfill Promises
Basing her facts upon observations
made this summer and upon reports
issued by ministers of the Russ~an
government, Princess Cantacuzene
told her audience that the Soviet gov-
ernment has not only failed in its
greatest promise, namely, to educate
the Russian people, but has failed to
fulfill in a constructive way most
of its other promises. "Reports
show that there are only half the
number of schools now operating in
Russia that there were during the
reign of the Czar," the Princess
"From the talk I hear about the
Russian people in this country and
.elsewhere," said the Princess, I often
wonder if the people will ever learn
the true facts. I have been behind
the curtains and I have had a chance
to study Russia. I married in 1899
and went to Russia with my husband
to take my position in my future
home. It was a new experience to
me. I knew nothing of Russia except
of the fearful tales I had heard of
despot rulers and suppressed peas-
ants." She then told, in detail, the
true history of Russia as she had
learned it by delving into Russian
literature and history, after she had
learned the native language.
She took the steps in the develop-
ment of Russia one by one, and also
the character and works of the vari-
ous rulers. She dwelt at length on
Emperor Nicholas II and his queen,
because he was the last of the great
line. "Nicholas II was a modest and
shy man who was filled with energy
and liberal ideas. He came to the
throne two years before my arrival In
{ Russia. But the Empress had been
brought -up in a small German court
and was filled with aristocratic
ideas." She told of the events which
led up to the World War and of the
various revolutionist movements
shortly after. She presented colorful
word pictures of court functions in
the ballroom of the Czar's palace, and
told of her meetings with many nota-
The Princess told of her birth in the
I White House during the Presidency of
her grandfather, Gen. U. S. Grant and
characterized him for the audience.
She held her audience spellbound as
she recounted the interesting events
immediately preceding the death of
.her grandfather. She had formed
intimate acquaintance with many of
his friends, and recalled outstanding
characters to the crowd.
Shortly after the death of her
grandfather, Princess Canacuzene
said that her father was appointed
Ambassador to Vienna. Austria was
a feudal state at that time, she said,
and pointed out that when she went
with her parents to live, Emperor

Franz Joseph was a young and ener-
getic man. She described the Aus-
trian peasant life, and told in glowing
descriptions of the beer gardens and
She told of being presented to tho


A Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical fraternity, will hold its

initiation of new members at 6 o'clock -
tonight in the Union. The following No more senior pictures for the 19261
senior medical students will be taken Michiganensian will be accepted, it
I into the society: Philip D. Amadon, was announced yesterday. This in-
Meyer S. Berman, Robert R. Clark, violate regulation is necessitated by
Francis L. McPhail, Wesley G. Reid, the terms of a contract made with
and Russell Townsend. the engravers of the annual book.

"The great outrushes of cold air
from the interior of Greenland appear
to be the origin of the great storms
of Europe," Professor Hobbs said. "No
weather stations have heretofore been
established near either of the great
poles of our earth. It is thought
probable that from such a station
near the border of the icedome of
Greenland, a warning can be given by '
wireless two days in advance of the l
arrival of these storms in northwest-
ern Europe." .
Doctor Hinsdale told his radio au-1
dience about the primitive men of
Michigan, the Indians who inhabited
the state before the white men came.
He described their origin, their living'
conditions, and their habits and cus-I
toms. Doctor Hinsdale is probably
better informed on this phase of re-I
search than any other archaeologist.
The next University program, Waldo{
M. Abbot of the rhetoric department,
who is director of University broad-
casting, announced, will be presented
Ion Tuesday, January 5.

are available.
In commenting upon the premiere
yesterday, E. Mortimer Shuter, who isE
directing his ninth Michigan opera
this year, said: "The. performance
Monday evening was the best opening
night presentation made by. any opera
that I have staged."
Dr. C. G. Darling, '81M, professor of
dental surgery, who has seen prac-'
tically every Michigan opera that has
been produced, was among those to
congratulate Mr. Shuter on "Tambour-
ine" after the initial presentation.
Dr. Darling remarked that he was
deeply impressed with this year's mu-1
sical comedy, and stated that "it is
the finest opera that has ever been,
given, not excluding 'Cotton Stock-1
LANSING.-Dr. Ballenger, appoint-
ed by the Hungarian government as
an exchange professor to the Michigan
State college, will arrive and be as-
signed to soils department about
Jan. 4.


________________.. . I L u u g.-. . . . l.
Prof. Howard B. Lewis of the phy- Cards were sent out last week to
FOREST! Y CL UB siological chemistry department, and all who had signed for the Michigan-
Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the ensian, but have not made payment.
TO HEAR HOBBS internal medicine department in the Those who have not yet paid for th-e
Medical school, are the members of book may do so at the office in the
Prof. W. 1.H.obs of the geology the faculty who will be initiated into Press building any time before Dec.
department, will give a public talk Alpha Omega Alpha tonight. Dr. Wil- (18. After Christmas vacation thej
dn "Greenland" to the Forestry club iam A. White, superintendent of St. I charge for the book will be increased
at its meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in [Elizabeth's hospital at Washington, 50 cents.
rooms 213, Natural Science building. who is speaking at 8 o'clock tonight in
Visitors are invited.I University Hall on "Some Broadening
Professor Hobbs has taken part in Vistas of Modern Medicine," will be iP res aen Little
several geological expeditions in the made an honorary member of the so-
North. This summer he will head aimn ciety. F o b l
expedition, supported by the govern-4
anent and the University, for estab- gn rnnnnn
ishing meteorological stations in H ISays Over-emphasis By Press Con-
Greenland. VVIstitutes Real VUnaLce To
Preceding the talk, memb~ers of thme i~inTfhf n I~lffIsttsRa eaeT
club will meet at 7:30 o'clock for a L I amateur spirit
short business meeting. ll

Takes Stand On Professional
ag nates Tempting. Collegiate Stars

were over-emphasized, President Lit-
tle said, "Undoubtedly some individ-
ual players are being over-emphasized
and some under-emphasized. This al-
ways has been and always will be the
case. Complete justice is seldom

ers, said Mr. Hall. "When they turn
their rhetoric on some innocent young-
ster in the back field that happens to
run into a fumbled ball and runs 85
yards for a touchdown and compare
him for that one act with all the
heroes of history, that is very much to


T Tyrryvil Rnn.,qviyol#. F

Three selections, "The Victors,"

Stating that professional football
reflects public interest, President4

I~~~~ I_ .w-7 1 k '

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