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December 08, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-08

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 66






Believes Immediate Erection Of New
Stands To Be Only Solution
To Tieket Problem


Large Crowd Greets Initial
Performance Of 'Tambourine'
"Tambourine," the 20th annual Heath, treasurer of the opera. The
Union opera, was presented to the sale will be conducted at the Whitney
public for the first time last night at from 1 o'clock until 8:30 o'clock every
the Whitney theater. A large audi- afternoon this week.
ence witnessed the premiere and1 The entire opera was staged by E.
greete the initial exhibition of 15 Mortimer Shuter under whose direc-
weeks' labor. J torship the Mimes production has
Students may apply today for grown fromn a local production to a
ticket applications to performances in nationally known opera during the
Chicago, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Sag- past nine years. "Cotton Stockings",
inaw, Flint, and Detroit. These will I which was the first opera to invade
be available any time after 9 o'clock the East, stamped the annual Univer-
this morning at the house manager'sl
offices in the Union. Ticket applica- A review of the opening per-
tions for performances in the remain- frac atngtwl e
ing cities on the itinerary will be re- formaune last night will be
leased the latter part of this week f
Alumni in all of the towns where the 1column on page four.
opera will play have now receivedl
their applications. Tickets are ob- sity presentation as one of the most
tained directly from each theater, stu- complete and pretentious college dra-
dents imailing their applications to matic offerings ever attempted.nA
the city in which they desire to see Performances will be given in Ann'
the production. Arbor this evening, and Wednesday,
A few good seats remain for prac- Thursday, and Friday nights, conclud-
tically every remaining Ann Arbor ing the local showing with a matinee


Will Tell Story
Of Royal Courts

DETROIT, Dec. 7.-Advocating the
immediate erection of a stadium seat-
ing 75,000 persons as the only possible
solution to the present problem of 1
ticket distribution for Wolverine foot-
ball games, Coach Fielding H. Yost
explained the situation at Ann Arbor
andashowed why the proposed stadium
is a necessity in his address at the
banquet given by the University of
Michigan club of Detroit in honor of
the Michigan team here tonight.
"No one regrets more than. the
Board in Control of Athletics that it
was forced to deny ticket applications
and refund the excess money received.
But the board has no choice. You
cannot put a gallon of water into a
pint measure. You cannot sell one
seat to three or four persons. There
are only 47,000 seats available; this is
twice as great a number as were
available four years ago, and yet is
woefully insufficient.
Plan Golf Course
"No one realizes thenecessity for
an adequate stadium more than does
the Board in Control of Athletics, I
can assure you. This board has al-
ready approved general plans for a
new stadium, and the purchase of 120
additional acres of land. On a part
of this land the new stadium will be
located, and on the other part, an 18
hole University golf course."
Coach Yost declared that the Uni-
versity athletic officials are attempt-
ing to provide seats for supporters of
visiting teams, the steadily increasing
student body, the faculty, the alumni,
which is increasing each year at a
-minimum rate of 2,000 and the citi-
zens and taxpayers of the state of
"In my judgment," he told the
alumni who attended the bianquet,
there is no question of the Univer-
sity's obligation to serve all these in-
terests. As a state institution, own
ership of which is vested in the peo-
ple of the state whose taxes make the
institution possible, it certainly owes
an obligation to every citizen in the
state. If a taxpayer wishes to visit
the University and chooses to do it on
the occasion of a football game, he
should not be denied.
"Fortunately, the plans as present-
ed by the Board in Control of Athlet-
ics and approved by the directors of
the General Alumni association, take
all these factors into consideration.
The proposed stadium will furnish
75,00 seats.
Answers Crites
Answering a criticism that has re-
ceived publicity on the University
campus, Yost denied that Michigan is
concerned with what Is done at other
universities, notably Ohio, Illinois,
Minnesota, Pennsylvania or Califor-
nia. "This is not a 'stadium race'
with any other institution," he told
the Detroit university men. "It makes
no difference to Michigan what other
universities may have done." He re-
ferred to the erection of a great stadia
by other universities merely as exam-
ples of what other schools had done
when faced by the same situation.
"That other universities have pre-
ceded Michigan in this move influ-
ences the local authorities only in
that it strengthens their belief that
the plan is not a radical one," he de-
In citing evidence to prove the ab-
surdity of the "stadium race" charges,
Yost gave the examples of the expan-
sion of the University library at Ann
Arbor, and of the hospital, the mu-
seum, the engineering shops, the needs
of each which has been met by the
construction of a new building
"Would it not have been absurd to
argue against any of these neede
buildings," he asked, "on the ground
that Michigan should not enter a
'building race' with other universitie
that were putting up similar struc
tures? Michigan needed all .these
buildings and went about it to ge
them, independent entirley of the ac
tion of institutions."
(Continued on Page Two)

I ur eat herlan


according to Homer

performance Saturday.

$400,000 IN DAYi

Interfraternity Body Recommends
ccntinIuation of Present Systemj
In Committee Report

Football Star Is Given

Guarantee Of

$300,000 For Signing Motion
Picture Contract


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-Red Grange
trod a golden path in his spectacular
week-end visit to New York .
The former hero of college grid-
irons, now starring as a professional
with the, Chicago Bears, left the city
this afternoon for Washington to ful-
fill a playing engagement there to-j
morrow after realizing close to $400,-
000 here within tlie short space of 241
hours on his fame and name.
The climax of Grange's financialI
operations, now as sensational as any
of his performances on the football
field, was the signing of a motion pic-
ture contract today under which he
was immediately handed a check for
$300,000, representing a flat guaran-
tee for his first appearance on the
In addition to this Grange was paid
$30,000 for participating in the 19-7
victory scored by his Bears over the
New York Giants yesterday at the
Polo grounds before a record crowd
of 75,000 and received $40,000 more
from metropolitan business concerns
obtaining his endorsement for sweat-
ers, dolls, caps, shoes, tobacco and
Grange gained 150 yards during
his short afternoon's worldagainst the
Giants' so his share of the gate re-
ceipts represented $240 for each yard
he advanced.
All told Grange has accumulated
close to a half million dollars since
he left the University of Illinois two
weeks ago, immediately following his
last college garde against Ohio State,
and joined professional ranks.
Flight Opens Air
Route To Florida
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-Bearing four
passengers, the new seaplane, "Miss
Key Largo City," left New York this
afternoon for Florida, on th'e first
flight over a proposed direct air line
between New York and southern

Opposing deferred fraternity rush-'
ing of any kind, and backing up the
decision with letters from universi-
ties where deferred systems have
been tried, which were unanimous in,
their disapproval of the change, the
committee of the Interfraternity coun-
cil which has been considering rush-
ing since last September, yesterday
offered its report, which strongly
recommends the continuation of the
present system.I
The question will be ,discussed at i
fraturnity meetings this week, whenI
delegates to the council will be in- I
structed as to the attitude of their
respective houses in time for the finall
vote on the question which will be
taken at a special meeting of the
council next Monday. An unofficial
vote on the question yesterday showed
27 houses opposed to any changes in
the present rushing rules and 11 in
I favor of some form of deferred pledg-
The report of the committee, which
consisted of Richard Barton, '26, Jack-
son Stith, '26, Walker Everett, '26,
John P. Rowe, '26, and Sterling Smith,
'26, lists 14 reasons why none of the
proposed systems of pledging later in
the year would work satisfactorily at
Michigan. Chief among these objec-
tions, the report stresses the follow-;
1. Deferred rushing would divide
the student body more distinctly into;
fraternity and independent groups,I
and would tend to break up school
spirit, not add to it.j
2. The fraternity life of a college
,man would be cut to three years,j
which, if fraternity life is an advan-'
tage, would not be benficial.
3. Deferred pledging h'as not work-
f ed with any degree of success at col-
leges similar to Michigan, notably
Leland Stanford and Wisconsin.
4. Freshmen would lose one year
I of the good influence exercised by fra-
> ; (Continued on Page Three)
NEW YORK.-Announcement has
been made here of the merger of the
West St. Louis Water & Light Co. and
the West St. Louis Pipe Line Co.

Presents Ideals Of Weekly Journals
As Possible Means Of Solving
Present Day Problems
i~ -
Pleading for a free and independent
press, Oswald Garrison Villard, edi-
tor of the Nation, cited some examples
of journals that give hope of achiev-
ing that end, after criticizing the pres-
ent day newspaper as capitalistic and.
imperialistic, in the Natural Science
auditorium yesterday.
He said that American papers have
given the people "the most terrible{
orgy of lying in the press, since 1914, 1
that was ever manifested in any1
country." Mr. Villard said, however,
that the newspaper, having grown to
be a business rather than a profes-3
sion, had been subject to the same
economic forces as any other business,
and indicated that with the develop-
ment of the commercial interests of
the journals, the development of capi-
talistic tendencies was quite natural.".
Sees Big Problimns
Suppression of competition was the
cause given by Mr. Villard for the re-
cent consolidations of many promi-
nent organs. He cited instances' of
cities which possessed only one news-
paper, saying that they were becom-
ing more numerous continually. This
and that strength of the chain papers
such as those of the Booth interests!
in Michigan, have brought up an im-
portant problem, the disappearance of
the "other side representative." The
American governmental system, he ex-t
plained, is based on an intelligent and
enlightened electorate and on the two
party organization. If modern ten-
dencies leave only one newspaper in
any city, he asked, "What will become,
of the theory that all sides of a ques-
tion should be presented to the
Today, Mr. Villard stated, papers
develop into business institutions, and
it is natural for their managers to
lean toward the "Chamber of Com-
merce crowd", and to sympathi e with.
men of capital who control big finan-
cial enterprises. The distinction be-
tween party organs has greatly de-
creased, and such questions as tax
problems have become no longer party
disputes. The newspapers present a
narrow point of view, they are class
organs, and do not present the aspira-
tions of the people. This is partly
due, he said to physical forces. For
instance, in New York there are more
than 500 meetings of various sorts
every day. It would be impossible to
cover all of these, and from that fact
has devoleped the accusation that cer-
tain groups are ignored intentionally.
This accusation, in turn, has in many
cases some foundation. The papers
feel that they must stand for the in-
terests of the wealthy, and the people
feel that they are not represented.


President of University Alumni Body
To Addregs Assoclation-Frayer
Will Give Lecture
Alumni, faculty, and students will
join in producing the semi-monthly
"Michigan Night" program to be
broadcast from 9 to 10 o'clock tonight
from the University station in Uni-
versity hall. The broadcasting tonight -
will consist of alumni and faculty ad-
dresses and musical entertainment
furnished by the Women's league or-
{The program will open with two
dance numbers by the women's or-
chestra, "Oh Lovey Be Mine" and "If
You Handn't Gone Away." Prof. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs of the geology depart-
ment will then speak on "A Meteoro-
logical Expedition To Greenland." He
will explain his coming expedition to 1
Greenland, in which he will be assist-
ed by the United States government
and by Danish scientists.
Following Professor Hobb's talk,
"Cecilia" and "Save Your Sorrow"
will be played by the orchestra.
Next on the program is Dr. Wilbert
B. Hinsdale, professor emeritus ofE
medicine, who will tell of "Primitive
Men of Michigan." Dr. Hinsdale, who
j is at present custodian of Michigan
archaeology, is vitally engrossed in
studying the history of ancient inhabi-
tants of this state, and is generally .
considered the best informed archae-!
ologist on primitive men of Michigan.
Two violin solos, "Prelude and' Al-
legro" by Pugnani-Kreisler and "A
Son of the Puszta" by Keler-Bela, will
be played by Emily Mutter of the
School of Music. Pauline Kaiser, also,
of the School of Music, will accom-!
pany her.
"A Talk with Michigan's Alumni"
will next be given by Mason P. Rum- 4
ney, '08, president of the University
Alumni association. While in the
University, Mr. Rumney was for two
years a member of the Varsity foot-
ball team. He is now vice-president
of the Detroit Steel Products com-
pany. Two popular. dance numbers,
1 "I'm Gonna Charleston back to
Charleston" and "Want a Little Lov-
in'," will follow Mr. Rumney's talk.I
The last address on the program
will be given by Prof. William A.!
Frayer of the history department. The
subject on which he will speak is'
"International Co-operation - The
Next Step." The closing numbers by
the orchestra will be "Sleepy Town
Gal" and "A Varisity Piona Duet Var-
sity Medley."
The next program to be sent out
( from the University and broadcast
through WJR, the station of the Jew-
ett Radio and Phonograph company
of Pontiac, and WCX, the Detroitj
Free Press station, will be presented
Tuesday, Jan. 5.j
Ltittle's Plan

Princess Cantacuzene
Is Authority On Political Conditions;
Will Describe Life In Washington
And In Czar's Court


Princess Cantacuzene, granddaugh-
ter of Gen. U. S. Grant, will give the
fifth lecture of the season course of the ]
Oratorical association at 8 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium. Her sub-It
ject will be: "My Life Here, and,
There." Frank P. Weaver, '28L, vice-I
president of the association, will pre-1
The princess has earned an inter-
national reputation as a writer, and
her lecture work has taken her not
only to all parts of the United Statest
but to Europe as well. In recent years!
her articles on Russia, published int
the Saturday Evening Post and other c
magazines have attracted much- at-!
tention, while her series of articles
on conditions in Europe, written dur-
ing the past summer, were widely i
In her lecture Princess Cantacuzene
will tell of her childhood memories;
of General Grant and other celebrities
of the Civil war period. She will also;
relate later experiences in New York
and Washington society and her de-j
but at European courts, where she
met the Emperor of Austria and other
notables. She will describe her life
in Russia before the World war, when
she was a frequent visitor at'the court
of the Czar and met many titled men
and women who figured conspicuously
in the tragedies which followed the.
Bolshevik revolution.
In the early stages of the Russian
uprising the princess left Russia with
her family and thus escaped being
numbered among the victims of the
massacres instigated by the Bolshevik
leaders. The great estates of the
Cantacuzenes were seized, however,
and most of their other possessions,
were lost. After finding refuge inf
America the princess established a I
home in Washington. Since then she
has been a leader in social activities,
and has won recognition as a writer
and speaker.
Princess Cantacuzene was born in
the White House in Washington dur-
ing the presidency of her grandfather.
In 1898, after being presented to so-
ciety, she lived for a time in Wash-
ington. During the war with Spain,
her father, Frederick Dent Grant, re-
ceived the appointment of military
commander of Porto Rico. At the close
of the war she accompanied her aunt,
Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, on an
extensive tour, visiting London, Paris,
Rome, the Nile, Palestine, and Greece.
In Rome she saw a great deal of Ital-
ian society and attended some bril-
liant social functions. A few weeks

[ajority Party Amends Rules After
Vote Of 208 To 196-Senate
Opening Is Quiet
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Amid color-
ul and turbulent scenes in the House,
end utter calm in the Senate, the 69th
ongress put under way today its first
end long ses'sion.
A small group of insurgents started
he fireworks in the House, but de-
spite their opposition the Republican
najority rolled up with the Coolidge
andslide of 1924, moved on to victory
n every test of strength.
Name Floor Leader
Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio, for-
ner Republican floor leader, was
lected speaker in a three-cornered
ace in which the Democrats sup-
orted Finis J. Garrett, of Tennessee,
heir floor chief, and the insurgents
ast their ballots for Henry Allen
ooper, of Wisconsin. The vote was:
Longworth 229; Garrett 173; Cooper
3. Five voted present.
Formal announcement of the elec-
ion of Mr. Longworth was greeted
with applause and when the new
speaker was escorted into the cham-
er on the arm of Representative Gar-
"ett, he was. given an ovation in
vhich both the House membership
and the crowded galleries joined.
With the organization preliminaries
ver, the next test of strength was on
a proposal of the Republican leaders
:o amend the rules so as to make more
ifficult the discharge of a committee
rom the consideration of legislation
eferred to it. Here again the Repub-
icans won, but by a narrow margin,
he vote being 208 to 196. Several of
he regulars joined with the insur-
ents and Democrats in opposing the
The scene in the Senate was in
sharp contrast to that in the House.
rhe program mapped out by the Re-
publican leaders was carried through
with no semblance of debate and the
ession lasted only 25 minutes. Three
new senators, LaFollete of Wisconsin,
Robinson of Indiana, and Williams of
Missouri, were sworn in, and organ-
zation was completed with the elec-
tion of Edwin P. Thayer of Indian-
apolis, as secretary of the Senate.
Only one question had threatened to
discourage the calm of the opening
session and that was smoothed out
just before the gavel fell. This was
whether there should be immediate
discussion of the right of Gerald P.
Nye, of North Dakota, to a Senate
seat as the appointee . of Governor
Sorlie. Friends of Mr. Nye had the
subject referred to committee.
Two Draw Interest
As the proceedings moved forward,
two figures on the Senate floor held
the attention of the crowded galleries.
They were Vice-President Dawes, who
only recently returned from his cam-
paign over the country for a change
of Senate rules, and Robert Marion
LaFollette, who, as the successor of
his father as a senator from Wiscon-
sin, gained the distinction of being the
youngest man to sit in this body in
more than half a century.

Members of the University . athletic
coaching stafl, the Ann Arbor high
school football team, and the teaching
staff of the athletic department, will
be guests of the Chamber of Com-
merce at a dinner tomorrow night at
the Chamber of Commerce inn. The
banquet will be in the form of a re-
ception to the high school squad and
the two coaching staffs, and will re-
place theuregular Tuesday luncheon
of the club.
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, will give the ad-
dress of the evening. He has chosen
for his subject, "The Six Big Plays of
the Year." Regent Junius E. Beal
will act as toastmaster.
Dean Day Speaks
- n _ r m w

Mr. Villard reminded the audience
of some of the prominent newspaper
men of the past, saying that the day
of great editors and responsible edi-
tors was past, and that there should
be in the newspaper some outstanding
person who could be held responsible
for the paper's actions. He explained
how Adolph Ochs, of the New York,
Times, has submerged himself in his
journal in an attempt to build up a
great impersonal institution. As an
example of this he said that Mr. Ochs
jmade no announcement of the appoint-
ment of the new managing editor.
Teils Of Experiments

For Entrance
Tests Upheld!
University officials were notified yes-
terday that the Michigan High School
Principals association has adopted
resolutions endorsing President Clar-
once Cook Little's expressed attitude
of limiting college admission to onlyI
{those pupils whose aim is scholstic
{attainment. It was decided at the

!Yost Expresses Satisfaction
With 1926Football Schedule]

As tentative experiments which meeting of the association, which was later, atL annes,
Complete satisfaction with the 1926 Wolverines here. By signing the might eventually prove solutions of held in Lansing last Thursday and tacuzene to wh
s Wolverine football schedule was ex- Gophers for the second time, another the problem, Mr. Villard cited the Friday, to appoint a committee known gaged before re
pressed by Fielding H. Yost, director big home game was obtained to round Christian Science Monitor, and also as the "college entrance requirement The wedding tool
. of intercollegiate athletics, just before out the Michigan season. some other modern journals of un- committee," the committee to be in- the autumn of 18
he left for Detroit to address the The difficulty that Minnesota ex- usual organization. Mr. Villard also structed to offer its assistance to
d football banquet in that city last1 periences in obtaining Conference mentioned the Jewish Daily Forward, President Little. GA LENS
night. The scheduling of two games games, in the opinion of Coach Yost, is or "Vorwarts", the editors of which re- The resolutions expressed approval
a with Minnesota filled out the card to due to the fact that most of the Big i ceive no share of the profits, which of President Little's plan of raising ADMIT
s everybody's satisfaction, according to Ten universities have traditional ri- go to help various causes. The staff the requirements and standards of AN4IDJ
- the coach, who spent the week-end in vals and intersectional games which receive only small salaries. Another admission, and also of his suggestion
e Chicago attending the annual meeting are scheduled first, and then the example was the Minnesota Daily I for closer co-operation between high
t of Big Ten coaches and athletic di- coaches are unwilling to add to the Star, which was started with 8,000 school principals and college officials. Galens, honora
- rectors. I hardships of their season by arrang- owners, the purpose of the plan being The resolutions stated further that iiciety, will hold
The return game with the Gophers ing a trip to Minneapolis. He denied to avoid narrow interests. This-jour- "one of the greatest needs of the day members at 6:3
in the same season, a departure from the rumors that coaches, aware of nal failed, he stated, on account of in- is to create among pupils a high- re- the Union. Besi
the precedent of recent years, was the fact that Minnesota's sophomore experienced management. gard and a profound respect for a will be initiat
the result of the fact that Michigan eleven of this year should be a strong Mr. Villard declared himself against high grade of scholarship and a strong l Clarence Cook I
had an open date on Oct. 16 which no contender next season, avoided a state control of newspapers, as well character," adding that "colleges and D. Bruce, direct
other Conference team could fill. Minnesota game in seeking an easier as endowed newspapers. He outlined universities can be of great assistance cine in the Me
Iowa, Coach Yost declared, was will- foe. the ideals of the weekly journals, in in stimulating such respect." taken into the si
ing to nlav in Ann Arbor. but had al- "It is impossible to tell now what one of which he is interested, saying ! The following committee was an- Charles L. M(

slie met Prince Can-
om she became en-
turning to America.
k place at Newport in
ry junior medical so-
its initiation of new
0 o'clock jonight at
de the students who
ed tonight, President
Little and Dr. James
or. of internal medi-
dical school, will be
cCallum. '26M e nrsi-,

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