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December 06, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-06

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 65





Two Act Musical Comedy By Davies
And Everett Will Use Many
Costume Novelties
* Marking the 20th annual production
of Mimes, the ninth Union opera to be
staged by E. Mortimer Shuter, and the
culmination of 15 weeks' extensive
preparation, "Tambourine" will make
its debut at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow
night at the Whitney theater. Per-
formances will be given every nighti
this week except Saturday, when
there will be a matinee presentation,
for the particular benefit of students,
faculty, and toWnspeople. On Dec. 18
the opera will go on the road, giving
15 performances in 13 cities through-
out the middle West and East.
"Tambourine" was written by
Walker Everett, '26, and Valentine
Davies, '27, while all of the music was
composed by Milton Peterson, '27LL
The dances were arranged by Roy
Hoyer, of "Stepping Stones," and the
costumes created by Lester, of Chi-
cago, excepting those in the pro-
logue which were designed by Dor-
othy Stone.
Opera Has Two Aets
"Tambourine" is a musical comedyt
written in two acts and a prologue.,
The latter is played at the camp of a1
gypsy witch in a mountain pass
abroad. The village square of Slavon-
ia, an imaginary Balkan kingdom, isI
the setting of act I. The great hall int
the king's palace is the scene of actc
II. A captivating princess, who joins
a gypsy band on the day of her sched-
uled marriage to the king, is the prin-;
cipal character, and a pleasing loveq
affair develops when she falls in love
with the captain of the king's guards.1
Comedy is intermingled with the ap-
pearance of an American adventuress,
and ensuing situations afford the
clever development of a stronger plot
than the opera usually has enjoyed.
With a larger company this year
than has ever presented the opera,
and settings which make possible the
most colorful stage effects, Lester,
stated last night that "Tambourine"
is beyond questelon "the largest and I
most elaborate amateur production In
the world, and by far the most pre-
tentious of any Union opera, thor-
oughly equipped in every detail."
Novel Costume Featured
Among the costume novelties to-
morrow night will be the red jeweled
heels worn by Dan Warne '27, the
j leading woman in the "Girl in White,"
which were brought here by Lester
from the 1925 Paris exposition; the
new personality masks worn on the
gowns in the "Rose" dance, which
are small doll faces moulded by the
only such machine in the country;
the vilite illumination process used
in the "Mystics," which Lester claims
is newer and more powerful than
radium treated gowns.; the hosiery
and tights all of silk, with the excep-
tion of those in one comedy number,
which is rarely attempted in the cos-
tuming of any company; and the 24
pairs of white kid boots in the "Mys-
tics," the equal of which are found
in only one show in the country, "The
Student Prince," accoridng to Lester.
The dress rehearsal yesterday ter-
minated at midnight at the Whitney
theater. Messrs. Shuter, Lester, and
Hoyer directed the last touches. Aft-
er rehearsing the entir~e production
more than half a dozen times, the
opera was pronounced in readiness

for the premiere.
A few tickets remain for the open-
ing performance, which from indica-
tions, will be attended by one of the
largest audiences of the week. The
box office sale will be conducted again
at the Whitney tomorrow afternoon.

Russian Violinist1



Cecilia Hansen

Numbers By Kreisler, Tschaikovsky,
And Scott Included In Miss
Hansen's Prograin
Marking her first appearance in
Ann Arbor, Cecilia Hansen, noted Rus-
sian violinist, will appear at 8 o'clock
tomorrow night in Hill auditorium as
the second number in the Extra-Con-
cert series under the auspices of the
University School of Music.
Miss Hansen, following a brilliant
success in Russia and continental Eu-
rope, made her debut in America with .
the Chicago Symphony orchestra un-I
der the direction of Frederick Stock.'
Immediately she entered upon a coast
to coast tour with unusual critical'
acclaim, and filled engagements with
the Chicago, Boston, St. Louis, New
York Philharmonic, State Symphony
and Metropolitan Opera House orches-
tras, the Chicago Symphony re-book-
ing her for another pair of concerts
within the same season.
Richard Aldrich, music critic for
the New York Times, said of her
New York debut, "Cecilia Hansen
plays like a man, but yet a woman.
Those present are likely to remember
the occasion, for Miss Hansen will
not long remain a stranger to the
greater public of New York. In five
minutes she captured her house."
Miss Hansen, of Russian birth and'
Danish ancestry, is a pupil, along
with Heifitz and Seidel, of Leopold
Auer, who has trained so many world-
famous artists. She was also asso-
ciated in Leningrad with the great
group which included Stanislavsky
and Feodor Chaliapin.
The program tomorrow evening will
include a group of three numbers ar-
ranged for the violin by Fritz Kreis-
ler, the Tschaikovsky Concerto in D
major, Dance and Lotus Land 1y Cy-
ri Scott, and the Vitali Chaconne.
Miss Hansen will be assisted by Mr.
Boris Zakharoff at the piano.
Cam pbell Suffers
Serious Injuries
Robert A. Campbell, treasurer ofj
the University, was removed to the!
University hospital yestgrday as a re-
sult of injuries sustained in an auto-
mobile accident while enroute to Lan-
sing Wednesday evening. It was not
thought that Mr. Campbell had been
seriously injured, but later develop-
ments made it necessary to move him
to the hospital for treatment of his
back and spine.
Mr. Campbell has been confined to
his home since the accident, and is
not expected to resume his work for
more than a week.
President Clarence Cook Little, who
was also an occupant of the car when
it skidded into the ditch escaped with-
} out injury.

Was Advisor To Wilson During War;
Jhas National Iteputation
As An Author
Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of
the Nation, has been secured by the
Round Table club to speak at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science i
auditorium on "Recent Press Tenden-
"ies and Dangers". He will be intro-'
duced by Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department. This the first
appearance of Mr. Villard in Ann Ar-
bor since his address to the Faculty
club soon after the close of the war.
In his talk, Mr. Villard will deal
with what he considers some of the
most fundamental modern tendencies
of the press and their attendant dan-
gers to the public and nation. He is
a recognized liberal, and the knowl-
edge of his subject has been gained
through life-long associations in the
journalistic profession. With one ex-
ception, Mr. Villard comes from the
oldest family of journalists in the
United States being a grandson of,
William Lloyd Garrison, the promi-
nent abolitionists of the Civil war
days. His latest writings are a ser-
ies of articles treating the subject of
moder~n journalism, the first of which
appeared in the Century on "The
Press and the President."
Record Of Journaist
Mr. Villard was born in Germany
in 1872. He was graduated from Har-
vard university in 1893, assisting in
the history department there for two
years following his graduation. His
journalistic career started in 1896
when he became a reporter for the
Philadelphia Press. In the next year
he transferred to the New York Eve-
ning Post, doing editorial writing, and
later becoming managing editor and
owner of the paper. He sold the Eve-
ning Post in 1918 and purchased the
Nation. He is also owner of The Nau-
tical Gazete of New York.
Political Advisor In War
During the war Mr. Villard was
prominent among President Wilson's
advisors, being at one time considered
for appointment to the cabinet to su-
percede Colonel House. Politically he
is an independent, having supported
Robert M. La Follette in the last pres-
idential campaign.
Mr. Villard is nationall known as
the author of a number of books,
among them being "John Brown-A
Biography 50 Years After," which wasl
published in 1910; "Germany Em-
battled" written in 1915, for the pur-
l ose of stating the German 'case and
showin. why American opinion in the
main was condemnatory of Germany
and favorable to the Allies; and
"Newspapers and Newspaper Men", in
1923, presenting sketches of the most
widely read metropolitan dailies. He
has also written a number of mono-
graphs on the "Early History of Wall
Street", and "The Germah Imperial
The address will be open to the
public, and there will be a charge of
25 cents which may be paid at the
Idoor. Mr. Vilard will be the guest of
the Round Table club and the faculty
at a dinner at the Union following the

Dean Of Theology School At Oberlin
Will Speak On "Paul" In
11111 Auditorium
Dr. Thomas W. Graham, dean of the
graduate school of theology at Ober-
lin college, will speak on "A Great
University Man, Paul of Tarsus," at
the third University service at 7:30 '
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Dr.
Graham has been in university student
work practically all his life and is
now considered one of the foremost
leaders of American youth.
Former Oberlin Students Lead
The entire program will be con-
ducted by former students and fac-!
ulty members of Oberlin college, Rob-
ert T. Lansdale, Oberlin, '21, of the
sociology department will be the pre-
siding officer and will introduce the
speaker. R. C. Walton, Oberlin, Ex. '27
will read the Scripture passages and
Prof. Wilbert L. Carr, of the Latin
department, will offer the prayers. A
quartet composed of Ingham Sutley,
'26, soprano, Margaret Calvert, '26,J
contralto, William Wilcox, grad, tenor,
and Phillip Culkin, '28, baritone will
sing "Shepherd's Christmas Song" by
Reimann, accompanied by Philip La-
Rowe, grad, on the organ.,
Graduated From Toronto,
Dr. Graham is a graduate of Toron-
to university and since that time has
never ceased to be in contact with uni-
versity students in one capacity or j
another, with the exception of the 11
period during the war when he served
as chaplain to a national guard unit
in France. After graduation, he went
to Minneapolis where he became gen-
eral secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at
the University of Minnesota. He left
active participation in this work to
take up the ministry and became pas-
tor of the First Congregational church
of Minneapolis.1
At the entrance of America into the
World war, he went to France as a
chaplain, andy upon his return became
a member of the faculty of the grad-
uate school of Theology of Oberlin.!
In 1923, he succeeded Dr. I. E. Bos-
worth, retired, as dean of that school.
This will be Dr. Graham's first ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor in recent years.



Rules Against
Financing Of
Extra Session
(By Associated Press)
AUSTIN,Tex., Dec. 5.-Financing
>r underwriting of the expenses of a
pecial session of the Texas house of
epresentatives for impeachment pur-
oses from private or individual
ources is unauthorized and unwar-
anted as against public policy, At-
orney-General Moody of Texas, ruled
tonight. Trhe ruling was made at the
equest of Lee Satterwhite, speaker
>f the Texas house of representatives.
This opinion is taken here as the
ermination of the proposed special
ession of the legislature which has
>een agitated for some time. This
>pinion held that there would be no
tuthority to issue warrant against ex-i
austed appropriations made for the
ontingent expenses of the 39th leg-
slature, to cover compensation of I
nembers of the House while attend-1
ng an impeachment session should it
e called by the speaker.
Interfraternity Council Will Consider
Report Of Investigating
Deferred fraternity rushing, which
as been under consideration for
rears and which a special sub-com-
nittee of the Interfraternity council
as been investigating since Septem-
er, will be brought before the en-
ire council at its meeting at 4:30 o'-
lock tomorrow in room 302 of the
The committee composed of Jackson
Stith, '26, John P. Rowe, '26, Richard
Barton, '26, Walker Everett, '26, and
terling Smith, '26, will offer a re-
>ort, based upon investigations which
ave extended over a period of
months. The deferred system outlin-
d in this report, if approved by the
ouncil, will be taken back to the
raious fraternities before definite ac-
ion is taken.
The report of the national conven-
ion of Interfraternity council mem-
bers, which was held last week-end
n New York city, will be given to the
Michigan council by its two dele-
gates, Stith and Rowe, provided time
is available, but these reports will
be subordinated to the main work of
the meeting, which will concern meth-
ods of introducing a system of defer-
red rushing.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-Still facing
a final decision as to their relation-
ship with the insurgents of their
party, Republicans of the House and
Senate took final steps today to or-
ganize the two Houses on Monday.
Senate Republicans held their pre-
session conference without even dis-
cussing the question of whether Sen-
ator La Follette of Wisconsin is to be
treated as one of their group. Al-
though invited to this conference, Mr.
La Follette absented himself and
while it was in progress he was in
conference with the Republican in-
surgents of the Wisconsin delegation
in the House.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-Presiden
Coolidge outlined his views on the
coal situation in a letter today to
John L. Lewis, head of the United
Mine Workers, but they were not dis
closed at the White House. Instead
announcement was made that publi
cation was being withheld purposely
for fear of embarrassment to effort
to restore peace in the anthracit




Wolverine Nine Will Play Nine Games;
First Contest With M. S. C.
Falls April! 21
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 5.-The 1926
baseball schedule of the Big Ten, as1
agreed upon today by the coaches,
follows: Apr. 10: Northwestern at
Purdue; Butler at Ohio. Apr. 16:
Purdue at Ohio. Apr. 17: Iowa at
Illinois. Apr. 20: Chicago at Purdue.
Apr. 21: M. S. C. at Michigan. Apr.
24: Illinois at Purdue; Indiana at
Ohio; Chicago at Iowa; Northwestern
at Minnesota. Apr. 26: Michigan at
Ohio. Apr. 28: Purdue at Indiana.
May 1: Northwestern at Indiana;
Minnesota at Iowa; Illinois at Ohio.
May 3: Indiana at Michigan; Wiscon-
sin at Purdue. May 8: Michigan at
Minnesota; Illinois at Ohio; Iowa at
Northwestern; Indiana at Purdue.
May 10: Iowa at Michigan. May 11:,
Wisconsin at Minnesota. May 12:,
Illinois at Purdue; Ohio at Cornell.
May 15: Michigan at Illinois; Ohio at
Indiana; Purdue at Northwestern;+
Iowa at Notre Dame; Minnesota at
Wisconsin. May 17: Michigan at
Iowa; Ohio at Purdue. May 19: Iowa
at Northwestern. May 20: Iowa at
Minnesota. May 21: Ohio at Michi-
gan. May 22: Illinois at Michigan;
Purdue at Chicago; Indiana at Minne-
sota. May 24: Indiana at Northwest-
ern; Purdue at Wisconsin; Chicago at
Iowa. May 26: Illinois at Iowa. May
29: Chicago at Ohio; Wisconsin at
Michigan; Iowa at Indiana; Minnesota
at Illinois.
June 5: Minnesota at Indiana.
June 9: Ohio at Chicago. June 11-12:
Minnesota at Ohio.
Academy Joins
In Protection
Of Resources
Conservation of natural resources
was the motive of two important steps
taken by the council of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
ters, at its meeting yesterday. Invi-
tations were accepted from a state
and a national organization to pa-
ticipate in their work toward control
of fish, forests, game, mines, and other
The academy accepted membership
in the Council of National parks, for-
ests, and wild life, which is an or-
ganization of various groups interest-
ed in conservation. This body has
been working for some time, and has
a large number of organizations tak-
tingpart in its workd t
The academy was asked tombecome
technical advisor for the Michigan
Conservation counci,oa state organi-
zation of 22 groups formed to consoli-
date the interests of those bodies to-
ward the control of natural resources
in the state. The Izaak Walton league
I took the lead in its organization.
Arrangements were also made to
I hold the annual meeting of the
academy, as usual, at Ann Arbordur-
iug the latter part of March or in arl
April, depending on the decision ol
the Michigan Schoolmasters' club, a
the two groups always have their gen-
eral meetings at the same time.
d (By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-The Amer
d ican destroyers Coghlan and Lamson
- will be withdrawn immediately fron
y Beirut, Syria, the state departmen
s having decided today that they n

Wolverines To Play Five Conference
Games; Indiana, And Purple
Dropped From Schedule
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 5.-A momen-
tous deadlock in the football schedule
meeting of athletic directors of the
Western Conference was broken to-
night when Michigan agreed to play
Minnesota twice in the 1926 football
season, in order to insure the required
four conference games for Minnesota.
Such a return game arrangement has
never before been experienced in the
Big Ten. With the ice broken after
an all-day debate, the directors quick-
ly got down to matching dates for
next fall's football games.
Announce Game Dates
The first game will be played at
Ann Arbor, Oct. 16, and the second
one at Minneapolis, Nov. 20.
The Western Conference football
schedule for 1926 was arranged by the
athletic directors as follows:
Oct. 2: South Dakota at Northwest-
ern; Coe at Illinois; DePauw at In-
Oct. 9: Carleton taforthwestern;'
Butler at Illinois; Kentucky at In-
Oct. '16: Wisconsin at Purdue; Min-
nesota at Michigan; Indiana at North-
western; Iowa at Illinois; Ohio State
vs. Columbia at New York; Chicago
vs. Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.
Oct. 23: Indiana at Wisconsin; North
Dakota at Minnesota; Illinois at
Michigan; Notre Dame at Northwest-
ern; Iowa at Ohio;PiPrdue at Chicago.
Oct. 30: Minnesota at Wisconsin;
Michigan vs. Navy at Baltimore;
Northwestern at Indiana; Pennsyl-
vania at Illinois; Ohio at Chicago.
Nov. 6: Wisconsin at Michigan;
Minnesota at Iowa; Purdue at North-
western; Illinois at Chicago.
Nov. 13: Iowa at Wisconsin; Michi-
gan at Ohio; Chicago at Northwestern;
Mississippi A. and M. at Indiana.
Nov. 20: Wisconsin at Chicago;
Michigan at Minnesota;.Northwestern
at Iowa; Ohio at Illinois; Indiana at



Museum Claims Cities Existed
Beginning Of Christian Era




Dr. S. G. Morley of the Carnegie In-
stitute of Washington will describe
what is called the most interesting:
archaeological field in the new worlds
in his lecture Dec. 16 in the Natural I
Science auditorium. Artists every-E
where proclaim the sculpture andg
other products of the Maya Indians
as among the highest art products of'
the world. Astronomers are amazedI
at the progress made by these people Ia
in the measuring of time by the ob-t
served movements of the heavenly j
According to anators in the museum,
of anthropology here, as early as the
beginning of the Christian era great
cities existed in Guatemala, with 1
elaborately planned civic centers, con-E
sisting of immense stone temples and'
dwellings for priests and the nobility.
Some of the temples, built of masonry,
rise on their artificial pyramids 175
feet above the courts. These buildings
were elaborately decorated.
Beautifully ornate decoration also
occurred on their pottery and textiles, j
wherein a large variety of technical
processes were employed. Throughout
their development over a period of 151
centuries recorded in their hiero-
glyphs, it is possible to trace the
natural evolution' of their architec-
ture, art, writing, city planning, so-
cial, political, and religious organiza-
tion unaffected by outside cultural in-
fluence. Dr. Morley in his illustrated
lecture, "The Greeks of the New
World," will describe this picturesque
French Chamber
Enacts Tax Bill
Tl A . To 7l n r A fil iyymort r

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 5.-The faculty
representatives at the meeting of
Western conference officials today
adopted a four-g:mne rule, to avoid
in future a'situatioL 1ike that at Min-
nesota this fall where oik, Big
Ten football games were sehiuiled.
Each Big Ten team it was voted, imust
schedule. four conference games be-
fore taking on non-conference op-
Red Grange and the effect of pro-
fessionalism 'on intercollegiate foot-
ball was discussed everywhere about
the sessions, but no action was taken.
"What can we do about it," said
Prof. O. F. Long of Northwestern.
"We cannot ask the football players
to pledge themselves not to play pro-
fessional football after they have
finished their Big Ten careers."
Vote On Amateur Status
The only vote involving a question
of amateur status was one todrein-
state R. D. McHague, a student at
Purdue, who, during his high school
days, had accepted $5 to play in. a
baseball game.
The faculty members decided to ask
the athletic directors and coaches not
to send so many scouts to watch fu-
ture opponents, as the press staffs of
the stadiums were getting overcrowd-
ed with "Buffalo Bills." They 'recom-
mended that the scouts be kept to one
from each school at each game, if
They discussed, but took no action,
on proposals to rotate football sched-
ules, so that games might be more
evenly distributed than under the sys-
tem whereby the athletic directors
negotiate their games individually
each winter.
Griffith Re-elected
The re-election of Major John I.
Griffith by the athletic directors, for
his third two-year term as commis-
sioner of athletics of the Big Ten,
was affirmed, and his work in behalf
of clean athletics was highly praised.
The control of indoor and outdoor
track meets of the conference was
taken out of the hands of the graduate
M m nntnYn - cr ,.. - t + n n ],

Philippine Senator
Will Give Lecture
Hon. Sergio Osmena, member of the
j Senate of the Philippines and former
speaker of the House of Represent-
atives, will deliver a lecture at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science
auditorium on the subject "Democ-
racy in the Philippines: Development
of Democratic government in the
The lecture will be given under the
auspices of the University.

Winner Of 1924
Nobel Prize Dies

(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, Dec. 5.--If the council of
the League of Nations follows the
views expressed by the league's dis-
armament council, Argentina and
Chiie, like the United States and Rus-

W W . - sia, will be invited to sit officially on
WARSAW, Dec. 5. - Wladyslaw the special commission on prepara-
Stanislaw Reymont, Polish novelist tion for the proposed disarmament
and poet, and last year's winner of. conference.
the Nobel prize for literature, died he disarmament council, which
today after a long illness.-I met today, did not succeed in conclud-
Reymont visited the United States ing its labors, for the reason that
in the summer of 1919 to study the d(iiliculties arose over the common textI
life of Polish immigrants here. The of the program of sturdy which will
award of the Nobel prize last year be placed before the new preparatory
was based on his most famous work, body.. Great Britain and France are
the novel "Polish Peasants," issued in' at differing views as set forth by Lord
four volumes-"Autumn," "Winter," - nd A. mr.

e longer are needed for protection of
American lives and property there.

sA dispatch of the consul at Beirut
Librarian Returns said that full agreement has been
reached that the situation in the
From Eastern Trip coastal region of Syria was such as to
make the further presence of the
iaB.nsships unnecessary.
William W. Bishop, University 1i The destroyers were dispatched
brarian, recently returned from a com- 4i , 0 .n no.a+ ..

r;;; -~ -w-r77--7-7-%.-




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