vSATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...... .. ..d,.. -r..,, n Gen. King Retracts Criticism m u LOSE In iftchell's Court Martial AT3 P. ADVERTISING AT3P.M, ; Valuable Book Is sack of boos setas waste paper to - vau beB o sa irth ofbooksellers hCn a i1 Cmi' IFY Found In Waste' 1cads. The two bro lers are Lord BEST PRICES Tennyson and his brother Charles, For Men's Used Clothing. LONDON. Dec. .-A first edition --?Phone 4310 115 W. Washington copy of "Poems by Two Brothers," For every article fcr sale, there is 1. BENJAMIN dated 1827, has been discovered in a a buyer. Reach him ihru ('hiiehl. ...I LOST WANTED ST-Black glasses case containing WANTED--To rent large room near ;arcs and silver pen and pencil campus for use as studio in day betwcen Press Bldg. and Barbour time only. Reply box 18. Cym,. Dial 7117. 63-6465.! 62-63-64. LQST, Strayed or Stolen on Nov. 25, 1 WANTED-A garage __betweenNorth Hampdon watch in silver case. University and Catherine and State Valued as gift. Reward for inform-; and Twelfth Sts. Box 36 Daily. ation leading to recovery. Call 63-64. Miller 22348. 63-64-65. I WANTED-Students wanting to make LOST-A pair of glasses in brown money in spare tium. For interview case, in vicinity of campus. Please dial 7639 between 7 and S. Call Box 37, Michigan Daily. 63-64-65. 64-65-66. Att' j J-i f w.40 Leather l aos Jackets, Blouses NOTICE Wonen's Crowning Glory In song and story woman's hair has been justly referred to as her crown- ing glory. Without attractive hair, beauty of features are but an unfram- ed picture. Many of us do not possess an abund- ant growth and feel that this dis- courages the attainment of hair-beau- ty. I wonder if we realize how far from the truth this is-how easily it is for us to developunusually at- tractive hair that gratifies our longing for those wonderful, alluring tresses that Wow and sparkle as a thing of life-for the flowing, wavy hair en- dowed with the mystic charm of ever chang ig shades. Anderson Beauty Shop Phonew 3059 527 E. Liberty 62-63-64. TYPE VRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- ten years. . D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels.Arade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Stf. ELS0tl BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoli, per- ianent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. We y best prices for men's used clotng. .Dial 8040. 1 Student Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer tf WE tke pride in the quality of our work. You should take pride in our products. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. YouIre requested to visit our shop at ur earliest convenience. ARNOLD State gt. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. SCHA$,BERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of musIcal instruments. It pays to tra here. th., f., sat., tf. TYPEWRITERS Rebui and second hand of all makes bougt, sold, rented, exchanged, cleawed, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est tock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. O. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The typewriter & Stationery Store DO ler: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS Persoi l cards should be ordered now. Good work requires time. Printing and ngraving a specialty. Largest and inest selection obtainable. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The fypewriter & Stationery Store tf. TAILORING Studets Tailoring Phone 8040 Co . N. University and Thayer MET'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25 T*OUSERS PRESSED, 20c 9LEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AD' ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND ACOATS REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And Delivered sun., W., f.-tf. NOTIqE-Buy the latest fiction at Bidd}le's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar- cade. w., f., sun. tf. WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices Edw A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. CHINESE - Now on display at 928 church St.-Beads, Brass, Clois- onne Laces, Linens, and Jewelry from China; Mrs. H. B. Merrick. 64-65-66. WANTED WANTED-Girls for relief selling dur- ing noon hours daily. Apply imme- diately at office. Mack & Co. tf WANTED-To assist with housework during the holidays beginning Dec.! 18-19. Preferably girl student and mother or 2 girl students, call 3297 evenings. 64-65-66. POSITION WANTED POSITION WANTED-Good cook de- sires position in Fraternity or Sor- ority. Address Box 33. 62-63-64. FOR RENTI FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash- ington. Dial 8544. 62-63-64.- APARTMENT FOR RENT-Two liv- ing rooms, two bed rooms and bath, but no kitchen. Second floor of Cutting Apartments. Phone 8621.1 64-65-66. FOR SALE FORD Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- erator, side curtains, demountable, rims with good tires. Call J. D. Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell. Pl. Saturday morning. tf. FOR SAL E-1920 Buick, $75. Good running condition. B-22 Lawyer'i Club. 63-64-65-66.j FOR SALE FOR SALE-An antique rosewood buffet $35. Duplex fireless cooker, two well, largest size, $12. Mrs. Haisley. Phone 3405. 63-64-65. FOR SALE-Ford Coup, good condi- tion, leaving school, will sacrifice. Act immediately. Box 35. 62- 3-64. FOR SALE-Victrola and 20 records. Phone 5663. 62-63-64. FOR SALE-Raccoon Fur Coat, made from selected skins by one of De- troit's leading furriers. Coat has been worn only a few times. Size 42, full length, price $250.00, cash. Ad- dress 416 McKerchey Bldg., Wood- ward and Adelaide, Detroit. 64. FOR SALE-Harley-Davidson Combin-j ation. Just over-hauled, $60. 1120' Olivia. 7796. 64. for Ladies and Men. Our ladies leather coats are extremely popular and are a most essential garment for general wear as also for all outing activities. We are showing a large assortment of Jackets, Blouses and Coats in Suede, Reindeer, Horse- hide, Napa and Glove Leather, colors in brown, grey and black. Corduroy Coats with blanket or sheepskin lining. Blouses in Corduroy, Wool Plaids and Suede, also Wool .Navakotes in many patterns-and our prices are as popular as the jackets. Alut in-foralbes antobeand om RdU All kinds--for all nieeds--must be seen to be appreciated, and you need them The remark dropped by Brig. Gen. Edwin L. King, member of the court martial board trying Col. William Mitchell, during a recent session, that "this is damned rot and ought to be stopped," drew the wrath of Mitchell's counsel, Rep, Frank R. Reid and a later "I'm sorry" from King. Capt. Lowell IH. Smith, commander of the round-the-world fliers, testified favorably to Mitchell when called to the stand. Main photo shows Mit- chell and Smith after a session and, inset, Brigader General King. "RNSRUryE Honolulu Resents "_Foreign Epithet W___H TONOLULU, Dec., 4.-Strong edi- HONOLULU, Dec. 4.-Memories of torial comment has been made by a gay and regal affairs at the "Princess Honolulu newspaper against the gov- Ruth Home" in th days of the Ha- ernment officials responsible for the waiian monarchy will soon be all that publication of the October supplement is left of that place, for the building of the United States Postal Guide. which is situated across from Honolu- The supplement lists Honolulu and lu's romantic Emma Square is to be ! Hawaii as "foreign" communities and torn down. A modern grammar places them in a geographical classi- school representing an expenditure of fcation with Hongkong, China, and $160,000 will take its place. Inhambane, Portuguese East Africa. Following the fall of the monarchy, , the home was turned into a public The webs spun by the orb-weaver school, and has been used for educa- spiders are pronounced by engineers tional purposes until the present time. to be geometrically perfect. right now. Priced from $4.75 to $25.00. A most valued gift for home or car. Breeches in large assortment of materials, Blanket Shirts, Underwear, Hiking Shoes, High-Top Moccasin Packs, Puttes, Golf and Heavy Wool Hose, Leather Helmets, Gloves, etc, It will pay you to walk a few b locks SURPLUS SUPPLI Downtown in Rear of Post Office 213 N. Fourth Ave. FOR SALE-Two suits, size Lawyers Club. E-12. 38, call ,64. . _ , aa cburcb e vvicer I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. State and Washington Streets. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, Pastor DONALD TIMMERMAN, MARGARET I1. STAIR Associate Directors of Student Activities 10:30-Pastor's subject: "The Cross and the Garden." Communion ser- vice. 12:00-12:45-Student Bible Classes at Wesley Hall. 2:30-Hospital sing. Meet at Wesley Hall. 6:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild meeting. Priscilla Reichert, leader. "The World Court." 7:00-7:30-Open house. Sociability. 7:90-Join with others at the university service at Hill Auditorium. Dr. Thomas W. Graham, speaker. DISCIPLES Church of Chris Corner Hill and Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone 5146. 9:30-Bible school. 10:30-Morning worship: Address by Charles T. Paul. 12:00-High school class, student classes and adult classes meet. 5:30-Young People's Social Hour. 6:30-Young People's Forum led by Harold Charter. 7:30-We co-operate with the Uni- versity Service at Hill Audi- torium. t Attend Church on Sunday You'll find the ser- vices well worth while. I First Congregational Church "The Church of a Thousand Congregational Students" HERBERT ATCHINSON JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, Jr., University Pastor JANET BEFROTII, Director Jieligie as Eduhcation 10:45-Service of worship. Sermon by Mr. Jump. "The Old and New in Religious Thinking: Si ." 4:30-Mr. Iype speaks on "India" in Pilgrim Hall. 5:30-Student Supper and Fireside Chat. Discussion: "Is There Life After Death .-What Does the Bible and Science Say'?" 8:00-Motion picture service. Feature film: "The Girl I Loved." r I F 1 '- ti . _- I i FIRST BAPTISTS CHURCH Huron Street Between State and Division R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 10:30--Morning'worship. Sermon by Mr. Sayles, "The Oifkeding Jesus." 12:00-The Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting, superintendent. Student Graded Classes in Religious Education at Guild House, under Dr. Leroy Waterman and Rev. Howard R. Chapman. 5:30-Young People's Friendship Hour at Guild House. Come and meet others. ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAITER, MinIster. December 6 9:00-German. 10:00 A. M.-Bible Classes. 11:00 A. M.-English. Sermon: "Behold, I Come Quickly." :30-7:30 P. M.-Students' Meet ing at the parsonage. Rev. Mr. Bruer leads the discussion. 7 :30 P. M.-Advent service, ser- mon: "Jesus, the Counsellor." ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Avp. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor. 9:00 A. M.-Bible study. 10:30 A. M.-Service with sermon on: "From What Jesus Christ Redeemed Us." 11:45 A. M.-Celebration of the Lord's Supper. 5:30 P. M.-Student supper. 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Har- old H. Nielson will lead in dis- cussing: "Is Religion Neces spry to Good Morals and Cul. ture?" UNITARIAN CHURCH State Street af Huron SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister PHILIP E. LARO WE, Musical Director 10:45 Relerence Morning Service-Sermon Topic: "THE MIDDLE OF THE ROA)" reading: "The Evangelical's lilemilla," in the September Atlantic Monthly. 5:45 Student Supper 6:30 Dr. A. R. Morris will discuss "TiE UMIVERSITY CREI)O' 6:30-The devotional meeting. '% U~--~",~ _ , 11 I . I d Corner Division and Catherine Streets HENRY LEWIS, Rector. K. L. LONSDALE, Associate FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice. subject, "God, the Only f easeandC reatorf . BETHLEHEM EVANGELI= CAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. Between William and Packard FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division MERLE if. ANDERSON, Minister 326 South Division St. LEWIS C. REIMANN, Secretatry for Men. MRS. NELLIE B. CADWELL, Secretary for Wonmen. EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection.