VAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 #_ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- itd to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Rard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 4MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thai City Editor.. .......Robert S. Mansfield - News Editor ............ Manning Houseworth Wonen' sEditor...........Helen S. Ramsay Sports 'Editor...............Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor..........William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Margaret Parker William T. Barbour Stanford N. Phelps Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt William Breyer Marie Reed Philip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum 1.. Buckingham, Ruth Rosenthal Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair Eugene H. Gutekunt Courtland C. Smith Gouglas Doubleday Stanley Steinko Mary Dunnigan Clarissa Tapson ]ames T. Herald Henry Thurnau Elizabeth..S. Keuaedy David C. Vokes Marion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple Walter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson Louis R. Markus Thomas C. Winter Ellis Merry Marguerite Zilszke -elen Morrow, made absurd by the nineteenth amend- ment. Plural voting, hardly an Amer- ican institution has found a place in our politics. If women are not capable of stand- ing by themselves, or makingstheir own decisions, the only benefit that ever could have been hoped for in giving them the suffrage will never be reaped. Should the example set in Texas continue, women's suffrage might well be discontinued. Men in the past have been quite able to make their politics rotten without being given the double advantage of hiding their corruption behind the skirts of the woman in office. All chivalry is forgotten in politics. NEWSPAPER ETHICS In these days when trials of the most sensational nature are occupying front page banners and. column after column of space in most metropolitan dailies, the positioon of Walter Lipp- man of the New York World, as out- lined in his speech here, seems to be somewhat like that of Moses, who saw the promised land, but was un- able to reach it. The promised land, to Mr. Lippman, is a land where newspapers print such material as is contained in re- ports of sensational trials only as "social instruction," viewed from an educational attitude and not for the benefit of a degraded public eternally on the watch for debased stories of the worst phase of human nature. Perhaps Mr. Lippman's goal is closer than that of the reformers who would abolish the crime story entirely, but, under present conditions, it it still far in the future. Pessimists find ample encouragement for their attitude in the mounting circulation figures of the "yellow" journals and the small support given to newspapers which are attempting, for the good of the community, to give the public news' that is fit to print. Mr. Lippman's attitude seems to be' founded on the supposition that the public merely demands to know what trials of the sensational type are about, and will be satisfied, as well as benefited by, reports of an educa- tional nature. If such a supposition is true, this course of action would solve the problem, but the facts seem to indicate that the majority of the public is looking for complete details, -the more sensational, the better. The public craving for news of a sordid.nature must be eliminated be- fore newspapers, except for a few notable exceptions, will print only the news that attains a real standard of decency. Those papers which are attempting, despite financial losses, to contribute to the ultimate success of this move- ment, deserve the support of all those who would like to see the stories of murder, assault, divorce, and other trials removed from the limelight of newspaper publicity. OASED ROLLB TO THE LADIES f i i, ,i I II I , AND DRAMA YOU, LAIlES., YOU- Just One AYore Servie We will wrap your purchases so they may be posted to any address in the world. d r { I 1 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising................ ..J. J. Finn Advertising............T D. Olmsted,. Jr. Advertising..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising.................Wm. L. Mulhn Circulation.................H. L. Newman -Publication...........Rudolph Bostelman Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving F. A. Nordquist George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta CG. Parker W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow John I. Bobrink Robert Prentiss W. J. Cox Win. C. Pusch Marion A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner James R. DePuy Joseph Ryan Margaret L. Funk Margaret Smith Stan Glbert Mance Solomon T. Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland, E. Little Wm. J. Weinman Irank E. Mosher SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 Night Editor-SMITH H. CADY, JR. Last night, friends, there was held in University hall what must have been one of the most satisfying events that has taken place this year. A number of ladies argued with another number of ladies. Both sides, we be- lieve were unusually well suited to combat the other. The outcome goes a long way toward solving the age- old problem of what happens an irre- sistable force meets an immovable object. We once stated in this department that there was no justified motive ever connected with a debate, out- side of giving a few people something to waste their time over. We hereby formally detract that remark. There is a very definite purpose which we in our haste overlooked. There can not be any more fitting form of ath- letics, indoor sports, occupation, or what you will for tle modern co-ed than debating. We rhust amend that by saying that this is only true when the debate is participated in by mem- bers of that sex, exclusively. Other- wise it is grossly unfair. We were unable to have a reporter cover the affair for this department, but we are very curious to know how these things are judged and run. In the average debate, of course, the team whose logic is soundest and most convincing wins. This could hardly be the standard of last night's contest PUZZLE PICTURE NO.' - 1 Find the flat tire. In order to stimulate public thought on great problems, we have decided to run a series of these pictures which are both amusing and elevating. They are the sought of thing that Profes- 1sors will be able to solve very quickly, but which will take students and other persons of inferior intellect a long time to solve. But it is just you students who will get the most out of these. You find that if you just spend a few minutes daily working on these your mind will' be able to function more rapidly, your memory will improve, and your en- tire nervous system will be built up, your eyes will have that clear bright- ness, and that tired feeling will dis- appear. Thousands of men, women and children have tried our remedy and send back for more. Over two million bottles of our tonic are ship- ped out from our large factory plant systems daily to every part of this and even some parts of other lands. Doctors recommend-but we forget. This is a Puzzle Picture we are talking about. Well, we are going to run a series of these, just how many we can't'say right now. It may be a series of one only, in which case this will be the only one, or there may be more, you never can tell. Anyone who is in doubt as to the correct an- swer, may find out FREE by writing department S47 and enclosing $13.56 in stamps to cover return postage. That is for the United States and Canada only. Free in any other coun- tries. * * * We note that our neighbor copied the Gargoyle review for his depart- ment yesterday. It's funny but we've been wondering for a long time why the Garg didn't fill space by doing just the opposite. * * * We are now passing around a peti- tion to add an amendment to the Con- I stitution of the State of Michigan, giving the students control of the University . We charge the board of regents with gross mis-Management, and prove this by the fact that since the last election of these men the amount of money which the State has had to give to support the Uni- versity has increased alarmingly. Sir Toby Tiffin. "Perchance, show: But wonder things plain." you wonder at this on, till truth makes all I 1- rJ WE ~ W MANCOLLAE M1TEN K 4 FACTORY MADE Means Skill and Quality in Our Shop,. Save a Dollar or More at the FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415. (Where D. U. I. Stops at State St.) .. Christmas Perfumes Toilet Sets from H-oubigant -coIy Cheramy - Hudnut - Lazell We'll be glad to have you see them. Eberbach & Son Co. 200-2)2 E. Liberty St. THE PRINUESS PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS r A. Irving Warmohts,D S.C CHIROPODIST AND ORTHOPEDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 Do College Students Insure Their Lives? The Answer Seems to be "Yes" Do You Know That in a test recently made with upper-class students of both sexes in fourteen representative colleges, 140 out of 351 said they carried life Insur- ance policies? 'r It is significant that -40% of able use in connection with UG4 undergraduates have insur- the educational program. ance on their lives-a notable parents believe in it because advance over what prevailed they have something invested A ~4 twenty, or even ten, years ago. for the benefit of their chil- This shows that college stu- dren. Students realize that dents and their parents think their lives have an economic life insurance is of consider- value. The John Hancock is particularly interested in insuring college mere and I4 women and in obtaining college graduates for the personnel of the field staff. A STRONG COMPANY. Over Sixty Years in Busi. ness. Liberal ias to -Ee y Wa e y a d S c C olnLI E trac, Safe and Secure In LEISRNECMA Ei RANcECo PAN 0 or oY. d 1HULTT Chas. BOOKS Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk WPI,. Graham mml THER CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD sisoRound Trip Frequent Service MCHGmAN FENTRA I Read the Market Page "The Republican form of gov- ernment has come - to stay in China, the Chinese people -are go- ing to insist on being recognized as a sovereign people with treaty rights which shall be recognized" as a matter of national integrity." -Dr. P. W. Kuo, president of the National Southeastern university, Nanking, China, before the board of foreign missions of the M. E. church. PLURAL VOTING In that state within whose bounda- ries have roamed a never-ending line of explorers, adventurers, swash- bucklers, and swagering cattlemen where 'romance flourished and the un- conventional was conventional, this tradition smashing experiment of woman in politics has not gone well. Unitl just a year ago, Texas still re- tained her audacity, even in these prosaic times, but in a modernized form. Politicians replaced the ad- venturers of old and became the sen- sation makers. But even the displace- ment of masculine bravado from pioneering to the field of politics, un- satisfactory as it might have been, seemed doomed to a still lower plane, Jerhaps to be forever banished, with the advent of gentle woman. Events of the past two weeks, how- ever, have done much to dispel, such fears. A bit of a confiab seems to have arisen concerning waste in the highway contracts evolving from a slight tendency on the part of the chief executive to overlook the detail of competitive bidding. While Miriam A. Ferguson officially heads the state administration, a familiar figure lurkes behind her throne. "Jim" Ferguson, her husband, the man who not so long ago was impeached for improper handling of the state's funds, is the real governor. No, it is still the same Texas, going to any extreme to keep the Klan from power. If we are to judge from the ex- Periences of "Ma" Ferguson, who has proved incapable even to the point of defending herself, woman has made a poor start in politics. Instead of starting on a new tack, with a clean, slate, she has let herself be led by -man into the old rut. Not that any one expected giving the franchise to women on an equal basis with men ^s mni,1 ld bpthe+-. m ia nia ' ta P vltarlii v-, 1 EDITORIAL COMMENT A FUTURE ARISTOCRACY? (The Boston Transcript) General Lincooln C. Andrews, as- sistant secretary of the Treasury, says in a public address that the boot- - leggers bil fair to become the money- ed aristorcracy of the next genera- - tion. We fancy that in the sense that these gentry are likely to preponde- rate in the next generation's "aristoc- racy," General Andrew's forecast is unwarranted. There are still left a few other means of making money and laying the foundation for social rank than the business of dealing in contraband beverages. There is al- ways the Wall Street door to aristoc- racy, and Florida will leave a rich crop of Corinthians for the next gen- eration. The honest bricklayer or plasterer, working at $15 a day, has a chance to found a family that no one of the year 1975 may look ask- ance at. Not all the aristocracy of that date will be flavored with Scotch. General Andrews goes a little too far. Nevertheless, he is right when he points out that present conditions of large profit for a lawless business that somehow will not be suppressed are rapidly enriching a certain not socially desirable class. More than one seashore town points with some lawless pride and with the whispered, words "Our principal bootlegger," to an elegant house, furnished without and within with all the luxuries, and with grounds nobly decorated with the latest achievements in cast-iron stat- uary. Great wealth is gained in this illegitimate traffic; and great wealth means college courses and European travel for sons and aristocratic mar- riages for daughters. It means a large virile foot on the lower rung of the social ladder. It means a recog- nizable contingent for the future world of fashion. Whether this con- tingent may be regarded by those already in the swim as a desirable addition is another matter. And is it not rather beside the question? The1 old1 Britishnbil~ityF did nrA nf: w ranm- i Ii r.* 4 r q ' w SNIGGS, THAT TUINNY MAN I p o q.QUALITY. G&A~pl i' CHRISTMAS GIFTS _ , lawful traffic, and that our bootleg- gers are. But social preference rests upon social opinion; and the same moral indulgence that is accorded to to the bootlegger himself, in spite of the law, may well be extended to his progeny. Even at that, and even as General Andrews says, the general public will not regard with entire complacency the enrichment of a semi-criminal and We carry a very large selection of Christmas gifts of most any description. For example, we have toys, glassware, China sets, very fine cutlery, household utensils, and all varieties of hardware. 1 I Examine our stock. -'-- Inn (. lVXroihnt. UariAtxrorn V^ ' I I~../-. Ar ll~,.. LI li'l