Republicans Will Be On Defensive I1
Struggle To Maintain Majorities
In Houses Of Congress
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. - Politics
will be the lodestone in the Arst ses-
sion of the 69th Congress, which be-
gins Monday.
Leaders of both parties will have
as their chief concern the writing of
records upon whicl they may go to
the country in the 1926 congressional
elections, which will crowd closely
upon the ending of the session.
The Republicans will seek to enact
a legislative program upon which to
stand in asking the voters to return
1 majorities for their party in both
houses during the closing two years
ofdthe present administration of Pres-
ident Coolidge.
Democrats Plan Program
The Democrats will devote their ef-
forts to focusing public attention up-
on what they will denominate the
shiortcomings of administration, legis-
lative and executive, under thetpower
of the Republican party, and to. out-
lining a program of government
which they would undertake to carry
into effect should they be returned to
the control of Congress.
In this process vast waves of words
will inundate both chambers, but more
especially the Senate, where there are
fewer handicaps upon flights of ora-
tory than in the House. In the latter
body many political "speeches" will
remain unspoken, but will find their
way into the Congressional Record
under the privilege of "extension of
In the campaign which will be inau-
gurated almost immediately after the
gavels fall on Dec. 7, and which will
be continued until next November,
there will be involved every seat in
the House and 33 of those in the Sen-
ate. The Republicans have comforta-
ble majorities in both houses and their
fight will be not only to retain them,
but to strengthen their hold.
In the contests for Senate seats,
however, the majority party will find
itself on the defensive at the outset
since 26 Republicans come up for re-
election against seven Democrats, all
of whom are from solidly Democratic
states in the South.
Without facing the necessity for de-
fending its home base, the Democrats
will plan their battle so as to carry
the offensive to the "enemy" at all
times, concentrating its heaviest ar-
tillery in those states of the East and
West where admittedly the contests
are likely to be close.
Among the 26 Republicans up for
re-election are many of the party
wheel horses. These include William.
M. Butler, chairman of the Republi-!
can national committee, and the Pres-
ident's chief spokesman in the Sen-
ate; Charles Curtis of Kansas, the Re-
publican floor leader; and James E.
Watson of Indiana, assistant floor
Winners Ciaim Iuge Financial Outlay
Necessitated By New Amend-
ment Is 'Unwarranted
Debating the affirmative side of thel
Thld labor question, the women's Var-
city debating team lost the decision[
to Ohio State university in the con-
test held at University Ilall last night.
Ohio's leading offensive to the prop-]
"_- -4osition "Resolved: That the proposedI
child labor amendment to the national
Rudyard Kipling constitution should be adopted by the
-t3United States" was that the number
of children engaged in gainful ocen-
KIPLNG H POHTpations throughout the country was
too insignificant to warrant the tre-
S[G T Y BE T Rforeet faconstitutional amend-
|Bative teamcountered ths attack with
-h ees htfree a compara-
Oxygen Was Administered To Patient i tively small number of child laborers
In Early Morning; Attended the government should provide a pro-
'By Two Physicians tection that could only be given by
Bederal control, inasmuch as the sev-
eral states have for past decades com-
HAS DOUBLE PNEUMONIA pletely failed to competently regulate
conditions existent in the prevalency
(By Associated Press) of c(hild labor.
BURWASIH, Sussex, Eng., Dec. 4.- The third speaker of Ohio's nega-
tive team cited statistics tending to
Rudyard Kipling, noted author, who show that through efficient state leg-
is suffering of double pneumonia at islation the number of children em-
his home in this village, showed slight ployed in gainful occupation, in-
improvement this afternoon. jurous to their health, development
Both Lord Dawson, physician to the and education, has been decreasing
BanhLd DCurs, psins ph- for some years, and would continue to
king, and Dr. Curties, Kipling's phy- decrease if the states were allowedi
sician, remained at the bedside most to continue without federal interfer-
of the day, ence.
Early this morning it was found Ihowever, the Michigan team metl
necessary to administer oxygen to the this argument by showing that the
several states could not hope, by in-,
consistent state laws, to help the
S IMPROVEMENT C TINES hid labor situation as easily or asi
consistently as could a centralized
BURWASH, Sussex, Eng., Dec. system under operation of the federal
4.-Satisfactory improvement in government. The affirmative in prov-
the condition of Rudyard Kipling ilng this point, questioned the ade-
continued throughout the day. quacy of a several state control which,
The author is not suffering pain protected the child in the state of
and is completely conscious. His Massachusetts from premature labor,
strong constitution is believed to and at the same time permitted thez
E be withstanding the disease as child in Pennsylvania to work underE
long hours and unsanitary conditions
in the mines of that state.
As a final argument the negative t
patient. His only daughter, Mrs. side objected to the fact that taking
George Bambridge, who lives in Eel- away state control is destructive tot
gium, herself has been ill and has not state rzhts, and conducive to over-
been informed of her father's condi- centralizing the governing of a state
tion. question. It was also pointed outt
When the announcement was made thit this is in direct opposition to our I
that Mr. Kipling was ill, it was said ipolicy of law. 'The aflirmative met
his condition was not serious. his this with the statement that the prob-I
friends, , however, were somewhat Clem was of sufficient national import-
alarmed, knowing well his disinclina- ance to justify making its control na-i
tion to be in the public eye and his tional, especially since the states had
love for almost hermit privacy. proved themselves incompetent to'
It was Sunday evening that Mr. handle the situation .t
Kipling first complained of pains in Judging the debate was Prof. Del-
the chest, but it was not until Monday bert Lean, of Wooster college, Woos-4
that a physician was called to the ter, 0 . Miss Elva Fornerook acted as
bedside. The local practitioner, Dr. chairman of the debate. Prof. Louis
Curties, found that the disease had] M. Eich and Mr. Gail E. Densmore,
developed to a point where he thought both of the public speaking depart-
inent coached the women on the
it wise to summon Lord Dawson. Mr. ec eamst
Kipling is thought to have caught the Michigan teams.
cold which developed into bronchitis1
while in his shirt sleeves in the bitterj
weather while walking about the, IRISH ONDRYD
grounds of his home last Sunday
morning. 1 ETED9 B
immins Lauds
IEnglish 'Forms
Of Instruction
Dr. C. W. Kimmins, chairman of the
extension board of the University of
London, who has spoken here regard-
ing English systems of education, be-
lieves that much of the success of the
English method may be attributed to
constructive legislation.
In recent years, according to Dr.
Kimmins, great enthusiasm has been
displayed for education in England.
Much of this eagerness has been due
to the Fisher law, which not only
supports all existing forms of educa-
tion, but also established nursery
schools for children under grade
school age. In this connection, he
paid tribute to the Merrill-Palmer
school for children in this country
as the finest he has ever known.
(Continued on Page Eight)
Gov iPincliot Renews Efforts ,To Bake
Acceptable Terns For Miners
In Anthracite Strike
.By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4. - Gov.{
Gifford Pinchot has renewed his ef-
forts to bring about a settlement of
the anthracite strike.
Following the rejection of his peace
plan by the operators on Monday, the{
governor Thursday night invited civics
and business leaders of the hard coalr
belt to meet him in Harrisburg nextt
Tuesday for a further discussion of
the situation.
It is generally believed that an-c
other peace proposal will be formu-
Should further peace efforts fail,1
observers believe the situation will beI
referred to the general assembly, pro- t
vided the governor decides to call at
special session.
The Chambers of Commerce of Scran-
ton, Wilkesbarre and Hazleton, repre-
sentatives of which were present1
when Governor Pinchot submitted his1
peace plan last week, have anotherc
peace plan under consideration. Itsz
details have not been revealed.
Rev. John J. Curran, Wilkesbarrec
priest, has been in conference herer
with Samuel D. Warriner, chairman ofc
the anthracite operator's conference,c
and Philip Murray, vice president ofc
the United Mine Workers. Mr. War-
riner said that the priest had express-c
ed a wish that the operators agree toc
the check-off. Mr. Warriner repliedI
that was impossible.
The United Business Mens' associa-
tion of this city has instructed a com-
mittee to write President Coolidge and
Governor Pinchot, requesting federal
and state action with a view to ending
the suspension.
(By Associated Press)I
NEDERLAND, Colo., Dec. 4.-Moret
than 100 men tonight fought feverish-
ly to gain entrance to the Fairview1
Mining company's silver, gold and
lead mine near here, where early to-l
day 20 miners were entombed. A firec
caused the mine portal to cave in and
destroyed the buildings about the tun-'
nel mouth.'
The rescue workers were engaged
in a double tack-that of sinking a
twenty foot shaft into the top of the
mine tunnel and that of clearing away
more than 80 feet of debris that
blocked the passageway when the fire'
burned the timber supports.
Recent Developments Indicate That
Ranks of Dry Forces Have
Suffered Losses
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.--The con-
fIlict that has enveloped prohibiton en-
forcement ever since its inception,
ind has gained new momentum in the
last few days, tonight was headed for
its original battleground, the floors
of Congress.
With the opening of Congress only
a few days away, both wets and drys
are forming their lines for attack andI
defense. Recent developments indi-I
cate that while some breaches exist
in the ranks of the prohibitionists,
the wets are counting on strong sup-
port. Among various proposals to be
presented to Congress, repeal of the
Volstead act will be sought by Repre-
sentative Dyer, of Missouri, ranking
Republican of the House judiciary I
committee and one of the wet leaders,
who heretofore has contended merely
for modification of the law.
The prohibition problem which was
taken to the White House yesterday
was carried across seas today with a
direct appeal to Pope Pius XI for
moral support of the "civil authority." .
It was made by the United committeeI
for prohibition 'enforcement, includingi
a number of Catholic and Protestant
reform organizations, which delivered
the complaint yesterday to Presidentc
The criticisms of the administrationh
contained in that communication2
brought reverberations within thei
committee today. The Methodistv
Board of Temperance, Prohibition and
Public Morals advised the President
that it was in no way responsible for
the committee's statemeht and that it
was still confident that enforcementt
eventually would reach perfection.-
President Coolidge was advised alsoe
by Mrs. Ella A. Doole, newly elected
president of the W. C. T. U., that herI
organization stood with the President
in his enforcement task.-
The breaches in the ranks of the
united committee were opened even
more definitely with the resignationst
of several members, who disapproveda
of the committee's complaint to Presi-c
dent Coolidge, incuding the Rev. Dr.
Clarence True Wilson of the Meth-
odist board, Olive W. Steward of In-
dianapolis, president of the Flying
Squadron foundation, and .Edwin C. I
Dinwiddie, of the International Ordert
of Good Templars.o
Coolidge World
Court Continuesq
To Lead Others1i
Balloting today on the proposals for
America's entrance into the World
court, further proved that the campusv
is in favor of the entrance of the I
United States under the reservationsf
of the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge pro-IN
posal. Although today's balloting wasf
not as heavy as that of yesterday, thet
sentiment was the same as that ex-2
pressed by the votes earlier in the1
week. The Harding-Hughes-Coolidges
proposals received 142 of the totals
of 327 motes cast today; the HarmonyI
Peace plan received 121 votes; 42
students voted against participation
in the World court under any terms;
and 22 students favored Senator
Borah's proposal.
The total ballots cast on the four
plans is as follows: Harding-Hlughes-
Coolidge proposal, 470 votes; Har-
mony Peace plan, 325 votes; Non-
participation, 129 votes; Senator,
Borah's proposal,292 votes. All votes
received at The Daily office, up to the
time the delegates to the National Col-
legiate World Court conference at;
Princeton leave, will be added to the
final ballot which is to be presented
at that conference.
Professor Dies
Prof. Filbert Roth
Founder And Professor-Emeritus
Forestry Department Was
Prominent In' Field
Prof. Filibert Roth, founder and
professor-emeritus of the forestry de-
partment, died yesterday afternoon at
his home in the Cutting apartments
after a long illness. He was 67 years
old. Professor Roth had been in
poor health for more than a year and
had been confined to his home since
August of this year, his condition hav-
ing become critical during the past
He was affectionately called the
"Daddy" of forestry students, being
the first professor of forestry at the
University. Up to the time of his re-
tirement in 1923 he had taught for-
estry longer than any nitn in the
country. According to Prof. L. J.
Young, of the department, Professor
Roth was the most prominent man in
the field of forestry, especially in sil-
viculture and forest management, in
the United States.
Professor Roth was born in Wur-,
temburg, Germany on April 20, 1858
and came to the United States in 1871,
coming directly to Ann Arbor. From
1871 to 1874 he lived in Wisconsin
with relatives, moving to Texas and
then to Montana, when 16 years of
age. He spent seven years there as
cowboy, hunter, wolf trapper, Indian
trader, and prospector, living the life
of a frontiersman. Returning to Mich--
igan, lie graduated from the Univer-
sity in 1890.
When Cornell founded the, first
school of forestry in the country in
1898 he accepted an assistant profes-
sorship, remaining there until the dis-
organization of the school three years
later. . 1
The following two years of his life
were spent as administrator of the
national forest reserves. He resigned
from that position to come to the Uni-
versity of Michigan as the first pro-
fessor of forestry, a post he held con-
tinuously for 20 years. In 1923, by the
action of the Board of Regents, he
was made professor-emeritus. The
same year Marquette university be-
stowed on him the honorary degree of
Funeral services will be held at 2:30:
o'clock Monday at the residence and
will be private. Professor Roth is
survived by his wife, Mrs. Clara Hoff-
man Roth, by his daughter, Mrs. 0. W.
Boston, of this city, by three sisters,
Mrs. Herbert Fowler, Fowlerville, Mrs.
Herman Waldraff, San Mateo, Calif.,
Mrs. William Arnold, of Ann Arbor
and by a brother, Dr. Arthur Roth of
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-The demur-
rers filed to the new Fall-Doheny-
Sinclair conspiracy indictment in the
government's naval oil lease litigation
were taken under advisement late to-
day in the District of Columbia Su-
preme court upon the completion of
arguments by counsel.
The indictments which were re-
Daily Sesion Limited To Two Hours;
Use Of Motion Pictures For
Scouting Prohibited
(By Associated Press) A. I
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-Curtailing of
football practice in the Big Ten and
prohibiting the use of motion pictures
for scouting purposes was the impor-
tant legislation taken by athletic di-
rectors in the Western Conference in
their meeting preliminary to the work
of arranging the football schedules to-
Actual football practice under the
direction of a coach was fixed at two
hours a day. The new ruling, how-
ever, does not prevent individual play-
ers from going on the field and prac-
ticing and forward passing, but is de-
signed to stop organized drill. The
new rule will shorten most of the
sessions in the Western Conference
as many of the coacheshave drilled
their proteges three and four hours an
Motion pictures may be taken of
teams in action in games but they
must not be used for scouting pur-
poses, the directors ruled. In a few
cases movies have been slowedup
and used to diagnose plays and for-
Yost Approves Move
Coach Fielding H. Yost of the Uni-
versity of Michigan indorsed the move
to limit the practice sessions to two
hours, only. "I don't see how coach-
es could drill their players longer
than that time," Yost said. "If they
engage In scrimmage and other stren
uous work two hours certainly is -
long enough". A
The problem of scheduling football
games for 1926 comes up tomorrow
with indications of renewal of rela-
tions between Wisconsin and Illinois
and also Minnesota and Indiana. Wis-
consin may also arrange a game with
Ohio State.
Yost Arranges Games
There were persistent rumors that
Chicago may take on another inter-
sectional game in addition to Penn-
sylvania. Coach Yost of the Wolver-
ines has already arranged a schedule
of seven games, but no dates have
been set. The 1925 champions of the
Western Conference will play Minne-
sota at Minneapolis, Ohio at Colum-
bus, Navy at Baltimore, and Wiscon-
sin, Northwestern, Illinois and Mich.
gan State at Ann Arbor.
The Ohio State relay meet will be
held at Columbus on . April 17, the
same date as the Kansas relays. The
Western Conference wrestling, gym-
nastic and fencing meet was award-
ed to Purdue university for March 12
and 13. The competition this year,
( will be limited to Big Ten schools.
Representative rubber concerns ap-
peared before the coaches to display
rubberized canvas designed to cover
football gridirons in the event of rain
or snow. The University of Illinois
is considering the purchase of one of
these rubber blankets for next sea-
son. The covering comes in two see-
tions, each of which is 150 by 160 feet
and weigh's 5,000 pounds. Faculty
representatives went intonsession to-
night with indications that they might
take action in regard to the situation
presented'by the case of Red Grange
in leaving school to play professional
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-Providing
relief for virtually every federal tax
payer, the tax reduction proposals
agreed upon by the House ways and
means committee during its six weeks
of deliberation were embodied today
in a printed revenue bill, which will
be introduced at the opening session
of the House Monday.
In addition to providing tax reduc-
tions amounting to $325,000,000 for
the next calendar year, the measure
also revises many of the administra-
tive features of the present law, in-
(By Associated Press) AND flUSS19ITOl nnm rrn
PARIS, Dec. 4.-The Senate late to-! ,
night adopted the government's meas-
ure calling fortfinancial inflation and C
increased taxation 205 votes to 26. (By Associated Press)
As the Senate made no modificaticns GENEVA, Dec. 4.-Both she United1
in the bill as adopted by the Chamber States and Russian will be invited to
of Deputies yesterday it now becomes participate in the pmeparatory work
The fourth clause of the measure for the proposed conference to bring
providing for inflation of the cur.. about world disarmament if the coun-
rency to the amount of 7,500,000,000 cil of the League of Nations approves
francs was passed by a vote of 196- the measure agreed upon today by the
59. The voting came after a feature- council number two, especially ap-
less debate.
lessdebate._pointed by the league to treat with
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ia.-The most disarmament problems.
disastrous fire in the history of Coun-! Although no official announcement
cil Pluffs caused damage in the down- i concerning the measure was made the
town district estimated at $1,000,000. I Associated Press was informed to-
night that the members of the dis-
PARIS-Pedestrians have organiz- armament conference agreed that no
ed to protect themselves against the international conference to reduce
tyranny of chauffeurs. I armament burdens could hope to suc-
ceed without the collaboration of both
the United States and Russia.
i pa1 sThe necessity of having the co-
LONDON, Dec. 4.-An agreement
on the Irish boundary question was
reached this morning at a meeting of
British government 'representatives
with William T. Cosgrave, president
of the Free State executive council,
and Premier Sir James Craig, of
Ulster. The agreement is said to be
satisfactory to both the northern and
southern Irish governments.
From noon today until a late hour
tonight "Tambourine," the 1925 Union
opera, will be completely rehearsed'
at the Whitney theater with all of its
settings and costumes. The show
will be gone through repeatedly in its 1
entirety at this dress rehearsal until
it meets with the satisfaction of F.
Mortimer Shuter, its director, Roy
Hoyer, creator of all the dances, and
Lester, Chicago costumer, prelimi-
nary to the first public performance'
spun glass wigs which will be used in i
the "Palace Dance" in the second act.!Tra ula Deba
The wigs are of an especially expen- Tr ebafe
sive character, imported from Paris, Subject Selected
and, according'to Lester, will be worn
by an entire chorus for the first time
on any American stage, although in a i URBANA, Ill., Dec. 4.---"Resolved,
few recent instances stars in metro- that the United States should enter
politan productions have used them. I the World court," has been chosen as
The special electrical equipment the subject of the intercollegiate de-
that will be used for "Tambourine" bate between the teams of the Uni-
is now being installed in the Whitney versities of Michigan, Illinois, and
lby a representative of the .Universal Wisconsin, to be staged March 19.