MIDhAYDT Li f M ,A 4, i1r2 THE MICHIGAN D~A I I N .. V Aw . PAMIADVERTISINGA B LOST WANTED L~j?+hv: ~ c. Se containing ~l2;A5~ndsil~erpen and pencil: WANTED--Girls for relief selling dur-1 1 ', 'ren E'ldg. and Barbour; lig noon hours daily. Apply imme- I t ia 7111t 63-64-65. diately at office. Mack & Co. tfi LOT (aed or Stolen on Nov. 25,i 1 Ii~li~O!~wath i sivercas. XPE'RII1 ENCE two payment men to VtalutA~ as gift. Reward for inform- open office covering entire district. j atUi leading to recovery:. Call[ Fufl -operation. and protection. # ler 22348. 63-6465. Send $1.00 for supplies and com-- i C3:''- s~i >esin row co- jplete information. Clyde A. Rarn- f~fan casea, with Alinner Coe signa- jsyOhi2o.raPacGncinai tiir , in Th ononliiS or Natural Sclt- e e 317.Pleae2c-l3.I.WANTED-Dressmaking. Relining ! man 927. ______--coats and altering. Phone .9:152.I ~NOTICE 413 S. Division. 61-62-63. -- MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- sane idstodry oan'sGlorhas Ititmngrorganizers experi-j Ien,ul songeanddstoyw as hir rwn- enced on two pay plan, also specialI ben jutloyreferredto asrachrow offers. Write or wire today for real l ing ,glry.Witout ttrctie hir, proposition. State fully experience. beauy o f turs ~e bt a unram Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, "V icue Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. ' Indian Affairsl Director.Denies friaud Charges1 !75MILIOS EPENED'Reed Leaves For ON LOFIDA ~LR~t~ Manist?que Talks! ON ho"RM 0 t'lb Prf- mas L. Reed of the politi--: - __!(191-.-,donee department, will leave to- Approximately 75 million dolilars day ',.r MVan stique, where he will dIu-j 'i-cbeig sentforaddd rilwy hv,- three talks on tile city manag er faiiisinFoiatogvpoe l-llan tit goviernmient. Professor hed faclites n Foria t gie mre de-is b.eing sent to Mlaniistiqlue undler the quate transportation for the enprmous- auispices of the charter commisseionr jly increased traffic in that territolY, of that city. It is statedi in a re-port issued by theC- Fo'r every article for sale, there is Atlantis States Shippers Advisory - -, n,- S12.2 -1a buyer. Reach him thru CIlass i i eds. 9' I aGao IAIT Many people have the habit of getting a new car every year, no matter how good the old car may Charles I1I, Burke, commissioner of Indian affairs, denies allegations that he intentionally permitted the prop- erty of Indians to be misapprcpriated end wasted. President Coolidge is be- ing urgedl by the tribesmen to investi- gate. board These facilities in.clWle new Alally of us do inot possess an auuini- I ant -growth and feel that this dis- cou.rages the attainment of hair beau- ty. 'I wonder if We realize how far I -front the truth this is-how easily ~it is~ for us to develop unusually at- traciive "hair that gratifies our longing for t hoso wonderful, alluring tresses that. glow and sparkle as a thing of, life-1-for the flowing, wavy hair en-1 cirwvdI with the mystic charm of ever chaniging shades. Anderson Beauty Shop i Pholle 3059 - 527 E. Libertyj y 62-63-64. iPIIIN(GS CHINESE Now on display at 938 Church St.-1 -3eads, Brass;, Chbisonne, Laces,_ Lin- ens and Jewelry from China. Mrs. H.1 B. Mcrrits. 61-62-63. k4TYPEWRITING & 2MINOGRAPllING } Promptly and neatly done by compe- -' cnt operators at moderate 'rates. College work a specialty for 'seven- teen years. - 0. U. MORRILL, - 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter &g' Stationery Store tf. BI4SON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per-1 m~anent waving, and marcell waving bur specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 440k. tf. We pay best prices for men's used! ,clothiing, Dial 84)40. Student Tailoring Cor.. N. (Univ. and Thiayer if WE take pride in the quality of our work. You should take pride in our 4roducts. We cater to the student tr ade as well as the town residents. You are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. t ARNOLD Staite St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf.J SCITAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St.E The popular place for all kinds of m~usical instruments. It pays to trade here. th., f., sat., tf. FOUNTAIN PEN INK We' profit by your satisfaction. The lpk we recommend is first a record ink. It is the best flowing ink and will not clog the delicate mechan- isan of your pen. Ask At x Rider's Pen Shop r 302 State Street t., thl., sun. tf. TYPE WRITERS Rlebujilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cr~aned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- nment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer : L. C. Smith & Corona .,. tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS Personal cards should be ordered now. Good work requires time. Printing anyI engraving a specialty. Largest and finest selection obtainable. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Thjo Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. STAILORING Studeunts Tailoring Phone 8040 Coir. N. University and Thayer ZEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25 ' ROUJSERS PRESSED, 20c CLE4NING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AN~ ALTERING A SPECIALTY A~SO LADIES DRESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And Delivered sun., W., f.-tf. -T J OTCE-Buy the latest fiction at Bidd1le's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar- ca4~. w., f., sun. tf. .WATCHI REPAIRING EM Tient work at reasonable prices Edw. A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. 'Red the Want Ads, WANTED--Student salesman for part time evening work. Good cominis- Pion. Call Carpenter, at 4618, afterl 5 p. M. 61-62-63.! WANTED-To rent large room near tcampus for use as studio in day time only. Reply box 18. S 62-63-64. WAN~TED-A garage between North .University and Catherine and State andl Twelfth Sts. Box 36 Daily. ) 63-64. WANTED-Students wanting to make money in spare time. For interview dial 7639 between 7 and 8. 63-64-65. * POSITION WANTED! POSITION WANTED-Experienced colored woman desires a position as; cook for a fraternity house. Write! Box No. 34, Michigan Daily. 62-63. POSITION WANTED-Good cook de- sires position in Fraternity or Sor- ority. Address Box 33. 62-63-64., FOIL RENT FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash- ington. Dial 8544. tf. iFOR RENT-Furnished apartment, (lower duplex, four rooms and bath.1 905 Forest.- Phone 6137. 61-62-63j FOR RENT-Late model, heated, clos- ed car. Lowest rates in city. 1303 Wilmot. Dial 4829. 61-62-63. FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash-] ington. Dial 8544. 62-63-64. FOR SALE FORD Roadster, .1921. Starter, gen- erator,' side curtains, demountable rims with good tires. Call JD. Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell Pl:. Saturday morning. tf. FOR SALE-1920 Buick, $75. Good running condition. B-22 Lawyer': Club. 63-64-65-66. FOR SALE-Gibson Mando-Cello, wonderful toned instrument, line condition. Value of case alone $16, whole outfit $116.00 Will sacrifive at $39.00. 'Call Watson. Dial 22352, after 7:30 P. M. 63.j Patronize Daily Advertisers.' FOR SSALE FOR SALE-An antique rosewood buffet $35. Duplex fireless cooker, two well, largest size, $12. MVrs. Haisley. Phone 3405. 63-64-65. FOR SALE-Victrola practically new. -Will. sell reasonable for quick sale. tCall 9352, 413 S. Division. 61-62-63. ~FOR SALE-Ford Coup, good condi- tion, leaving school, will sacrifice. IAct immediately. Box 35. 62-63-64. FOR SALE-Victrola and 20 records. IPhone 5663. 62-63-64. is mpain lines, classification yards; un- ne * . 1 is a goJa- d itL/ . * WUVU IVI&'L loading tracks. passing tracks, motive ~iun rn~~lr us because it helps the sale of new power, and general eqcuipmlent. 1111I EI a UIIli DS CUU 11Icars and puts som2'e extra good Freight traffice moving into Florida'£ t~zJI)P)1)trAY usdaTatudipAND n ta has increased 100 per cent in the pat d 0RTIk(lPI' 1 V''dSTda i itiCfsii~l.A d' four months over the corresponding j ld7 X.tJJiiersity A te. Phone 21212 is what makes it good for you. period last year, the report says. The .- information is furnished by M. J.' Cormley, chairman of the car service- division of the American Railway as;- Dancing Everyi sociation, who has been in Florida' I ' R. H . A L ! eI for several weeks ;studying transpor- -Satur-day Night - tatioL conditions. X T 2 i3 6TW E75 T ti uWEST DHURON5ST. At a meeting of the officials o all Hu ELU Florida railroads, held at Jacksonville SOUTH LYONS last week, the emlbargo situation was' thoroughly discussed and the exeen- Reule Kennedy's ' tives expressed thie belief that freigh Societyi Orchestra accumulations would soon be cleaned Public Iniirfed. thtup.3Wt1R ~LR eL 0Due A. Mr. Gormley points out in his re- - Fine Floor. - Wort t the ' lorida east coast rail- way has recently put into service 120' miles e scn m i ln . Th s 1of new1111i[111011111illllts11101111I11on(1IIli ma11I11111111111in line.8111111ITheseC111111 facilities have enabled the road to make a very satisfactory reduction in!-- the accumulation of freight held up!~ in the yards north of Jacksonville. In conclusion he says, "the railroads appreciate the patience shown by the Florida people in the problems of the railroads in moving greatly increased traffic. They are doing everything in r their power to furnish the best possi-j bl rnprainfrtesae a-=ing particular attention to the citrusI and vegetable movement." M I ... I- -Hnsw This is not what wve sell, but it is what you i-Hands . e wll say if you give us a trial with your laundry. 3.00 vlues =work. :Every garment will coe back to you ~i~ooin a condition that will make you proud of the clothes you wear.- -- g Bows, at 50c and 75c" -TT rjaen Lunr heLlall Shirts ___ Phone 9115 514 E. William'- LIBERTYr Neckwea, Four- in $2.00 to $~ atI Batwin4 $1.25 Values 15 off on 608 EAST ..__ 7 7 7 77 - ' li. u mv w w w 4NA ILT ILT&N W A TAKN TAKEN BY