THE MICHIGAN- DAILY M*CHIGAN WINS 200 YARD FREE STYLE RELAY AT t AY -E'R BE , 4; 12 JDAC . ; a I t 2 t r I t c t 0I a~ DARNALL WINJ "S DASKKT8ALL MEN MANYMEN IN LINE SDA" S H Ct Union Dec. 8 TO CNVENE'HERE, FOR FISHERS JOB Sam on Places Second Close Ileliind Eight events are carded on the bill Stub' (ffieiabs And Coaches Will Hold Brown, Wendel, Tierne, Crowle And Teammate Captain Gow nosed fr the premaries of the big ter- Annual Rules ieetig Other Fanousri1etor Out For Third Place fraternity swimming meet to be held n e Heeteng e osider 'at 3 o'clock Tuesday Dec. 8, at the Are Considered This meet will lbe run indlependent- LOSE IN MEDLEY RAGE Uno p wol. ernineed TO DEMONSTRATE RUMORS FAVOR BROWN ly of the dual swimming and water J (Special to The Daily) polo tournaments which will prob- (By Associated Press) Plans for the reorganization of theI DETROIT, Dec. 3.-Coach Mann's ably have been completed at that LANSING, Mich., Dec. 3.-A call to disrupted Harvard coaching staff are Varsity swimming team came through time. The finals will be held at 3 athletic directors, coaches and officials progressing slowly. Althought no of- last night in the initial meet of the o'clock Thursday at the same place. to attecdothe ana baseketb al s ficial statement has been made by the season with the Detroit Athletic club The eight events to be contested to attend the annual baseketball rules university officials, there is a strong and the Detroit Yacht club, garnering are: 200 yard relay (four men swim interpretation meeting to held Satur- undercurrent of opinion in football two first places, two seconds, a third 50 yards each), fancy diving (four lay Dec. 12, at the Yost field house, circles that Reggie W. P. Brown will and a fourth in three events in the compulsory dives), 50 yard free style, Ann Arbor, has been issued by A. W. be connected with the Crimson staff A. A. U. meet held at the D. A. C. 50 yard breast stroke, 220 yard free Thompson, director of interscholastic in some capacity. Brown at present pool. style, 50 yard back stroke, 100 yard athletics. is assistant coach at Brown univer- Tin the 50 yard free style Darnzall of free style, 150 yard medley relay (one The purpose of the meeting is to !sity. Michiganh woneaneayvictoryintheman swims 50 ards free style, n secure the benefit of suggestions from sAt the same time pressure is being excellent time of 25 seconds flat. Sam- 50 yards breast stroke, and one 50 the coaches and officials relative to brought to bear on Fisher to recon-, son took second place for Coach yards back stroke. the formulating of a set of interpre- sider his decision to retire. Last year, Mann's team and Gow followed Rose Entries for the meet closed Tues- tations of rules and to secure an Fisher stated his intention to resign, of the Detroit Athletic club in third day afternoon. No one who is not agreement upon a standard technique but was prevailed upon to return for place giving Michigan first, second, entered on the fraternity list is eli- of officiating to hold throughout the the 1925 season. Harvard adherents and fourth in the first event. gible to compete. All teams that en- state during the coming basketball were also disappointed in the resign1 The Detroit Athletic club came in tered four men or more will securo' season. ation of Major Daly, backfield coach. flrst in the 300 yard medley relay, entrance points which will be totaled Ed Mather, basketball coach of the The former Army mentor declared fichigan finished next with the De- in the final fraternity standing for University of Michigan, is to conduct that he could not spare the time from Michiga finishd next ith tthee-discussionsl fandrnatWesternngCon-I' his military duties to aid the 1926 troit Yacht club copping third honors. all athletics. the discussions and a Western Con- The winning tearm will receive a sil- ference-official will be present toI team. Daly is connected with the The v:inning team was composed ofI mltr eateto h nvri Milius, Jeffries, Mertz, Stecher, Jon- ver loving cup, and 75 points on the point out desirable techniqueeandcor- miry epartmen othe university ch and Flannagan final chart. In order to make room rect decisions in various situations.f Others who are being considered In the third and last event of the for many swimmers, one man can en- Two teams will be in readiness on the job are: Percy L. Wendell, vening, the 200 yard free style relay,' ter only three events, the relay in- the field house floor to be used by coach at Lehigh. Charles A. Tierney, vigtfast cluded. Only two men from the same any man who wishes to illustrate par- present line coach; Walter H. Trum- Michigan took first place in thefas fraternity may enter the same event ticular plays and situations. bull, who has asisted off and on in ime of 1:35 3-5. Detroit Yacht club ________The Michigan high school athletic recent years; Lothrop Withington, ! came in second with the Athletic club i association is faced with the problem captain of the 1910 team; Charles 1 coming in third. thhsstean rofmselectingo4ficasetoCrowley, presentColumbia coach; and Last night's meet was the first meet1 M N uIID/tiyero slcin 9fiias o Ed Robinson, head coach at Brown. Df the current season, in which the hanlet s th e 42mbasetl "Reggie" Brown was fullback in Wolverine swimmers have competed state tournament this year. For this 1896. For a number of years he and the showing promises a successful' UV iIlHDD[I1 IVV reason the annual meeting this year coached the second team, and was season. Darnall, Sampson and Cap- is considered unusually important to Reid and Percy am Gow turned in the best perform- Wisconsins' varsity cross country Those attending the afternoon meet- of bein . e dfse ratit rnces, for the Michigan squad. Be-gagrtdenssrtgi. des takng es ihgn he50yad free team, which for two years has held ing are to be guests of the University istr s the Conference, championship, and athletic department at the Michigan- Wsa.m tyle sprint, they were members of: boasts Chapman, the individual win- Ohio Wesleyan basketball game that Wand coached three ye at tlams he victorious relay team, along with ner as well, suffers the loss of but evening bfd oing torL years at Williams Dunakin, Mayer, Johnson, R. Halstead, _ _onezman by graduation and looks for- going to Iehigh. Tierney was imd Shorr. onIa ygautonadlosfr for two years assistant freshman' ward to an equally successful year NEW YORK. - A meeting of the coach beforeas ss The Michigan team competed in all next fall. rue mmittee of organized baseball, lner taking over the varsity nxfalrues comiteo raie aeal ie Crowley played right end on he open events, but ma'ny others were Schutt, next years' captain, finished representing both major and n'iinor 1-ne.ghtCn's fyrstyHarvardteleven. 'un off for women. One of the fea- ninth in the Conference race held in leagues, will be held this winter for ures of the evening was the fancy I Ann Arbor ten days ago. Ray Kubly, the first time in five years to clarify The Notre Dame basketball five will living exhibition given by Aileen Rig- this year's captain, is the only regular and consider suggestions for changes meet the Detroit City collee uin- ;en, United State's Olympic champion. who will be unavailable for duty in in the professional playing code. tet Jan 16g in- Miss Garrity, another internationally ithe h rip tlp, in~ fal *'. I Seven Wolverines Placed On Holden's Mythical Teams Michigan has been honored with Ithat both Brown and Lowry display- four men on the Big Ten 'Weekly's! ed all-American calibre during the first all-Conference team picked by past season, but he selects Liowry for Albon Holden, editor of that paper, the host because of his steady playing and three more Wolverines have been in the orthodox manner, while lie says honored with positions on his second Brown is one of the greatest roving team. Five of the seven men chosen centers he has ever seen. are linemen. Edwards is awarded the tackle On his first team Holden has placed Oosterbaanrat end, Edwards at tac berth on the first team along withJ Brown at guard, and Friedman at Henderson of Chicago, with HawkinsI quarterback, while Hawkins at tackle, just a shade below the two leaders Lovette at guard, and Molenda at full of the Conference. He lists these are his second team selections. In three as standing head and shoulders speaking of the ends he says, "There above the other tackles in the Confer- were seven "corking ends in the Con- ence. ference, and several others above av- Capt.-elect Benny Friedman is chos- erage ability. Oosterbaan of Michigan en as quarterback on the first team is regarded by the middle West as the because of his passing ability, his field4 greatest end in the country-As a rneralshlp, and his abilities as ani pass receiver he is simply uncanny." openfieldrunner and a handler of He also stresses Oosterbaan's defen- punts. In speaking of Benny as a' sive and blocking ability and predicts, tackler he says, "I don't know if he that if he continues to improve, at the can tackle. Nobody got as far as completion - of his college career he Friedman, who played in the safety will be recognized as one of the great-, position for Michigan." est ends of all time. Molenda is placed at fullback on He places Lowry of Northwestern the second eleven because of his, over Brown at' the center post, but ability on defense and his success as awards the Michigan leader a guard a line plunger. In speaking of Mo- position on his first team. He says lenda's thrusts at the line, he says, "He was a wild bull with the ball .on khort punches into the line." Lovet- te's fine showing against- Minnesota elevated him to the guard position on the second team according to Holden. In defending Almquist as a back- field choice, Holden pays a distinct compliment to the Michigan line. He says, "Before you question my selec- tion 'of Almquist let" me ask you one' question, 'Dlid you see him?' If in answering that you reply, 'Yes, against Michigan,' my only answer is that the wonderful Michigan line made every back that faced it look like a dud -this -year." MANAGER TRYOUTS All sophomores and second semester 'freshnien who wish; to, try out . for.. Intramnral depart- ment managers-' should report at 3 o'clok, any day,.this .week at the office in Waterman gym- nasium,= PHILIPSNYDER, Manager.. -. Maager. an] r SS TPson EI I I I I INCORPORA TED Announce a Pre-Vacatio'n Sale I Of FINE OVERCOATS- Jr17 k" Iy, " LU UU.laIIal famed star, gave an exhibition in the breast stroke. Coach Man's team, which took sec-I ond place in the medley relay, was composed of: Shorr and Whittingham, breaststroke, Batter and J. Halstead, backstroke, and Gow and Darnall took care of th'e two free style heats in thisI event. Tom Edwards, Michigan tackle, Nspoke at the banquet tendered the Fliit high school eleven recently. re harrier meeLS next fata,. Besdaes Schutt, Chapman, Elleson, Gumbreck, and Zola will be on hand. Petaja, a member of the 1924 champions, will I return to school. CHICAGO.-Frank Kartheiser de- I feated Jimmy Smith, world's chai- c pion bowler, in a six-game exhibition here last night, Kartheiser winning all six games. For every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. .. Mir 1 bYY1aY01? 11 _i ' Skate for, Health Fug 4" #11-- ,o i - ,, , . v ,--, tV' l ., / 1 I I .... -- DVHGAtt . ap IL I I Il r pj1AuC- y AN i :# ._ - i f One of the Three Graces jT in'thard to become an accomplished skater if you 1use the best skates. So why not adopt skating as your daily exercise this winter. It makes you keen and peppy. See Alfred's famous tubular skate and shoe outfits at your best dealer. You'll agree they're the finest skates made- the choice of 95% of the champions. Imfroved racing and hockey models. ALFRED JOHNSON SKATE CO., CHICAGO NOT CQNNECTED WITH NESTOR JOHNSON MFG. CO., OR ANY F'IRM OF A SIMILAR NAME EXTRA TROUSERS WILL BE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH EVERY SUIT ORDER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE If you are contemplating placing an order before vacation it will be to your advantage to place it early in order to secure the material you desire and the prompt delivery of your suit. TINKER &C OMPANY i O N Friday, December 4th, a se- lected group of overcoats. iltl be placed on sale at our State. street store. Of the very finest quality and highest grade of tailoring, these coats at our special sale prices rep- resent exceptional values. Browns, blues and greys all included in this special selling. !P Something New Patented device on de- tachable strap fits into lock-slot on heel plate of all new hockey and rac- ing models. strap locker greate p Pat ght twist or the r and it's securely- d in slot, giving This Book Is Free stsupporttoankle. 36 pages of photos and tent Applied For information about Ice Skating. Send for it. All Overcoats at discounts from 20% to 30% t /Wa%' s1925,A. J. S. Co. ll .