TPAGE FIVE FRIDAY,;DECEMBER 4, 1925 THE MICHICAN DATIY a a A" lYlllrl a1V J-.IFA XJLX a PP 5? \ T\-* LEA6UE BAZAAR To IConsider Health A BeforeDe rees OPEN -SALE TODAY Advises Dr. Bellt More senior and graduate women than women of any other class of the, l'uturistic Posters And CoMnations University have been breaking down Of Bright Colored Paper in health this year, according to Dr. Forms Decorations Margaret Bell, of the Health service and physical education department. HOLD MATINEE DANCE Dr. Bell attributes this to the fact that so many women do not realize' the value of simple health rules, but Brilliant splashes of color in deco- consider that the attainment of a de- rations and the display of a variety gree is the all-important thng in of dainty and useful articles will their lives, Dr. Bell believes that wo-j mark the opening of the annual Wo- men should lessen their work, even men's league and Interchurch Christ- taking more time to get their degree if their present system does not leave,, mas bazaar in Barbour gymnasium to- time for a sufficient amount of health- day. The sale of articles will start ful sleep and exercise. at 1 o'clock and will close at 9 o'clock "If the women would only budget tonight. They will be on sale all day tleir time, instead of sitting with ttomorrow.i their noses in books all the time, Decorations for the bazaar this year there would be fewer breakdowns," were designed by Margaret Barnum, said Dr. Bell. "It is better even to, '26, and Eleanor Hawn, '26. They are take a little longer getting through to be futuristic, made up of bright the University than to break down shades of purple, green, peach and and have to drop out in the middle yellow arranged so as to present odd of the year, perhaps ruining your shapes. health for life." As a form of amusement for the guests there will be a matinee dance given between 4 and 6 o'clock Satur- hall. A good orchestra has been ob- tained and the price for dancing will, be five cents a dance. One of theIWOR D O F E features of this dance will be the group of Charleston dancers who will( teach it to those who wish to learn Elizabeth Parrott T 'o Represent Michi- the steps. gaun Womtien At 'ollegiate The booths for the bazaar are to Conveniion be decorated with yellow and blue bunting. A novel booth this year willL be the exhibition booth which will LEAGUE PAYS EXPENSES contain all of the more prized articles of the bazaar, some of which are: Elizabeth Parrott, '26, has been lavendar satin dolls with white hair, chosen to represent Michigan womenj georgette handkerchiefs of 1ll shades at the National Collegiate World court with gold lace edge, organdie pillows - --no lDe11 and 12 AnUrn H ll Gray" columns are women's own par- of human intere"st are much better A.A U.L.ITuIId1[ticular realm and as such are hand- handled by women than by men. The M eetingAt Union led exclusively by women. Fashions old prejudice against having women are one of the largest fields for op- inanewspaper office has been broken Tportunities today, for the ever hang,down and (ied out with the old-time InXernational relations committeecing styles make fashions hot news." type of editor and the typical news- t ~of the American Association of IUni-( "More and more are editors begin-I paper office of a decade or two ago ;versity Women will hold their De- Martha Cook women will give an ning to realize that such news as that F inale To Svimboliz The ( OiIMRI ( ceI(mber meeting and luncheon at the informal reception for members of the concerned with women's clubs and the Let The Daily sell it for you thin Women To The Unliersity Union at 1 o'clock on M1onday. Prof. Varsity and Ohio State debating Y. W. C. A. and special feature stories the Classified columns.-Adv. ,f' Michigan IN. S. Katchas of the European his- teams immediately following the de- I tory department will talk on the bate tonight. The guests will include FO'R PEFORMANCES"American Opinion and the Near East." Dean Jean Ilamilton, Prof. T. C. True- FSuggested reading for the lecture blood and Mrs. Trueblood, Prof. 0. N. SdM___. .is as follows: J. A. R. Maricott's "The Hollister and Mrs. Hollister, Mr. and W A IT Six acts and a finale, which will Eastern Question"; G. Young's "Na- Mrs. G. E. Densmore, and other mem-" ha em include the entire cast, will be the tionalism and the War in the Near hers of the public speaking depart-The Smalet Lalp Shop feature of the Sophomore circus to East"; F. Shevrill's "The Balkin Penin- ment. Invitations have also been ex- be presented for the first time at 3:30 sula"; I. Bowman's "The New World"; tended to the feur literary societies in the W orld o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell Ed Pears' "Turkey and Its People"; on campus, Portia, Athena, Alpha Nu1 hall. The first act will be in the na- E. House's "What Really Happened and Adelphi, as well as to members Will Open aire of a ballet dance featuring two' in Paris." s of Delta Sigma Rho. 12-7-25 horses and one pony. Next will come Reservations for this luncheon are 1 .J the tumbling act with 20 trained to be made by calling Mrs. J. F. Bour- acrobats who will perform stunts such quin at 9524. WVOIM EN GIVEN 621 East Liberty St. as forming pyramids and intricate OPPUR TUNITIES cent ipeodes. G e!lu ln Act III will be the chariot race and Gkee Club Plans IN JOURNALISM a Greek pantomime. Natural danc Chriszmas CarolsI1 ing will be the feature of this dance and about 30 women will appear. The - "Any woman who will take news- clown act will feature 20 clowns who Members of the Freshman Girls' paper work as a serious business1 will go among the audience led by a Glee club are now fully organized proposition will make as great a sue- special clown who will be on the under the direction of Eunice North- cess of it as a man, but there is one stage. This will be followed by an rup, and are devoting themselves to one type of woman for elaborate Spanish dance and fencing.j practicing carols and learning college and onlyowhom Nine women are in this act. songs. It is expected that the wo- there is no room in the field of jour The last act will include the train- men of the glee club will act as a alism and that is the "vamp", the ed animals. The animals will 1be put nucleus for teaching Michigan songs woman who is more interested in the through their tricks by a ringmaster to other women of the class of 29, men in the office than in her busi- and will be assisted by an 18 piece and that better singing will result. ess, said Mr. Howard P. Jones, of band which is a take-off on the Michi- It has become an established tra- the jourialism department, in a re- gan band. lition that each year just before the cent interview. Mr. Jones has come l The finale will include the entire Christmas vacation the Freshman here this year as instructor in jour- cast and will symbolize the coming Girls' Glee club sings carols in front nalism from the position of managing " of women to the University of Michi- of all the women's dormitories and editor of the Evansville Indiana Press. gan. This symbolization will be ac- the Health service. This year will Mr. Jones believes that the field of complished through the scene of the he no exception and plans for carol- newspaper work for women is a wide action which will be the walls of ing are already being arranged. and ever increasing one. The spec- Jericho. These walls will be stormed t ialized columns such as society and and will fall through the efforts ofI DAMASCUS.-Members of the con- the "Beatrice Fairfax' or 'Cynthia one lone woman who will be contend- sular corps here notified the nationals ing against three men. of their respective countries Tuesday Tihe performances will begin are that it might be necessary for thej? 3:30 and 8 o'clock on Friday and 11 French again to bombard certain just see how nicely your and 2:30 o'clock on Saturday. I quarters of the city. PEKIN.-Gen. Wu Kwang-hlsin has Waste paper has been converted hair will look and feel resigned as minister of war, into new paper for three centuries with a Special Hot-Oil V and crepe de chine shades. Parchment lamp shields will b this booth displayed electric fixtures to when lighted. The same plan ofc ing carried out in th turistic posters of Fr form the main part tions and the whole have the atmospher cafe. The posters w architects ball last of the other decorat contributed by the ar The church women will conduct bake sal a very excellent dis at booths in the gymi mission to the gymnar Senior society will booth at the bazaar w ings will be sold for a pair while the ligh will be sold for $1.85 and Company has p hundred pairs and t the profits will go to scarfs in pastel ! c f c et'jU LU a" 4 and georgette in Princeton, N. J. All expenses are e a specialty of to be paid by the Women's league. by the use of Miss Parrott will leave for Prince- show the effect on next Thursday night. Between decoration is be- now and then she will consult pro- e tea room. Fu-! fessors on the subject and will put I ench design will in a number of hours of study so thatI of these decora- she may get as many points of view1 tea room will e of a French as possible. ere used at the Eight hundred universities and col- year, and many leges have been asked to send dele-, tions have been gates to this conference and Michi- chitects. gan was asked to send two under-I of Ann Arbor graduate students, one to represent es and will have the men and the other to represent+ play of articles the women. nasium also. Ad- The purpose of the session is to sium is 10 cents. crystallize student opinion of the also conduct a' countiry on the World court and to vhere silk stock- inaugurate an organization whose pur- $1.50 and $1.85 pose will be the formation of en- ter chiffon hose lightened student opinion on all ques- p and $2. Mack tions of national and international im- irovided several portance. John Greci Hibbon of en per cent of! Princeton university has indorsed the the league. conference. Friday and Saturday! W ENDY N_____U treatment. Also Mar- ceiling and Manicuring. Stoddard Hair Shop U persnalServce 707 N. Univ. Phone 21212 ip Full Size Regular 1 oz. Perfume $3.00 Value ...,.. .. .. ' I III The Ann Arbor Floral News lEach Bottle Individually Packed in Beatiful,'t'inted Gift Box. I 11 I r .- THE GR-EY S HO0PNIk Crner Liberty and Maynard Hot Lunches 11:00-1:30 5:00--7:00 Afternoon Tea 3:00-4:00 Salads, Sandwiches and Ice Cream Orders Taken for Salads, Sandwiches and Ice Cream to Take Out. 1 Full Ounce WEEK-END DRUG SPECIALS* Lavoris, $1.60 Size Bottle ..................................79c Lsterine, $1.01i Size Botle ......................................79C Bath Salts, delicately scented .................................. 9c Fresh holihday smipmenat of (iiiJert's (bocolates, Toiletries, in the best and most popular Lanes, in attractive gift boxes....7 5c to $15.00 nhone Orders for Any Amount Delivered Paily. (DRUGS-MAIN FDOOR) I1 11 l -T , IL . . - I - ______._.-.r.- I' w Hey! Hey! Have You Heard Them PARISIANS Fresh from Two Years in Europe's Most Famous Resorts This Orchestra Includes "The Three Hot Boys" "VIC" ABBS "LEO" DAUGHERTY "RED" CRESSEL f i - sI AT THE WOMEN'S LEAGUE AND INTER-CHURCH BAZAAR Friday Luncheon: Salmon Turbet Potato Chips head Lettuce and Thousand Island Dressing hot Rolls Jam Ice Ice Cream Cake Tea Coffee Milk i0cR VOL. 1. No. 40. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co, Foliage Novelties, Southern Smilax Under the system inaugurated we can fill orders for you anywhere, in a manner as faithful and satis- It is a good plan to place orders for factory as we fill orders for you Christmas requirements early, to insure exact choice. here in your own community. You can thus present a floral token at You Can Send a distant point within an hour or two after placing your order with F e r a aus, and rest assured that your in- Christmas Gifts to structions are carried out to the SYour Distant Friends letter, and you pay no more than you would to us, excepting the cost no matter where located, with the of the telegram. For Christm as certainty of their delivery at the The requirements of our organi- proper time, fresh and perfect-no zation are such as to guarantee and New Years express or postal delays, or damage. your perfect satisfaction Your box of fiowers, bouquet, We are prepared to furnish allYorbx ffowsouet requirements in the way of 1Beauti- HOW WE DO IT floral basket, or floral design of ful Combinations of Foliage and any kind, with your personal card, Flowering Plants in artistic baskets FOR YOU can be placed in the hands of your and hampers. distant friends with practically the Table Decorations We Hold Membership in the same expedition that we make in Tabise'DelerapiDliv.y deliveries to points within the local for Banquets, Dinners and Lunch- jurisdiction of our store. eons carefully planned and artis- Association tically arranged -- an organization of about 4,000 of Let Us Consult With You About It Decorative Greens for the the leading florists of the United States, Canada and abroad, formed "Say It With Flowers" Holiday Season for the purpose of making deliv- eries of flowers or plants on tele- Christmas-Send a message of Holly, Laurel and :Boxwood... cheer, with flowers, to the friend Wreaths of All Kinds graphed orders, in any place within c delivery possibilities of the organi- who is ill. Your thoughtfulness Princess Pine, Leucothoe, Mistletoe zation. may hasten recovery. We Are The Telegraph Florists of Ann Arbor Store: 122 East Liberty Street Greenhouses: 1021 Maiden Lane Phone 0215 Phone 21715 SV T .VaQ1 Q R FW AVK ir F T N F R CaTFT C i l 1 _ I i 11 11 -or- Chicken a la King Potato Chips Pineapple Salad Hot Rolls Jain Ice Ice Sream Cake Tea Coffee Milk 75C II II Friday Dinner: Beef Tenderloin with Sauce -or- Roast Pork with Curried Apples Mashed Potatoes Peas Hot Rolls Jam lee Cream and Cake II II FrenchrPastry Coffee 40-f il I Tea Milk I 111 I