P A "FOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMN'BER 4, 1925 Published-every morning except Monday ,.5Ti r" the "uiversity year by the Board in ("on ::1 -_f ,Sudent Publications. t- rheis of Western Conference Editorial < eciation. %The Associated Press is exclusively en- '°te to the use for republication of all news Cispatches credited to it or not otherwise r i ted in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Enutered at the postofflice at Ann Arbor, Michig ian, as second class matter, Special rate fpostage granted by Third Assistant Post- _..;tcr CGeneral. Subiscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, 2.00 rffices Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nar~l Street. iPhones:2 Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board ... Norman R. Thal City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield ,Mews Editor............ Manning Houseworth W':onen's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay Sports 1Editor.................Joseph Kruger 'telegraph Editor....... William Walthour Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H.. Cady Leonard C., Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Erwin Oliari Frederick H. Shillito Assistants CIHRISTMAS TREES *Within a fortnight, newspapers and r n magazines throughout thme country will be calling the attention of their _ ~ readers to the great loss of the na-° tion's timber due to the wvholesale cutting of Christmas trees. MIany r.BRI? civic organizations will pass resole- ,el :OflfidleiicCis a wonderful thing tions urging that the holiday trees bein!e.Ihamde aymnad conserved either by the substitution u~e.I a aemn e n of artificial trees or by using growing; niyoraztos. uttcnbe ones with the root's intact which call come of such a calibre ais to warrant be replanted. Measures certainlyspacein a humor c~olumnI1. Vhen a I should be taken to conserve these '-ea zgre number of studlentfs havinig m trees; their wholesale destruction attenided( this instit ution for, well the! should be abolished. Yet far more grneat number of five whole years, and important is the national loss of tinm-;thus, of course know about all there ber for practical uses due to devasta-; is to know about everything, from theI tion caused by forest tires anid the 13. and G. department to the Deans' negligence of owners. Compared to confelrences, inludlling of cotirse thete this stupendous loss, that of the npion, dlecide that Michigan and the Christmas trees is decidedly small, alumni, faculty and regents, have'a According to an authority on forest' made a terrible mistake, andl now thate conservation, enough Christmas trees they have arrived, t hey are going to t, can be grown on cut-over lands, un- clean things up, that is funny enough t cultivated acreage, and swampy areas to rate not one hut many columns iT to supply the national demand. Atj under the TOASTED 1ROLLS heading.c the present time the state of Michiganl It is our opinion that too many c is planting 6,000 acres a year with p~eople are taking this Union busi- c seedlings. The cost of this planting C es far too seriously. We feel varies from $6 to $15 an acre. The that we have the outstanding raebigr-oetdb h o- camt adigtemte.I erment and other states amounts to unluestionably comes under the more than 40,000 acres annually. IllI heading of wit and humor, as contrast, Japan plants approximately hae anofterctatis 3150,000 acres every year in trees, end I of tihe great minds who have taken under much more unfavorable condhi- over Ithec onitrol of that b~uilding tions. Other than a few scattered (if you don't think they have ask trees, there are hardly more than 100 theft). acres of virgin timber standing n h Were there any possibility that any- state of Michigan, according to esti- thing serious wouldl ever result from mates, and this will doubtless be0 gone thbis public-it y for this prince of pills, within the next decade. AL L would shut up but it umust be The solution lies in the proper care obvious that t here are enough sane of the timber we now have and in the mindedl members of that club so that nation-wide re-forestation cf our un-teeca ely ) o(lne, cultivated areas for the benefit of the*** MUSIC DRAMA THE 4,LEMON GR%)E A1 review, by Belinda Treherne. "I1 have climbed upon Olympus, and; gazed upon, nay t ouchied, the godhead. I have beconme enrapturedh, enchanted, rhapsodized, and slightly conmmercial- ized. Necw vistas have been opened, andi new pirospects exposed to view, and a world of unheard of raptures; has been laid before our eyes. "last night, the performance of the [wentieth opera of the Mlimes of the f wvtichiga n Union, Tambourine,' was all, more than could have been expect-j ed froni eveIn the most casual of en- thusiasts. Firon the time when the frst curtain rose until the audience reluctantly left the theater the spell cast by a. mere glimpse at the marvel- ous setting remainedl, anti only with difficulty could we refrain from l)1'uis- ing our hands in over-vociferous ap- plhause. e Alre ervice, O We will wrap your purchases so they may be 'posted to any address in the world. :has. Iloth Lnds of the Diagonal Walk BOOKS p. ' F FACTORY MADE Neais Skill alid Quality hn Our Shop. Save a D)ollar o)r More at thle FACTORY HAT STORE 6~17 P~ackardl Street Phone 7=1. (Where 1). U. 1t. Stops at State St.)l EE For tonight and tomorrow night we have made arrangement with Bob Barker of the University of Minnesota to entertain the crowd with a few of his songs. Bob is a great favorite at Minnesota and in arranging to have him appear we are sure that the students will like him.* eii Novelty Program 11 nctude EZ Bailey Tiiam'. Barbour Charles Behymer ;\ illirn Breyer. Phili C. Brooks 1 P Bockinghaip EduCarter . oreton Chainpe Eugene H. Gutekunst Douglas Doubleday Mary Dunnigan e Ts'I. Herald ", tiabeth S. Kennedy on Kubik ,t UftMack I R. Markus '. Merr; of ' I onow Margaret Parker Stanford N. Phelps Evelyn Pratt Marie Reed Simon Rosenbaum Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtlard] C. Smith Stanley Steinkn Clarissa Tapson Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Chandler J. Whipple Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilszke ttciiititutttttttQt+ i1111it11I1llIIIIt1 V i :VtA. * + v . My'. v,, Belinda 'lmh,.rive I [JSLI -ESS STAFF BRUSINESS MANAGER .FRON W. PARKERI Ad~nsi~...................J.J. Finn P V ,,,...,..T. 'D. Olmsfed, Jr. .. ..Frank R. Dent., Jr. . ...... ..Win. L. M1ullin ........... L.f Newman tio'ti...... ....Rudolph Bostelinan' Accm'ns.... ..........Paul W. Arnold Assistants ingre d M, Alving F. A. Nordquist George H. Annable, Jr. [olet G. Parker W'u. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow Johni H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss W.J. Cox Wmn. C. Puschi Mlarion A. 'Daniel Franklin J. Rauner 7]ones R. DePuy Joseph Ryan Masrgaret L. Funk Margaret Smith ?,tsn Gilbert Mance Solomon T.zKnneth Haven Thomas Sunderland- ,. E. Little Win. J. Weinmnan i rank E. Mosher next generation. Perhaps the countryj Now, boys andI girls, we are going to " Pelinda Trehzerne as the TMatronz of will realize the seriousness of the fool yomi ? There follow,, en all-cain- 1Honorwa a dlight, a dream of love- problem before it is too late. pus selection of an All-AmericanE liness, a peep into the bliss of Stygian ____________________team. chosen from many of those sent exaist ecce. Truly, this remxarkcable AtIWSV3i ,, TOW N inl by 'readers of tis departmient. oung:-;t er is a most extraordimary With anoiinlt'adihtai e ire were those who took us seri- 1'faux pas,' even, one might say, api- an oigialiy an intiaiveously, and so we hereby thank them." proa(-bing tue 'dernier eri' in boldness that is characteristic of their class, the 1 ______ fintr tto. Eey gsue intoduOmic o temop'u wiltoiht[every word, cevery inflection, every ca- itouetthcmpsthe first all- T1'HE ' dence, vr breathi, was clear, re- class demonstration tha t the sopho- ALI l31PiTS . vr more' women have ever held, the AI1.AA 1E ('A N sonani , absolitely withbout. flaw. lle, Sophomore Circus. (rp jl; Xl (it is diflicutlt, isn't it, to say he, after s O wGcnderfuI. ahaacterizration, 1but Women of the other three. classes Left land: Ooosterbaaan, .140a.ralyhe s'ti ? a byn have their traditional activities: the, Left Tackle: E'dwards, Miei. dot, ielline, ost itin~seyont Senior Girls' play at Comnmencement; Left Girard: ieit'h, artnioat edobtirely sypthemotiimpersoato the Junior. Girls' play; and, for the C'enter: Broin, IMwh.wh alperdbeoea nirit pasttwo year, te pitursqu Rigt %awrd SlrliainLtI audience since the (ays when Willie .pageant' of Lantern Night, time fresh- I 'lh 'tukle: TTeir, Nebraska Iilso aSosrim Oeacod nmen wo z en's Cap Night. And now the I1Iia:1it E6nd: T.ully, 1)artmiouth Iwt i lvrdnig class o'f '2£1 has advanced a sophomiore ](,;ft H alf : ANexers, Stanaford 1 ! 'emat ro aeni sawy festival which may, in time, take its Fidlback: Oberlantder, Dart.ofitrstoheearsfa(r- place as a traditional function of the. 111 aomith fiterc olu th, andasoesmofall attmp second year wmen.cAdcthisfnder-aindtsolm: small atItemptt yearwomn. nd tis nde- 1I11gat alf G ing, 1l. togive you the uitter perfection of the ,taking, like the 0others, has been iIQuarterback: Friedman,, )Iicli. tmke p fBeidaTme en i Tan Nopened to men as well -as to wonten. _______..- Ioun'willch:psntbeokd Ph~e s mch o b sad fr tme * *askance. Beyond doubt, its effective- establishment of these class functions bytie oen Wme ndwoens Seems to us there is some(thing' ness was 'allegretto' and 'vis-avis.' A actvitesarecopartivlynew atabout " amou ine"i this issue of toucha of carmimne under the nose, and aciiis ae c m aaiey n w a e eo s u eo h n m oo p nMichigan, and the institution of such ; he Daily. Good thing. Tloo bad thait g neo s ue fth sa e clr mp t Mimes dloesn't get more pub~licity. We' the extremity of that protuberance affars illdo uch o gve ome believe that a student paper should£ magnified the natural beauty of the their place in the collegiate firmamenit,acowietefetveuefblk -andl per'hapks ven- rQepreseutatiomron Isutppor't student activities more.acowieteeetveuefblk the Student council, if they're foolish** umntefngraisasdth b- enouh ewantit."Shuterine," the Gargoyle version of holder to a height of approving en- t he Opera, sounds as if it had more thusiasm which no me words can coumedy than this or any other llliesheseribe. show ever bosted.''The charmimng way in which this EDITORIAL COMMENT I * prodigy affecte'd the mannerisms of =.Z, M 2S:2 I FRIDAY, DECEMBER ighz't Editor-ROBERT T. 4, 1925 _DE YOREF , > F Y T1 l E OV"iIITL TO BE A LAW- . onetliiing of the ridiculous is in- ca ted boy the recent report that more ithail , 40,00 bTis were proposed, and fro(1m. h s mre than 13,000 laws eniacted, in 39 state legislatures dur- ing the past year. It diminishes any natura-l confidence ,that the public igtotherwise have in the judgment of the legislatures to know that they s:e re confronted by such an un- oliedy number of measures. One formi s a mental picture of work asty and carelessly done, and it is nadto believe that justice was the resulzt in all cases. Most of thtese bodies are in session fo'r only a few months during the yaand for 39 legislatures to con- :a er 40,000 bills; each would have to takelup several a day. But as many < f these require hours or even days of discussion, the average measure cannot possibly get more than pass- ing notice, rendering a comprehensive i'derstanding of its details by all the 'representatives out of the question. e~li essential purpose of organized legislative bodies is the presentation ! autho ritative information on pro- psdmeasures, and a competent 2 igenton those bills by the entire '~mh.The fulfillment of this ob- ject depends essentially on the knowl- e>eof the members of the facts in- volved (. A flood of bills makes this koledge ~decidedly limited. A possible solution for this situa- ioni is an advisory legal body, which t-n" take up measures before they i- hresenWed in the assembly, andj l ~ woldrift out the worthwhile I iiubjo cts for general discussion. Ifl partisanship and the members' zeal for the interests of their own con- stituencies could be curbed, such a Dlan might be feasible. Even that, however, could not prove successful without a change in the at- titude of the legislators themselves. A group of competent representatives, realizing that their time is limited, p, 3d n full cognizance of the fact that they are supposed to serve primarily ir the interests of the state as a whole -°z't-r than for the benefit of Pioneer cournty or N-ewton Center, should be r ble to elfininate thte procastinating jn flran ce of partisan parrying and rnairro wness of interest, and spend hertime in proper consideration ofi l'sires of real value to the state. ''his would relieve the haste and care- CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN The SACK SUIT (T-wo crud three buttenj) C6T with that conserv- atism carefully dressed men demand, and tailored in ap- propriate, rich patterns that stamp them as&S tinctive. $3 250 to6 $4250 NAT LV _'lBE G 4 RO. 37 Union Square, New York. 304 So. State St. ? Tomorrow and Saturday Our style memo. book sent free on request 11 ~ the ., ll V'!i - " They Stay Sniart With Long Service" Dietzel's Shoe. Store "Where Styles Orign.at~e" 117 East Waslhigton St. 9 I t I THE (AEN TLE ART OF f(,,SING (The New York World) About profanity, now, what is out'+ htonest opinion? Are we for' it or against it, A solen-t brief tiled with a omte fCnrs niae.that we may not be so hot against itI Proms a man's dress must be letter perfect. On such occasions, mark the predominance of Smith Smart dress oxford,,. Their faultless style and light, casy trcead assure you a perfect evening. There has been much questioning, it seems, aos to the x'cnacit y of the let.- ter we ran yesterday. Any dlubious 01onestmay b~e convimiced by applying to tire Uniont office or tbis elpat tnent,I but why bother. I ifit; EEXASPIT.VI1ED' as we pretend. This brief is filed in- tion, too' long to publish, It seems behalf of Judge George WV. Eniglishl of sbe is all upset aid thimtks that theo the Federal bench in Illinois, who, is coning production by Coitedy club) ot alleged to have been profan~e; andio it E "Great Catherine" is a (it-Oct slam at sets forth that, while the Judge may her. 'We called her up andh convinced have used unjudicial words, others her that Mr. George Bernard Shaw, have done the sanme without losing the autor of that play ltad never caste. It alludes to -a "certain candi- Ibeard of her at the timhe it was writ- date" very recently elected "to a veiry ten, and so she need not feel insulted 1 high position in omir (overnmertt at all. Now everything is sweet and who is reportedh to have the habit of rosy with our little darlinig againi. frequently emphasizing his remiarks I :hiss Snorp weighs 3l57 pounds, all for with a little profanity;" and this al - a penny. lusion, one nmight find, is to the Vice * * *- President of time United States, if one IIEIRIC IfS could remember for sure who the Vice lix - President is. Then there are allusionsi A boy ntanmed John J. I. T. Fen to a Speaker of tire House, 'wvho might, AWas terribly homely at ten be Uncle Joe Cannotn, amd a Senator Hie's just as bad now from Illinois, whro mighrt be thme late Butt he's in tire Mimes show Shelby Cullomn, botht of whomt are al- Yes, "our htandsomest girls are leged to have been profane. all nmen." The truth probably is that we (is-*** like profanity but we like a good ens- WIIIA'I"S IN A NAM3 1 ser. Cussing, like bootlegging, is an There was once a noted Presidenit of anti-social art, but omne requiring real Time iTmit ed States namnedh darmis. Ini talent if proficiency Is to he attained; I fact there- were twxo Presidents by and since we are aesthretic beings as thlat. name :, both. of them had brain, well as social beings, w'e are captmmr- too. ed when a virtuoso p~erformns. 'We are I SIr TIohy Tiffinl. held spellbound by his quaint conceits, his juggling of salty words, andl espje- "Unusual Effects,.- Attainmed in Opera" cially by his facility, fronthtie thoun - --t0.0. D. And among the usual ef- sand and onto meamnings his fancy f Eds:are black rings under the eyes, gives it, witht the word "imeil." Just'!sleepi)ness, and a general "I wonder as a real champion camn lick all coners what it's all about" feeling. with one hand anrd bothitfeat tied, so fa 'real cusser can achieve any nmajor "Mothers Find Yanks Too Roumgh; effect withn all other words dleletedl Take Daughters to Paris"-Tribune 5 E; I f°I t t f } , .' I i, ', , 1' , ; - r i i r 'i Ic i (i r i c ti womnhood was exquisitecness itself. In our particular humnble way, we especially a mnired tire liltinig oxen- cise for fallen arches which chrac- te-rized thme walk of thre actor. Effec-1 t ive use of the hands amid arms is be- yomid doubt absolutely required in a character of this type, and this faculty 'I'eherne exhibited in a marvelotts de.- gree. Th'is young man is indeed a niouniteb~ank and a merr-y Andrew, and will always remain in time muemnory of the 1.itiversity as tire finest specimen of garcon de cafe' whtichr has ever trod tihe botards of the Whitney theatemr. "Lac-k of space forbilds doing more thtan just ice to0 the romniider of thme cast. Suffice it to say that they were I' adequate. Tithe sinuging was good, and thbere was some mntsic lit the sohow. You must, really you must. go to see lehinda. Trehierne int 'Tambourine.' The gods canmnot: be kind forever." ---Quoted without; permission amid al- most intact (Glod forb~id) front a Gargoyle. Louis (Ira veure, baritone, :assisted' ljy ,Arpad Sa(idor at the piano, will off er the following song rec-ital as time third number of tire Choral Union series IFriday evening, Decemiber i1,! in :tBill auditorium at ° o'clock. I. S3tar of Eve ("Tannhattscr") . .Wagner book Into Alimme Eye........... .~ungarian Folk-Song 3o1gs Mly Mother :Taught Me. .Dvorak 'avatimtc ("Faust-)----------Gounodl Ti. 'fince Fishers Went Sailing . ... .~Old English fihe 1litd's Courting Song ("Sonrgs from time Verniont H-ills") Mlary.................. Old Scottish Winiter Storms ....- - lryceson Treharne III,. Piano Soli: 11 vi L K P' Slscritn N! E I I T'he i/ihgnD~l Press bulding 11 , i I front his vocabulary. Uncle Joe couldl headline. WXell, wve have read the do tis, for Uncle Joe was perhaps the Parisian number of Judge. first. cusser of his-t ime. Our Vice IVA, 1111 l'i