3RSDAY, 3ZBlxuIER 3, 1925 t-IL MICHIGAN DAILY _ .. dAMM e ca-r. c+re a-,c ..,.u. rc-av.-.x: cc;,arr.,-wv--^ I FE i nells Of Florida""Frenzied - COLUMN LandBoo ;SpeculationEbbs CLD~~hs .t, a m o n I us .a. ~ ADVER ", LOST LOST-Pair round lens gold glasses. Probably in Dr. Hipp case. Return 819 E University.' Call 7139, ask for Plant. Reward. 61-62. LOST-AT Grangers Friday eveningI Pearl bracelet, green stone clasp. 1 Valued as gift. Liberal reward. { Call Van Doren, phone 6381. 61-62. LOST-Eve of November 25, necklace, between Thompson and Majestic, via William Street. Box 32. Reward. 62. LOST-Pair of glasses in brown cor- doran case, with Almer Coe signa- ture, in Economics or Natural Sci- ence Bldgs. Please call H. L. New- man, 9217. 62-63. i ISIN G AT 3 PA I (Cotinned from Page three) ite and forced far aiove their nat the result tht a sale on the strength Ural va'le by gamblers who bought of one ox tl. nebulous instrumerts is l and sold on binders, with not enough NOTICE outlawed in good circles. Another cash behind their investment to meet manifestation of the awakening is the their fis payments. The activiies FOUNTAIN PEN IK laiger cash deposit required on prop- of these unstable speculators thrett- We profit by your satisfaction. The erty transactions. Where a five per ened seriously the future of Miami ink we recommend is first a record cent binder gave a buyer selling rights real estate, and that of Florida in gen- ink. It is the best flowing ink and on a piece of property last winter, a cr l. To combat them. the realtor in will not clog the delicate mechan- cash deposit of 50 or 60 per cent is qucstion concocted a scheme which, ism of your pen. Ask At necesstry now. Sales on shoe strings although unfair on the face of it, re- Rider's Pen Shop have been so assiduously discouraged E sulted in the immediate amelioration 302 State Street that they are practically non-existent. of the situation. He opened up a sub- t., th., sun. tf. at present. The organized campaigns division on the ocean front, placing of Florida realtors have brought about every other lot in the block on the TYPEWRITERS this very desirable result. One out-I market. The gamblers, with no more Rebuilt and second hand of all makes standing instance is the. case of a! than enough resources to serve as bought, sold, rented, exchanged, prominent Miami broker who found binders, rushed into his offices and cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- I his ocean front properties being ox- placed their options on the lots, with est stock and best service depart-j the result that property valued in toto ment in Ann Arbor. WANTED-Student salesman for part at more than $1,000,000 was sold out O. D. MORRILL, time evening work. Good commis- in something like two hours, with the 17 Nickels Arcade, sion. Call Carpenter, at 4618, after incredulously smiall amount of $50,000 The Typewriter & Stationery Store 5 p. i. 61-62-63. or less representing the Investnfhits Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona -- __-_ _ _of the "buyers." tfo WANTED-To rent large room near 'Combats Speculation campus for use as studio in day The anti-speculation crusader then FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRIN C time only. Reply box 18. proceeded to open up for sale the re- We skillfully repair your pen the - 62-G3-64. mainder of the lots, each one adjoin- same day you bring it. Why send WANTED-To buy 1924 Ford Coupe, ing a lot purchased on the first sale, it away and wait. must be in good condition. Call be- at prices substantially lower than Uq#-Wawc t lli[5 ilIC l El iilCliill tCCCI111tCIilCCCl a:6Cli39: : Bt lsdllid i 3 i l:i Im m a t . Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners Served at 1r Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road, from noon till midnight. Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. =E 11 lt§I lI CIl l lICI I l 1l 111111i l 11l l 1 l 1111111111lil III I IlIlI IIIIIII 1 1: NOTICE Women's Crowning Glory In song and story woman's hair has been justly referred to as her crown- g glory. Without attractive hair, ! Teauty of features are but an unfram- ed picture. Many of us do not possess an abund- ant growth and feel that this dis- courages the attainment of hair beau- ty. I wonder if we realize how far from the truth this is-how easily it is for us to develop unusually at- tractive hair that gratifies our longing for those wonderful, alluring tresses that glow and sparkle as a thing of life-for the flowing, wavy hair en- dowed with the mystic charm of ever changing shades. Anderson Beauty Shop Phone 3059 527 E. Liberty' 62-63-64. PPHINGS CHINESE Now on display at 938 Church St.- Beads, Brass, Choisonne, Laces, Lin- ens and Jewelry from China. Mrs. H. B. Merrits. 61-62-63. TYPEWRITING & MIME OGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by compe-' tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. NOTICE--Watch Repairing-All kinds watches, clocks and jewelry" re- paireq, work guaranteed. T. H. Tibbals, registered optometrist, 903 Mary. Phone 3283. 61-62. We pay best prices for men's used clotling. Dial 8040. Student Tailoring C4r. N. Univ. and Thayer tf WE take pride in the quality of our work: You should take pride in our prodiets. We cater to the student trade" as well as the town residents. You are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. I ARNOLD State St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St.' The popular place for all kinds of musical instruments. It pays to trade" here. th., f., sat., tf. I. IRider's Pen Shop 302 State Street t., th., sun. tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS Personal cards should be ordered now. Good work requires time. Printing' and engraving a specialty. Largestl and finest selection obtainable. O. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store! tf. FOUNTAIN PENSI All the better makes including the famous' Rider "Masterpen." Why not get our, skilled service withI the-pen you buy at the same cost. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State Street t., th., sun. tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- ery. t., th., tf. NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by experienced operators at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t., th., sat. tf. WANTED WANTED-Girls for relief selling dur- ing noon hours daily. Apply imme-1 diately at office. Mack & Co. tfl EXPERIENCED two payment men to, open office covering entire district.1 Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. WANTED-Dressmaking. Relinmg coats and altering. Phone 9352.1 413 S. Division. 61-62-63.1 MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real proposition. State fully experience., Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. Read the Want Ads tween 2 and 4. 609 Packard. J. W. j Howe. 62. POSITION WANTED POSITION WANTED-Experienced colored woman desires a position asj cook for a fraternity house. Write! Box No. 34, Michigan Daily. 62-63. POSITION WANTED-Good cook de- sires position in Fraternity or Sor- ority. Address Box 33. 62-63-64. FO1e RENT FOR RENT--Rooms at 422 E. Wash- ington. Dial 8544. tf. FOR RENT-Furnished apartment, 1 lower duplex, four rooms and bath. 905 Forest. Phone 6137. 61-62-63 FOR RENT-Late model, heated, clos- ed car. Lowest rates in city. 1303 Wilmot. Dial 4829. 61-62-63.1 FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash-! ington. Dial 8544. 62-63-64. FOR RENT-Suite, two offices, StateI Street section. Dial 4931. th-sat-tf. FOR SALE FORD Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- erator, side curtains, demountable rims withgood tires. Call J. D. Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell Pl. Saturday morning. tf. FOR SALE-An antique rosewood buffet $35. Duplex fireless cooker, two well, largest size, $12. Mrs., Haisley. Phone 3405. 61-62. FOR SALE-Remington portable type- writer. Call Pock, 5484 after 7 p. m. 61-62.1 FOR SALE-1920 Essex Roadster with winter and summer tops, mechani- cally perfect, cheap. Call 8117. 60-61-62. FOR. SALE--Victrola practically new. I Will sell reasonable for quick sale. Call 9352, 413 S. Division. 61-62-63. I FOR SALE-Ford Coup, good condi- tion, leaving school, will sacrifice. Act immediately. Box 34. 60-63-64. those placed on the original proper- ties. The natural result was the de- feat of the gamblers, who found them- selves unable to accomplish their cus- tinary resales within a few weeks on the strength of nothing but their binders. Those who were bona fide investors and who laid down their binders with the intention of actually buying the property were unscathed. They could meet their payments and sit back and wait, for the prices on the subdivision to climb as a conse- quence of the development of the prop- erty,.and emerge from the deal ahead due to the adage that "you can't lose by taking a profit." But the gamblers with nothing behind their efforts but a confident plan of re-selling before the impossibility of meeting payments throttled them, were left in the mire and they were forced to "fold their tentstand silently steal away." On the face of it dishonest or at least unethical, this transaction served the purpose of clearing the ground of; the wildcats who wereruining busi- ness conditions around Miami because of their unsound activities. The outcome of this and similar projects on the part of brokers has resulted in the salvation of Florida real estate for a long time to come, The bursting of the bubbles so con- fidently predicted in California news- papers and those of other syndicates intent on killing Florida is not, yet in sight. It will not come for a term of years at least. Building Goes On Building is another factor that is prolonging the boom. In its first stages, the boom consisted of the mere buying and selling of land for profit. This was the condition which gave the pessimists some ammunition for their vitriolic attacks on Florida. Realtors are awake to this fact, and I this year has brought a magic trans- formation in the appearance of east coast towns. Building is progressing a at a feverish gait. All the larger real 1 estate corporations are encouraging builders and contractors and .many immense construction programs are under foot. (Continued on Page Eight) Read the Want Ads I FORSALE-Victrola and 20records. Phone 5663. 62-63-64. .; 'I 'C," t ... . : .. . : + t. wit . 1 :T .. a.t r 3 ., .. 3 .. ° , hen the orchestra stops its surge of music- and the applauding couples begin to leave the floor-when ) you join the good fellows for jolly talk and friendship -have a Camel! '1 ~ 1 WHEN the orchestra gives you encore after encore, but finally stops. And the couples glow- ing with happiness reluctantly leave the floor. When you join the men for jovial talk until the next dance begins-have a Camel! For no friend so enhances the joys of life as Camel. Camel makes every happy occasion happier, adds its own charm to every festive day, every blithesome evening. Camels contain the very choicest tobaccos grown in all the world. They never tire your taste, no matter how freely you smoke them. They're so skilfully blended they never leave a cigaretty after-taste. Rolled into Camels is every good feature you have ever wished for in a cigarette. So, when you're waiting happily and confi- dently for your time to rejoin the dance- taste the smoke that's known and loved by the world's experienced smokers. No doubt about it, you'll never know how good a cigarette can be until you- Have a Camel! I Camels contain the very choicest tobaccos grown in all the world. Camels are W4 4 Our highest wish, if you do not yet