PAIGE 1,FOUR THEIFMICAI-4CAMfDAIL Y THURSDAY, TDECFEB 3,R193 XmeMrtneutin Plen 1 1 LL.I 1YPll. 1 LE\.1!-Al I LAlL H r y., .,.. ..a.. x u a . . .+u . - _ __ rPublished every morning except Monday du;ring the (University year by the Board in Cointrol of Student publications. Mtew b(,,s of Western Conference Editorial 4-sociation. IThe Associated Press is exclusively en- 1jtled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ^reditedi in this paper and the local news pub- )ished therein. :ln=red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,, i chgan. as second class matter. Special rate rifpcugegranted by Third Assistant Post- c. -te; . _ g neral. -ubscription by carrier, $3.5o; by mail, Offdices. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- 4+-rd street. Phones; Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS .CIairman, Editorial Board . ..Norman R. Thal city Editor ........... Robert S. Mansfield cews Editor.......... Manning Houseworth Wrincn's Editor.... ... ,...Helen S. Ramsay ;,3 i diu. ,,,........Joseph Kruger Telegnraph Editor........William Walthour M os c and D~rama...Robert B: Henderson Night Editors SmstH I. Cady Lecnard C. Hall Wilrd B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants dustry under federal supervision as a public utility. THLE TOICE OF III ISTUENT"""Y - After years of indifferene ndlac i (1,w"T ~ of organization, the universe'v student o r('yy "PrrQNV( is beginning to make -his voice Ileard 1 in the deliberation on the p)olitical Little boys and girls, we have a lit- moves of the United States. The local t1;,surprise in store for you! We havej 'World court conference, which will comm issioned one of the outstandingI lead to the national meeting' of und~er- nimists on this campus to dlraw a graduates at Princeton on I)ec. 19, s1al but accurate p~ortrait of -Miss has been a great success in foumng :=vuie Snorp in two colors (black and adefinite stand, supported by the col- whlite) which we will have the honor l lege students of Michigan, on the to pr'esenitwith a forthcoming issue, World court and the League of Na-; absolutely free of charge to readers.I tions. It has been an auspicious be- This picture will he just the right size ginning; the same system should ibe to stick in your mirror, or paste in the. used often in the future.{ back of your watch, or even p~aste on The university campus s the one0 a postcard to send as a Christmas place most fitted for the carrying on' greeting. Come to think of it, it will of intelligent discussion of national mnake an excellent Christmas gift for political questions. The list of men you to send to your loved ones at who have spoken on the sulhject of home. the World court in the last few days Unfortunately, dlue to many incon- is an indication of the vast amount of sequential details which, nevertheless, knowledge and intelligent Opinion thatj are effective in delaying this artistic is available. Ex-Govcrnor Sweet of, and political triumph, we cannot Colorado; Professor Slosson of the! promise the exact date' of the great history department; Professor Reeves event, but as soon as it is at all pos- of the political science department; sib~le to set a dlate we wNillI do so, and Frederick M. Snyder, commissioner with much gusto. of a scheol of international relations; 4 * * graduate students representing for- 1 tI t eign countries - such men know Beoielwflws4lt rWic whereof they speak, and lifter hearig. their opinions, students should be able to reach definite conclusions. ierohl p i)Ii sptor fie lLT>>tha Such conferences give the Universi- 5odpuicyfrteshw ty an opportunity to achieve a posi- '11o d Ilint it is 11ere than otI tion in the eyes of the country that I1Illi~ Just reaid this° will go far to counter-act the un- :I 1f I. IhaI"VII favorable impression created by the,1loyer and Shuter present super-abundance of greatI Gentlemen: athletes and the seeming correspond-1 J:anm secretary of the - -- County ing lack of constructive education. fli'axr and I want to pull1 something out, The movement deserves the interest of fthe ordinary and have been think- of the campus; Michigan men and ig about staging your rainl)ouine women should be qualified to vote in- production here on our fair gr'oundls. telligently in the campus ballot now Ive couldl not put it on in the winter, being conducted.; but if possible I could stage it on the When the delegat es of t he leading fair grounds in midl summer. We haveI universities of the United States meet a. seati ng capacity of about 2000 in at Princeton this month, they will be four (Grand stand and cocild acconto- making history. If the students frontj(date seats for 2000 onl the t rack inl all sections bring to the conmion front of the grandlstand. meeting place the information on the N ow if you boys wvouldl consider it subject that those from Michigani will( we can packs the grounds and pall aI be able to bring, th~e final verdjict will big open air p~erformance afteritoonl be deserving of all the consideration and evening. WeO could insure against that it can he given before Congress rain or if we thought advisable I can$ decides on the stand that this nation. get a Cdxt4O top andl set it in front that of the future American, shall of the grand'.tand and be in shape f'orj take upon THE question of the (ay-1 anyiing that might happaen. We the World .court. ( would Da've ~to fgr o cnrybtw . onIfney utw I I. ,i 1 Y 1 music IA N D! I RAMA tj i I I Just O.e)oeSrie We will wrap your purchases so they may be posted to any address in the world. A t'Q lew,, by Lydia K~ahn and Rob- t 'Ien tree artists conic together end forget their individuality in the ideal of a trio unity, there is mear- velous reward. The El~shuc( Trio was all that it has been called and more, wit hout doubt, among the finest chain- her music. organizations in America. t oday. The R-rahni's Trio in B mnajor was rendiered in a manner worthy of that master -pr ecise phrasing, clear-cuta notation, and yet withal a thoroughly romantic: interpretation. Indeed how could an interpretation he anything but romantic with tihe full, succulent' v.ilbrancy of a 'elho as its basic qua lity? Through the gloom and mtelanucholy passion of the B1yron1ic Brahlms there1 came tl c; exotic sunshine of RichlardE pitamiss. This sonata for tihe instru- ment; of many colors was admnirably liayed withi every nuance of tonality andI feelig equisitely shtaded. Tither(, was, in fact, only a sligle !lpoint laceking. Arello C jorni,' the pianist, a fine artist., seeetd obsessed Avith an idea that the piano was noth- ing nioi'e than an accotupalling in- strument, and unfortunately it was really as vital a part of the ensemble as the 'c'ello) and violin. A1S to the final number any adjective is safe. I1lebrando 1'i, et ti's TFrio it A ma- jor, following Sitrauss' so very teu- tonic knit ur, was modlern, superla- tively. as we t hink, of noise, pleasant an11(1 asnt 1!1T0QIt iCI(I0IThe 1llflfina' BOOKS ffothi End's of the 'Diagonal Walk 1° ...wrrvi SKILLED REPAZRIN For exams you need a_ -,I It never balks or runs dry in the middle of an exam period. The pen which gives satisfaction instead of trouble. Alder's Pen Gerttrude E. Bailey. WlamT. Barbour hrlsBehymer William ]3Breyer. Phtiilip C. Brooks 1. sukingham Edgar Carter -aiton Chamtpe Jvugerie IST. Guztekunit Ij;, gi s;1 sDoubleday Mary Dunnigan cJams T. Herald v ' czabeth S. Kennedy hIanon Kubik Waiter H. Mack r ci4 12. Markus EllIis Merry helen Morrow Margaret Parker £tanford N. Phelps Esvelyn Pratt Marie Reed Simon Rosenbaum Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtlamnl C. Smith Stanley Steinkn Clarissa Tapson Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Chandler 3. Whipple Cassam A. -Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilszke r V 24 HOUR SERVICEI Ii I I 4 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ; BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER A l~; ~msr~g........ ... ....J. Finn tii.............. D. Olmsted, Jr. ./.* 4,-sig............rank R. Dentz, Jr. ~............. Win. L. Mullin ......... N.L. Newman &conts.................... Paul W. Arnold Assistants ;, ore 11. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker \. Carl Baucr Julius C. Pliskow 1-1u . Bobrink Robert Prentiss ;s. ,j. Cox Win. C. Pusch t ri)n A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner Jmes R. DePuy Joseph Ryan Idargaret L. Funk Margaret Smith 4tn tGilbert Manice Solomon Ti Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland J. E. Little Wmn. J. Weinmn Frank E. Mosher MAN 'MeN jl All- ns Skill anud Quality bn Our Shlop. Sate ta Dollar or More at thie FACTORY fHAT STORE G17 I'ackarJ Street. Phone 7115. (Wh'lere D . It. Stops at State St.) FIST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 186 Savings Department Trust Department Oldest National Bank in Michigan movemtent, I Believe, was too full of alarumis and~ excursi.ons, too nuch ofF an ta c10 aIboat notl'in g, 1)u11the second Maid tbhird sect ions were . cry genuine and moving. The whole composition, if you wvill, sma;cked of a lyric tenor ever so sligtlyineblriated. It wasitsIa ly in travaiJl, ptoetic in spift of it sell and shot thron gh with the irrit at inig, ril- h ant l ('ttiof ii of a. modern iego. Whirl- I irig in its final oeent with ant ex-I plosive intensity, however, it was pac(ked witi a iterT'OUs(energy, as potent and suggestive as country sta- tion pirimitives. CII II ]JNSEN Cecilia I allsen, the t'a mouls Rus -I sian violinist whlo is to a ppear atheIii; scondt number of the Extra Concert Series initIhill auditorium, M~onda y,j Ple-enmber 7, at S o'clock. Miss Ilan-1 se n' pr~tog'rain will include the follow- ilug numlbers: I. Ch::;,onne....................Vitalij 1. Rondillo.................Beethovenj P"LEASE DOWT MAKE PATHS ON THE CA, MPUS II ._ _ N CAMPUS 'OPINION Anonymous communications will he disregarded. The names of communi- cants wil,; however, be regarded as confidential upon requcest. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 + E~ l ihior--THOMAS V. KOYKKA t 3K S,5 i , a r could(1 get by \ itt that; you couldt bring all that stutff from Attn Arbor. We would b~ili the county like a cir- cus and nothing Could Stop us from. having the biggos . crowdl you e'verE played to. If such a proposition as this wonuld appeal1 to you boys let, me Ihear front you anid I will try to ,gee you about Jant. i4tlt. Th !e t, year.s ago 1staged a p Iagen2t A.ritch45 in the east and it went overI big. ., A "PUBLIC" UTILITY J LIBERTY! Aft present there seems little hope To the Editor: Of effectively breaking the deadlock President Little is no longer new to w;h ic h has existed between anthracite Michigan.; We have already learned, coal miners and. operators sinc, ept, in the short time that heha been 1, but already reports are current thatl here, that he is a mlan of great andl interference by a governmental broad understanding, of mnagnificent . -ety will conme if the strike con- ideals, and of dauntless courage. It tie nd threatens to become a is only natural, thten, that the Mlieh- amena ce to public interests.1 igan students should be disgusted P roposals made by Gov. Gifford1 with child-like editorials of certain lieeof Pennsylvania, for a iaew newspapers in the last few days. conference between the warring fac- It seems that the whole tihing start- tions, after having been accepted by ed when an eminent biologist spoke ~1 ui nsrs, have been rejected by the{ before an organization which interests> operators. The attitude of the min-l itself chiefly in the social and moral e'in agreeing to return to work,I questions of thte present (lay. The pnd3ing negotiations, has drawn much subject that this speaker toucited favorable comment from the public upon, birth control, was one int 'which 4.t 1,iirge. Their avowed intenion, like- this organizations was vitally inter_- wise, of asking for no wage increase ested, and hence was not in timeles i uhan increase will force the pub- 1 out of place. The discussion of time lie to pay a higher price for coal has question, moreover, vas so masterful been characterized by Governor pin-I and convincing that necwspapers chot as a "new high-water mark" in t throughout the state (deemted it worthy American labor wage negotiations; of space as the expression of an ad- and it has warmed the public heart vanced idea by a man wh'io bad to more than lukewarm sympathy, thought carefully upon tihe subject.j On the other hand, refusal by the Now here is the terrible part of thte ~operators has cast a share of public whole thing: this man, besides beiig (condemnnation on them. It is for ar- a biologist, has the ability to run oet biration that the operators have longj of the country's leading universities, called; for them to refuse such a pro- and is engaged for this purpose b- posal now can only be calculated to the state of Michigan. A university 'weaken their position in the eyes of president, it seemus, should never have the coal-consuming public, any ideas on any other subject, and co_-ernor Pinchot has indicated that should never, under any circumunstant- hep may feel called upon to "reach for ces, state those idheas in public. a bigger stick" unless the operators Perhaps the contention of thte np- and miners reach some agreement- state newspapers is that a leader in and that shortly: Just what form that thought has no right to explain his threatened "big stick" will assume, views; p~erhaps a man with tihe ability Phas not divulged, though it is indi- to think a great question through, cated he may call upon the Pennsyl- I and then to ably presentt his side 'vania legislature to begin a searching of it, is not thte kind of executive inquiry into the anthracite mining in- for a university. Be that. as it may; dustry. It is in such an inquiry that' ltho thing that impresses me mostc tite governor has a powerful weapon forcibly in time insipidI denuniaition'- iittwhich to deal with the operators , of our President, is thle fact that a< :oping of their books to pub- man who draws his salary from time lie inspe,:ction is a prospect far from state dare not offend even a small dl ightiful co them.{ portion of the taxpayers it ny-1 wvay, Aniothie- threat has come from the no matter what the virtue of h!is pro- senior ?United States senator frontI posal be. ':n. AWilliam E. Borah, who has let Following this line of reasoning, i it be known that he may move to; is plain to see that President L '!itl make tho Ce mining industry an object ofI wouldl not (dare attend a churcb, be- federal inquiry, urging at the sanme j cause "the weight of his poesit ion as a ": tat it be declared a publicj university president would command utility and therefore subject to fed- attention all out of propor'tionm to the eral control as are the railroads, value" of his cburcb. iHe would not It is unlikely that either a state or dare to patronize a barber shop, b~e- r fderal inquiry will be resorted to- cause the proprietors, of all other yf -- Yours truly, 1 i xxxxx L According to latest {reports the I Opera will post pone the Eastern tour until sometime in the. next year in order that they may take ad vantage of thmis great offer, and rehearse between now and then. S "THE GENTLEMAJ' N who equipped himself with my overcoat, gloves, hat, E;and mtuffler Saturday night may call at 943 Louisana and get my shtoes, as I will not be going out any more this w xinter'."--Want ad in The University Daily Kansan. 1The editor of this paper is contin- uially sneakintg up on us from the bot.tomn of the page. P lease don't think that we arec gettintg lazy. 'We just c'an't: keep that bird from swiping some of our' space. Well, the AIR-;Vn.iian selections will be out very shortly now. They -till seem to be coming in with every Imail, so for the sake of those who al- ways htand it their thesis on the day of time final exam -we shall wait an- other (lay. LOS 4 I I 1 { Mlelodie.....................CGluck P1racludiunt alnd Allegro..Puignani (Arranged by Kreisler) CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MMN The -SACK SUIT (T'wo and three-button) CUT with that conserv atism carefully dressed men demand, and tailored in ap- propriate, richs patterns that stamp theta as dis- tiactive. $ 32 50 to $42 50 NAT LUXI3NBERG &BRO. .37 Union Square, New York. SShowingr at Campus Boey 304 So. State St. L Tomorrow and Saturday Our style memo. book sen tfree on request r F~ Makeyourrazor. b a e l tW ILLIAMS SHAVING CREAM does a real job of beard-soljening. It stays wet and' bulky and softens all of every hair so that blades keep their edge longer. And Williams is the most soothing lather known for sensitive skins. Try a tube! Large-size 35c; double-size- 5Cc, containing twice as much. At all dealers! A LW A YS I NS I ST ON W IL L-IA ceellia ilulinlseli What this (lepart tnent wants; to know most, in this world, is v: lit has become of these IDean's meet- ings every 'Wednesday morning. !have, they justf quit because of lack of sometethiug to talk about (don't laugh) or have thley just !ibeconme more secretive. Better read t his early this mlorning, I thme (tam'goyle is oit sale -W say tha for that na'.)e s c'ssake, If your n Ide lthat, after ROLSit Would sent ! well1 comparison are odorous. (copy- ri l ala prop, 1776)j But suit your- mcmi,Vw'hotrt the state university inay l have been so fortunate, as to employ, dares nmot say that mental defect ivesj shouldt not have childiren, for t he lnen-. taxl def'ct ives w.ill r~ise uzp in. arms and 1 tell hinlt Iha t they help pa~y his salar'y, III. ('encctto in ID iinor. . .Tsehaikowsky IV. 1Y03'tiimne............ Liii Boulanger D.c.................. Cyril Scott Lotus L~ztnd ................... ...... yr'il Scott-Fritz Kreisler Spinulied.............. Popper-Auer I re m' iew, by (I hi ricre Ta tison.I Arthtur lIIoi'mmiow, editor of the 'l'hicater M~agazinte, has beent calling ''hiose Nla-Je'' a "rara Avis'" for so long thlit, eau utfed Police, w-nthttheir atnicmdanit lxi 2higion'od~. FRose-A a ne is a French- ('05 i 11gi'l'l, and(1Genevieve, xvwbose wommomonow- , MS Corner' ashirngto and .VI i~f MICHIGM LLV IN OL Servijoe and Satisfaction Will Be Yours 1 - 1