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December 03, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-03

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 62






Foreign Graduate Students Give Views
Of Respective Countries On
World Peace Question
Emphasizing the fact that France's
solution of the present Syrian troubles
must be carried out in accordance
with her position as trustee for the
commonwealth of nations in Syria,
and not as owner, Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves, of the political science de-
partment, closed the student forum
on "Internationalism," under direction'
of the Cosmopolitan club in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium last night.
Professor Reeves pointed .out that
France's mandate, strictly outlined by
the league covenant, is intended to
lay the foundation for the future in-.
dependence of Syria.
Give World Views
Various views on internationalism,
from widely separated parts of the
world, were presented at the forum
by three foreign graduate students,
who gave the attitudes of their re-
spective countries in regard to world
Benjamin Cockram, grad, of Eng-
land stressed the unique make up of
the British empire, better called "the
British commonwealth of nations."
The varied races and countries under
the rule of Great Britain, bound to-
gether only formally, and by no strict 1
treaties, constitute, he said, "a league
of nations in themselves. From the
administration of this league we may
be able to learn much that will help
us in conducting a world-wide organi-
zation. He pointed out that the only
institution really common to all of
the dominions, to which they all have
appeal, is the judiciary committee of
the privy council, and this may be
taken as a parallel to the newly or-
ganized World court.
Alfred Pu, grad, of China, explained
the so-called "anti-foreign" movement
among the Chinese students as a
manifestation of a desire for proper
realization of Chinese nationality,
rather than opposition to foreigners.
He told of the principles of extrater-
ritoriality, foreign.control of Chinese
tariff, and the special privileges held
by foreign nations in their "conces-
sions" in Chinese treaty ports. These
elements have combined since 1840 to
prevent China from realizing its full
national entity. He stated that al-
though the great desire of Chinese
students for world peace has been
dampened by recent massacres, they
still hope for the extension of inter-
national good-will.
R. F. Howrani, grad, of Syria, out-
lined the recent history of that coun-,
try, explaining the causes of the oppo-
sition of the natives to French rule.
He pointed out that the recent trouble
has been started by Syrian bandits,
who, in attacking the French gover-
ment, followed a desire for British
rather than French - domination that
has developed throughout a half cen-
tury's history. He expressed the opin-
ion that the country would eventually
come under British rule.
Powers ConsideruQuestion
Professor Reeves commented upon
the statements of each of the preced-
ing speakers. In regard to China, he
pointed out that extra-territoriality
which provides for the trial of for-
eigners under the law of their own
countries, was originated in China as
an incentive for foreigners to estab-
lish' trade there, which was of benefit

to China.
"That the powers are considering
the question is evidenced," he said
"by the fact that a commission, ap-
pointed by the Washington conference
for the limitation of armaments, is
now investigating the advisability of
abolishing extra - territoriality it
China." He expressed the hope tha
"in balancing losses and gains," in the
settlement of world problems, "ther(
will be a substantial balance on the
credit side in favor of internationa
MEXICO CITY.-Foreign Secretar;
Saenz has instructed the Mexican am
bassador to sign the convention ne
gotiated at El Paso for restriction o
liquor and drug smuggling.

"Shuterine" Is
Gargoyle's Own
Opera Different
Christmas and "Tambourine" fur-
1nish the theme of the December issue
of Gargoyle, campus humor magazine,
which will be placed on sale at the
bookstores and on the campus this
morning. E. Mortimer Shuter and
Mimes' 20th annual production are
burlesqued in Gargoyle's own "opera
The satire is illustrated with mock
pictures of members of the chorus;
a caricature of Mr. Shuter, drawn by
Frederick Hill, '27, is accompanied by
a tribute to the man who is directing
the Union offerings. Two full pages
of opera pictures show members of
the cast and choruses as they will ap-
pear when the show opens at thJ
Whitney Monday night.
Two full page cartoons, depicting
various phases of a merry Christmas,
and the cover, showing a collegiate
couple strolling through the rigors of
a wintry night, add to the necessary
Christmas spirit of the December num-
Wi31 Be Opening Lecturer I' Course
Of Alpha Omega Alpha, Honorary
Medical Fraternity
Dr. William A. White, superintend-
ent of St. Elizabeth's hospital at Wash-
ington, the government's insane asy-
lum, will speak Wednesday, Dec. 9
in University Hall on "Some Broaden-
ing Vistas of Modern Medicine" as the'
first lecturer on the course of Alpha
Omega Alpha, national honorary med-
ical fraternity.
Dr. White is recognized as one of
the country's leading psychiatrists.
For over 20 years he has been a pro-
fessor of nervous and mental diseases
at both Georgetown and George Wash-
ington universities. He is also an au-
tior of note on the subject of psy-
chiatry, some of his most renowned
books being "Outlines of Psychiatry,"
"Mental Mechanisms," "Thoughts of a
Psychiatrist on the War and After"
and "Foundation of Psychiatry." He
is also co-editor of the Psychoanalytic
IReview, and has made a great many
contributions to various medical jour-
Lawyers' ball, henceforth to be the
annual formal dance of the law school
and of the Lawyers' club, which will
be held Dec. 11 in the lounge room of
the club, will be attended by President
Clarence Cook Little and Mrs. Little.
Other honorary guests will be faculty
members, and several practicing at-
' torneys. fInvitation has been extended
to the justices of the Supreme court
of Michigan.
Tickets may be obtained at the of-
fice of the Lawyers' club, at $3.50.
From a number of.. bids submitted
Iby local and state orchestras, the
eight-piece organization of Jean Gold-
kette, "The BreezeBlowers," has been
selected by the committee. Decora-
tions will be largely floral, consisting,
for the most part, of palms. There
will also be maize and blue side
Patrons and patronesses include
President Little and Mrs. Little; Dean
. Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates; Miss
I. V. Bozorth; and the professors o

the Law school.



Setting Of "Tambourine" Affords More
Color Than Opera Has Ever
Before Attempted
Lester, creator of the 390 costumes
and gowns which will be used in the'
1925 Union opera, "Tambourine," with
the exception of those in the prologue,
which were designed by Dorothy
Stone, arrived in Ann Arbor last night'
with four assistants to personally
conduct the final fittings and review
all of his creations during the three
dress rehearsals that will be held'
this week-end preparatory to the'
opening performance at the Whitney,
theater Monday night.
Equipment Comes
The last shipment of costumes will
arrive today from Chicago. Most of
the trappings have arrived, including
the 400 pairs of shoes to be worn in
the production, and the crates of
canes, parasols, tambourines, xylo-
phones and other paraphernalia
which will be used in the various
More costumes will be used in the
opera this year than in any previous
production, 47 trunks being required
to transport the trappings while the
company is on the road, which does
not include the personal wordrobes
for each member of the cast. In the
course of the prologue and two acts
this year the women's chorus makes
12 complete changes of dress and the
men's chorus eight.
"April Day" is said to be one of the
most sparkling numbers with the
women's chorus of 24 wearing deli-
cate gowns in pastel shades of mild
, green, peacock blue, orange, lavender,
yellow, and pink. In the "Ren-
dezvous" the men, representing sol-
diers of the palace, are dressed in gay'
military uniforms of plumed hats,
gold-braided mulberry jackets with
satin-lined capes to match, brilliant
tights of orange, and high black'
patent leather boots.
Depict Holidays
Holidays of the year are depicted,
in 'Fine Feathers" by women in ap-
propriate gowns. The Valentine day
dress is of pink satin trimmed with
gold lace, and gold hearts; St. Pat-
rick's day by an emerald green gown
of silk with velvet bodice; Thanks-
giving day an orange and brown satin
dress trimmed with brown feathers;
and Christmas, a red velvet jacket
and skirt of silver lace, trimmed with
white fur.
The plot and setting .of "Tambour-
ine" afford a more colorful production
this year than the opera has ever at-
tempted. With gay gypsy costumes
predominating, even to the orchestra,4
I the presentation will be assured of a3
freshness and lustre unprecedented
in the opera's history, in the belief of
Mr. Shuter.
The first rehearsal with the entire
setting and all of the scenery will be
held this evening at the Whitney thea-
ter. Tomorrow night will bring the
initial dress rehearsal.


Will Broadcast
Next Program
Tuesday Night!
Addresses concerning phases of sci-
ence and world politics, and one -'of
particular interest to alumni of the
University will be included in the
fourth semi-monthly "Michigan Night"
program to be transmitted from thej
radio broadcasting room in Univer-
sity hall from 9 to 10 o'clock Tuesday
night. Student interests also will be
represented by the inclusion on the
program of the Women's league or-
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geo-
logy department, discussing "A Met-
eorological Expedition to Greenland,"
will tell of the expedition that he will
lead next year to the north rn regions
of the world. Dr. Wilbert B. dins-
dale, professor emeritus of medicine,
and custodian of Michigan archaeol-
ogy, will speak on "Primitive Men of
Mason P. Rumney, president of the
University Alumni assoclationp has
chosen for his topic, "A Talk With
Michigan's Alumni." The concludin
speech on the program is entitled "In-
ternational Co-operation - The Next
Step", which will be delivered by Prof
William A. 'Frayer of the history de-
Howze, Court President, Asks Those
Present To Obey Regulations
And Stop Wrangling
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.-The Mit-
chell court martial ended the sixth
week of its existence today by em-
ploying army laws to preserve its dig-
All parties to the trial were en-
joined by Maj. Gen. Robert L. Howze,
court president, to "take notice" of,
the regulations, stop wrangling and
bickering, and refrain from harsh
and insulting treatment of witnesses.
When the ban was imposed, Rep.

AT 4:l1i O'CLoCK
Leciurer Was Assistant To Secretary
Of War And Active In Peace
Speaking under the auspices of the
Michigan School of Religion, Walter
L'ippmann of the New York World, an
author of note and authority on in-
ternational politics, will lecture on
the "Moral Problems of Jouarnalism,"
at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
After graduating from Harvard uni-
versity in 1910, Mr. Lippmann entered
the periodical field and became asso-
ciate editor of the New Republic
magazine. Upon America's entry into
the 'recent war he was appointed as-
sistant to the secretary of wvar, a posi-
tion which he held until the fall of
1917. He then became secretary of
the organization directed by Col. E. M.
House to prepare data for the Peace
conference, and it was upon the find-'
ings of this group that President Wil-
son based his now famous 14 points.
The journalist was also attached to
the Amenican commission to negoti-
ate peace following the close of the
The lcturer has contributed fre-
quently to prominent periodicals of ,
the country, usually treating some i
phase of the political situation or a
question suggested by current trends
in journalism. He is also a member
of the American Academy of Political.
and Social Science. Among the books
written by Mr. Lippmann in recent
years, are: "A Preface to Politics"
published in 1913, "The Stakes of Di-
plomacy," 1915, "The Political Scene,"
iand an appraisal of contemporary
newspaper practice, "Liberty and the
News" written in 1920.
Mr. Lippmann's lecture will be the
Sfourth of a series arranged n connec-
tion with Prof. Kirsopp Lake's semi-
nar in the moral issues of modern
The lecture this afternoon will be
open to the public.
phValid Until Friday
quesionsuggste by urrnt tend

Little Injured
As Auto Skids
Off Pavement
In r'esponse qer lta ie rouni he
Paily late last night, TIheIC asing
State :bouri'al wired the following
reportt fAn automobile accident
in which President Clarence Cook
Little and Robert Campbell, treas-
urer of the University, were in-
LANSING, Dec. 2. --Dr. Clarence
Cook Little, president of the Universi-
ty, was bruised and shaken up this
afternoon when the automobile in
which he and his friends from the
University were traveling from Ann
Arbor to Lansing, skidded and crashed
into an' embankment near here. The;
car partly tipped on its side, but was
soon righted and the trip to this city
President Little suffered bruises
about the legs. He limped slightly
when he appeared on the platform at
Michigan State college to address the
student body. He also addressed a
meeting of the Michigan State Asso-
ciation of Farmers' clubs here this
afternoon and was the principal
speaker at a banquet of the University
of Michigan club of Lansing tonight.
The accident occurred at a grade
crossing about a mile this side of
Lansing. Mr. Campbell, who was
driving at the time, applied the brakes
to slow down for the crossing, un-
aware of the slippery 'condition of
the ice-coated road, and the machine
skidded off the highway.
Says Ten Per Cent Levy On Cosmetics,
Tobacco, WouMl Pay Large Part
Of School Costs
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Dec. 2.-A ten per cent
luxury tax to compel the users of cos-
metics and tobacco to pay a large part
of the state's educational bill, was
suggested by Dr. ClarencesCook Little,
President of the University of Michi-
gan, in an address before the Michi-
gan Association of Farmers' clubs
here this afternoon.
"Inevery state in the union, men
and women are spending eight or ten
times as much for powder, perfume,
rouge and tobacco as they are con-
tributing towards education, he said.
"Why should not those who can af-
ford these luxuries help provide edu-
cation for the children of those less
fortunately situated?" He estimated
that at least $2,500,000 a year could
be raised in Michigan from tP sug-
gested levy.
Dr. Little emphatically reiterated
his advocacy of limitation of students
at the University. le declared he
would like to send trained investiga-
tors to interview every high school
student who contemplates going to
Ann Arbor.
Limiting his lecture, "La Frane
en Afrique," to a discussion of Tunis
Prof. Rene Talamon, of the Romanc
languages department, opened th
lecture series sponsored by the Cercl
Francais, yesterday afternoon i
'room 231 Angell hall before an audi
ence of 250 students, townspeople

3 and members of the faculty.
Professor Talamon illustrated hi
talk with slides showing the ruins o
Carthage and characteristics of th
n natives of Tanis. He told of the ex
periences gained in a camel trip fro
, the coast to the Saharra desert.
Journalists Given
e New Reading Roon
e Additional facilities for study ai
- available to students in journalise
d with the opening of a journalisn
i reading room in 305 University hal
I Twenty metropolitan dailies and sev
d eral magazines pertaining to journa
d istic work will be available to st
dents of this department. It is expec
n ed that more papers will be su
d scribed for later.
- The reading room will also be use
- for consultation and study; a memb
- of the staff being present at certa
e ! hr s.


Frank R. Reed of
ception to General
believed it was a
The admonition, it
explained, applitld
tendants, defense
alike. From then


Illinois, took ex-
Howze'saying he
personal rebuke.
was immediately,
to all court at-
and prosecution
on, only an occa-

sional flurry marked the proceedings.
The prosecution continued presen-
tation of evidence by naval officers.
Com. Kenneth Whiting, its first wit-I

Called Attempt To Eliminate Alleged
Inefficiency-New Board Will
Not Handle Finances
Over 700 signatures to petitions for
an amendment to the Union constitu-
tion, involving 'reorganization of the
Union with provision for increased
student power and efficiency in the
operation of the club, had been ob-
tained late last night by a group of
students which declared its purpose
to be "the bringing about of closer
contact between the administrative
boards of the Union and the actual
operation of the Union itself. The in-
crease in the student power will be
brought about by giving the only
board upon which the students now sit
with the privilege of voting, some act-
ual executive power in the adminis-
tration of the building, a power which
this board now holds in a very limited
Will Call Vote
Although the required number of
names to call a meeting for voting on
the proposed amendment have already
been secur'ed, the group fostering the
reorganization amendment will con-
tinue to circulate the petitions in or-
der to give all Union members a per
sonal explanation of the intention em-
bodied in the proposed changes.
The gist of the peitions is that the
student body will be given equal rep-
resentation, but with more weight in
the actual administration. of the
j Union.
In general the petition urges that
the Union be reorganized for the pur-
pose of "eliminating the present gross
ineffiiency." A detailed account of
the reasons advanced for the pro-
posed organization appears as fol-
"(1) That a lack of contact with thme
Union of the board having control of
financial matters, including the act-
ual running of the building results in
gross inefficiencey. By the present
constitution of the Union, the govern-
ing power of the Union is vested in
two separate boards. The board hav-
ing control of all financial matters,
'including the actual running of the
building, has six members; the only
student representative on this board
being the president. The other mem-
bers of this board, being faculty and
alumni, are not in as close contact
with the building as would seem de-
sirable for those running any business
or club. Some of them reside outside
of the city and their short monthly
meetings do not provide them with
sufficient contact with the Union. Dur-
ing the past two years this board has
} averaged one hour and six minutes a
month in the Union, eating dinner,
having friendly discourse, and,trans-
acting the financial affairs of the
Union (See minutes of board of gov-
nors, meetings 1923-'25.) During the
period of their administration the food^
department alone dropped from a
profit of $6,399.78 in 1920-'21 to a Iosa
of $1,814.91 in 1921-'22, to a loss of
$14,371.10 in 1922-'23, to a loss of $1,
400.94 in 1929-'24, to a loss of $14,-
6 628.31 in 1924-'25. The billiard de-
partment dropped abruptly from -,a
eprofit of $3,847.24 in 1920-'21 to a proft
,, of $226.28 in 1921-'22, and for the at
e year 1924-'25, a profit of $86.30 (see
c financial statements.)
e Cite Grievances
e "(2) That the present continuity
- of the board of directors be broken.
, It is thought that such a change will
bring new blood into the organization
s r from time to time, bring about a
if dynamic and growing rather than an
e established and static Union; and
- that there will be less tendency to
n lapse into the rut of routine proce-
I dureby menbers of this board.
'"(3) That the students bepemtd
more than mere nominal connection
with the Union. At present, the five
j vice-presidents, recording secretary
- and president,'are represented on a
board with merely advisory capacity,
e and this removed to the second de-
in gree.
gn "Summary:The changes will pro-
L. ;vide for matters of maintenance .and
v- repair, being in the hands of a body
I- in more intimate contact with the
u- Union. The changes will provide for

t- adequate representation of the stu-
b- dents in the actual running of the
club. The changes will provide for
ed breaking the continuity of the terms
er of office."
in The attached petition, recommend-
ing the following nrovisions in the

Acceptances mailed

to applicants

ness today, testified that in general
the United States, "is ahead of Great1
Britain in naval aviation develop-
ment;" and conceded that the present
policy of the navy is not suited to
bringing out the best work of its per-
sonnel in aviation.
Society Initiates ,
More than 30 new members were
initiated into Ia Sociedad Hispanica
at its meeting last night at the Un-
ion. Following the initiation, songs,
piano solos, and speeches were giv-

for tickets to the Sophomore prom to
be held Dec. 11 in the Union ballroom
will be honored until 4 o'clock Friday
( at the side desk in the lobby of the
Union. It is expected that admittance
cards will be exchanged for all ac-
ceptances by that time. Remaining
tickets for the annual second-year
social affair will then be placed on
sale to the general student body.
The final meeting of all committee-
men on the Prom will be held at 7:30
o'clock tonight in room 325 of the
LONDON.-With the bestowal upon
him of the garter, the British foreign
secretary automatically becomes Sir
Austin Chaumberlain.

United States' Entrance In World Court
Will Be Issue Of Student Ballot Today


(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Dec. 2.-When an auto-
mobile in which they were ridingi
crashed headlong into the side of a
Pere Marquette freight train at Wayne'
and Ecorse roads, Floyd A. Goodwin,
'29, Bay City, a University of Mich-
igan student was killed and Howard
C. Kresge, '29E, son of S. S. Kresge,
and James E. Bayne, '29, also students
at the University, were severely in-
The three youths were picked up
by a passing automobile and taken to
Eloise hospital, where it was found

In order to determine the senti-
ment of the campus regarding the
entrance of the United States into
the World court, a student poll will
be conducted today and tomorrow un-
der the auspices of The Daily. A
booth in front of the Library will be
open from 10 to 4 o'clock for students
to register their vote.
Following is the text of the pro-
posals upon which students are asked
to vote:
"The Harding-Hughes-Coolidge res-
ervations provide, first, that the ad-
mission of the United States to the
court shall not be taken to involve
any legal relation to the League of
Nations or the assumption of any
obligations under the covenant; sec-
ond, that the United States shall par-
ticipate on terms of equality with
other nations in the election of the
judges by the council and assembly'
of the league; third, that the United
States shall pay a fair share of the
expenses of the court as determined
and appropriated from time to time
by Congress; fourth, that the statute
Ir tiP onnrt shall not h amended

"Within two years after the adher- permanent court of international jus-
ence by the United States to the court tice shall be granted affirmative juris-,
protocol, the signatories thereto, in- diction over international controver-
cluding the United States, shall for- j sies between sovereign nations as pro-
mally declare their endorsement of vided for and defined in the code, and
the following principles for the out-' arising under treaties.
lawry of war, and shall call an in- I "Should such signatories within two
ternational conference of all civilized years after the adherence of the United
nations for the purpose of making a States fail to make such declaration
general treaty embodying these prin- and to join in a conference for the
ciples: purpose of making such genera]
a (a) War between nations shall be treaty, the United States may in its
outlawed by making it a crime under discretion withdraw its adherence to
the law of nations. I the court protocol; and further
(b) A code of the international! should the signatories fail, within five
law of peace, based upon the o~tlaw- years after the adherence of the United
ry of war and upon equality and jus- States to the court protocol, to make
tice between all nations, great and and execute a general treaty embody-
small, shall be formulated and ing in substance the aforesaid prin-
adopted. I ciples, the adherence of the Unite
(c) When war is outlawed thel States shall thereupon terminate; but
any action of the court taken in the
I -- i i interim shall remain in full force an
^ ! ON WORLD COURT J ( Senator Borah's argument is in
(Check I brief, that the United States shoul
1 (Checkthat one of the follow- E not join the World court until inter
ing proposals which you favor, national law has been codified out
and turn in the checked ballot lawing war, and the court given juris
. I at The Daily office:) i diction; the United States not to b

[ = M * =-q- wljp I

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