WEDnNESDAY, DE C~IiMI3E U2,1 9i5 THE'.LNMICHIGAN DAILY ...... _ Commission Analyzes Crime To Find Cure For Mu lrder W av elnight of the Junior promenade are Fl/avecited by the Student council. It is an -I attempt to compete with the promen- ade, and is capitalizing on the name of the university, the junior class, andl the class' official (lance in an attempt to make mhoney. Purdue.- "Hello Walk" has been established on a certain section of the campus walks here by the Purdue Un- L: ion, to further school spirit. Any stu- 'dent meeting a Purdueite on this walk 1 is privileged to extend a greeting. In ULis way, say the Union officers, a tsudlent may enlarge heis circle of I:friendls, and help to cause a natural feeling of fellowship on the campus. LANSING. - An appropriation of. $39,000 for the purchase of trout eggs to, be developed and palnted in Mich- igan streams was voted by the state administrative board today. t i Can Amer-ica's crme wave be check- ed by some new plan of legal action as yet' undiscovered? While hundreds, of -plans are being preached by refor- mers who believe police and. courts have lost control of the situation, the National Crime commission is begin- ning a comprehensive study of the subject which may result in the adop-' ' ion of new methods of handling crim- ials. Photo shows the newly organ- ied body, in session in New York., Seated (left to right), F. Trubee DJav- FanNew York labor leadler; Rich- ard ashurnChild.. author; Mrs. Richard Derby, daughter of the late" Theodore Roosevelt; Charles Evans Hughes, ex-secretary of state. Stand- ing (left to .right), Newton, D. Baker, ex-secretary of war; C. H. Rowell, writer; Gen. Samuel McRoberts, Her- ert b . Hadley, ex-governor of Mis- souri; Charles S. nSabin, banker. Merchants F avor' E'arlier ~Display 'Of Holiday StockI Merchants of Ann Arbor, meeting, In response to the Better Business as- sociation, voted unanimously to move forwar'd the date of display of their complete holiday stock. This intention, announced recently,' of placing these augmented stocks on (isplay in advance of what was for-II niely known as "the Christmas shop- ping Season" insures the people of this community an opportunity of filling 'their holiday demands earlier than usual. Spanish Club Will Initiate Members' La Sociedad Hispanica will initiate. 25 new members at a meeting at 7:30 o' clock tonight in room 318 of the Union, Following the business pro- gram, entertainment consisting of songs,:games, and piano solos will be presented. A member of the faculty will be secured to lecture to the society. WINNIPEG, Man.- Frenzied spec- ulative buying, reported to originate from Chicago and other centers in the United States, gave wheat prices a sharp boost here today. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. I News From Other Collec ges disciplinary advantages given the stu- dents in a military course. The larger 4 part of the student opinion proved to be opposed "to the plan. 1 I ope.-The entire fresmnhan class1 ,was recently suspended at Hope col- lege by Pres. Ii.D. D~imment because,I in defiance of freshman rules, 60 mei'- I hers of the class atten(ded classes in a body without caps or neckties. G Illinois.--Undesirable aspects of the private junior dance scheduled for the. Corner Washington and D ivision MICHGAM E VALVOLINE OIL Service and Satisfaction Will Bke Yours Yale.-"Fortuno"~ is the title of thej1 annual production of the Triangle !v Dramatic club. The plot of the play I' vE is of 'the life in old Venice and the1E action is centered in and- about the 'del palace of the Venetian dte. A. ul- Yale. -- The university office an-.I nlounced completion of the plans foir the World war memorial to be erect- ed by the university to the memory of the Yale men, numbering 227, who gave their lives in the World.war. The memorial will take' the form of a col- lonade on one side of a dining hail, Iwith an alter of liberty in, the center. Iowa.-Thie new field house of thej University of Iowa will be the largest'l in the United States when it is com- pleted in the fall of 1926. It will be 430, feet long by 412 feet wide. A basketball' court in the central space around which 12,000 people may be seated in two decks of stands, a reg- ulation football gridiron and baseball diamond and a swimming pool 50 by 150 feet, flanks l by seats for 5,000 fans, are chief features. Ohio State.-Efforts to ab~olish comn- isory military training at this tin-, ersity Vv crc begun recently at a eeting of the. Liberal club, where la abate on the subject was held. Col. M. Shipp defended the pre'sent reg- atiou by outlining the pity, Ic al and BIRD Corner of Washington and Division, i I DETROIT THEATRES T HIS WEEK i Eves. - 50c toX2.50 G ARRI C Wed.Mat.50 to $1.50 Sat.Mat.50cto $1.50 { !Last Two Weeks-Don't Miss Seeing _World's Best LIaghing show i _With Mr. Mulligan and Mr. Garrity ~ ights 75c to r-501 R~n( ~t##~layouseTues.Thirr~ &'at. Mats. 50c andL 5c The BONSTE LLGE CO. In a New Amezriean Comedy TAE WASHOUT" By FRANKf DAZEY Schber'~Lafayette at Sheiby I SchbertLanaof aNights, 50c to $3 LUIUVIIUBargain Mat., rlhlursday, best scats, $2. gat. Mat., SacCto $2.50 Tel. Cadillac, 8705 12th WEEK The STUDENT PRINCE The Musical Triumph of a Generation Company of 150 i To Your Dearest Friend ~ SGIve Lingerie Arnt you disappointed when Chrislm. goes by without a b of lov : new lingerie- frile, frivoalous things, that ' you feel extravagant in buy- ing your self? Probably your fi-cnids feel just the same w.ay!r Vhitever their tastes-you can s' isfy them here at very mod- erate prices. AP.CA1 BE RANC H MAIN STORE-MAIN AT LIBERTY TOURIT I ASS CEANRATES Beginningr Dec. 5, 1925,1 Tourist Third Class tEnglan'd and Europe, also returning from any port in these countries, will be increased $10 each way, roundtrip, rates il increase $15 N7ake your reserkration NO W, baeforeDec. 5, and sate $20o. EMGI e leSteamship A ILi nes t' i _ D TIE Phone 6412, Ann Arbor.' Only licensed, bonded and autlwrized'Lcaul Agent for ALL Ocean and Lake Steamship Lintes, Cruises, etc. 3r.E.®"®. ,".1"'. " "" . " s' . °. "«ar". .v ', o".Aa. ". ^ . "" /".r" ". '" .,v".l ". ". ". ". ". . I "l.I"l I I STARTING TOMORROW I ..... .. YOW Complete L t iw 'i ~PIC K 0' THE PICTURES r#7 E ITI V AUDEVILLE YI - p The QIlden Heart of m~othierhood, Revealed as Never Before on the Screen ~IA2 00~' WEEK DAY MAT- [' So 3-30 IN EE PRICES ,c w s iro!udircr Stage Features I 10% i O Pmt E i P .y . '' j :. r1"T'n. ,.. -- F . ,yp r ,, /fJ S .. . J Ca1 -t A t I uly * ' ' ~ . lat. ; . _/i / I by Art':i LLOI) - I, -- H '~undl.oCxi tlimo I i e Il ai))' h pipl~ LTN 1 t m CrellP ic FABE ''AWrON j Village Folflas 1(IN OtRA S ORCHESTRA ' l.i JdVA lS'.* # ---j -SOON- 11 IF1,1 '4 =