fTUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1925 TI-IF MICHIGAN DAILY r PAGE FT VLI - -.A AvAA " - " . - a -ao" as .rz. _.j,=...d>, , r ,..........A.,A;. '' y (i I T 1UULIUIIIIUIIII W ill TCeach II ( HRiIISPhRPSPrfl clogging ini the Junior Girls' pay hldfrom 4 to 6 o'clock Tuesdays topcrlyugetoSlpf adT rsysmybtknfrrg- (404."~// . lrleK:t x n S R V1 -' l i a r ymnastium 'lcredit, and xwil in- Step ~ ~ L ~I~I[ ~ I ~ hld a o'lockTuesays nd I ltu des- hl(Cilntrution in skating, sking, II [T All the world is(Charleston i) 11.la tmnnn o oentbggnn, nwsoigrdnghk 0u:,i I~ou henubloilt 10 __a lrgsnn, ii- In Atlanta City timr floors of severalluadotorg es According dane als avegienwa unerfi('Sports anddln'ng c lasse c h " m x ho hae signed u, the most pp- o his RthFigge, of the physical Dliciigan Women Will1 Be Represented energetic step of the Char'1leston andare being organized thh;i: week at Lar- t ouandertlntwh wilc- At Pr inceeton Conference Ol inNe Yr'"cNe '1 aybrn *s'onfour gy nnshimare ele'ctive and1 (if- iwne pr, wihhas already ;duct the course, the class will meet Ifl d ourt b een illed to cap city Yi nhi tcw(0ev1- T ueena andih ursd y tor ngapacingtcasstu rnihtgndaw aytoevery -T I'uesdayorsesnf r Tiursday duringti~ Wol %utdcIngcassngtaddyt a s inlcussfralUiem many .appira ts. TI;' class, to lbe the winter, in any sort of weather. fy te dsireof he eite AnnAr-mn who wish to pti'ipate in them.,1 COMMITTEE TO CHOOSE I bor's chance is coning now. owi ng to the denandl amng- the tlt(, fD~ At the Women's league and Jut er- women o the 1Uivrity for a class H~[~ {IAi church bazaar which is to be, held held later in the day than the rc gu- Michigan women are to be repre- ,in Barbour gymnasium ol Friday andi lar gymnnasiumt classes, n optona,1: sentd a th Naiona ColegateSaturday, special Charlestoners are, class in gymnastics and apparatus{ World. conference to be held Dec. 11 to be in the employ of the commnittee work has been chduted for 5 oc~loekG odW i hsand 12 in Princeton, 1vew Jersey. for teaching aill of tihe most intricate! Tuesdays and Thursdays. W1omen mnaywadeid cnil whnt, Thi ws ecde reenlywhn hesteps. Muriel lrier, '28, Virginia1 sig up for the cass on the post i' board f directors of the Women's Piltt, '29, Gladys Eastcott, '20, 1'aIo the bulletini bardin iPar b'oarY leage tici Dot~er '2, EizaethKenndy, gynasum.As defined by U. -S. Suprcme Court. poitedandto pay her expenses for I'27, and Isabelle Smith, '26 will form, Junior women who wish to try out! ttrip.MisJa Hamilton, dea the corps of teachers. The school" --dspsiioi ofwomen, Normnaa icknell,'26, dond 1will be held on Saturday from 4 to 6 teaLtrr oit eti~a "Good will is thedipsto of a pease Elizabeth' Parrot, '26, were named as o'clock in the afternoon and from 7 7:15 o'clock today in ten -01,1; customer to return to the place where he the committee to select the repre- to 9 o'clock at i ght. hey guarantee,10fl. has been well treated." sent ate. Ito turn out professional Caleto-, iaror('vmwim': The Princeton student council which ers within a linited space of time.~ Outdoor sports caswllctat is sponsoring the conference has in-iFaue snt wll b 4 o'clock today. wl etVehv evd1/ihgnadhrsu vited two undergraduate students; throughout the. course of the bazaar.! Board of Representatives will meet detIo 8yas from Michigan, one to represent the rA: occktdy During the serving at luncheon andl atn4:30oo'clockatoday men and the other to represent the: inrtm gopo oe Il women. Eight hundred universities) ntertain with musical numrbers. . Neberry Hall Inspect our stocks fo r Christmas and colleges have been asked to send AmlaFhhrt 26 ajreEe- Social service committee will meet iss delegates. John Greci' Hibben of; ett, '2,PylsJhno,'7 ai t 4 o'clock today. Princeton university has indorsed the Sommuerfield, 27, Mary Lou Miller, 26, World fellowship coitee will conference.I and Mina Miller, '27, will put ol these meet at 4 o'clock today. The purpose of the session 'as stat-i specialties. - ed in the letter of invitation is to Members of the Symphonic league °cl ns-F i D uCo F crystallize student opinion of the en- N f Ti R° are holding a bazaar today at the;C l i s-F et h r D u o tire country on the World court with '-' School of 'Music for the beneft of 3-)epeinale Stoes-3 the subsequent presentation of a roe- 1£the league. All women of the School lution to President Calvin Coolidge. -11kellancous of Music are urged to attend. Corner 11a s and South nlersity Also to inaugurate a permanent or-1 Univesity Girls' Gleea club meeting "2g ~ottl111att Coner tateandT' akar ganization of which the purpose will1 at 4:30 o'clock today at School of Germany is the only Europan be the formation of enlightened and'Music. Ion~trv where women are not seen' )Ve haie srrt'n d iiii'au SIudets for thiry Years. militant student opinion on aIr ques-~ Portia Literary society tryouts for driving cars. Fj tions of natiodal and international1 Portia-Athena debate at 7 :15 o'clock- - - -' mportce. today, in Portia rooms.£ PAY Y0,1 UB(' Zh ( 1 CAN) SOAS 'Twouki Be /A Terrible Mistake--- -not to include a pair of Import- ed Novelty Hose in the smart girl's wardrobe ! These attractive wool hose give dashing, chic to the winter costume, and are ex- ceedingly comfortable in zero weather. _. _ t .._ .., ,a . ' " , ham i ' 'Tr' , , ....--- {'J ', ,f - _ra C n - ," , , , Ir , k, . ,ryk 1 i' ! ,Je Q v r O _.---- i }a' . .; ,. : ,, , ,- M ..;.f f's l,,I iEnglish noivelty ]lose in gay pat terns thattare wovena Iii ron gim. All wvool, .O Imiported ]hose i plaNidn novelt y designs. Saxony wool, $4.25. Plain colored ivool ]lose -with clock designs, $3.25. Si!k and st-ool coiiilniml oaa hose in plaid and stripe pal- terns in variety of colors, $1.25 to $2.00. I1eiwesi, and best ini the iter hosiery shades- Fine qu ali % y tiIl-faslioied silky aad wool ]lose, $2.00. HIosieiry--Maain Floor ,'y a a w , , ,t Event! r hl E y ; J < p ! - edi iY. 1: . . 6KL + 1F _L ,1..r4 Y" '.:Y doom Appoareal . o ha 'I F { 1 t r t 'SM 'S j t / t _ , k t .. . 7't; ' '; ti . . ° aK °aF' ,. S ;. x_ 'drn' r t , -' - + 1 , q t t 1 i t . { E ,f 1, 1 ' r ' t _ _..., . :;, ,; ...-- t' __ -- -_ " ti, ', . >. '"' --:- J' I " '=.:. } t ' ..._.. VeryaeaMos F, 47, f, * V7421nfer _,^ / f , $.§J ? i i A " r r6 'hia' rY ' . i ~ ,b':..' ..u ' !t}g, ; 77 IF AR ldl Mir-% PRI C-Em lee is , .x ' = +F a d a 'A, pd Sr: t'. .9 'f '1 '.., 9 y ,,,, 1 y ,L t rocks 10 JERSEY AND FLANNEL DRESSES Just 109 plain and fur trimmed coats of deep pile fabrics, or napped materi- als, in the colorings best this season. With large, soft fur collars of quality pelts. REDUCED TO ......... Attractive jersey and flannel dresses 1} A MM 9 appropriate for business, street or school weair. A vast assortment of the sea- son's best at an astounding low price. REDUCED TO ......... $ Aga.00 125 OT A NOT HER LOT OF JERSEY AND FLANNEL D"RESSES This group includes some of our better selections in fabrics and pelts. 1High grade workmanship combined with ex- clusive tailoring in fashion's latest modes. R-',EDUCED TO,........ . t W s I ' 1 L 1I , ; _ o k , rd . - .i . ° ' Another lot of jersey and flannel dress- es, beautifully designed in the season's fashionable modes; with details of trim- mInng that are pleasing to every woman. REDUCED TO.......... 14 m75 9Or&& SILK AND WCOOL DRESSES A limited number of our more expen- sive coats being sacrificed at a price far below that which they were origi- nally priced at. REDUCED TO......... r , ,e r, i r y yam' 91'a - . 5 h . . b, % 4ti i y ' a v ,° 3niarl afternoon Dresses of silk. And fashionable dresses of wool in all the brilliarit colorings of this season. REDUCED TO......... 2A.75 39.75 . % :'." - ._== ===- '' - = ' , ' .. -- _, . -. -;=s . , ....__..._ _._q _. - . - ,J , .