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December 01, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-01

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Explorer Says He Will Use Amphibian
Planes In Explorations Despite
Criticism Of Mitchell
Crushing ice floes threatening to de-
stroy his 88 foot ship, the Bowdoin,
airplane flights over trackless arctic
wastes, and the unique life of the
eskimos were some of the, things de-
scribed by Corn. Donald B. MacMillan,
scientist, explorer, and lecturer, who
told the story of his eighth northern!
expedition last night in Hill auditor-'
ium. The trip was illuustrated by
8,000 feet of moving picture film por-
traying the scenes of the trip.
Commander MacMillan gave the
history of the unknown lands which
he set out to explore. Peary thought
he saw a great snow covered land to
the northwest in 1906, but was unable
to reach it. Eskimo legends testified
to its existence. Then in 1909, Com- I
niander MacMillan himself made tidal
observations for Peary, the results of
which indicated without a doubt that
it was there-the largest unexplored
region in the northern hemisphere, two
million square miles in area.
MacMillan Tries Airplane
In 1914, a diog-sledge expedition at-
tempted to reach the land, but failed.
Realizing that it could not be reached

Mussolini's Heir


Student Union
Speaking to delegates of the World
Court conference last night in Natural
1 Science auditorium, Conrad Hoffman,
secretary of the International Student
service, said that the internationaliza-
tion of student unions will become a
reality in the near future and to sub-
stantiate his statements he pointed to
the conference which is scheduled for
Geneva within two months.
"The internationalization of student
unions is not far off," said Mr. Hoff-
man, "for in two months there will be
a conference in Geneva and it is most
probable that a confederation of the
student organizations of the world
will be formed at this meeting. When
this has been accomplished even
greater influence can be exerted for
the attainment of world peace."
The speaker explained some of the
racial and political antagonisms
which are being overcome by the stu-
dent international conferences and,
contacts. "Of the money raised in
this and other countries for European
student relief a great part was used in
{Russia. At one time over 30,000 Rus-
sian students were fed by kitchens
maintained by these funds," said Mr.'
Journalist Tells Lane Hlnil Audience
That All Must Co-operate In Efort
To Remove Plague Of War




Gen. Pietro iadoglio
Discovery of the recent assassina-
ti'on plot has caused Mussolini, Italian
dictator, to designate Gen. Pietro
Badoglio to succeed him in the event
of his sudden death. General Badoglio
was formerly chief of staff of the
Italian armies.
"International Week" Observance Will
Continue Today With Series Of
Discussions At Union

Headquarters Will Be Maintained In,
Alumni Memorial Hall; Open DailyE
From 8 to 5:30 o'clocka
Entering the final week of itsa
Memorial fund drive, the 1926 literary
class yesterday issued a plea to its
members that those who have not yet
subscribed for the endowment insur-
ance do so this week. Headquarters
will be maintained in the general of-.
fices of the Alumni association int
Alumni Memorial hall, where policiesE
will be written from 8 to 5:30 o'clock,
daily throughout the week.(
Thus far, approximately 400 policies
have been written. The endowment
fund plan, if 1,000 members of the1
class take part in it, will make avail-
able $250,000 for the use of the Uni-
versity as a testimonial from the classE
20 years hence.
Class officials pointed out yesterday
that arrangements can be made for'
delayed payment of the first premium
in cases where students do not feel1
themselves financially able to begin
the annual payments of $10 before the!
close of the school year. Students par-1
ticipating in the endowment fund plant
will pay $10 yearly for a period of 201
years. At . that time the insurance
company will turn over to the Uni-
versity $250 on each policy written. In
the event of death, the policy oper-
ates after the manner of an ordinary
insurance policy, the company meet-
ing the $250 payment to the fund at
the end of 20 years.
All money paid to the insurance
company in the form of premiums will
be turned over the class fund at ma-
turity, even though the payments lapse

Pinchot Plan
Is Rejected
By Operators
.By Assocated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 30.-The an-
thracite operators in a letter to Gov-
ernor Pinchot late today wrote that
"it is impossible for us to find in your
proposals the basis of a sound and
lasting settlement and for the same
reasons they cannot be considered as
a basis for conference and negotia-
The letter was signed by William
W. Inglis, chairman of the anthracite
operators' negotiating committee. The
miners have already accepted the gov-
ernor's proposal of a "basis of settle-
The letter to the governor revealed
that the minersatwo weeks ago re-
jected a proposal for an immediate l
settlement offered by the operators. It
provided for an immediate return to
work at wages paid prior to the sus-
pension. It also provided for resump-
tion of negotiations for a five year
contract and arbitrations if differ-
ences are not settled within 30 days
of resumption of negotiations.
The check-off, the letter said,
"which was condemned in principal
by the Roosevelt commission in 19031
and refused by the Wilson commission
in 1920, you now suggest that we ac-
cept by another name. By any name
it is repugnant to reason and justice
and more a barripr than an aid to
sound industrial relations."
llowze Reports Indiscreet Utterance
To Davis Who !May Transmit It
To President Coolidge
(By Associated Press)j
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-A verita-j
ble bombshell, with delayed fuse at-



William F. Sweet
former governor ofAColorado, who is
making a tour of American colleges
in behalf of the World court. Ile is
a staunch opponent of Senator Borah
and will oppose his arguments here
Lee lre In ist oral Science Audi orium
Is Schiedilled For 4:1.4 o'clock By
School Of Rleligion
Walter Lippmann of the New York
World, authority on international
politics, will speak on "The Moral
Problems of Journalism" at 4:15
o'clock Thursday, in Natural Science
audlitorium. Mr. Lippmann's lecture
will be the fourth of a series arranged
under the auspicas of the Michigan

Talk Will Be Principal Event On Thd
"Iii ernantional Week" Program,
Sponsored By Orgaizations
William E. Sweet, former governor
of Colorado and champion of the
World court, will speak ton "America
and the World Court: A Reply to Sen-
ator Borah" to the delegates to the
intercollegiate World court conference
students and townspeople at 8 'o'clock
tonight in 1ll auditorium. Prof. Wil-
liam A. Frayer, of the history depart-
ment, will be the chairman of the
meeting and will introduce the speak-
Ex-Governor Sweet's address will be
the principal event on the program of
"International Week" sponsored by
a number of campus organizations in-
cluding the Union, the Student coun-
cil, the Student Christian association,
the Roundtable club and the League
of Nations Non-Partisan association.
The object of the meeting is the dis-
semination of accurate information
about the World court, especially with
reference to the desirability of Am-
erican membership therein.
Ex-Governor Sweet, for the past 25
years president of the Denver Y. M.
C. A.,;has been a prominent figure In
church and Y. M. C. A. affairs. His
rise in the political field has been
rapid, having been elected governor
of Colorado in 1922 without ever hav-
ing held a political office previously.
[According to a report coming from
Denver, ex-Governor Sweet was able
to initiate more constructive legisla-
tion, particularly of benefit to labor-
ers and farmers, than any of his pre-
The Colorado ex-governor Is now
making a tour of American colleges
i and uiniversities in bhahlf of the WorlId


y boat or by sledge,,MacMillan turn- --- "War is the most hideously adver-.
d to the airplane as a means. e LNLKis the ode ver-
hose an amphibian plane, capable of SLOSSON WILL SPEAK tiled thing in the world; everybody
>eing used on land "or water. In knows all about war, from the poison-
pite of the criticism of Colonel Mit- Michigan's "International Week" ed arrow down to the present methods
hell, Commander MacMillan stated program, which began last night with of warfare. We must do a little ad-
hat if he ever were to use planes a dinner at Lane hall for the dele- vertising for peace," said Frederick
Haying beeni n Etah many times be- gates from various colleges of the M. Snyder, journalist, lecturer and!
'ore, he knew the we ther conditions state, and Conrad Hoffman's address commissioner of the Walter Hines #
here, which he deseribed by saying on "The European Students and Their Page School of International Rela-
hat they would have to land "today I
an water, tomorrow on ice." Influence on the Peace Policy of Their tians, to the assembled delegates of
Starting out under the direction of Country", at Hill auditorium, will get the Intercollegiate World Court con-
he National Geographic society, with into full swing this morning with a ference at Lane hall last night.
he co-operation of the United States series of discussion groups at the "Peace is the indication of good na-
ravy, Ihe took with him several naval Union. These groups are open to all tional health. We must co-operate to
nen, pilots and mechanics, and two
scientists, Dr. Walter N. Koelz, who students, delegates and townspeople. remove the plague of war, as science
has been stationed at the University At 9 o'clock, Prof. Preston M. Slos-harmovyddthecpnaue.p
as ivesigaor or te Brea ofMr. Snyder continued.
is investigator for the Bureau of son, of the history department, will Outlining some of the proposed
isheries, and Lieutenant Riggs of the give a short talk on "Locarno Treat- plans for securing international co-
oa investigate magnetism and tides. ios and Their Influence on European operation in the settlement of national
iest te t t Peace" which will be followed by a differences, Mr. Snyde'r stated "the;
Besies these there were two photog- Psweetmeat of the nut of peace is
raphers, who brought hundreds of forum discussion until 10 o'clock. At! wrapped in justice, not in shells." We
pictures of arctic life and scenery. that time, Frederick M. Snyder, one must proceed on some plan which will
The Bowdoin, a wooden ship bui ltl
Tspecially for arctic work, the small- I f the six commissioners of the Wal- make the public think, which will
estsip evyertgoonorthersnex-terHinesawake them to the issues at hand. The
est ship ever to go on northern ex- ter Hines Page School of Interna- final settlement must be thought out,
peditions, carried part of the party, tional Relations, will address thent goa,
while the Peary a steel ship, carried group on a topic relative to the A not fought out, he added.
the three planes. Commander Mac- World court. Mr. Snyder is an au- Amrica's entran inh Wol
Millan explained the danger of taking thority on his subject, having spent expenditure of about $50,000 neces-
a steel ship, sayingthat a woodend much time on the continent as repre- sary, while every year, even in times
boat when squeezed in the ice, would sentative at International conferences,':o pae we spend over $300,000,000
spring back into shape, while the steel and is now on a speaking tour of for implements of war, according to
craft might be crushed by it. colleges and universities in behalf of Mr. Snyder.
Establish Etah As Headquarters the League of Nations Non-Partisan1 For several years, Mr. Snyder has
The party left Bosjon June 17, ar- association. traveled about this country and the
riving at Etah, their goal Aug. 1. The The 11 o'clock group will be ad- continent in the interest of the World
latter place, a settlement of two dressed by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of court, and is now engaged in a speak-
homes, was the headquarters of the 'the political science department, who ing tour of American colleges and
planes while they made their flights1 will talk on "International Law, amnd universities endeavoring to stimulate
over Ellesmere land to the northwest.' Its Relation to the World Court." At interest in the World court and also
The party was equipped with radio 11 o'clock, Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of to obtain student views 'on interna-
on each ship, provisions for three and the political science department, will tional topics. Mr. Snyder will lead
a half months, and 39 steel drums of talk on "The League of Nations." one of the discussion groups of the
gasoline, enough to fly 15,000 miles. After all these talks, discussion will Intercollegiate World Court confer-
The planes, flying over rough ice and be held on the topics of the speakers., ence at 10 o'clock this morning in the
high mountains,. with no possibility of After the last group discussion is Union.
a landing place failed to establish ad- completed, certain resolutions will be
vance bases on account of the fact presented to the delegates embodying
that they found no open water on 1the stand which the conference wish- 1TE A UNION
which to descend. Storms had their 'es to take on the question of Amer-eUp, t u aUor u
effect on the planes, with the result 'ica's entrance into the rldscurt. -r n i nilnmrn
that at the end only one would fly. A vote will be taken and the results SLU UBCIPIUNIU
Flights were made for 21 days, always sent to the Inercollegiate World L U UIlIUL
with the same results, being lost in Court conference which will be held .
cloud banks or having to return for at Princeton next week. \enbers of the team which obtain
lack of open water. The evening feature will bessxI ed the highest number of Union lif
Comne aIiln soe Gov. William E. Sweet's address eoen hehges ube fUno4f
thousands of feet of film depicting America and the World Court" at memberships during the annual cam
the life of the eskimos. The Smith ( 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium. This paign two weeks ago, will be in th
Sound eskimos he described as the address is open to all students and student offices of the Union ever
purest blooded eskimos and "one of townspeople as well as visiting dele- afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock fo
the happiest people in the world." He gates. t the remainder of the school year t
told of their methods for hunting wal- A student forum on international- receive additional life membership
rus and whales, and of the varied and ism, under tire auspices of the dos- Tee adtonal,4 if mubs rshwa
abundant bird life found there. The mopolitan -club, will be held at 8 The qa of 1,0 dripto g
peoples of south Greenland are of o'clock tomorrow night in Natural t reaed d hring re debashp
mixed blood, but they are a colorful Science auditorium. Three foreign it is eOstimated that more membershi
group, with their beautiful clothing students will present the recent inter- were obtained this year than last. A
of beads and skin, and their semi- national developments in their respec- official count of the subscriptions
civilized towns. tive countries and following their now being made.
speeches, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of The committee will endeavor to ex
the political science department, will plain the new plan of subscribingt
ttalk on "Tihe League of Nations," with the Union for life, and will give an
tk "eo itsabilityto cnswith the other information desired to studen

' tr




ave been paid, class officers em- tached, tonight lay concealed beneath School of Religionoinfconnectlonbwith
Piavebeenpaidclas offiersRm in mconnection with
'hasized. If a student makes four an- the surface of the Army court martial Prof. Kirsopp Lake's seminar on the orous champion.
eal payments, and then allows the trying Colonel Mitchell. moral issues of modern life.
)oicy to lapse, the insurance com- ,Its explosion may, unless the fuse Formerly associate editor of the
)any int1946 will pay that amount to is snipped off at the war department New Republic, Mr. Lippmann was as- N ations W ill
he class fund. In this respect the I or the White House, blow one member ( sistant to the Secretary of War for
olicy operates after the fashion of of the court, Brig. Gen. Edward L. several month's during 1917, and later Sign Locarno
heChristmas Savings funds, where! King, from his seat on the tribunal.I was appointed secretary of the organ-
he depositor is allowed to draw from Presumably, Maj. Gen. Robert L. ization directed by Col. E. M. House Treatyseoa
he bank all the money he has paid, Howze, the president, was the only to prepare data for the peace confer-e y
yen though he discontinue his pay- member of the court aware of the ence, upon which President Wilson
ments before the year is ended. The situation. He created it by reporting based his famous 14 points. The (By Associated Press)
ear that all money paid on policies to the war department that General journalist has contributed to many na- LONDON, Nov. 30.-The Locarno
would be retained by the insurance King had used the expression "Damn tional periodicals and is a member of treaty of mutual guarantees and its
ompany in case payments were dis- rot" in court while' a witness was the American Academy of Political sister arbitration pacts already have
ontinued for any reason before the 20 being examined by the defense, and and Social Science. been laid on the tables in the recep-
ull payments had been made, has that the remark had been overheard He has written several political tion hall of his majesty's foreign of-
liscouraged some from taking part in and reported at the time by Rep, works, the best known of which are fices for the ceremony tomorrow of
he plan class officers said in issuing Frank R. Reed, chief defense counsel. "The Stakes of Diplomacy," written signing and sealing by the plenipo-
heir denial that such is the cassi In taking the action he did, General in 1915, "The Political Scene," and tentiaries of the nations concerned.
At its maturity in 1946, the fund i Howze merely complied with the reg- "Liberty and the News," written in All the delegates had arrived in Lon-
w ill be turned over to the University t laid down in the court martial '1920. don tonight in readiness for the work
wisl be muem ovto he d niersd Ia manual. The public is invited to attend Mr. 'which will put into operation these
s best atmemorial, tohet administered as The manual says that, "improper Lippmann's lecture. documents pledging Germany and her
Feems bsth attheatime. o h r-words used by a member should be neighbors to respect the frontiers es-
Further informationon the opera- taken down in writing and disorderly ; ta-blished by the treaty of Versailles
ion of the endowment fund plan may conduct reported to the appointing Sale Of Opera a d a n e s-
be obtained at campaign headquarters 'authority" Whether Secretary Davis ie.d
n Alumni Memorial hall. will see fit to give the Howze report c esensThe signatory nations are repre
to President Coolidge has not been sented by Austen Chamberlain for
disclosed, but it is regarded as likely giet byiAunn. Bramderanc ,
0INflRNI~ Il flIS IIP 'that he will inform Mr. Coolidge of the j Great rtseMan Briand for France,
Uincident. Because of the heavy demand f 1uter ftre Ga man Chanbllor
Luther for the German republic, Emil
SThe tr Im ed forward today, withtickets to Ann Arbor performnce ndrvelde, Belgium, Sount Scialoia,
IS UECLI . B iLBH he tralmoedfowrdwih eroraneso
navy supplying four witnesses "Tambourine", the 20th annual Union Italy, M. Skrzynski, Poland, and Ed-
who, under the guidance of Major Al- opera which will play next week at
I len Gulhion, assistant trial judge ad- the Whitney theater, all members of .Thenes choemovakiar
(By Associated Press) vocate, testified in answer to many the Union will again have an oppor- cereoni es wi
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-Secretary 'of Colonel Mitchell's charges of i- tunity for preference of seats at an- n 10 o'clock when the delegates will
an mldmii-bxIfieslei h meet in the foreign office to verify the
Wilbur declined today a tender of the competence, neglect and naladmiis- other box ofice sale inthe Union
chief justiceship of the Supreme court tration of the air service. lobby between 3 and 5 o'clock this ocuents, conferring plenipotentiary
hobbyetwee_3_and5_ocockti power on them. The signatories will
of California. i afternoon. The general box office sale; assemble i the reception room where
The offer came from GovernorRelef Se tTOforthepublicw"il"lph it- aseml ign r i n where
forhatheon.lTheichwilluotiensatpthe 'the formal figning will begin short-
Therdsofer cme juseliefsSeptT- ney theater tomorrow afternoon at ly after 11 o'clock.
cently became vacant by resignation S. S. "Red Bird 1 o'clock.
of the incumbent judge. The offer is !Students will be able to file appli-
understood to have been received Sat-I cations for tickets to out-of-town per
urday while Mr. Wilbur was at the KEY WEST, Nov. 30.-The wreck- formances later this week for thetoout-
Army and Navy football game in New ing ship Warbler left here tonight for first few cities which will be played[L
York. Pacific reef off Miami coast, to assist including Chicago, Grand Rapids, Sag-
Both Mr. Wilbur and the White + the Munson line freighter "Red Bird," inaw, and Flint. The exact date will OR PATES EGINS
House have recently denied that the reported aground. No information be announced within a (lay or two,
secretary intended to leave the could be obtained as to the condtion while mail orders for performances in' Sale of 1926 lic {se plates for motor
cabinet, of the ship. other cities will not be filed until vehicles opened this "morning at time
next week. Alumni in every city are new branch office located in the
EXPLORER SAYS DIRIGIBLE GilVES given preference in ticket distribution' Chamber of Comerce inn. Permission
/- I within their locality, was granted by the state department
HOPE FOR ARC TIC EXPLORA TIONSI ___hm__hei__ty. at Lansing for the removal of the or
"We are convinced by this year'son1 cStudents Invted -cut location several weeks"ago.
"W arnrs only scientific. There are great coal TTemporary hours for the sale of the
events that further work in the arctic deposits there, but we cannot work H Nospi tags have been fixed from 9 until 3
is not to be done by airplanes," stated them. The regions near the Arctic i-o'clock. These hours will be in ef-
Com. Donald B. MacMillan after his circle, however, are now being worked, New University hospital will be feet all of this week and until perm-
lecture last night. "It will be done and large deposits of criolite are be-j open to inspection for the first time anent organization of the branch has
some day by dirigibles, but not until ing exploited, in addition to the fish- tomorrow afternoon from 1 o'clock been completed. Although the sale of
they are perfected to a greater degree ing trade. until 4 o'clock and also Thursday the tags commences today, the use of
than they are at present." He stated] The explorer said that in the last afternoon during the same hours. the 1926 plates is forbidden by law un-
that more work must be done here 75 years all the glaciers in the far Guides will be furnished to take til Jan. 1.
I in this country in developing airships north had started moving down guests through the. entire building. More than 15,000 plates are expect-


s. 1

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