NDAY, NOVEMBER 29?, 1925 TH-.MICHIGAN DAILY .w e W Vr* Efl in'ueuguwa i .unstcwy yr incutm COLuM Trails And Mounds In Michigan AT 3 P.M. ADVER'ISI G UAT 3 P.M (CninI f~~ I)(C Cb Mh~nh Dr. Hinsdale believes that: the In- been prserved, they would today LOST WANTED diaiis who once livedl in Michigan cuIi- rank among America's striking relics tivated extensive areas knownu as "gar- 01f a distinctive aboriginal trait. Peds ST-Oh~ Duofold fountain pen. H. den beds" Among thie records he hias 'are reportedi to have been located in!f Newman. 9217. 59._ WANTED-Girls for relief selling dur-1 located, hie has found references to Iseveral counties of which at least 23r inlg noon hours daily. Apply imme ;I tese "garden beds" which reveal 'have been described. in extent, theytI ST-One fur lined glove Wednes- diately at office. Mack & Co. fItoet aebe ymtialwvrclfo h wel fKlia lay. Telephone 4822. Name inside tteet aebe yuercl.lwvre rmte"he"o aai 'rederika Waldron. 59. ea__________________________ rth ries, laidl out with precision, !zoo, 90 feet in diameter, to rectanglesr __ __- and showing much artistic conception !of over a hundred acres. Good di a-i NOTICE IEXPERIENCE~D two payment men to Iin their designs. Some were wheel ;grams of a numbel)r of plots have beenf - open office covering entire distict. shaped, with spokes running out to a,' preserved, and the measurements oft PI~VE~i 'ING & MHMEOGILAPHING Full co-operation andi protection.1 circular ridge from a circle wthin, a fewy are a matter of record. F mplyan natydoe y ome Send $1.00 for supplies and con- i but most of then were ia waell planned {The Indian mounds, of which thereL ent operators at moderate rates. pl. inomto.Cld .Rm eomnetrical designs. They resembled! are sonic f,70 in Michigan have yieldedd ollege work a specialty for seven- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, bed s in a formal garden, hencetie110 tonrgdngelyIda Oh o h n o m to e ad n al ni nLen years. ho tf. nlame. -_ _____ ___ customs. Dr. Hinsdale has ill the 1 0. - -R-L----______ __ _ __ _ - Michigan collection several skulls withi c 17 Nickels Arcade, MAAIEmntrwmngeh i-Fi LN leir togs punctured by an inch hole. e Typewriter & Stationery Store trict managers, organizers experi- ( I was formerly believed that tis' t. enced on two pay plan, also special FOR RENT-Newly decorated fur-< t I offers. Write or wire today for real n ished for- room apartment. Phone piractice of trephinling skulls, presum-L prpsiin !t a'bly to let the evil spirits out, or SON BEAUTY SOP. LSoipe-ate fully experience. 4:77 59-60-61. th ocdl ones in, was not carried on1' Sanent wavng anpmrer-avn Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, h urnsecaty 319ng and Maint Roomn Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. !FOIR SALE 1northl of Mexico. Put the discovery ofI 02. Dpeialt440. tfS Mi . these skulls in Michigan gives evi- FO. DENT 444 P FORT) .Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- (leice that the practice was carried T~FORIN RENT_____________________ erator, side curtains, demountable on by the Michigan Indians also. TALRN}!rims with good tires. Call J. D. Good Results Seen dents Tailoring Phone 8040 FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash- Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell Pl. The work of excavating these ! Cor. N. University and Thiayer Da S4.t. Stra onn.i. mud.wihwscrido lrn MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND int. Dia 554 - audy onn._t.I til past summner h as yiled excellnt PRESSED, $1.25 TW trcie ige rn om.FOR SALE--Underwood Portable results. But thle contnsof the TROUSERS PRESSED, 20ec Clean, quiet home. Rent reasonable' Typewriter. Late model, $30. Call mound are of no more importance; EANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING t Ph one 5346. 923 Greenwood. tf at Health Service Desk. 56-57-58. than tile mound itself. Dr. Hinsdale ND ;ALTERING' A SPECIALTY FO SL -ao tiktorcrl states that tile destruction of the ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND FOR RENT-Single room, ,steam heat.; union series. Will admit to three: mounds by heedless diggers is an ir- COiATS 311 Thompson St. f58-591 I ~ reparable loss. Regarding the typical REASONABLE PRICES 1more $2,concerts. Price $4.00. Ca lichnelesas;Tecmo WokCalled For And Delivered FRIHD*7468. 1125 Martin Place. 59. coltrisomiesaotaf- FRIHDAPARTMENT for rent-j colcosoeie ams a sun., t., th.-tf. Two living rooms, two bed rooms i FOR SALE--An antique rosewood (natic in the possession of some ele- TICE-Watch Repairing-All kinds and bath, but no kitchen. Secondl buffet $35. Duplex fireless cooker,! gautly wrought pieces of flint, cop- atches, clocks and jewelry re- floor of Cutting Apartments. Phone! two well, largest size, $12. Mrs. per, pottery, slate, shell, or stone.I aired, work guaranteed. T. H. 8621. 58-59-60 Haisley. Phone 3405. 59-60-61. Truck of that kind is almost always' 'ibbals, registered optometrist, 903 ary. Phone 3283. 59-60-61. _____________________________________ - FOUNTAIN PEN INK 1 profit by your satisfaction. TheI we recommend is first a record I RaIE tic I___ IL L A __ _rilo _ ________re r uk. It is the best flowing ink and till not clog the delicate mechan- - _ _____ _-_____ "m of your pen. Ask At Rider's Pen Shop 1 302 State Street M t. hsun. tf. -IL Au"EIO &U ' PmOV* 30th pad best prices for men's used' 'lothiing. Dial 8040.0 P .Students' Tailoring MNA n)M if. FOUNTAIN PENSBEEI HOPTLC LD N the, letter makes including the B N F T M I H L R N amous Rider "Masterpen." Why ot get our skilled service with m Rie' e hpSubject: "In Seiarch orhknw he pen you buy at the' same cost. 302 State Street1 Stnt., sun. tf. Illustrated--Moving Picture --.Slides--Airplane take' pride in tbequality of our Views of Arctic Circle, ork. You, sheuld* take pride in our roducts. We cater to the student a as xvell a t0fe =n residents. Sponsored by KI ANIS CLUB on re requested to visit our shop I t your earliest convenience. Pr c soSI ARNOLD Pie:3-' 5 to t. Jewelers-302 State St. tf.P TiCIg -Buy the latest fiction at idd~ 's Book Store. 11 Nickels ArL -________________________ ade. ~ w., f., sun. tf. TENTION fraternities and sorori-{- ~es: 'iTry our Special Blend Coffee. or sound 45c. The Schultz Groc- .TYPEWRITERS THIS IS INT ERESTINGII uilt~'and second hand of all makes oug ft, sold, rented, exchanged, More and more American people are investing in farm lands for safety. leand, repaired and rebuilt. Larg-j st stock and best service depart- Everything in credit is based on real estate. All other investments rely onl ont rn Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, prosperity. Unlike a city lot, a farm is self-sustaining. 17 Nickels. Arcade, e Tyrpewriter & Stationery Store I!Those who can, buy a country home so that comfort and pleasure can Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona ¢be had. On a country home the professional man can play tennis, have a U riding horse; he can have fresh fruit and vegetables, wood for the fire place, FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING skillfully repair your pen the jfresh, eggs and chickn, cheaply, pure water. ~ame day you bring it. Why send t awaiy and wait. Farm taxes are lower than city taxes.I RiderStaPen Shopet Tke country gentleman has his running water, electric lights, telephone, t., th., sun. tf. raimi1eiey elh CHRISTMlAS CARDSraimidevryhal.1 sonal cards should be ordered now. Right now I have two excellent country home investments, about 150 ood work requires time. Printing nd engraving a specialty. Largest acres each, near Ann Arbor, death necessitating sale at a veryv cheap price n . U.es seeton biale if sold at. once. Can arrange for sale on easy terms. Either place can be he 17 Nickels Arcade, isold for less than $14,000. Call GEORGbE HALL ER, Dial 4911, at heTypewriter & Stationery Store tf. i123 West Washington St.t stored in cabinets without either label1 or data, an1d the owner is in perfect1 i.gnorance as to histories, delighting only in the variety and elegance of his specimens. A miscellaneous bag- fll of 01ld clock,.vwheels andi sewing machine shuttles is just as valuable as such a. collection. Tells Of Momid "If the mounds are observed care- fully, such 'observations may be (f gr°eat value, as aze the records by Mr.1 H-ubbard, wvho tells about the Great; Mound of the Rouge river: 'It was an; imposing structure several hundred feet long and 40 feet high. It con-! tained skeletons deposited ill different; p~ositions; sitting, supine, anld bent; bones of men, womlenl and ciiil(Plen' dumped without formality; burned bones, ashes of bones andI (etached. pieces. There were found in it soln of th-e perforated skulls peculiar toi Michigan. It was probably in later times a central b~urying place for in- dians coming long distances with l bones of thir dead for interment in a kind of communal cemetery." 0 m i Y ° De Our Afternoon Tcas are Advertis BEST EVERSkHE EDITION Tweve gs iithtgavreofte1rsdl nIr sit-,Hsital, Yost Field NIoose, Newiicdhlc iig.lv -P' Il Elveop eayto 75ct- WA#'ff RBOOK',STORE3 Now is the time to get your old buss reshod -fo'r the Winter. Tires are still going up but our prices are still at the old price. A.C'. Speedometers qColmplete $9.45 For All Model Fords Shotguns $10.00 and up A Real Jack for 98c Motor Driven Horn $2.95 Tool Box For Running Board $1.69 Radio B Batteries 45 Volt $2.95 Rubber Mat for Battery 75c 30x3 2 Semi Oversize Cord. .. . . . .$8.95 30x3 2 Large Oversize Cord... .. . . . . .. . . . $9.95 30x3 2 Heavy Tube ...... $2.25 31x4 Heavy Tube ........ $3.00 32x4 Heavy Tube .... ... .$3.50 Motor Gloves for Ladies and Gentlemen 98c up to $4.25 No Better Gloves Made Ia Guaranteed 188 Proof 75c Per al. Alcohol Testers Complete 69c Heaters for Fords.........,. 39c $6.50 Arvin Heaters for Chevrolets ..............$5.50 $8.00 Dodge Heater ... $7.95 Crystal Sets.............. $1.50 Guaranteed Radiotron Tubes .................$2.29 Guaranteed Milo Tubes . ... $1.49 ..MGMM2 Don't Cuh-Call us Dial 8902 Corner Ashley and Huron Streets, Ann Arbor Stores in all the Best Cities of Michigan eats the Want Ads Il I Coming - THE 11 0 NsTELLE co. With MVISS JESSIE BONSTELLE in a Leading Role in j L6 A6" SW A 0* m