4 publicity matters that were sadly in
need of it; if he can bring about the1
- -necessary reforms he will have ac-
ulshed every morning except Monday complished a great work for thes
ei : tlhe university year by the Board in T ;im A c
A% r 'AimA:
,Ihl of Student Publications.
M(.mhers of Western Conference Editorial1
As ociation.
The Asociated Press is exclusively en-
i 1 to the use for republication of all news
cvox credited to it or not otherwise
e in this paper and the local news pub-
lisl therein.
red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
a end class matter. Special rate
po'' oe ronedby Third Assistant Post-
by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
l d Stree-t.
nes: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
i ditorial Board...Norman R. Thal
(ty Editr............Robert 5. Mansfield
i................Manning Houseworth
oor...........Helen S. Ramsay1
Ipo ;,s1;dtor............ Joseph Kruger
3 degaph Eitor.........William Waithour
si and )rama......Robert B Henderson
Night Editors
Smi IT. Cady Leonard C. Hall
ard B. Crosby Thornas V. Koykka
uert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
fniL44 taFE's.
If the officers of the United States,
who make up the jury, take it uponI
themselves to discipline Colonel lit--
chell--as the remark of one of their
Please do not think us cruel in the
members that the defense was "damn matter of Mr. Zilch. His death was an
rot" seems to indicate--they will be act of God and we certainly have no
making a great mistake, showing that control over such events. His death,
the war dIepartment is not big enough we admit, was a great blow to the
to accept constructive criticism vhenys
it i bakedwitt unisptabe ~ country, but there seems to be noth-
After bungling the prseution, a ing to do but face it philosophically.
lowing profanity to be used in a court This department is conducted as a
of justice by a juror, and failing to
answer the damaging evidence offered
1by the colonel, a verdict of "NotI
guilty" is the only logical conclusion
for the trial.
The National Crime commission, in-
cluding in its membership such not a-
bles as F. Trubee Davison, the lon.-
Charles E. Hughes, Newton D. Baker,'
and lRichrad Washburn Child, has
completed its preliminary organiza-
tion and will begin active work in aI
country-wide campaign which will en-
deavor to bring to light the defects in
the administration of criminal justice
in the United States.
This commission has no intention of
relieving public officials of their nor-
mal responsibilities, out will make
available all the facts of their re-
search work "upon wiich intelligent
and assured conclusions and decisive
action can be accepted and under-
taken" to check crimes of violence in
this country.
The suppression of crime and law-
lessness is apparently the most vital
necessity in this period of rank dis-
order. The efforts of this commission
will be dedicated to a swift and sure
justice that will discourage the prac-
tice of the criminal and reduce the
open flouting of public order. It will
humor column, not a Bible.
* * q
This disease which makes people
walk the street of our fair city in
highly colored bath robes seems to be
contagious. It also seems to be par-
ticularly spreading among the young-
er females. There seems to be no ex-
planation of it, either from the point
of view of the psychologists or the
From a nonscientific outlook, we
cannot explain it. We have noted1
carefully the mannerism of those who
seem thus afflicted, and they do not,
generally speaking appear to be blind
or "queer." They walk and talk in
quite a normal way, and do not seemI
to have anything particularly peculiar
in their private lives.j
Were it but one person, that would
be easily explained on the ground
that he had read some health book or
something, or wanted publicity. But
when a large number becomes thus
affected, that's not so easy classified.
We think it is a combination of
color blindness and lack of aesthetic
judgment, and also probably a slight
disease of the cold nerve ends. Pos-
sibly it is also a desire-to-be-noticed
complex. Anyway the medical pro-
fession ought to have a conference on
the subject.
Just sutos iti ott -o bad+c that
(;r eF. Bailey
T . Barbour
\ ia Orrycr
PiiC C. Brooks
cuyen1 I. Cekunst
I )ilsDobieday
14a- I )uila
_ hh.ennedy
- .ack
. rkus
Elli Mery
I ~1i' so o
Margaret Parker
stanford N. Phelps
Evelyn Pratt
Marie. Reed
.Simon Rosenbaum
Ruth Rosenthal
Wilton A. Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtlavd C. Smith
Stanley Steinko
Clarissa Tapson
ilenry Tiiurnau
David C. Vokes
Chandler J. Whipple
Cassain A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilszke
sudephone 21214
A ........... .....J. J. Finn
......-T. I). Olmsted, Jr.
.......FrankIR. Dentz, Jr.
,.;.n................Wm. L. Mullin
(f.................. H. L. Newman
cad Icatin...............Rudolph Bostelman
-u- - ..................- ' Paul W . Arnold
S I. Aldug F. A. Nordquist
\i. Anatdic, Jr. l-,cta G. Parker
V k :al f X. r l ulius C. Pliskow
f±hn Ii. h' Robert Prentiss
C VInox .C. Pusch
-oA. Dniel Franklin J. Rauner
;' (mvs14 etuy Jseph Ryan
:_,aarct l.Funk Margaret Smith
ioGilbect t - alce 'Solomion
T. Re'oth Ifaven Thomas Sunderland
. E.ittleWin. J. Weinman
.nn L. Mosher -
"Angie-American friendship is
rn o mutual respect and the
r vaOf irritations that formerly
a prevented a full under-
taning. We are no longer fun-
(habitentally jealous. We have a
consicusness of our power and
f our on stirength that makes
t ls a instead of self seeking.
We now thitnk of England as a
tmmily friend, who may differ
from,, us in many ways and yet
Sho has such close ties that we
n xvercan in any way get away
frionI her even if we should wish."
Julian S. Mason, managing editor
01 the New York Herald Tribune,
to the British Empire Chamber
of Commerce, New York.
.J .p g.i .U )),UI, , L B UL I E
strive to stimulate public opinion in
the restoration of respect for the au- wearing one's bath robe or wrapper
thoriy of the State. around the street were fashionable.
rgatheredThen some of the ones who wore them
As . . f-rst, would go a bit farther and wear
they will be used as a basis to bringst
about reforms in existing law and .
when that became fashionable, like
current practice of the criminal courtsw. m
Bobbed hair and bare knees, what
wherever imzprovemlent is shown to bewul nwerangt?
needed. Local crime commissions, w
composed of responsible observers, We hate to think about it
will be formed in impartant communi Something else to worry about now
ties to urge upon the legislatures the I . , .e
changes found necessary. fs who is going to pick the All-Ameri-
ecan team this year. Now that Walter
The commission," states F. Trubee C sded ht r egon o
Daio, eea c ra,"hpst Camp is (lead, -what are we going to
Davison, general chairman, "hopes to, do? If all the coaches picked a team,
obtamn anation-wide co-operation and
each one would send in his own eleven
singleness of purpose and method. As
andl then -where would we be?
a central body it not only hopes to O course, there MST be an All-
Keep alive a %a znllig ne and to
American team this year, otherwise
Sunify' opinion, lbntwillattempt to oD-what would be the use of the whole
tam standardiratlon of criminal sta- se son, but it seems to us that there
tistics, current information, better is going to 0 great difficulty in pi l-
methods of criminal ideat fication, andi
the general iml;rovement of police Aith this in mind, therefore, we be-
criminal procedure and penal resualts.
IT lieve that the one big thing that we
The National Crime commission ~Ican do for this country is to pick an
embarkig on a- amnstaking, ittious, All-American team which will, of
project which deserves earnest and course be considered the official one,
sincee support. 1' successful, law- throughout the country.
breaking and those forms of criminal-
ity which threaten with violence the
safety of persons and property may 1 THE ROLLS ALL-AMIERICAN
be reduced considerably, and livtng SELECTION
conditions become more ideal.
left tacl....................
"He leads a 'double' life," said the Lett tackle..................
movie star as lie watched the stunt Left glar(d..................
man perform. left halt....................
Iaull bac. . . .
"I've got to hand it to you," said a
the victim of the hold-up, as he sur- U
rendered his wallet. aset ier d bk...............
_____________________________Eight__guard................... I
Iit tackle..................
-DIT RIAtLeTd ...................
Bonstelle compny in "The Swan" by
Ferene Ioinar in the Whitney theater
at 2:15 o'clock.
Len Shaw of the Detroit Free Press
wrote the following criticism of Mol-
nar's "The Swan" which the Bmon-
stelle company are to present in the
Whitney theater tomorrow afternoon
at 2:15 o'clock under the auspices of
the Ann Arbor branch of the American
Association of University Women:
"Those who witnessed the perform-
ance at the Bonstelle Playhouse re-
mained to applaud the mgst brilliant
achievement of Miss Bonstelle and her
associates since she became the oc-
cupant of the midtown theater that
bears her name.
"This comedy of royal love and in-
trigue is perhaps the most satisfying
of the Molnar writings. It is Molnar
I in a gay mood, yet not unmindful of
the serious moments in the lives of
the people he so skillfully satirizes.
Its retelling by the Bonstelle company
is acted with superb skill. It is mere-
F ly stating a fact that at the hands of
the Bonstelle compny 'The Swan'
takes on a warmth and a humanness
which was not always in evidence
during its New York presentation.
"Jessie Royce Landis, assuming her
first assignment of consequence since
she joined the Bonstelle company,
plays the Princess Alexandra with
flawless finesse. To a truly regal
beauty there is added a dignity such
as becomes the young woman riled
by filial fear and an inherited craving
for wealth and station until love as-
serts itself. Then the breakdown of
assumed haughtiness is contrived with
a deftness and a depth of feeling that
makes it a notable characterization.
Miss Landis may accomplish much in
the months to come, but her Alexan-
dra will always remain a brilliant
"Only praise can be bestowed upon
Donald Cameron as the tutor-lover.
Admirably fitted by appearance for
the part, he brings to the task a re-
straint and a shading that makes his
Nicholas Agi a carefully chiseled
cameo, rich in human emotions.
"You should make it a point, finally,
to place 'The Swan' well upon your,
playgoing list. It is an event that
lover of splendid comedy, impeccably
done, should not miss."
* * s
Despatches from Princeton in the
New York. papers indicate that its un-
dergraduate body also has turned
from the serious business of football
to the insouciant purusit of musical
comedy. Along with "Tambourine,"
the only other, amateurproduction to
appear at the Metropolitan Opera
House this season, the annual Tri-
angle show is called "Fortuno"-a
stupid title!-center around Venice, is
also romantic in setting, and plays in
New York Tuesday, December 22, just
a week before our Opera.
They outdo us on one point by play-
lug both a matinee and evening per-
formance. * * *
"Great Catherine," George Bernard
Shaw's broad farce in four scenes
which Comedy Club are to present in
the Mimes theater Tuesday and
j Wednesday evenings, January 12 and
13, is being placed in rehearsal Tues-
day afternoon at 3:00 o'clock in the
auditorium of Newberry hall.
Amy Loomis, director of Masques
and the Junior Girls' play, is to play
the title role, and the cast in detail,
under the direction of Phyllis Lough-
ton, has been selected as follows:
Catherine, Empress of Russia ..
.Amy Loomis
Edstaston, The English
Ambassador .... Valentine Davies
Claire, his fiancee..Mary Lou Miller
Patiomkin, the Prime Minister..
.......... Robert Henderson
Varinka, his niece..Elizabeth Strauss
Princess Dashkoff... .Lillian Bronson
The Sergeant .......Thomas Denton
Two Ladies of the Court........
..................Minerva Miller
.Marion Leland
* * *1
Opening tomorrow evening and con-
tinuing through Tuesday, December
8, the Ypsilanti Players are present-
ing the second number of their sea-
son. The program will includeI
"Spring" by Colin Campbell Clements
with Amy Loomis as the Skirt and
Thomas Denton as the Gob, and Phyl-
lis Loughten in Amy Loomis' mono- i
logue "Forsaken."
thing off color they won't get it any-
* * *
Speci 1 ffer-
We will allow you $1.00 for your old fountain pen on the purchase
of a new pen of any of th following makes:
OrW "h ha 's Book StoalWres
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.
MANN'S c 4 I
Means Skill and Quality
in Our Shop.
Save a Dollar or iItore at the
617 Packard Street. Phone 7415.
(Where D. U. 1I. Stops at State St.)
+ '
ilHlllltlttltdtlll!! ttit[111lII.1l1!llltl
For exams you need a
It never balks or runs dry in the middle of an exam
period. The pen which gives satisfaction
instead of trouble.
Rider"s Peal Shop
For the convenience of our patrons,
we maintain, on the balcony overlooking
the dancing floor, a complete soda foun-
tain service. What could be mote pleas-
ant than to sit at a little table and watch
the crowd dance as you enjoy your soda
or sundae.
This is only one of the many features
that combine to make Granger's Acad-
emy the pleasant and enjoyable institu-
tion that it is. If you have never been
here before, come in and get ecquainted.
You will be welcome.
The tial of Ccl. William Mitchell,
'the Imey petrol of the air service," as
the newspapers like to call him, is
rvin)lg to be "fi ry" in more respects
than one. Contact with the out-
IrvingW -)rniohtsDS-C
707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212
Flat Feet Remedied by Arches
Made from Impression of the
Individual Foot.
Louise M. O'Brien
featherweight Arch Supports
Appointment by Telephone
410 South Division
We have an exceptionally
large assortment of personal
Xmas cards for your in-
2 Nickels Arcade
The Shop for Unique Gifts
spoken (oonet must nave affected the
offiers of the court, for it is highly TdiE "SEA ' IA (WITE ." Well, we were just about to fill out
unusual, to say the leost, for a judge T k Tiies) our team, when it occurred to us that
1 (TheNe 'ms
to emark that a cross-examination is oststhis was a pretty high-handed and
"damn mot, and ought to be stopped." g t-Iun-democratic procedure. So we have
Alexandra when she arrived in Eng-
Ant the questions were far from . decided to wait a few days and pick
land after her betrothal to the 1rMeer
l'-n- "rot" of any kind; they were an all-campus all-American team.
fof Wales--a (haring young womanI
cram r iyaj. Jarvis Bain of the 1 . If those of you who are interest-.
- t the war departmentvho for all her briny royal lineage I pe s enh iteret
genteral staff (if the war department , _Ied, -will please send us the above
Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
Served at
Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road,
from noon till midnight.
Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
illtltllllltlttltltltlll~li tlll lilllit1 ltlEDIItliIDD!!Dl|lttl1lEIED||t|l illtIDElillll
the fact that the plans for the defense -Iwasbrought up much as anit Alicaii
-ii elittle short of being agirl of an earlier period, and taught
the domestic arts of cooking, sewing,
t -pmending and caring for the house.
Strial is drawing popular ap- v"thnr
blank, neatly filled out, we will be
greatly pleased, and -will then
t ke a consensus of opinion anid
(leide accordingly. Wle 1ill also
run some of the best selections
ivhiclh i-e receive.
If you will be so kind as to. do this,
p;aovl (tler to the side of Colonel
' ~i.he1 w itht each succeeding day.
S'arks [t c > as that, made by Brig. ,
C . P. L. K~ing, without any founda-
t-iin 0r c se, and showing only too
c ii y t at. itude of the court, are
ci gr-oefl ; as ichiell's counsel said,
suh an u. er.1ace by a juror in a civil
tri aK Iu rsult iin the dismissal of
h . seems that the general I
-e a trle Ileeved over being kept
in tas~ington, due to the expense
and to t he It that his command was
" ";tiai0 itdilsordem." The Mitchell
tri isi a good place for the general
o -y t seems to be proving
-' '- onemielusively that most army I
Ommans ar0 not '"getting'' into dis-I
o r0r; they are taying that way.
The wry sesainismita I hnof Colonel
MiL hel's haiges several months a go
>4 a t'eveiage retder to suspect that
( K)LLG WCLO vv'-I .UILL::u 1.;.y Lt ILL LLl I GL0 VL
fort and of fleet, by the "thundo
cheer of the street," and by
i'f3ins~ vnnh1,1 -IIA ,uc "l, .
rungs IuLtuI &111- s , f- JILwe will have our faith in humanity
Sea kings' daughter, as happy as renewed, as we have not received any
fair, answers to our various appeals in a
'3issful bride of a blissful heir, long time. It is high time that we
himself the heirs of the kings of the I have another all-campus movement in
sea. So were the seas joined as a this department, and this seems to us
vast estate around this island king- j to be a ;golden opportunity.a
dom in which she became wife and If it is the postage which has been
mother of sovereigns whcse empire holding up the coupons in the past,
touched all seas. we hereby guarantee to send any con-
When she caie as a Princess, sixty- I tributor a two-cent stamp whether we
two years ago, Tennyson saluting her -irun his selection or not.
with t1 poem hit-h was -ik-ne to So help Bolls and Uncle Sam and
" he waving of a fltaing pine tree on - everybody by sending them in.
a vwidy hetdhand," said * * *
Fori Saxon or Iane m Norman we, Now, about this play which is com-
rtIh on or f Clt, or whatevr we be, ing Mere tomorrow afternoon. "The
We are each all Dwne in our wel- Swan" is a glorious excuse for you to
come of thee. bolt your afternoon classes and yet
Order one of these delicious
specials for Sunday dinner:
roast lamb with mint sauce,
35c; roast- turkey with dress-
ing and cranberries, only 55c