ESTABLISHED 1800 Y flu I1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS .v. VOL. XXXVI. No. 59 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DANCES ND music ARE KEYNOTES OF UINIQUE DANCES TO MUSIC OFJ MORE THAN 30 TUNES ARE FEATURES HAS STRONG PLOT Musical Comedy To Have Prologue With Costumes Created By Mimes Sole Woman Member Unique dances, arranged and exe- cuted to the strains of. more than 30 original musical numbers, appear as one of the distinguishing features of "Tambourine", the 1925 Union opera which, will open at the Whitney theater Dec. 7 to play for one week, before beginning on its extensive road trip throughout the Middle West and' East. Ballad music and classic love themes, intermingled with catchy tunes of lighter character, stamp the 20th annual Mimes' production as one containing more originality than any previous undertaking of the honorary dramatic society. Woman' Creates Costumes The musical comedy this year will have a prologue in which the cos- tumes have been created by Dorothy Stone, the only woman member of Mimes. A joker and clog dance by members of the women's chorus will be a feature of the introductory act. The Tambourine dance is the out- standing comedy number of the first act in which the costumes worn will represent a varied array of rag dolls. "Romany Rose", also in this act, with a chorus of 48, Is expected to be the song hit of the show with Dan War- ner, '27, leading woman, and Russell Gohring, '27, male lead, engaged in part singing. Gypsy costumes, each with a garland of roses, worn by the entire chorus produce a colorful ef- fect in this numbe. "April Day" is another leading num- ber in Act I. In this 24 women are arrayed in different costumes of deli- cate pastel shades. The number. closes with the chorus carrying um- brellas and torrents of rain falling over the entire stage. One of the .main numbers in the second act is the "Rendezvous", the musical theme being a popular waltz. The men's chorus here is dressed in military uniforms of a gay wine color. "Fine Feathers" in this act consists of a display of costumes, each repre- senting a holiday season of the year. Barre Hill, '26, one of the leading singers, is featured in this number. The Shuffle dance, with 24 women, and the Xylophone dance, of 16 wo- men each, playing a xylophone, are other dance numbers prominent in Act II. The "Palace Dance" is a fast chorus number by 24 women each wearing an imported wig of spun glass, and the "Fan Waltz" with eight people is a fascinating radium number. "Victors" Ends Drill ( Warner, dressed in a costume of white fur, is again prominent in the "Girl In White" number supported by, the men's chorus of 24. An old-! fashioned minuet is the theme of the "Cameo" number in which the voice of Hill again plays an important part. "The Mystics" with 16 men dressed. in radium costumes of maize and blue, is the patriotic number of the show. It consists largely of a fan- tastic drill, reaching a climax with "The Victors". "Tambourine" has the largest mu- sical score of any opera ever pre- sented by Mimes. There is scarcely a display, a scene or a number with- out music accompanying. The 1925 opera is a departure from productions of the past in that it is not the review type of musical comedyE but is for the most part a comic opera with a strong plot. The chief characteristics of the Michigan opera will, however, be found again in "Tam- bourine." Extend Time On Senior Picturesj Senior pictures to appear in the 1926 Michiganensian may be taken any time before Saturday, Dec. 5. The time limit on these pictures has been extended in order to accommodate the few seniors who did not make ap- pointments with the photographers in time to have their pictures taken be- fore Thanksgiving. Local Artists Will Open Annual Exhibition In Alumni Hall Dwec.1 The annual local artists exhibition i four years. Mr. Valerio was born in will open Tuesday in the west gallery Naples, and prior to his coming to of Alumni Memorial hall and continue Michigan, lived in Chicago where he until Dec. 13. Beside the work of became known for his portraits. Mr. local amateur artists, there will also Valerio last summer painted the por- be exhibits by professional artists trait of Prof. Fred Taylor which is now residing here whose works have 'in the permanent collection at Alumni become widely known. Memorial hall. Samuel Chamberlain who joined the Fred H. Aldrich, another new mem- faculty of the ' architectural college: ber of the faculty, will also be en- this fall, is considered one of the tered. His exhibits will be mainly ranking pencil sketchers of the world. pastels although most of his work is He has/exhibited in the better salons done in oils, dealing almost exclu- of the continent and has received sively with landscapes. honorable awards there. Some of his Among those who were entered last works were on exhibition in the col- year and will display again this year, lege of architecture here last year. is Leon Makielski, of the 'drawing A newcomer to local art fields is and painting department, who will ex- Jean Paul Slusser who graduated hibit some of his landscapes and por- from the University in 1909 and re- traits in oil. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fow- ceived his master's degree here in ler, also of the faculty, will exhibit. 1911. He is also connected with the Both -of these Detroit artists have architectural college. been praised for the decorative illus-1 His paintings have appeared in the trations they have done for stories. best galleries in Europe as well as They have also done a great deal of in this country. Although his favorite designing for magazine covers. medium is water colors, he is better Carlton W. Angell, who teaches clay known for his batiks. He will prob- modelling here, will exhibit some of ably enter some of both and in ad- his models. Mrs. Mary Johnson will dition will have some of his oils hung. enter some of her well known black A. M. Valerio, although new to the and whites. Mr. and Mrs. Myron1 University, is not unknown here, hav- Chapin will show oil portraits and ing resided in Ypsilanti for the past batiks. Premier Forms Cabinet For Eighth Time Ending Ministerial Crisis After Long Struggle PRINCESS, EATV 6'9 I OGRANT, TO SPEAKI Princess Cantacuzene Takes Subject Of "My Life, Here And There" For Lecture Program{ CONVENES IMMEDIATELYI IS WRITER, LECTURER (By Associated Press) PARIS, Nov. 28.-France's seven- day ministerial crisis is ended. Leav- ing the Elysee Palace after a con- ference with President Doumergue to- day, Aristide Briand, the premier-i designate, confirmed the following asS the cabinet which he would present to the president in the course of the afternoon. Premier and minister of foreign af- fairs: Aristide Briand. Minister of justice: Rene Renoult. Interior: Camille Chautemps. Finance: Louis Loucheur. War: Paul Painleve. Navy: George Leygues. Public instruction: Edouard Dala- dier. Commerce: Daniel Vincent. Public works: Anatole de Monzie. Hygiene: Antoine, Durafor. Pensions: Paul Jourdain. Agriculture: Jean Durand. Colonies: Leon Perrier. M. Briand qualified the list only by saying that M. Jourdain had not ac- cepted the portfolio of pensions andE that he might be switched to the min- istry of hygiene, M. Durafour taking, pensions. The new cabinet is composed of four senators and nine deputies. It is meeting for the first time under the chairmanship of President Doumergue late today.t Contest For J-Hop Decorations Will Conclude Tuesday Selection of sketches submitted in the J-Hop contest began last week, and it is expected that all designs from students, art clubs, and commercial designers will be received before next Tuesday Dec. 1, when final judging of the plans begins. Two designs will be chosen by fac- E ulty members and the J-Hop sub-com- mittee of which Kenneth A. Michels is chairman, and then recommended to the regular J-Hop committee which will make the final selection. Princess Cantacuzene, gifted writer and lecturer, and granddaughter of Gen. U. S. Grant, will be the fifth speaker on the season lecture course of the Oratorical association. She will lecture on "My Life, Here and There", Dec. 8, in Hill auditorium. Princess Cantacuzene was born in the White House in Washington dur- ing the presidency of her grandfather, at which time her father, General Frederick Dent Grant, was aide de camp to General Sheridan. In 1899, four years after the death of ex-President Grant, the appoint- ment as minister to Austria-Hungary was offered to the princess' father by' President Harrison. This appoint- ment having been accepted, General Grant, accompanied by his family, made his home in Vienna. It was there, at the age of 16, that Princess Cantacuzene (then Miss Grant) made her debut. At a state ball, attended by the foremost leaders of the Aus- trian and Hungarian nobility, the dip- lomatic corps and visiting foreign! celebrities, the youthful debutante was presented to theremperor, Fran- cis Joseph, who expressed much as-1 tonishment at her familiarity with thej Viennese dialect, and complimented her on her knowledge of the language. She was married to Prince Michael Cantacuzene in the autumn of 1899 at Newport. Book Describing Ann Arbor Ready Copies of the booklet, "Ann Arbor- The City Where Commerce and Edu- cation Meet," published by the Cham- ber of Commerce, have ben placed on sale at State :street bookstores. The booklet has been distributed for the purpose of setting forth the advantages and attractions of the city as an educational, residential,l and industrial center. It is illustra- ted with more than 80 photographs of Ann Arbor's industries, homes, school and University buildings, lake resorts, country clubs, and nearby farms. JESSIE BONSTELLE1 IN "fTHE SWAN" TO APPEAR TOMORROW1 MOLNAR'S SATIRICAL COMEDY WAS NEW YORK SUCCESS TWO SEASONS AGO PLAY MATINEE ONLY Famed Actress To Be Queen Mother In First Appearance Before Local Audience Ferene Molnar's satirical comedy, "The Swan," which became the New York success two seasons ago with Eva LeGallienne in the title role, will be presented at 2:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Whitney theater by the Bonstelle company of Detroit. Sponsored By Women The production is being sponsored by the Michigan Theater league and the Ann Arbor branch of the Ameri- can Association of University Women. The latter organization has been re- sponsible for bringing such artists during the past two seasons as Paul Whiteman, Will Rogers, the Marmein dancers, Thomas Wilfred and his Clavilux, Ruth Draper and the Ger-' man feature film, "The Last Laugh". Under the same auspices Miss Jes- sie Bonstelle and her company were brought to Ann Arbor last spring in Lewis Beach's "The Goose Hangs I High" with Mrs. Richard Mansfield, wife of the famous American actor, in the leading role. The performance tomorrow after-! noon of "The Swan", however, will be the first time Miss Bonstelle herself has appeared in a part before a local audience. She is taking the role of the queen-mother, and will be sup- ported by Jessie Royce Landis as the princess and Donald Cameron as the tutor. Miss Landis has appeared with such stars as Joseph Schildkraut and Lionel Barrymore, while Mr. Cam- eron has been leading man for Peggy Wood, Margaret Anglin and Laurette Taylor. May Bring Other Plays It has been announced that if the performance tomorrow receives theI same support accorded "The Goose Hangs High," the Bonstelle company will be brought to the city for a series of productions during the second se- mester, including such successes as 'Liliom" and "Abraham Lincoln." The performance is a matinee, as the players must return to Detroit for a peiformance that evening, and the curtain will rise promptly at 2:15 o'clock. Seats are on sale at the Whitney theater box office, and are priced at $2 for the main floor, $1.50 for the first four rows in the balcony, and $1 for the remainder of the balcony. FUTURE RADIO PROGRAM DA TES ARE ANNO UNCED Radio listeners within range of the broadcasting stations WJR, the Jew- ett Radio and Phonograph company of Pontiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free Press, will hear 11 University pro- grams following the Christmas holi I days. Dean Edward H. Kraus of the I Summer session, chairman of the committee in charge of University broadcasting, announced yesterday dates of the series of programs to be given at intervals of two weeks be- ginning Tuesday, Jan. 5. Tentative programs include num- bers by the University men and wo- men Glee clubs, members of the cur- rent Union opera company, and speeches by prominent faculty repre- sentatives. The post-holiday calendar of Michigan programs is as follows: Jan. 5-19, Feb. 2-16, Mar. 2-16-30, Apr.I 6-20, and May 4-18. The altered se- -quence of programs in April is occa- sioned by the occurence in that 'month of spring recess. INFECTION COSTS LIFE OF So.To SPA LIG 27 WILL SHOW FILMS 8,000 Feet Of Film To Portray Perils Of Expedition And Life Of Polar Inhabitants Com. Donald B. MacMillan, who re- turned in September from a 15 months' trip into the Arctic made for the purpose of continuing his scien- tific study of terrestrial magnetism, will lecture tomorrow night in Hill auditorium on the experiences of his eighth Northern trip. The explorer- lecturer is coming to Ann Arbor under} the auspices of the Kiwanis club. Pro-I ceeds will be used in furthering work among the underprivileged children of the University hospital. Show Ship In Ice Commander MacMillan will illus- trate his lecture with motion pictures showing the everyday life of humans and animals near the North pole, as Iwell as the perils of the expedition. Included ;among the series are pic- tures of a herd of 15 musk-oxen, who for the first time were photographed} by MacMillan; photographs of the3 natives, showing them chipping tusks to make snow knives, boring holes with a bow such as is used by all Iprimitive peoples, harpooning the wal- rus and the whale, building igloos, and dancing to American jazz received on an American radio set; scenes of the Bowdoin, the 85-foot ship on which the trip was made and the smallest ever used for Arctic exploration, stranded by ice pressure and completely out of water so that her keel could be seen from the bow to within a few yards of the stern. The 8,000 feet of film obtained by the explorer are said to compose a complete log of his jour- ARCTIC EXPLORER' 'WILL LECTURE ON'PL IP Blind--Is Genius COM. DONALD B. MacMILLAN TALK UNDER. KIWANIS CLUB AUSPICES TO Despite the blindness one of his experiments inflicted upon him, Dr. Gustaf Dalen, "Edison of Sweden," is continuing his inventive career with improvements on electrical devices. One of his inventions is thc automatic beacon which lights sea passages all over the world. ARMY MULE ROMPS Midshipmen Unable To Stop Plunges And Forward Pass Attack Of Cadets 70,000 WATCH BATTLE (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-Battered by land and bombed from the sky, Navy struck its colors to Army today in a farewell eastern gridiron classic which climaxed a season of upsets by GOVERNOR PINCHOT PROPOSES TO END ANTHRA9CITE STRIKE OUTLINES ELEVEN POINTS FOR DISCUSSION BEFORE WAGE NEGOTIATION BODY WOULD OPEN MINES Connmittee Will Consider Proposition Behind Closed Doors-ope To Settle Matter Soon (By Associated Press) HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 28.-Gov- ernor Pinchot of Pennsylvania today laid before the wage negotiating com- mittee of the United Mine Workers a plan for the settlement of the present anthracite controversy and for the early resumption of operations which have been at a standstill since Sept 1. Will Meet Today The scale committee of 'the three union districts in the hard coal field immediately took the proposals under consideration and after a brief session behind closed doors adjourned until 2 o'clock tomorrow. The governor set forth eleven points in this plan. These included: Establishment of a "board of inves- tigation" and award "to be chosen by the operators and miners," this board to determine whether or not increased wages can be paid without increasing coal prices and to determine the amount of increase if one is justified. A modified form of "check-off" wit- out full union recognition by which operators would honor voluntary as- signement of worker's wages for union dues up to $14 a year. Equalization of wages by the an- thracite conciliation board established under the Roosevelt settlement of 1903. No increase in coal prices by reason of the new agreement beyond those scheduled for 1925. A five-year agreement. Termination of the present suspen- sion and immediate resumption of mining. Operators Invited Both operators' and miners' repre- sentatives had been invited to take part in the meeting but none of the operators were present. Maj. W. W. Inglis, chairman of their negotiating committee wiring it was impossible to get his committee together. After the meeting at which Gover- nor Pinchot submitted his plan he forwarded a copy of it to Major Inglis with a letter referring it to the oper- ators "for such consideration as you may desire to give it." For the first time in connection with such negotia- tions, a third group representing the consumers and business interests of the anthracite region was represented. It included a mediation committee of the Scranton Chamber of Commerce and heads of business organizations in Hazelton and Wilkes-Barre. They gave their endorsement to the plan. Novel Lighting Effects Feature Prom's Setting ney from Wiscasset, Me., by way of running strictly to form, 10 to 3. Ilabrador, to Northern Greenland and { Seventy thousand saw thebstruggle. back again. The better team won, but not de- Veteran Explorer cisively enough to indicate the full Commander MacMillan has had power of a versatile and deliberate many years experience as an arctic: West Point offense which left little explorer, his last expedition being hisIdoubt of the result after the opening eighth trip into the far North. He ac- of the second period. Bent by the say- companied Peary on his Arctic club' age plunges of the two human cata- Nomhpoe Pepyton hin A90-09 heu pults, Wilson and Hewitt, and baffled N- by opportune overhead thrusts, the was a member of the Cabot Labrador!stouthearted midshipmen were al- party of 1910; spent the years of o ost stantly fighting desperately 1911-12 working among the Eskimoss to stay Army advances deep into Navy of Labrador; and was the leader of territory. a s the Crocker Land expedition, 1913-17. Army's cool, methodical offense and MacMillan was for several years an a rock-ribbed defense by the cadets instructor in Worcester academy and which wavered only once, limited the later a professor of anthropology at game to a few big thrills. A sensa- Bowdoin college. He has contributed tional run of 42 yards by Harry Wil- a great many articles to scientific and1 son, former Penn State star, in the travel periodicals, and is the author opening period and a surprise dash "FourYearsinteWte r of slightly more than 20 yards at the Tickets for the lecture, which are' start of the third quarter by Banks priced at 35, 50 and 75 cents, will re- were outstanding individual perform- main on sale at State street book ances. stores and drug stores. The box of- Acceptance of their only good scor- fice sale will commence Monday after- ing opportunity brought the Navy noon at Hill auditorium. their three points at the start of thef : , ' . . +f WALDO WILLADDRES MEN'S EDUTION CLUB, Pres. D. B. Waldo of Western State normal at Kalamazoo will speak at 7 j o'clock tomorrow night in room 306 of the Union under the auspices of the Men's Educational club. While his subject has not yet been announced, it is thought that he will lecture on, some practical field problem in edu- cation.# Three more addresses to be present-j ed by the Men's Educational club inj the next two months have been an- nounced. On Dec. 14 Principal L. L. Forsythe of Ann Arbor high school will lecture. Pres. Charles McKinny of Michigan State Normal at Ypsilanti will speak Jan. 11. The final lecture in the program will be delivered by A. W. Thompson, assistant superin- tendent of public instruction and di- rector of interscholastic activities of the state. He will speak here Jan. 25. second period, when Tom Hamilton lifted a drop kick over the bar from a difficult angle after a long forward pass had carried the ball to West Point's 18 yard line. With the 205-pound human thunder- ii ii rrj 4'. (' #' . i i Hinsdale Investigates History Of Indian Trails And Mounds i alt, He witt, eadiing the drive, Army Making use of recent innovations in ripped and hacked at the Navy line decorations, the decoration committee until the ball had been placed on the of the Sophomore prom which will be midshipmen's 36-yard line. Here a held Dec. 11 in the Union ballroom long pass, Harding to Trapnell, push- i use a system of indirect lighting willusasytmoinietlgtg ed the Navy back under the very I for all changes in the ballroom on shadow of their goal posts. Wilson that evening. and Hewitt took two more bites at the Spotlights will be concealed at the Navy line and then, Harding arched base of each column and directed up- an aerial to Captain Baxter, who drove wards to play upon the panels of the across the line for what proved to be ceiling. Colored screens will cover the winning touchdown of the game. }the lights that do not strike the tinted Wilson's perfect kick from place- squares at the top of the room. Near nent added the Army's extra point the south end the rays will be deflect- and gave the Cadets a lead of 7 to 3 at ed so that a flood of light will be half time. thrown upon the orchestra platform givin'g the musicians sufficient light Detroit College and yet not interfering with the sub- , dued light of the room. One of the Begins Expansion corners at the opposite end will be reserved for the chaperone booth, and DETROIT, Nov. 28.-With a silver a similar arrangement of light effect- spade, the Right Rev. Michael J. Gal- ed. Shortly before midnight when the lagher, bishop of the Roman Catholic second orchestra begins playing, the diocese of Detroit, turned the first colored lanterns in the balcony will earth for excavations in the $8,000,000 be turned on to increase the light in building program of the University of the north end of the room near the Detroit. temporary platform. The initiation of the building pro- .Having extended a presonal invita- greiniisxpefthe bulding pro-dtion to each patron and patroness the gram, which is expected to provide invitation committee of which Paul facilities for 10,000 students, was L. Burton is chairman, yesterday an- marked by appropriate ceremonies nounced the complete list of chaper- which leading Catholic clergymen in ,onesas follows: President and Mrs. Detroit took part. c'e(okitilin Pzon nndA a Many of the concrete roads over which we now speed in our automo- biles follow the trails over which In- dians once traveled in moccasined1 feet, according to Dr. W. D. Hinsdale,1 custodian of Michigan archaeology at the Museum, who is devoting much time to the study of primitive man in Michigan. A great double trail began at what; is now Toledo, O., diagonally tra- versed the lower peninsula, passing work of collecting old maps and rec- ords, so that he may reconstruct the history of these Indian routes of travel. Many of the maps made be- tween 1800 and 1825 have the loca- Itions of these Indian trails traced on I them, and it is especially through I these early papers that Dr. Hinsdale hopes to make a permanent record of the past. Among the maps in the collection is one showing the waterways by ... _ ___ _ _ .._ _ _ i f 2 ) Stephen T. Spaulding, '27, former ' assistant baseball manager and mem- her of the Varsity swimming squad,s died yesterday at the University hos- pital as a result of the infection off a bone in his leg. His death followed _r two months confinement to his bed I Army 10, Navy 3. after his leg was operated on in St. Bonaventure 12, Canisius 6. 1 September. Carneige 36, Lehigh 0. Spaulding entered the University a Roanoke 9, yncburg 6. Kyear ago after completing his first Sdosth Carolina 20, CeItreB R ..r... I I DAILY SUBSCRIPTIONS 1i;tl;IICCVU1LLI, 1 g-- alL rVIS. Junius E. Beal, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Mortimer i V.Onlar hn n.. A- cc mAN -hi + several miles east of Kalania.zoo, i which the Indians crossed, the state.1