ESTABLISHED 1890 PF Aw VMI& t ailg MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS PRJCE, FIVE CENTS VOL XXXVI. No. 7 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE GENTS DEBT NEGOTIATORS SUGGEST TWO'N FRANCE CONSIDERS lIER NEW TERMS MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN ORIGINAL MELLON COUNTERS Amerlean Commissio ters Admiit Great Difference in Views of Two Bodies (By Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 28.-Alternating waves of optimism and pessimism rolled over the French debt negotia- tions today, but after a series of meet- ings between the negotiators 'two more suggested plans for settlement were visible. Followers Of "Fighting Bob" Oppose Coolidge Supporters (By Associated Press) Milwaukee, Sept. 28.-The two principal candidates for the seat of the U. S. Senate left vacant by the death of Sen. Robert M. La Follette contin- ued their campaigns right up to the eve of the election tomorrow. Indica- tions were that the ruling issue "La Follette or anti-La Follette," would draw a fair sized vote. Robert M. La Follette, Jr., captured the Republican nomination in the pri- maries two weeks ago by a safe ma- jority over the field, and is opposed' tomorrow by Edward S. Diphmar, former La Follette follower, running as an Independent. La Follette finished his campaign tonight at Waukesha, and Diphmat wound up his campaign with pleas to the voters in his county. Both re- iterated their platform, La Follette pledging himself to carry on the work started by his father, endorsingI iriy ERE the platform of the 1924 La Follette- Wheeler third party, and stating that the issue was plainly one between ta man who would stand back of Presi- dent Coolidge or one who would carry out the policies of Robert M. La Fol- lette. Diphmar called upon all Republi- cans to support him against a La Fol- lette-Wheeler party eatididate run- ning as a Republican, and endorsed{ the Coolidge adminixriation, eiph{ i ing its economic program and prom- ising to apply the same economic principles to state. administration i1; case he was elected. John M. Work, the socialist candi- date, contented himself with a state- ment calling upon all Socialists not to be misled by La Follette's endorse- ment of the 1924 Cleveland platform and to vote their own party ticket. Ile accused La Follette of being in- sincere. I2 MORE ULIG IPROOVIDEDBY 'lSTATE' 'luseuii and School of Architecture to Use New Structures; Land Already Purchased $400,000 IS AVAILABLE New buildings for the college of architecture, and the Museum, will be provided as the next step in the Uni- versity's building program. According to J. C. Christensen, as- sistant secretary, the state legislature has profded $400,000, available early in 1926, for the construction of a building for the college of architec- ture. Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the college, is already working on pro- Two joint sessions of the commis- I f U U L I'IVI LIVI U LI sion representing the United States and France were held, and each of them produced a proposal-the first, S by France suggesting terms regardedB by the French as more acceptablej than the original offer calling for a Political Science Instructor Writesf 25 million dollar first payment, and Text on Executive's Ordinance the second a counter proposal by Making Powers Secretary Mellon containing figures described as perhaps more favorable WORK IN FOUR PARTS than that accorded Great 'Britain. Tonight, M. Caillaux, after sending his statistical experts to the treasury James Hart, instructor in political to confer with Under Secretary Wins- science has just published a new book ton made al engagement with Secre- entitled, "The Ordinance Making Pow- tary Mellon to talk matters over per-e sonally, a method which the French ers of the President." The book was apparently have favored from the be- published by the Johns Hopkins ginning. Press, and is one of a series of stud-' The American commissioners frank- ies in the subject of History and Poli- ly admitted that there was still a tical Science which is published byI great difference in the views of the two groups, and the French entered this press. today's conferences apparently doubt- The book is divided into four parts. ful, but later they apparently were The first part deals with the nature of more 'ch negotiations thus far have the ordinance and its relation to other brought no definite announcements of government acts. It compares the results, treasury officials held tonight powers of the president to those of to their stand that such a situation the leaders of other countries. The might be evident in negotiations of second part is a historical outline by "uch a serious nature, and could not periods of the delegations by congress be regarded as representing a threat- to the president. Part three contains ened break. the constitutional problems involved By some of the American commis- in the president's ordinance making sioners, however, today's French of- powers. It compares the powers be- fer was viewed as not departing suf- stowed upon President Wilson in the ficiently from the first, and they ex- last war with the powers which were pressed no optimism over the prog- given President Lincoln in the Civil ress of the discussions. War. OFFER COURSES (NearlySoo Tryr IN POLISH FOR VNO OEO F NerUy80r NEXT SEMrESTERIFODOut For Parts EXTfSEHETEROh In Union Opera iourts in Polhlangage and lt- ciu1e will be oferal in the Univer- Iiin the close of tryouts for the sity far t 1h irst time during the UH,- 111 lII11 S luni Onpera today when the men's anti semeter of this year, according chorus called at 4 o'clock, nearly 0 ;,uets will have applied for o D ean .3olnitI. Eflinger of the liter- Ij h 'E 800 stuoleiits willIhave al)Phed for So I e" Tn i. Emger or p B (uLES; larts in this year s show, including I clleg>. The istitution of the FLEE (1IT OF BOATS AWAIT lthe first tryouts last spring, which is new courses is made possible by a 1CALIM WI:\LTIIEtR an increase of 200 over any previous recent gift to the University by the ye ar, . I\lortimer Shuter, director, Polish W\elfare Council of America to 0TtRdM STOPS WORK " yesterday. With those left in cover the cost of instruction. the choruses from last spring who are Polish c tizus of the state, and par- ---stIl1 eligible and the new tryouts of ticularly of Detroit, have long indi- Lietpixnat Denies That "Rookies" last week, Mr. Shuter believes he has A cated their desire for suh instruction 'ere in 'oilimand of n( der a wealth of material to draw from a the u niversity, and a short time Sea Craft at Tine an consequently no further appica- ago indle re 1 ization of their aim pos- --- tions wil le received this year. silble through the gift, which has been (My Asociuted I Press) The new men who are trying out accepted by the Board of Regents. Newv London, Conn., Sept. 2.-Hope this fall will be used largely to fill c Dean Elinger indicated that appoint- ! dwindled tonight for the safety of the vacancies in the choruses caused bys ment of an instructor in the new: ;3 men in prisoned in the sumarine inI1lig s to be nmied by the Polish Wel- night when she collided off Block Is- Shuter said, and probably will not bee Far Council of America., subject to the land with the Savannah line steamer for two weeks. The cast tryouts will approval of University officials. City of Rtome be resumed within the next ten days. 0 The institution of the new courses A fleet of rescue craft, augmented The men's chorus was called for ther Swill nlee Michigan one of the few early loday by the huge wreckin first time this semester yesterday,u universities in the country offering ship Monach was bested by the ele. with the women's group reporting at ip such instruction. At present, the Uni- ments and rough weather which Mimes this afternoon. Beginning 1 versities of California, Columbia, and caused a suspnsion of operations next week chorus rehearsals will be alrvard are the only universities off- about noon. Officers of the subma- held regularly every day.t Being regular courses in Polish long- ring base waited anxiously, as no-- --- cage anal literature, the work being word came by wireless as to whether under the hirection of the department or not te work would go on. Cables, of Slavic languages, lit was understood had been placedr by (livers about th'e S-51 lying in 23 NA ME YELI MEN fathoms of water, but the waves toss- H (de sh1ip ern'tehg cae 91 L C U E E Eb B EtWspTHOD aout persistently thatt weywre M unable to get their machinery into , ,rmyear's squad motion. One attempt to raise the T'Pelegraphi Pennsylvania's Executive Cheerleaders for this yto a new submarine yesterday failed because After Hopes of Securing Smith l w e coe acording f the weight was too great for the Are Abandonedf syste dignedtoeliminateoliticwas pulling on her. an f to estalisqh a regular sucnform While ofcers centered their atten- RENT IN POLITICS plan for slectilg squads for succeed- tion on the work of the rescue craft E The squad will be made up of the at sea, Lt. Connander I. A. Flana- v senio cherlear, n wom gan, executive officer at the base, took ihopes that Gov. Alfred E. mith ofc sr "en br listeand , onenor two ma 0)1occasion to deny a report from Bos- New York, could be secured to fill I short " ive e n assistants, an th e sunios.stvenossixsophomoreswillhree ton that the S-51 was commanded by the tenth number of the regular lec- junors Fie o sx sphoore wil rookie oficers".,, the report said a . ie chosen from the more promising rbki office" r rot sid a ture course of the Oratorical associa-n tryouts to leadl cheers befor~e and I of the crew of tie(Cit y ofI afen haos. anRome had signed an afidlavit in Bos- tion have been abandoned, it was an-b ton to the effect that student officers nounced yesterday, and Prof. Thomas The squad for next year will be were in the conning tower when the C. Trueblood, chairman of the course,c chosen by the entire present squad vessel was sunk. has sent a telegram to Gov. Giffords Sand will follow the plan adopted for r thi year. Capt BobBrn dofthe r Lieut. Commander Flanagan point- Pinchot of Pennsylvania, asking that! ftballeam will acpt. Bob Br on h ed out that no officer could be as- executive to accept a date on the lec- fotant to the cheerleader during the signed to the submarine base unless ture course.f he had at least two years of naval ser- A letter from Governor Smith i- basketball season this year. The sen- vice, and that the base was a train- formed Professo'r Trueblood that hes ioras antforfoobal wil b sI ing school for officers as well as ment would be unable to come to Ann Arbor lecteo in the near future. who wanted detailed instruction in to open the program and that at theb The unforms worn by the cheer- the handling of submarines. The S-51 present time he could not definitely leaders last year have been discarded wso lieiadrse of their gamdiness, and will was ou a practice cruise when she fix a date in April. HIe said, however, stawent down.Itt he would give the Oratorical as-t be replaced by a different style. Thse The t eri "student officer" Lieut. sociation a date in the Spring if he ssComima Ier Flanaga'1 might be mis-I were to be asked to do so in Januarya Iby George V. Ross, Jr., 2, present construed in describing officers of the or February, at which time he would c-eerlead-rschool, but it should be understood have his program for the year map- thoroughly that they are simply stu-' pod out. Professor Trueblood said - INST/LL LITTLE Idents of submarine duty. yesterday that it is very probable that I In addition three of the six officers although the New York governor will ON NOVEM ER 2 had considerable submarine experi- not have a date on the regular course eee and the other three had already program he will be brought to Ann Installation cereionies at the inau- had two months training in subma;Arbor by the Oratorical association guration of President Clarence Cook rines, Lieut. Commander Fanagan al-I as a special feature. Little will take place during the lat- so criticized the City of Rome com- Governor Pinchot has become na- ter part of the morning of Nov. 2. mander and said, "there is no doubt tionally prominent due to his giant ! 'receding the installation tnere will in our minds that responsibility for power program and his policy of rigid fhe an academic procession to Hill au- the collision rests solely on the law enforcement. With practically all ilorium where the cerenmonies will be shoulders of the City of Rome. the loading politicians against him inl held. "It is undoubtedly true that the the last election in Pennsylvania, Mr.t im miit. prlgrobaslo lubberly handlhing of the City of RoTne Pinchot appealed to the people in gen- after the collision, the failure of her eral to support his policies, and as 11unnne . wli~oabycm h mmnce with musical numbers, follow- searchlights and the slowness with a result, was elected governor of theI ed by the installation speech by some which er boats reached the point keystone state in spite of the opposi- nlmember of the Board of Regents, and where the men from S-51 were in the tion of the state political machine. t resident little will deliver his water were responsible for the lss of The first acts of Governor Pinchot laddress. at least three lives." on resuming office were to slash the nuuorativersitywilbe en- The three lives mentioned by the budget and to remove from office tertainedmiltuncheon at tie Union, I executive officer were taken to mean those who he consideredincompetent athougno""agen sthose who were believed to escaped or those holding office purely due to have been made. A reception will be the sinking submarine when she was gang rule. He suffered a slight set- held il the afternoon. I struck. ' The three men rescued re- back when precedent was broken last ported seeing them at the time they; year, and the governor was defeated AIDN~~ S I escaped from the vessel and one of in an attempt to win a delegacy to the i DIRECTOR Y fAID. them said he was certain Lieut' Dob national Republican convention atI GIR S ND ENI son iii command, was one of those Cleveland. Recently he has made ai GIRLS AND M N I who got out. tour of the state in the interest,*ef his policies and has made himself popu- Announcement of the maintenanceI Berlin, Sept. 28. - Helium has been lar with the people, although ex- of a students' directory service in the melted at the Berlin Charlottenburg tremely unpopular with the political R0gistiar's office until the publication Polytechnic. An excessively low tem- bosses. )of the oticial directory has floodex (perature is required, 437 degrees be-i that office,- flooded it largely with low zero. Bucharest, Sept. 28. - The finance men seeking "Milady's" address; ann minister announced an agreement has flooded it with girls too. Curling, N. F., Sept. 28. -The been definitely reached for settlement One girl-rather attractive, timid- steamer *Powdoin, of the MacMillan of the Rumanian government's $2,- ly sought the use of the men's di- Arctic expedition arrived in port here 500,000 debt to the Baldwin Locomo- rectory. "I'm looking for-a friend during the night. tive Co. of the family,~" sn a ium~i PRESIDENT LI TTLE MILL BE REGEIVED IT UNIONASSEULBY DEAN CABOT TO INRODUCE NEW UNIVERSITY HEAD TO STUDENTS ADAMS TO PRESIDE Altered Furnishings Will Give hill Clubroom Appearane: Musle To Follow Reception Preparations for the University re- ception at 8 o'clock tonight in the as- sembly hall of the Union, at which ime President Clarence Cook Little will be informally welcomed by the entire male student body, were con- cluded yesterday with the completion of the enliertainment program. The reception tonight will be of an un- usual character in that opportunity to personally meet the president of the University will be given all men stu- dents on the campus for the first time since the late President Burton was given a similar reception in 1921. The affair will be a joint smoker and mixer with a view to making the reception as informal as possiblr. The assembly hall will have the as- pect of a large clubroom, its present formal appointments being replaced by draperies, ferns, heavy rugs and diffused lights. Alhar t Adnma 1917T. jraciint ofUfha , a ,I r f r s I .I 1i t; Ir d Ir Ii I i PUBLICATION OFFICES TO RECEIVE B PICTURES' Rooms Will Be Decorated With Tint- ed PhotograPhiS of Beauty Spots Sin Europe Publication offices in the Press building on Maynard street are soon to bedecorated with nine tinted pho- tographs of beauty-spots in Europe, the gift of the Board in Control of Student Publications to the present staffs. The pictures will be hung in the general staff room, one for each effice enclosure, and three on the east wall. They will replace all the bul- letin boards which will now be con- cealed behind the pillars where only those interested may read them,, present managers state. This addition to the office comes as a result of action by the Board last sprinig, when they appropriated $500.00 for this purpose. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland was appointed to make investigation and purchase the pic- tures. They measure three feet by five, and are enclosed in a dull-gold frame. The views are made from enlarged protographs of the various edifices in Europe and tinted by a company in this country. Architectural subjects are used as far as possible, and °acliI frame is to have a title. The Board ordered the views through a local art'concern. One has already arrived and been placed. Titles of eight of the frames follow, the ninth one being unchosen as yet; Magdalen College of Oxford, Trinity College Chapel of Cam-1 bridge, Houses of Parliament, London, Canterbury Cathedral, near Lon- don, French Cathedral of Amiens, Cathedral of Milan, Italy, St. Mark's quarter of Venice, and Greek temple of Paestum. Tie last part describes the political I aspects involved. Special emphasis is0 based upon the recent war with Ger- mnany when President Wilson receivedC the broadest powers ever given to any president in the time of war. The bookt finishes with a table of cases of court1 decisions. The appendix deals with the technical aspects of the subject as the methods of publishing and the forms of the ordinances. LAWMEDICAL SCHOOLS RANK HIGHAS TO SIZE Michigan has larger law and medi- cal schools than nine other institu- tions which are compared with it in a bulletin of educational statistics3 'prepared by the United States govern- ment. In the group, which includes I California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio State, Wis- consin and Cornell universities, Mich'- igan has the second largest College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and; the fourth largest graduate school. i; In most institutions the women' either outnumber the men in the lit-a erary college, or they have nearly as I many enrolled. At Michigan the sit-I uation is reversed with the men far outnumbering the women. 'Michigan ranks eighth out of the nine in the en-I rollment of women in all schools and colleges.y The statistics also show that Mich- I igan ranks fourth in the number of volumes in the Library. Cornell has' the largest number, California second, and Illinois ranks third. Glee Club Seeks More Tenor Voices Prospects for this year's Glee club I are so encouraging, according toE iminary plans.I This building will be located near 1 the corner of Haven avenue and Mon-j roe street, southeast of MarthaCook dormitory. The University has al- ready purchased this land, funds hav- ing been made available by the legis- ature. Erection of the new architectural building Will bring with it the clos- ing of Haven avenue from South Umi- versity to Monroe street, the entire area between lartha Cook and Umi- versity high school to be conver ted ito a park. This will allow an un- obstructed flood of north light. to I reach the drafting rooms in the new architectural building, a feature whichis considered valuable for flin type of work. For the mew Museum building, the legislature has made provision forl $900,000, available in 1927. According to present plans thisl building will be erected opposite th'e new Medical building, on the north- east side, facing Washtenaw avenue. This property is already held by the University. University officials are unable to forecast the probable time that build- ing operations will begirt on these two structures, but it is probable that work will start shortily after the ap- propriations are available. Offer $5 To Best Charleston Dancer All male Negro students with ex- ceptional dancing ability are requested to report in the assemibly hall of the Union this afternoon at which time a $5 prize will be offered by the enter- tainment committee of the Union for the best exhibition of the charleston. The winner of the prize will be featur- ed this evening on the entertainment program of the President's receptioni at the Union. according to the plans of the committee. The Negro freshman who is said to have given an exceedingly fine exhi- bition of the charleston on State street last week is urged to be pres- ent at the try-outs today. All cadi- dates are requested to report at 4.15 o'clock. Detroit Paper To Reward Debaters As an aid to comnpetit ion in th Michigan State High School Debatini league, the Detroit Free Press this Aert Aams, ,presaenL of ne Union,, will open the program, and following a few remarks, will intro- dluce Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medi- cal school. Dean Cabot, who is, as is President Little, a graduate of Har- vard, will deliver the address of wel- come to the new executive. President Little will then respond in a short address. Following the remarks Phil Dia- mond's orchestra will render a num- ber of light selections. Otto Koch, '27, Varsity quartet baritone, will close the musical program with a solo, accompanied by Dwight Steere, '26, at the piano. Students wl GgvnteodRr tunitfy tomeet e res en a i close of the program. Coffee and sandwiches will be served later in the evening. Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished. Almost all members of the faculty have signified their intentions of at- tending the reception, and a majority of the men students on the campus are expected to be present. NEWiSTRCT DDED rO JOUNLIMFCULTY, Courses announced for Wesley B. Maurer of the journalism department, have been assigned to Howard Jones, a graduate of the Pulitzer school of Columbia university. Mr. Jones has had approximately six years of news- paper experience in several cities in the country. including, New York, Newark, N. J., Des Moines; Iowa and Evansville, Ind. Ie has just come from the Evensville, Ind., Press, a Scripps-Howard newspaper, of which he has been the managing editor for the past two years. Mr. Manner, was a member of the journalism faculty during the absence of Prof. John L. Brumm. There will be two new assistants appointed to the faculty this semester. John T. Scopes To Study At Chicago Chicago, Sept. 28.- John Thomas Scopes, storm center of the Tennes- see "evolution trial," has enrolled in the Graduate school of the University of Chicago. He is studying for a Ph.D. degree in geology.. "My experience in Tennessee taught me how much knowledge there is in the world, and that careful study is the pre-requisite of understanding," Scopes said. "I am fond of Tennessee and the people there, and I should like nothing better than to return there some day and teach, provided they will let me, the truth as science har discovered the truth. I am glad also that I was able to be the instrument of raising the question of freedom of thought in that state," he concluded. of the family,' she said blush ng ; furiously. . Others not so timid, looked defiant- ly at attendants, demanding where Mr. So and So might le located. Many carne it with long lists- "rushing lists" possibly. Men, however, form a large ler- e centage of directory users,-usually g seeking the use of the women's di- s rectory. Claim Shenandoah's Extreme Length Was Big Factor In Her Destruction That the extreme length of the tical department here, is interested in Shenandoah in relation to its diam- the building of such a style of craft eter was an important factor in the with an all-metal covering at the destruction of the craft, and that a plant of the Detroit Aircraft corpora- shorter ship with a greater circum- tion. Professor Upson is now in ference could be built to stand so-, Washington in order to testify before vere weather conditions is the opin- the Shenandoah investigation commit- ion of Prof. F. W. Pawlowski and tee. E. A. Stalker of the aeronautical en- Professor Pawlowski was also of gineering department. -the opinion that if more meteorologi- Theodore Harrison, director, that on j year, will award trophies to all teams ! condition that some good first and! winning honors in the state-wide de second tenors are found, it may be bating contests, and individual prizes aeo s the best Michigan has had. There for the debaters participating in the Freshman Rush have been many tryouts so far, but state championship finals at Ann Ar- Baseball Practice Held At Indiana Bloomington, Ind., Sept. 28.-Twen- OurWeather Man I