ISATURDAY, NiOVRIi~MT3R 28, 11925 THE MICIGAN DAILY PAGE SEEN __ _ - COLMN LASS IF I E, CLM AT3 .. AD 'V ERTI SING A ,M LOCAL EVENTS For notices ptot otbe'-wise 1ine1tioneICHin1 Tihe Da~ily. Items wiill be published on wo saPcc~sv551Cdays only. Copy must be submittcd to the Local Events E ditor by i P. Al. I.(J ST LOS)T-P;air' of g1,-as s ~between WVashtenaw ~rand the Library, last' Temday night. Call" 9617. 5f-57-58. LOST-Cold Cigarette Case. Mimo-j gramned W. S. 0. D. Call Cooper,I 7617., Reward. 56-57-58.! LOST- Gold wrist watchi between Washltenaw and Couzens' Hall find- er return to R. L. Kerr, 4231. 'Rle- ward. .57-58. NOTICE 'TYPE AVRITING & MI1MEOGRAPIIING! Prom itly and neatly done by compe- tent' operators at moderate rates. Clege ~workr a specialtyfor seven- FOJU BES'T 3101fiday Bible class meets at 9:30 o'clock in Lane hall. Friendship hour twill be observed as usual at 5 :30 o'clock in the Bapt- ist Guild house. Congregational students are invited to attend the student supper at 5:30 o'clock in the church. Rensis Lickert, presidcnt of the S. C. A.. will sneak on "Student Inter- 6st in the World Court" at 6:30 o'- clock in Lane hall. Professor Dickenson will discuss the World Court in the course of the Congregational fireside chat at 6:30 o'clock in the church. which John Singer Sargent. the A]1n- and n iliin la e uin ''Jo; :r: !ea I a that heavy dm erican artist, lived during hip;as agni i t V~ ha n oats cr'ops has years, has been bought by Sir (h~e 0'ad~ i iln hail storms in Higham, British advertising expex'rt. VL)UBLIN-A pe l'1 11 'i'Af 1. C1) 'fIli rocesof Santa F'e Sir Charles recently bas becco ethe h1il ~all gambng ith 't '.' ?' {mJenno he northwvestpor- patron of Alfred Orr, a portrait p)aint- m-esses of the F_- ~e~v~'y on(fIio rvne LONDON.-The bou'se in Chelsa aill;er, who v' I i ive i he(' 's lu' j;I ~~ 3.IOS AP S.- Ad ices receiv- s FOR RENT-Rooms at 422 E. Wash- I All members of the class of '27 of, ingtbn. Dial 8544. tf. I the School of Business Administra- -___- -- ____- - ( ion who have not "'aid their (lues TWO attractive, single, front rooms.' are to be given the opportunity of do- Clean, quiet home. Rent reasonable. ing so Monday, Nov. 30, betwveen 1 Phone 5346: 923 Greenwood.' tf and 4 o'clock in room 203, Tappan hall. FOR RENT-Single room, steam heat.~ 311 Thompson St. 58-59 R EL IG I O US FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent- Stra Two living\ rooms, two bed rooms I The Upper Room Bibile class meets and bath, but no kitchen. Second! at 7 o'clock in Lave hail. Subject:- floor of Cutting Apartments. Phonel "The Birth of Conscience." 8621. 58-59-60 !- !: i t PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Sunday morning Upper Room1 1r .. I I wsu ~ I teen, years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Trypewriter & Stationery Store tf. ~LSONq BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per-' ~manent waving, and marcell waving our ,specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202' Dial 4404. tf. SCH4EBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The; popular place for all kinds of musical instruments. It pays to, Christmas-Greeting Cards Sample books of Personal Cards now ready and at your .service. Leave your order early. W V 1AH 4 5BOOK STORE We pay best prices for men's used clothing. Dial 8040. SStudents' Tailoring i Car, N. Univ. and Thayer tf. WVE take pride in the quality of our 'work. You should take pride in our products. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. You~ are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. ARNOLD 'State ' St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, ,rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt.' Larg- est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor, S0. D. MORRILL,k Te 17 Nickels Arcade, The'ypewriter & Stationery Store, Dealer L. C. Smith & Corona f tf. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIING We skilllfully repair your pen th~e same day you bring it. Why send it *~ay and wait. Riers ,ho.Q.,. 302 State Street t., th., sun. tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS. Person l cards should be ordered now. Good work requires time. Printing and engraving a specialty. Largest and finest selection obtainable., 0D.MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade,l The Typewriter & Stationery Store' tf. SWATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices Eder A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by experienced operators at Biddle's B3ookS Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t., th., sat. tf. WANTED r '! S - I jr Do0 You Eat Wfls Now is t6 time when waffles taste good. Waffle irons in double and single, round and Aluminum waffle irons for y, square, lour l Ia' is so easy to~r make waff les when you have the proper irons. Sold by I State Street Hardware 310 South State St. Dial 5015 Quality, Quan lily and Prices Right I -. .rr:..:. ., , unaa church service - -. --j i WANTElD-Girls for relief selling dur- ing 'noon hours daily. Apply imme- diately at office. Mack & Co. tf EXPERIIENCED two payment men to open: office covering entire district. Full co-operiation and protection. Send' $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera -Place, Cincinnati, ,.Ohio. tf. WANTED-Girl to assist with house- work an hour or two each day. Call~ 8887. 56-57-58. MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict- managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real propopsition. State fully experience. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. FOR SALE FORD iRoadster, 1921. Starter, gen- eratar, side curtains, demountable rims with good tires. Call J. D. Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell P1. Saturday morning. tf. Olt SALE-Underwood Portable 'Typewvriter. Late model, $30. Call at health Service Desk. 56-57-58. SOFIA.-Sir Horace Rumbold and ~the commission appointed by the Lea- gue of Nations to investigate the re- cent Bulgar-Greek clash in Macedon- ia, have completed their work and left for Geneva. They will submit their report to the I eague council Dec. 7.1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Wasli1ngton Streets, REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, Pastor DONALD T13LMER.MAN, M1ARGARET H. STAIR Associate Directors of Student Activities 10:30-Pastor's subject: "AcIeving Life." 12;00-12:45-Three Student Bible Classes, lcd by Dr. Stalver, Margaret Stair, and Donald Timmerman. 6 :00-7 :oo-Wcsleyan Guild mecting at Wesley H~all. Leader, Roy C. Cal- lalhon, captain of the cross-country team. Subject : "Playing the Gatn A" 7 :00-7 :30-Open house. Light refreshments. DISCIPLES Church of Chris Codner Hill and Tappan KENNETH Ys. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone 5146. 9:30-Bible school. 10:30-Morning worship: "Good. NeWS."1 12:00-High school class. Two adult classes and students' class taught by "Father" .Iden. 5: 30-Y oung People's Social Hour ant, lunch. 6:30-A debate: "Resolved, The Church Has More Weak Points Than Strong Ones." 7:30-Evening worship. "The In eignia of Christ." Attend Church on Sunday You'll find the ser- vices well worth while. First Congregational Church "Tihe Chutrh of a rThousamid Coigregaiona l Students" hERBERillt 'I'(' fir0N JlMP11iuistecr E. KNOX 11113 01I' i..?,, Jr,, Um:tiersity Pastor JANEt ET JWR4JR, .t3;irct t orI i i aas E dur.tioll 10: 45-Service of wrship. Set:on by !r. Jumph. "The Old anid New, 5 :30--Student Suppewr and Soeial i tour. G6: 30-Firesidte Chiat. 1Prof. Edwin D~ickinon of time Law School will lead the (ilscussioul:i:"Shall 1 e 'c Itor 'tlIeWorld court."3 8 :00-Motion picturc service. William J. Locke's famnous story "The Belov1(5'd a ;i btsln (l.3 r F. . i -s : +_ I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron, Street Between State and Division R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 10 :30-Morning worship. Sermon by Mr. Sayles, "A iModerni Parible:" Anthem: "I Am Alpha and Omega," Stainer. Duet: "0 King of Mercy,' Belcher. Messrs. Mosher and Wilson.: 12:00-The Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting, superintendent. Student Graded Classes in Religious Education at Guild House, under Dr. Leroy Waterman and Rev. Howard R. Chapman. 5:30-Young People's Friendship H-our at Guild h-ouse. Come and meet others.. 6: 30-Rensis Likert, president of S. C. A., will discuss the subject: "Student Interest in the, World Court." ~- ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mlissouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A.' BRAIJEX ,Minister. 8:30 A. M.-Preparatory in Ger- man.' 9:00 A. M.-Sermon and- Holy Communion in German. 10:30 A. M -Bible Class., 11:00 A. M.-Sermon in English. Subject: "Thy King Comet]O. 5:30-7 :30 P, M.-Students meeting at the parsonage. Discussion: 64Valpara is o, a Lutheran U~ni- versity."' Fred Flom, leader. 7:00 P. M.-Preparatory in Eng- lish. 7:30 P. M.-Advent sermon and Holy. Communion, English. Sermon: "1,Jesns, the Wonder- Wu." ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHIORN, Pastor. 9:00 A. M.-Bible study. 1o0:30-Service with ''From. WVhat US." i sermon., Subject: Jesus Rceee UNITARIAN CHURCH Sh to Street at huaron SII)NEY S. 110BI NS, Minister PHP144111'. E, I3luslical Director 10:45 Mor1'jnng ',er vicc-S erm non 'Topic: 5:45 tudents' c"andlelight Supper 6:30 Mr. 11. NI. Cole speaks 0on "SOA157S7+K' 'TJ0 CIS"' I mmr :45-Communion service. 5 :30-Student Forum. Harold 11. Nielson will be leader. Topic: .Is Religion Necessa ry to Good( Mlorals antd Culture." t I r i j Ii1' ._.._,.- Corner Division and Catherine Streets , HENRY LE WIS, Rector H. L. LONSDALE, Associate FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice; subject, "Ancient anid Modern Necromancy, atlas l~enicl at TVlaf BETHLEHEM EVANGELI= CAL GHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) G?. A. Newman, Pastor. Fourth Ave. Between William and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LEWIS C. IMNN Scerefiry for MTe. MRIS. NELIE 1.B.. L)NEIL, 4l"dmy for WIlen. _____________________________________ A E I I II