P1A- 51,011 - TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2K 1925 .sa &a. " L/ as - 1 . V ° Women of the nation werepod '" '""y:z" ,r, v when one of their sx, Mariamn A. Fer- r =- - _-- - i tguson, waselected3 governor of r'cxas u dgthle Unvers ity year by thet Board In lid iled xsthe one who xwould prove Control of Student Publications. ____________________- to the nation wonian's ability to 13 FFIi Mcl aof Western Conference Editorial hnl higher governmental affairs. 4T _ Thinking men were, perhaps, doubitful 'he ssociated Press is exclusively en- of theC ability of Mrs. Ferguson to fill I 'k~t: d o fc u:-' forrepbliatio ofallnewsI _gil, please let me travel by car or c 1 ~ to the ilee f o ep ito not o hall isews her olffie effectively, or, at any rake,{ ic nti paper and the local news pub-, they lookedl upon her election as the b114;i1 ~yi~thes rcuitd toit ornot therwse Mont ,Moana, to Palmi w ______________________ beginning of anl experiment.. needl t tle postoflice at Ann Arbor, Now threats are bi adle by i ets -,diMane ci ia , assecnd class matter. Special rate leisatrstht ln kchenIpse-re ~ but my sirxit i o ottegntdby Third Assistant Post- lgilaor tatirpI!ajjll ho . ~wGnra.(cedings will be instituted against her ;<<:nby crrie, $3.0; b mai, lo I a,= land of the Plains-out toI ~I rpto ycare, 35;bymiif she cont mlesto a5(iil.tEir her ly~xte, ,yoniig. (" ics± Ann Arbor Press Building, May- duties as she has:, beeni doin,,. She is 33rd btice" openly relying upon her husband,, Phones: Editorial, X4925; business, 2214. Tame Ferguson, who was' removed Of the g lorles oY )lellipliis in h alt -from the gubernatorialship by im- ". Ey DIO IA L STAFF pe c m nTnd ltr hh i g l Re San in Los Angeles, -4. J. is . pec m n n ae a i e a e Teplep one 4925r right restored by an official act of'sw ll o h pt u r EDTRhis wife, to decide important matters ' e ~ ~ r oiii MANAGING EIO for her. {s'tret r omn GEORGE W. DAVIS Shortly after "MaJ " Ferg uson began i'lhere :atiean is at ian-dear old haraditorial Board. .Norman R. Thai to administer _af air s Imany felt that utWoing. ('n Eito........Rob. ert. S. Mansfield her hnsband was the real "power be- 11±oEito.......Manning Ilousewortl Ilhat'al4Tron, ie 1c ,1 Woens Edtor............Helen S. Ramsay~ hind the throne." But now \l r. Pr itl l or onlkeC ao Ei Or .........WilliaJosephur ball ort Edtor...........JoephKruerguson has established an eflice in the Neiak Mscand iDrama....Robert B. Henderson capitol building and his wife is open- dette albiliglieEm ight Editors ly submitting governmental docu- nAia.I I'm sick of all Subways and busi. Smt T. Cady t.ecnard C. Hall inents to him for consideration and :!l.Cob hmsV oka11SSl'111Ii oaninlg Robrt T. DeVore W. Cavin Patterson judgment. She is charged with abid-j itthteplso-d Irwin Olian Frederick 1r. Shillito in1y1e usads eiioso 1-Butte, Wyoming. sues which the constitution specifical-, Assistants I GertudeE. Bile Magare ~aker ly states must be made by the gover- behps T~~a 1. Bairbour Stanford N. Phelps nor alone. Rebellion against this Ii3 Ily taim (lirle Beymer Evelyn Pratt dead 1''p~,;e MreRe rctc sbeig Cilim]rooks MienReeorccssbewing.Fr hl)iedso er 'ebe ~innRR~e~b~umWomen may contend, now, that Mrs. Frbn eso er 'ebe t ] 'UChape Janet Sinclair Rt i1splite cif my charts and my Eugene11.. Gutecunst Courtlai-I C. Smith such her apparent lack of ability to lrugasD, ubeday Stanley Steink' fill her office and show the leadership I ctfiletomng, CayDangn (larissa TapsonI'lb atndi Ceeerfu - anc IF. Herald Henry Thurnau which is symbolic of her position lbelaihdif'eevrfu - S rionnKubik DavidC . Voie does not reflect npon the ability of ,te Woig 11ate . Mack Cassani A. Wilson other women. But heow will the vot- ;oi . Markus Thomas C. Winter in ulcreat il tb xfl tsy shucks!. we can't the boys next c h Mrry Marguerite Zilszke ding;public re-act? Will it-Besibe ________sorr____enced__bythe 1F'erguson experiment .dorinlegorah abtBeie choosinggovernorsorother inr how do you know there isn't a Butte chosgIgvenorSoSoterhigerWin? And whatdiffernedoes T.-leShneSSAF212cs1er4sanadtinlatr that make, was Will Rogers funny or Telephon 21214Lion for future elections.1 I ' t lI. Jrant ZAd tbo rc i U'. c V nirl n 1< < I MUSIC DRAMA Special Offer We will allow you $1.00 for your old fountain pen o,,thle purchase of a new pen of any of; the following makes: .t .... ~. W. .;... .. T©IIGil n: - The Play Production classes present Four Onle-Act. Plays in University hall at S o'clock. THlE PLAY PROiW CTION PLAYS A review, by Kenneth Wickware. One knew how to be grateful for the one happy ending that camne with the final curtain, and which helped a little to gladden an otherwise gloomy even- ing. Not that happy endings are es-j sential to the highest dramatic art,I but after three heroic administrations of unmitigated tragedy-three plays in which every line was charged with the utmost of depression-even the slightest suggestion that life is not quite so hopeless after all, came as a refreshing relief. The one act play presents technical andl artistic difficulties that are oft- times insurmountable-even for the best of professional companies. The presentation of four one act plays in a single evening constitutes an under- taking which demands an unusual amount of intrepidity to attempt. Such plays are necessarily concentrated to thle last possible degree; the lines are packed with import; the action, especially when presented by amateura actors, may easily appear jerky and lacking in unity, and as a consequenceII the subtlties involved are sometimes lost entirely to the audience. Of the plays presented by Professor Hollister's class in University Hall last night, the most effective was "Sin- train of Skagerrak," a dramatic sketch by Sada Cowan; and the most pleasing was "Pan in Pimlico," a phantasy by Helen Simpson. As has been suggested, the latter play, with its breath of optimism, came as a de-' cided relief. The former, in the pic- turing of a man and a woman on a moonlit cliff overlooking the sea-of their struggle, the woman for the affection of the muau; the man against his love for the sea-proved tremend- ously gripping. It succeeded in doing what none of the other plays any more than approached; it aroused an emo- tional reaction on the part of the audi- ence. The other two presentations were "The Rescue" and "Mis' Mercy." The stage settings for all four plays were excellently and simply done- especially in the case of "Sintram of Skagerrak." Outstanding perform-j ances were given by Doris Selleck, Jessie Werner, Richard . Woellhaf, Edna V. 'Hill, Mary Gndakunst, and " the thoroughly competent Mr. Fred- erick Jarret. i "THlE SI A1" (leorge Stark, dramatic critic of the Detroit News, wrote the following re- view of Ference Molnar's "The Swan," which Miss Bonstelle is to present YMonday afternoon in the Whitney theater at 2:15 o'clock under the au- spices of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of Universi- ty Women:. "The combination of Molnar's lovely play and the complete understanding with which Miss Bonstelle's actors p~erformed it strikes a high note in the field of the repertory theater. It is PARKER WATERMAN SHEAFEER CONKLIN Gjrzta's Book Stores At Both Ends of the Diagonal Wal.. r d w Irving armohts,DB S-C' ORTHOPEDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 MANNI'S d I4- ME FACTORY MADE ,"gons Skill and Quality in Our Shop. Save a D~ollar or More at the FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Streets. Phone 7415. (Where D). U. It,. Stops at State fit.) rwoa LEAS E DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS WHY' SO BASHFUL?; Snag a date somewhere and come around to the dance on Saturday night. The same peppy music as always. The floor is in excellent condi- tion. Tickets at SLATER'S BOOK SHOP, and at GOODYEAR DRUG CO., Main St. H i s G i f t. t o m e e rmu. i Came rom Htzel' BUSINESS MANAGER ]3YRON W. PARKER. is Adetsn.......... .... J. J. Finn. Adverisi...............r."D. Olmsted, Jr. Adctsn...............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Adver11ti .................. Wm. L. Mullin t ;rc ltion............... .:i. L. Newman l'utdication...............Rudolph Bostelmnan A cuints ...................Paul W. Arnold Assistants T,'gred M. Alving F. A. Nordquist (;eorge it. Annable, Jr. I~oleta G. Parker Wk Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow 1 -ha1it. obrink Robert Prentiss V.J. ('ox Win. C. Puseli Ma;rio;n A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner James R. DePuy' Joseph Ryan Margaret L. Funk. Margaret Smith i- n(>;Iihr Mancee Solomon 't'_ Kenneth Haven 'Thomas Sunderland J ?:. Little Win. J. Weinman E. Mosher ICAMPUS OPINION Anonymous comic~~ations will be Idisregarded. Thie names of communi- Icants will, however, bec regarded as confidential upon request. THE 'NATION I,.; WFRONG To the Editor: i{ FACT There may be a town of Butte, Wyoming, but it is not in any jstandardl atlas. Mr. Rogers was born on a ranch which was twelve miles from Clairemore, Oklahoma, and was brought up there. k The review of Will Rogers' painful efforts again raises the question as to, 'Whether or not The Daily critic at- f-~ne1gthen ,,crfarnonneg tl- 1u:lien- Well, the B'. and G. boys have cer- tainly found a way to keep) us students 1 off the campus. deavors to appraise. GING Apparently, to the pansophistic Well, Red didn't iakce any long , nns the other tiay, 'ner did he score critie of the cowboy clown, anyone I ocion eefffls.w . ' i '1 5 do re ii ~ATUR)AY, OVEMER 28, 1925 N itb : ~ to; -i .:C)OA ]) C, H1ALL '1 m hppyto give expression to my igh apreciation of the ii entlyspirit of accommuodation. an~ cocesionwhich on. both cisf ha racterized the recent :eg'tans for the funding of 1tal'S debt to tile United States a1(d iiy gratification at the mu- I nly satisfacto ry agreement . _i, i-'usness to Italy and in farnssto the people of the Mi tdSates resulted therefrom." --Ltter from the President to the I:ty-America society dinner in th: Hotel Biltmore, New York, in hnrof time Italiani Minister of F inan:ce Count Guiseppe Volpi; ]':imbers of the Italian Debt Coin- ;111o ad the Aerican Ambas- adrto Italy, Henry P. Fletcher. __-M)41X TO GO Football season is over;- three -wesremain: before 1the Christmas V~i~itiO .th~lese three weeks will _; '4 I i i i 1 who has been able to hold (dewn a Toom help feeling that lie does with the Follies must be god utit uhabdysetm 4 how "clever" is a mani gotrdeJst tschabdynpn race lprejudice. for the boisterou3 app omhwceca' , e IprOval of the lprovincial? t,:r-icl in theo fact th a~t The cracker-bares o1' the nation's 'stund roboeI four cor'ners are C szzllport ilr the h!is college (areer. It i5 skeletal frames of similar louts. TPhe } hat the p)rhnie purposet only differenace between thzese rustic st is to train men to lbe "wi9-ca(-ers an Ihe smrt lec whilie after graduation. of t1, le oll;is that evenitially te ti cn, as tar as we knowx, i county home will furnish an auidience I en uponr itself the task- for their senile effoirts wvhile AMr. tasi C or b~raints into a vac, Rogers will be able to retire on the It doesn't seem to us w b~ounty of the American people as a cMoalizing for Illinois to whole.j ball man enter that profed IThe question as to whether or not does to have a graduate Rogers would be so frankoly booirish gincening school become and unmannerly if sonic of the offend- j elanic. If a man is ment edl auditors were to sudd~enly terim!i- strueted that he pr-efers hate his illiterate "witticismns" wvithi to an educat ion which we somne form of physical duress is aan j }him foir any other life wei interesting speculation. Several that Illinois, or any othe spIeciments of his elk can testify to could make ;a Creek scholE the fact that t'he fine edge of their , After all that Universit sarcasms has been somewhat dulled him for his life's work, w by that form of effectiveness, as }much as Harvard and P Thre quartette and thle{rope were for Roosevelt and Wilsoi snt consider Crning. }anything so' tMr. Grange he coimpletedI is our belief o1 a Univer- more worth- Noistitu- has ever tak- of installing cant skull. any more do-! }have a foot- ession than it of their el-I Pr a con m-I always unsafe in reporting activities tr tally so n the drama to become either too fotbl positive or too enthusiastic, but this ouldpreareI observer is confident in saying with-' Drk, we doubt ~r nsttuton1 out reservation that 'The. Swan' re- er nsttutonveals an entirely new level in stock- lar of him. production. Here we have a great ty has fitted, whiich is just play, acted with distinction that at Princeton didt least approaches perfection !and pre- 1.seated from the scenic standpoint n with exquisite taste. 1 ''TUE 1 "The story of the play is more or 27, (Special I less familiar. 'The Swan' had its pre- mre vi-in Dectro~it- with a.'ditinollishlf G7he Florheimhe can take long walks without showing any fatigue. Stam- ina counts-in a shoe, as well as in a runners CAMPUS BOOTERY 304 Sauth State t$ S .N*O C t ' Id You see, many's the time he talk of the "adorable things heard Her. at Hut- splendid, Mr. Henderson should have*** been thereIle surely would have i IIERESTING IF' noted the poor support they were af- IOrnePkFaNv zel's, everything a woman could want!" so he knew just where to go. And~it was very simple. He walked in, asked a saleswoman's advice about that handbag in the window, or about some dainty silk underwear-hosiery, or a box of the beautiful handkerchiefs, and there he was! Ready for a wonderful Christmas with Her. i i t -, S undoubted wly decide the collegiate fate, IICIIYtle~teono.to 1,ols)-Local officials are inve sti- -' o.- mhn a boy and girl, es pecially in -.B, '2. atiiig the re port circulated from Ann cathaddb vaL lien.I I ~later went to New York where it be- th unde r classs Next February, Abr Mihgn that one Jsp rilhor IhgaJsp came the reigning dramatic success w lch1i really only six school weeks -______-lo had (lied there recently. Theoftosansg.Itiawrkht and an examination period away, sev- inTRILvestigation was instigated at the istuhd whroac, elae ThetheTwilRIAL ~TC0MVMEN T 1qe hthehsnee i ited oucthe: dycet Loancse youngt ena! hundreds of students, mostlyreus of Joseph Zilch, prominent Ihuoan _________________________satire, highhuoan occasionally frwhnexill return to their homesrat ths city, who is steadfastbodcmd, i- by request. I l !G TBRYtN 3'Aai isteofthisntthabroadscomedde. an ls h teha i s norvtdead ~eseRyeLni s h on The mjArborof sincell heurgraduatedYorkfromd I princess is given the first honest op-I not, because they lacked the natural Cnie h uieetarl Aryth sAtebnir sityehegredlastedJune. I osdrteqieetrodnr otnt h has had since joining in ehgtce necessary to compete coduttfhreidntMtiiotewads Mi. i sedittee postveatathe Bonstelle company. She proves at. clih hir~assmnates, but because y rIt~e ut oiieya PmkofBy MawrtCollege. hnbro omremeighr once that she is an actress who has a tiyalwdtelevst ecrid 'diss Parks was petitioned by the fine nmental equipnient to -abet the awa bythewhirlpool of extra-u-tdytaliisteoypronnth Students' Self-Covernaicut association wrdt ertenm fJeZlh natural beauty that is hers. She has L(u~rdvrin htAnAbradIt emtsoig at Pryn Mawr 4 searched into this part and brought colg iepeet hycudnt Iunder certain restrictions and it ndtatte eeae ms hv be out of it all that would appear to lie dillnot execis reaon-an inipostor. Local police authorities elatddnt xecs esn ain quarters of the college. The rea- a (nnuietngxih n ro behind it. She gives it glamor and aldiceinith enomnofIson th"e petitioners gave -was this: that I wistfulness, pride and pathos. It is co llee lif e. j officials to the endi that the alleged ('lleelfei dmrbe aglyb-while not all of the students wishet)JeZicbuedtreeexmed to an anibitious task, done with sincerity smoke-in fact, less than haf of them de -nn hte rnttepeal and a fine talent.f cas f ishappiness, and joys,- Iapaetleidwstt-nelrat- mn inc h r ot sprrevat i It is a pleasure to observe in con- moto swudntgv hm~,smoking rule of 1897 was increasingly I_ uonelusion that Miss Boustelle has at -a.a. gadal s ol cllge neioie Idifficult to enforce aind no longer haitl form of a fml coat of arms-box hertonx derol o htrao.YtcleeIundergraduate senilnenr(rt behind it, -haiglank Iwte cellent standard her beautiful theater doe hve mst have, its serious, its, ht1ld.. nsea i-s riding- ih fakdby wate eve ' The BeggrO osbc' Otews whaty haeddx- BIk~ksaswi' id ;towvers rampant on a red field. The BegrOHosbc Ohriewhtx-Ishe point out to thre students that G.ot i:"e aBto o ht" and and 'The Swan' are eloquent proof of c~~'hsi o enBryn Mawr never changes? Did she is adt oefo"a nieti h this. And 'The Swan' is gladly recoin- se~a udeso tdnsdiscover that the younger generatilon ieo n ftm oneso h ln mended to any who are in search of aI v ortun to their homes next jIisigoing toethe tlogsundedsshe ahehclan. I i gong o te dgsDidsheallrinTamn. , l completely satisfying performance in b b-a ill not he returning be- that a law once written is a law for-thtear. c-~uaethcy ave failed to be grinds, but *** rahrJeascidslte aeIever, and that if Bryn Mawr does not Nhow hlihy te aextv listen here a nilnute. Regard- Th catinesig-to nye rK ; ;;r('oine anything but play cos olv si ie n19 h less of what this letter says or doesn't *u~ilg one thing to (10 is to give the college say QI LILt IfIS )EAI), And by familiar with the personnel of the life.nmore machiner-y of enflorceement? No, golly lie is going to stay dead. conipany, is as follows: Ais ParkIs laid' down nonie of threse BesidesT, who woultd belieeay Dr. Nicolas Agi..Donald Cameron A~ NTEESINGEXPRIENT ox atedr jugmnts Sh smpl Ithin ,,th is said atachamber of i Georg ... .......... ..Martin Burton L I i _I t rl i . ' i f Main Store Main at Liberty Arcade Branch Nickels Arcade 1' I-. - is r...;oD .. .v .... ....... ..® , ii I i QUALITY., s v~ & Svr 4.D 44 FI~iO . 4 , ANNOUNCEMENT 4 QUALITY. 0I We are ready with our Christmas toys and gifts of all kinds. Be sure and see our stock before you buy. inn C;_ Iehpr HardwaIrp (7on Y