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November 28, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-28

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 58





{ .


Loneiheur Named Minister Of Finance;
Painleve Selected Chief Of
War Department
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 27.-Repeated attempts
to constitute a cabinet with the Pain-
leve resigned almost a week ago have
at last met with success, and the
names of the ministers probably will
be made known officially tomorrow.
Aristide Briand already accustomed
to the duties of premier, having served'
in that office a number of times, heads
the cabinet. For the second time with-
in a week he was requested yesterday
by President Doumergue to form a
ministry and tonight he announced
that he had been successful and that
the new cabinet virtually was com-
louclieur Named
Louis Loucheur has been named
minister of finance, but there seemed
to be doubt tonight as to whether he
would accept the portfolio. TIs min-
istry according to opinion is the only
cog, lacking in the new government
machine, although it was admitted
that there might be last minute
changes in the list of ministers as
made- public tonight at the semi-
official Havas agency. A few of the
list follows: Premier and minister of
foreign affairs, M. Briand; minister of
finance, M. Loucheur; minister of
war, Paul Painleve.
PARIS, Nov. 27.-Aristide Briand
today suceeded in his second effort to
recruit a cabinet to take the place
of that of Paul Painleve, which re
signed last Sunday when the Cham-1
ber of Deputies gave him an adverse
vote'fn connection with his financial
rehabilitation plan.
The demise of the famous left car-
tel, which appears this time really to
be dead, it is considered, greatly facil-
itate M. Briand's task. This unnatural
coalition of Socialists and Radicals,
formed purely for the purposes of the
elections last year, has since domi-
nated French politics. It was Pdlled
by the Socialists, who overreached
themselves in the demands made on
Edouard Herriot, when he was en-
deavoring to form a new ministry and
forced the Radicals who were most
attached to the idea of a cartel, to the
belief that it was no longer possible
to work with the Socialists.{
The scope of M. Briand's choice of
men for portfolios thus has been con-
siderably widenW,' and it is believed
that he will be able to pick a team
strong, not only in individual talent,
but in parliamentary backing. Louis
Loucheur is spoken of as minister of
finance and Paul Doumer as minister
of the budget.
M. Briand plans to appear in par-
liament within three days and get a
vote of confidence so that he will be
able to go to London Dec. 1 and sign
the Locarno treaties.
r .
Prof. R. D. Hollister of the public
speaking department with the play
production classes presented four
one-act plays last night in University
Hall. The program included "Miss

Mercy" by Louise Bray, "Sintram of
Skagerak" by Sada Cowan, "Pan in
Pimlico" by Helen Simpson and "The
Rescue" by Rita Creighton Smith, and
will be repeated at 8 o'clock tonight.
The present production is the sec-
ond in the play production series,
which includes Oscar Wilde's "The
Importance of Being Earnest" and
George Bernard Shaw's "Androcles
and the Lion." Miss Amy Loomis
director of Masques and the Junior
Girls' play also assisted Professor
Hollister in the direction of these per
Tickets are priced at 50 cents, and
the curtain will rise promptly on
NEW YORK. - Germans bough
1,917 typewriters in America in the
last year, trade records reveal.
T. , --r

(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 27.-Winter, reach-
ing out an icy hand, laid a tribute
on the bier of 'the gentle Alexandra,
England's Queen Mother, today, cov-
ering her casket with a fleecy blan-
ket of snow as it was trundled on
a gun carriage from the Chapel
Royal in St. James palace, to West-
minster Abbey, where the simplest
of funeral services were held.
Thus the sea king's daughter de-
parted from the capital of her
'adopted empire as she had entered
it, for the snow was also falling on
that distant day, 62 years ago, when
she came from Denmark to be the
bride of Edward VII.
Close behind the casket, walking
alone and with bowed head, came
lher son, the King of England, muf-
fled in a greatcoat and wearing the
plumed hat of a field marshal. His
garments, too, received a coating
of the white flakes before the proces-
sion had gone far.
Abreast this solitary figure came
the monarchs of Belgium, Norway, and
'Denmark, and back of them the
Prince of Wales and his brothers, and

the crown princes of Rumania, Swed-
en, Denmark, Norway and Belgium,
with Lord I4ascelles and other nobles
who have married into the royal
Under gray coats these royal fig-
ures wore the dress uniforms of the
ranks they hold, either in the army
or navy of Great Britain, but of the
uniforms only the gold-braided hats
relieved the austere shades of the
funeral procession. There was but a
single other spot of color-Alexan-
dra's Own Royal standard, with which
the casket was draped.
At the boom of the gun marking 11
o'clock the casket was brought from
the chapel and placed on the same
gun carriage used at the funerals
of Quenn Victoria and Edward VII.
The equerries of her majesty took
of Queen Victoria and Edward VII.
their places on the carriage, and at!
a word of command the escorting
companies of guards fell into step;
King George emerged from the pal-
ace and the procession began its
measured march through the Mall,
Trafalgar Square and Whitehall.

Grief-Bowed London Observes
Funeral Of Queen Alexandra



Second Tribunal May Rear Evidence Tickets For Ann Arbor Performances I
Of Mitchell Court Martial May Be Obtained In' Booth 1
Because Of Dispute At The Union
(By Associated Press) Members of the Union will have
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-With a their last opportunity today for pref-
wrangle over evidence from the start, erence of tickets for "Tambourine",
, the 1925 opera which opens for onef
'the Mitchell court martial to dayweek's run at the Whitney theater Dec.
listened for four hours to prosecution' 7. Tickets for all Ann Arbor per-t
witnesses and then recessed until formances may be obtained at thet
Monday, closing on the heels of a booth in the Union from 2 until 5t
row between Brig-Gen. Edward L. o'clock this afternoon by all Uniont
King, a member of the tribunal and life, participating, and yearly mem-
Rep. Frank R. Reed of Illinois, chief hers. The Union box-office sale
counsel for the defense. I opened yesterday afternoon with a
Reports that the cause of the Reed-. record sale of tickets for the first day.l
King incident and the sharp language l Women students may secure tickets1
used, the general would resign or ask Monday afternoon at the box office int
to be excused from further duty on{ Hill auditorium. Slips, for position in
the court, failed tonight to bring any l line, may be obtained at the office ofat
statement from him. He neither con- dean of women and then presented at
firmed or denied the reports. Hill auditorium between 2 and 5
Mr. Reed, however, set at rest the o'clock.
current talk to the effect that he The general box office sale will open
would use the incident as the basis at the Whitney theater at 1 o'clock
for a motion to have the trial re- next Wednesday afternoon. Towns-
heard by another tribunal or would people and any students who ave nt
challenge General King's right to re- obtained tickets may do so at this
main on the court. In the formal time, although students will have
statement, he said: more inferior choice than at the
"It is an unfortunate episode and I Union today.
regret its occurrence. This court is All applications for tickets which
an impartial tribunal. The remarks were filed at the Union desk before
might be interpreted by some, but not last Wednesday have beeln filled and
by me, as an indication of the court's mail orders sent out. Although the
disposition towards the weight of the mail orders were somewhatlarger
evidence. than usual this year, a substantial sup
"On Monday morning, I shall move ply of good tickets for practically
to strike it from the records and I every local performance is still avail-
have so stated to General King, Ii able, according to Homer Heath.
shall take no advantage of the inci- The demand for tickets Monday
dent, although, as every lawyer knows, night, the initial performance, is
were this a civil proceeding the jury larger than any other of the week, as
would have been immediately dis- i is the case every year. The opening
missed." presentation offers more interest for
The row was precipitated during Mr. audience and company as well each
Reed's cross examination of Maj. Jar- year because of the dramatic climax
vis J. Bain, a general staff officer of 15 weeks' preparation.
and former assistant umpire on the
recent joint army-navy maneuvers in
Hawaii. The defense counsel had' PE 11 r UIEFYEPIITII
changed the form of his question sev-L
eral times and had moved apparently
unknowingly close in front of the E TO RIN
bench where General King was seatedD
Mr. Reed had heard and showed
his indignation over a remark made PEKIN, Nov. 27.-Marshal Tuan
by General King to another member Chi-Jui, chief executive in the Pekin
off the court. The general hastened I provincial government, is prepared to
I to apologize, explaining that he was leave Pekin at a moment's notice and I
"merely talking4to another member of1 the "Christian general," Feng Yu-
the court." Hsiang, is expected to arrive shortly
"I don't care who you were talk- probably to assume control the i
ing to," Mr. Reed returned hotly, "I government.
heard what you said and I want it in The chief executive yesterday in-
the records, This may be very tedious formed the cabinet that he desired to
1 to you but I consider it very neces- resign, but his colleagues pressed him
sary to this case to question the wit- to continue in office. Marshal Tuan's
nesses thoroughly. I have a right to." belongings, however, are all packed
,_ _ _and preparations made for his de-
rBandit Outbreaks parture.
r An additional division and a brigade
Alarm Christians of troops of Gen. Feng, who appears
to be in control of the balance of

Discussion Groups Will Be Led Byl
Six Members Of The Facultyj
Of The University{
For the first time in the history of
the state, students will convene to
discuss and register their opinion on
a political issue when the state inter-,
collegiate World court conference
meets here, next Monday and Tues-
day, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. "To voice
student opinion on international ques-
tions affecting the United States, with
particular discussion on the World
court", is the purpose of the confer-
ence as announced by the committee
in charge of the arrangements.
Plan Two Day Program
The two day program includes
speeches by men of national promi-
nence and discussion groups led by
six members of the faculty of the
University. Ex-Gov. William E. Sweet,.
of Colorado, Conrad Hoffman, execu-
tive secretary of the European Stu-
dent relief; Frederick Snyder, national
secretary of the Y. M. C. A. will be the
principal speakers on the program.
"America and the World Court: A
reply to Senator Borah" is the sub-
ject of ex-Governor Sweet's address
to be given next Tuesday night in Hill
auditorium. The meeting, which will
be open to the public, is to be one
of the principal events of "InternaI
tional Week" as well as of the con-
ference. Governor Sweet is one of a
number of prominent citizens now
touring the United States with a view
to arousing public interest in the
question to a point where it will de-
mand favorable action in Congress,
when that body convenes next month.
History Of Speaker
Governor Sweet rose to national
prominence through his notable suc-
cess as governor of Colorado. Prior,
to that time he had been head of a
firm of investment bankers in Denver,
retiring from that position in 1920 to
devote his time to politics. He has
long been an advocate of American
participation in the World court and
in the League of Nations, and his
speeches and writings in behalf of
these organizations have brought him
world wide reputation.
Attendance at the conference is re-
stricted to delegates from the various
colleges of the state, representatives
of college newspapers and members
of college student councils, unions
and Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. or-
Inquiry Into
Lansdowne 's
Fate Halted

Use Of Unions
Described By
Purdue Head
(By Associated Press)
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 27-The
investment of some $30,000,000 in
Union buildings by universities and in
colleges in America, England and Ger-
many, is an indication of the advance
of the Union building idea within the
decade, and a graphic illustration of
the fact that the unions are filling a
definite need and have become cor-
porative parts of the modern universi-
ty, said J. E. Waters, manager of the
Purdue Memorial Union at the sixth
annual conference of the Association
of College and University unions,
which opened today :at Purdue uni-
versity. , Mr. Walters is president of{
the organization. Thirty-five dele-
gates from the United States, Canada
and Dr. Reinhold Scharrel, president
of the German Students'Co-operation
association are in attendance at the'
meeting. The meeting will close to-

Miss Frances P. Parrish, '27Ed, gen-
eral chairman of the committee in
charge of arrangements for the an-
nual Pan-Hellenic ball given last
night at Granger's academy. The ballt
was sponsored by the Inter-Sorority
association of the University.

Pennsylvania Governor Will
Proposal To Delegates
Miners And Owners


Heads Sorority
Ball Committee

Evergreen, Southern Smilax, Trans
form Orchestra Platform Into
Bower Of Green

(By Associated Press)
HARRISBURG, Penn., Nov. 27.-1
Governor Pinchot tonight called upon
the wage negotiating committees of
anthracite miners and operators to
meet him tomorrow to consider means
of ending the suspension of operations
in the hard coal fields.
"I desire to lay a proposition before
you," he said in identical messages toE
Maj. W. W. Iniglis, chairman of the
operators' scale committee and Johnf
L. Lewis, president of the United MineI
Workers. In each case he asked that
besides the chairman the other men- I
bers of the committee meet him here
at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow.
At the same time he asked the mem-l
hers of a special mediation committee
of the Scranton Chamber of Commerce
to attend the conference. me
The members of this committee, E.t
J. Lynett, Ralph E. Weeks, and Ralpht
A. Amernan, conferred with him here
today and his invitation to the opera-
tors and miners was issued while they
were at his office.
While the governor's plan was notE
discussed publicly it was made known]
at least in a general way to the mem-
hers of this committee and was said
to meet with their approval. Mr.1
Pinchot's action today was his firstr
definite step towards bringing about
an end to the suspension which has;
been in effect since Sept. 1, althoug!1
I it follows by less than 48 hours con-
ference with Major Inglis and Mr.
Lewis. These meetings which were!
held here separately Saturday were
the first with each. All were held at'
the governor's invitation.

Luther And Stresemann Victorious As7
Parlianent Ratifies Entry
into Leagnet
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Nov. 27.-Chancellor Luth-
er and Foreign Secretary Stresemann
reaped victory today in their fight
for parliamentary ratification of the1
Locarno treaties and German entryt
into the League o. Nations. By a
final vote of 291 to 174, the Reichstag
adopted the bill legalizing the security
pact drawn up at Locarno and the
supplementary treaties drawn up with
France, Belgium, Poland, and Czecho-
Slovakia. Approval also was given to
the arrangement whereby Germanymis
to apply for membership in the league.
Parliamentary sanction came after
a stubborn partisan battle lasting sixj
weeks. The outcome was never reallyr
in doubt but the chancellor and for-
eign secretary were confronted by un-
relenting opposition by reactionaries.
The security pact and the treaties
were ratified by a separate vote 300
to 174 while the question of joining
the league was affirmed 278-183.
By a rising vote the Reichstag
adopted a motion submitted by the
three middle parties, whereby the gov-
ernment is requested to use every ef- i
fort in the time intervening now and I
Germany's formal admission to the
league to obtain from the Allies a;
greater measure of alleviation in the1
Rhineland and other concessions than
already granted.


Shaded lights, soft music, beautiful
lowers, and brightly hued evening
owns formed an exquisite back
round for the Pan-Hellenic ball, the
nnual function sponsored by the
[ichigan Inter-Sorority association,
.eld last night at Granger's.
The ball room was beautifully and
rtistically decorated, the orchestra
latform being completely transform-
d into a bower of green by the skill-
ul use of evergreen and southern smi-
ax. Tall baskets' filled with fluffy
,ellow chrysanthemums graced the
orners of the platform. The side
ights were obscured by masses of
milax twined with chrysanthemums.
he stairways were also banked with
vergreen as was the balcony where
ridge tables were arranged for the
leasure of the patrons and patron-
Granger's Orchestra Plays
.Granger's ten-piece orchestra fur-
ished the music for the affair and at
1 o'clock sounded the strains of "The
rictors" a signal for the formation of
e grand march led by Elizabeth
arrott, '26, president of Pan-Hellenic,
.nd Charles Higley, '26, followed by
rances Parrish, '27Ed, general chair-
aan of the ball and Robe t Rice, '25L,
f Grand Rapids, the oter committee
aembers and the regular Pan-Hel-
enic delegates. Var-colored balloons
Landed out at the beginning of the
arch made a beautiful spectacle at
he formation of the traditional block
The Pan-Hellenic ball is the only
arge social function given by the wo-
nen at the university and has been
poked forward to as one of the lead-
ng affairs of the fall calendar. The
roceeds of the ball will go to the
ndergraduate campaign fund for the
>roposed Women's league bjilding.1
Patrons And Patronesses
The patrons and patronesses for
he ball were President Clarence
look Little and Mrs. Little, Dean Al-
en S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney,
Dean Wilber R. Humphreys and Mrs.
Iumphreys, Dean Jean Hamilton, Miss
trace Richards, Mrs. Amy Hobart,
hiss Louise Patterson, Dr. Arthur S.
Uiton and Mrs. Aiton, Mr. and Mrs.
. D. Thorpe and Mrs. and Mrs. Wal-
:er Staebler.
According to the custom of pre-
vious years, one third of the ticket
luota was reserved for independent
The programs for this year were
very attractive brown leather bill
folds bearing the Michigan seal In
gold. The fillers besides indicating
he number of dances included the
names of the patrons and patronesses
as well as the entire committees.
Following the ball many sororities
entertained at breakfasts at their
chapter houses making a fitting close
to the Pan-Hellenic ball for this year.
WASHINGTON, Nov. '27,.--Counsel
for Senator Wheeler of Montana, and
Edwin H. Booth former solicitor of
the Interior department, today at-
tacked in the District of Columbia
Supreme court the indictments re-
turned here charging them and others
with conspiracy in connection with oil
prospecting permits in the Senatwr's
home state.
Senator Walsh of Montana, appear-
ing for his colleague insisted that
the court could not conclude other-
wise than that the government was
attempting to bring Mr. Wheeler to
trial a second time on charges based
on the same allegations of facts un-
der which he was tried and acquitted
'n a federal court in Montana. The
verdict there holding Mr. Wheeler not
guilty of improperly representing Gor-
don Campbell, oil operator, before the
interior department was declared by
Mr. Walsh to have proved the allega-

Lions untrue and he contended they
could not be used to support the pres-
ent charge.

' I

' nfrMotions of non-confidence in thetl
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27-Tak- Dgovernment proposed by nationalistsa
Secretary Wilbur intended toare-t Iand communists, were defeated by aa
suthreiad Wi CoodgedtodayFH heavy vote, as was also a nationalist
si esidenialthgs toaYImotion postponing the date of enforce-e
step was contemplated. I ment of the treaties.
I Believes That Army Of Great Size I
(By Associated Press) Expay Be Economically Eq'ipped Carson Ex lains
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-The re- y EaiRsoo
quest of Joseph E. Davies, counsel for (By Associated Press) Regulation Need
Mrs. Zachary Iansdowne, that the PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27.-Assur- In Radio Industry
Shenandoah court of inquiry be recom- ance that the United States is pre- RI dr
vened and witnesses be recalled for pared to raise and equip an army of
cross examination on behalf of the 4,004,000 men if needed, "more rapid- WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-Reasona-
widow of the airship's commander was ly, more completely and more econom- ble regulation is necessary for the
denied today. I ically than a new army of that size successful operation and continued If
Another request that a stenographic has ever been equipped before" was growth of the vast new radio indus-
copy of the testimony of all witnesses given tonight by Secretary Davis of try, D. B. Carson, navigation com- I
heard by the court on any questions Ithe war department in an address be- missioner said today in his annual re- t
bearing on the controversy .between f fore the Union League club. port to Secretary Hoover.
Mrs. Lansdowne and Capt. Paul Foleyf "That is because we have a sys- The navigation bureau has direct
former judge advocate of the court ttic plan for the mobilization of charge of the government's radio reg-,
whom she accused of attempting to industry in case of ar" Mr. Davis ulations and the commissioner's view I
influence her testimony before the explained. "We never have had anyI as to the necessity of increased Fed-I
court also was denied but no refer- such plan in the past. oral authority coincides with the con-
ence was made to Mr. Daviesother Reverting to World war conditions,' clusion of a recent national radioi
demands that the court be discharged. the war secretary said: "We put 4,- conference convened by Secretaryt
set forth in a letter by Rear-Admiral 000,000 in the field and equipped them Hoover.I
Campbell, judge advocate general of fairly well in many respects in 17 At the end of the last fiscal year,t
the navy who was ordered by Mr. Wil- months. It was a remarkable achieve- Mr. Carson said 15,111 licensed ama-f
tw ent- teur radio stations, were operating ind
bur to reply to the letter sent to him m"nt.h.w. the United States, while the number
by Mr. Davies after court, when it re- But this equpment was so incom- t U first class radio broadcasting es-
called Mrs. Lansdowne to inquire into plete that the combat units of the ofaistmclts adio roasting e4 Io
the Foley charges, refused to permit Oxpditionary forces could not have 99 and second class broadcasting from
him to act as her counsel. The court stood a single hour against the 9am on4b8.s
later exonerated Captain Foley. enemy execept for loans and pur 378 to
The department's reply stated that, chases from the Allies to make up
if Mrs. Lansdowne wished to present the deficiencies in our equipment. We Celebrate Grand
additional facts germane to the inves- paid $15,000,000,000 of taxpayer's Centenary
tigation the judge advocate general money for such material as we got. Opera

power in the present embroglio, have
BEIRUT, Syria, Nov. 27.-Fresh entered Pekin.
bandit outbreaks have occurred at Tseng Yu-Chun, a prominent Anfu
Homs, in northern Syria, where many party leader and adherent of Marshal
schools have been closed. Some Wu-Pei-Fu, Chih-Li war lord, was ar-
Christians are seeking protection in rested yesterday afternoon. Other
the compounds of the foreign missions, Anful leaders -fear they will suffer a
while others are fleeing in the direc- .i.lar fate.
tion of the Mediterranean. simi .
Twn steamers have landed French _ ._, - . .,

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