PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN- DAILY SUINDAY. SEPTIEEn27, . t ...... . . . ... .... r i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Geology 3;l Thle class meets in Room 231, Angell Hall (basement at north end) Mondays and Fridays at 11 o'clock. Win. 11. Ilobbs. Volume.VI SUINDAYSEPTEMBERL 27, 1925 Geology 1j3 Cii1artcristlcs of Existing Glacier-s: The class will meet Monday at 4:30 o'clock' in1 once Building. 1Elcmientary Italian for Graduate Students: j The class in Elementary Italian for graduate 4:30 o'clock Monday in,lnopm 301 South lWing. 'Numiber 6 Room 223, Natural Sci- W1lliam 11. IHobbis. students will meet at M. De Filippis. imnes: 7 :if 1.4110,111t chiipter of A. S. C. E. 'there will be an important business meeting of Mimces this afternoon ;~ eSa teUin ait 3 o'clock in the Mines Theatre. Robert iendersoti, lres. '--______---______ MaisnWi., Sept. 2.-More than11 R~. 0. T1. C.-Adv anced Uiformis: 2,o000 University of Wisconizsn freshx- A. re~re.,;eutative of the Unilform contractor will be at the It. 0. T1 C., ich \will be welcomted Friday by thie Buildin from 9:00 A.-lA]. to 5:00 P., M. Wednesday, Sept. 30th, to take inca';- s=ixth arnual ontdloor pageanlt7 called Iuremnents for advanced uniforms. All men entering the advanced cors the "Varsity Welcome." this semester will report between the hours stated for measurements. IL. I. Brick~er. Read the Classified) Page-it pays. Cmain. floor of Waterman gynmnas-f KWhIAT'S GOING ON s u.I TIKO T Notce toa;pea i tis ohrnnmut :305:3-Last try outs for t1,11I- Fine, 6-room hiouse, five blocks Noties t apiear n tis clumnmust i south of camlpus, for' only $9,000. be frft in the nox at the Daily office versity of Michigan Glee club are T'erms. P'ossession ait once. hi, ddfrotproebfr.4lo'clock prec!eIing te (lay of isbue. held in room 308, Union. It's a'bt gan. ox 3,Daily. To the Deans: There will be a Conference of the Deans Wednesday, September 30, at 10 a. m,. in the President's office. C1. C. Little. University Library, Sunday Opening: The main reading and periodical rooms only are open on Sunday. The hours are 2 to 9 P. M. Books shelved in other parts of the Library Build- ing may be put on reference in the main reading room for Sunday use on application Saturday evening at the desk from which they may ordinarily be drawn. This does not apply to books shelved in buildings other than the Library. Most books in the Departmental Libraries may be drawn for home use over Sunday during the last hour the Departmental Library is open on Saturday. IV. W. 13ishop . Librarian. University Women: Uijperelass: The first lecture to upperclass women, on Campus Organization, will be given Tuesday evening, September 29th, at 7:00 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Barbour gymnasium. Attendance of all upperclass women who are in their first year on the campus is required. Please bring blue- books and pens. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. University Women :freshinan Class: SThe first lecture to frehinen women, on Campus Organization, will be given Wednesday afternoon, September 30th, at 4:15 o'clock, iii Sarah Gas- 'w'll Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium. 'Attendance of all freshmen women Is- required. Please bring blue-books and pens. Jean Hmnilt on, Decan of Women. Committee on Student Loans : There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Loan Funds, Mon. day, September 28, 1925. SStudents applying for loans should present themselves at Room 2, University Hall at the following hours: Literary College ...............................2:00 P. M. Law School......... ................2:30 P. M. -Engineering College............. .......... .....2:40 P. M. Medical School................................:00 P. M. Dental College................... ..,........3:15 P. M. Graduate School .... .......... .............-*3:45 P. M. J. A. Bursicy, Cliairmam Committee on Student Loans. Faculty Directory Cards: All members of the faculty and administration who have not yet filled out directory cards should arrange to secure a card from the Registrar's Office, Room 107, Mason Hall, and to return it not later than 5 11. M~. Mon- day, September 28. 6 Ira lN. Snmith, Registrar. Student Mail addressed in Care of the (Ofice of the Registrar: Thef following persons, not yet regist-red as students, have mail ad- dressed to them in came of the Offcoft the Registrar, Room 107, Masora Hall., This office is holding these letters until they are called for by the Landscape Design 101 and 111:A Attention is ; 6alleidtoi the fact that these courses are not open to stu- dents under the rank of junior who are not specializing in Landscape De- sign.: t .Aubrey Tealdi. .. .: ._ , . ,, a t . Philosophy 31: Studernts in Phlilosphy 31.:Who- have, n(t eeii asighed-l to a discussion .section will: conle t. ,INM. l i~f 3-°to5;top that prilose. John Rulper. Philosophy 31: ~7I' The discussion sections in Philosophy 31 are as follows: Monday at 11-110 Library-Mr. Barker. Monday at 3-110 Library-Mr. Barker. Tuesday at 9-110 Library-Mr. Kuiper. Tuesday at 10-1020 A. H.-Mr. Kuiper. Tuesday at 1-110 Library-Mr. Kuiper. Wednesday at 11-110 Libra: y-M~r. Perry. Wednesday at 1-110 Library--Mr. Barker. Thursday ;t,9-1,10 Library-Mr. Kuiper. Thursday at 10-1020 A.i H.-Mr. Kuiper. Thursday at 1-110 Library-Mr. Perry. Friday at 9-110 Library,=Mr. Perry. Friday at 10-1020 A.Y H,-Mr. Perry. Friday at 11-110 Library-Mr. Barker. Friday at 1-110 Librdy~~ kr. Note that the sections on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 meet in 1020 A. H. instead of 110 Library. John Rhuiper. Psychology 127: The class in Individual Differences will meet in room 6, Angell Hall. C. lIt. Griiiitts. Psychology 31: My 9 o'clock section Tuesday and. Thursday will henceforth meet in room 6 Angell Hall instead of P162 Natural Sciene Bl3dg. It. 1R. Mayberry. Pol. Sel. 281: This course will meet Mondays and Wednesdays. at 4 P. M. in 401 Library instead of 406. All who desire to enroll are requested to be pre- sent Monday, September 28. James Ilart. Romance Philology 203: My class in Old French will meet, to arrange hours on Tuesday, Sep- tember 29th, at, 4 o'clock, in Room 14, East Hall. IE. IL. Adams. University Sympliony Orchestra Tryouts: University Symphony Orchestra tryouts will be held at the University School of Music, Maynard Street, from 7-8 p. mn. on Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week. Applicants should bring some music with which they are familiar and which show their technical ability. Freshmen are eligible. S. P. Lockwood. Finial Tryouts for Michigan Glee Club; The last tryouts for- the University of Michigan lce Club will be held Monday afternoon between 4:30' and 5:30 in Room- 308 of the Michigan Unio~n, for both the vocal and instrumental seetlonsi'Thors are especially needed. AutJ.Iremlickj, Manager. I . ~10 :15-Rcv. _Mr. Jumllp Iprea ches oiln "Old-New GCrowing;" at the Congre- gational church. 12 :00=-ha1 her Idea conalucts student class in the Chuurch of Christ,' Dis- ci ples. 12 :0-Baptist guild. Religious edu- cation classes led by Professor Wat- erman and Dr. Chapmnan at the Guild house. 112:00 -sl itiejit classes mawet aat thae C.ongregational church. Topic: "Religion and Life." 2:00-3 :30--C(hinese depart iiivmt Sun- dlay school, student section, rally at the First Methodlist church, corner Washington andI No. State streets. :30-Pliilippine-M liia'un clb neetis at Lane hall. 3 :00-11udustn iclub meets in Lane hall. 3 :00-M iniesIholhis business meeting in the Mimes theater. 0:430.7 :30-St. Paul Studiient c'lub meets at club roms, 420 West Liberty street. Walter Dreyer, '26L, talksl oan "Our Student Club." I :30-Tiltist guild friendship hourh Iat the Guild house. Refreshments. I 5:30-Student cafeteria suipper and social hour at the Congregational church. 5: 5-MStuident supper at the Unit ar- ian parlors. 6:0)0-W1esleyan guild miets at W1es- ley hall.rTop~ic" for discussion "Flow Can the Schools Best Co-op- erate with the Churches?" 6 :30-1'Senase ind( A onsense at Dayh- ton" discussion led by Dr. Shepard fat Unitarian parlors. 6 :30-Baptist guild devotional - eiet- ing at the Guild house. Topic: "Trhe 6Church in Student Life." 6:30--Comicii Yost speaks on "M3oral Value of Athletics," at the fireside I cheat in the Congregational church. ( 3 :0a--_HMot on, picture service at t he congregational c hurch, showing ITom Meighan in "Tongues of Flame." 3:30-All men interested in trying out for the gymnastic team meect on the '', i A Delightful Week-end Special Vanilla, Raspberry Ice and z .. Burnt Orange. f order it for dinner today-the whole house ~ will like it. fDial 4101 Ann AbrDarwo THE HOM E OF PURE MILK owners:,. H. J. Arnold George P. Marvelis .,:Y. Yeh. T. C. Cook Sidney Plant Ir. M. Smith, Registrar. English 293-(Blbliography):e This course will meet Thursdays at four o'clock in room 1209 Angell Hall. H. C. Hutchins. Geology:; Owing to an error in the Literary Announcement, Geology was placed under !Group III instead of Group II, amid uch confusion has arisen, Changes can still be made by students so as to elect the Geology course. Wihliani 11. 1lobljs. i Lane Hall Tavern Don't put unnecessary TPHIL DIAMOND'S ORCHESTRAS Phonei2i8219I Xtisiciin sWilted Learn the Latest Modern 1Dance CH-ARL ESTON Open Daily 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. 'We teach all modlern, fancy, ballet, stage, tango and folk dances; for children and adults. TERAEGARDEA STUDIO 22 'F artli Arcade Phone 8328 Offers a strain on your eyes 0 Secial Dollar Dinner for Sunday Chicken Broth with Rice Small Combination Salad Roast Young Chicken (Stuffed) Broiled T-Bone Steak Chicken Stew (Spanish Style) Fricassee of Chicken (with Green Peas) Fresh Green Corn, Lima Beans, and Mashed Potatoes Ice Cream or Pie Coffee, Tea, or Milk' Service Table d'hote and a la carte. I by failing to provide good lighting. Newest study Lamps are $3.25 Others priced to $8.50 The. Detroit Edison Company UNIVERSITY WAHR945BOOKSTORE r i N - i Mail at William Telephone 4276 i "A Pleasant place for Folkgs of Taste." i I1 IRIDIUM TIP WILL LAST EXTRA LARGE FOR YEARS GOLD BAND PREVENTS IREAKAGE COMES IN 14 KARAT SOLID GOLD PEN LADIES 'SIZE ALSO wo- . IN, This Coupon Saves You $3 ..o You Buy. It This Week for .."..,e... e. . e99c 5 Year Guarantee With Each Pen ON A REGULAR '$7.00 PEN. COUPON and $3.50 Gets This $7.00. PEN 75 cents ADDITIONAL ALLOWED ON YOUR OLD PEN .1 5 Year Guarantee With Each Pen J .. _9 I