WEl)NES DAY, NOVEMIIE R 25~ 192-6 THE MICHTGAN DAILN PAGE SEVE'N - «. , ; . ~TrnsI I OFFICRS' ESERVE WILL C0LU90"ASJIF ECOLUMN or~i iSDPIAI rI CLASr CLOSES 1 ~~~CLOSE [Odul1 LhIJ AT _ Mrn 'l Qr 3 AT a .M -New Oil Official BUILBERSW ASSOCiI AO k 5 LOST Lois t---Clarinet left in Union swim- iu'pool locker last Thursdayl rnig.ht, Reward. Call 6950.. 408 Thomson.55-56-57. LOST"h-Wh,"ite gold wrist watch, set, with za,;phircs. Substantial reward., Virina hrrsBetsy Barbourj. L()~L---Asapphire ring, white gold setn.Pay of Ohio State game.1 Rewvird. Call Nolan, 15870. 54-55-561 LOS -Pir f ;lasses between t'."J E,-..lw -tand the Library, last ',Tuesda::;i t thcei nnual convc te.,n~ 1a show, for the -best£ essasby college stdents on the sub'ect, "The New Country by ImprovedI IHighways. The i ~pui po. e of the tentESt iS to a1trc r. the stumlenit nteest to higa way, proiblems ai d to visualiz the imp~ort-' ance of, highway transportation in the r, progress of tihe country. .' iEssays will be judged on orignality, kn o wledge efthtie subject, vision, con-4 st ricticim, and~ general applearance. They should notet(xSced 600 words in length, thley must be typewritten and signed on the tep ofi he first pane. by the author, and must ibear the_ name of the college which the student; attends. Furthermore, the essays must be signedl by one professor and imust b, submitted to the essay coin- test committee, American Read Build- ers' association, Congress hotel, Cihi- George H. Jones, 53, the new chair-1{ cago, before Jan. 2, 1926., man of the board of the Standard Oil Prof. A. II. Blanchard, of tihe engi- company of new Jersey, most power- neering college is one of the five ful of the Standard Oil group, beganI judges who will pick the wining his service witkl the company as a essays. stenogr'apher, after having educated- himself at home. MOSCOW. - Long extracts from LENINGRAD.-Professor Opell of: Leningrad, annon:edA today that hte hiad successfully t ransplanted a boei from a dead body to a woman patient suffering f~-oin tuberculosis of the' kniee joint which prevented her froni walking. NEW YORK. -- The -New York freight steamship .srs herico, ,was ag-round ltoday:_vtPunta (do MaterniJ- los, C'uba S 0 S calls picked up, in- (iselthe steamnship was in ucorn- rmuanicatimn with Port Au Prince, Haiti. Let Th'e Daily sell it for you thru PMY YOUR SUPBSCIIIPT ON '.OW. the Classified columns.--Adv. 4 01 SPECIAL TIhanksgiv=ing Dinner SER1VED) AT Boulevard Inn From 12:00 to 12:00 Thursday, November 26th ... . . BI WIS C. Cal 3..G7Jt23. a, NOTI CE Initial R. 56-57. a Will the girl who picked up an envelol;pe containing notes and a fountai oin fnrom the back row, of Pirof, Campbell's D~rama Class, Tues- day nlorning, call Miss Shermani at 5718. 56. 1 TAILORING Stndenits 'Tailorinig Phone 8040 Cor. N. iversity and Tlhayer Mft'EN'S SUITS ,CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CLEANXING, P~RESSING, REPAIRINa A N ALTpEING A SPECIALTY tAIS() LAIIS DRESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And Delivered tf. NOTIHCE-Buiyx the latest fiction at. Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar-1 cade,%-w., f., sun. tf. 'TYPE WRI TI NG & 3111IEOGRAPHIWG Promiptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- ' manent Wlaving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. CHRISTMAS CARDS Personal cardls should be ordleredl now. Good,. work requires time. Printing and engraving a specialty. Largest and finest selection obtainable. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. WAN~TED IWANTED-Girls for relief selling. dur- ing noon hours daily. Apply imme- diately at office. Mack & Co. tf EXPERIENCED two, payment men to c open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection.) Send $1.00 for supplies and com- piete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. k WANTED-Senior wants room or suite in private family write box 311 Daily. 55-56-57. WANTED-STUDENTSr Can make $25 per week in sparej time. See Mr. Shmerling, Firday, 91 to 5. Room 302, Michigan Union. 55-56-57. WANTED-Girl to assist with house- work an hour or two each day. Call 8887. 56-57-58. Honorable mention was recently ac- corded Sue Grundy Bonner, '26, for her contribution in the annual poetry contest conducted by Witter Bynner.I, rThe judges of the contest were Mr. B~ynner, Sara Teasdale, and George ! Stirling.I Miss Benner is a member of the staff of the Inlander, campus literaryl magazine. FOU RENT b°0 ATTRACTIVE s jbusiness people !Also room ma heat. Plentyo house. Phone ington. TWO attractive, 1Cleaij, quiet hoi Phone 53-46. 9, FORi FORD Roadster, erator, side cu rims with gooe Lindsay, 6943, jSaturday morni FOR SALE-$70 new, size 40. LeBoeuf, 4772,. FOR SALE-HavE weights, sanitar with book case ,,rltFn fn 0+1111onta I quite for stuaents~,1% e, or young couple.{ Ate wanted. Steam1 of hot w ater. Q uiet 8 4 . 4 2 F W s - i 51-52-53-54-55-56 77 single, front rooms. ,me. Rent reasonable 23 Greenwood. tfg SAGE8 1921. Starter, gen- rtains, demountable d tires. Call J. D 1014 Cornwell Pl. ing. tf. Tuxedo practically% Price $25. Phone t7 at noon or evening! 55-56-57. elin Platter, chest ry cot, library tabl e i ends. Call 5165. 55-56-57. dierwood Portable Ate model, $30. Call ice Desk. 56-57-58.1 Want Ads t3 witin Want a room? Read Page Seven speech are and use the Classified columns.-Adv. papers. Our service is bot tinctive and efficien devote special attent Prorams printed in Russian news- h d is-, t. We ssionto" D1int 5182 unb vullpfints r ; ' , , . '' ; 1 _-- .. r 4'- j l . ' ' ' I f x I S TUDENTS find the New Remington Portable indis- pensable in writing themes, compiling notes, and in all general correspondence. It saves your time, for its use makes you a speedy typist before you know, it.1 It is strong and durable - will last for years and years. It is the lightest and most compact Portable with 4-rove standard keyboard. Call and let us show you the many advanced fear. tures of this New Remington Portable. Let us explain to you our easy payment plan. - 3ih'r 3 Taterntirt i -a. MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi-, FOR SALE-Un' enced on two pay plan, also special Typewriter. La off ers. Write or wire today for real at Health Servi proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Read the Cincinnati, Ohio. tf Cbe Craft Cypi Yours for better imPres GEO. S. REGISTER Student Representative 64 E. Madison St. Ann Arbor, Michi. 112 So. Main St.Ann Arbor. Mich. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. t- '' ..-:..., 4 -^ i _' "" ~ . I Detroit, Mich. c)Yew t k h i Christnmas Greeting Cards 7I I N. Iniu., 20 floor l./l./.I-04-11 MP , i i Sample books of Personal Cards now ready and at your service. Leave your order early., UNIVERSITY W~tI 9 5BOOK STORE , orr+rmri om __. _ _ _ _ _. ==-,u Try us next -time. Bundle upyour laundry an.d bring it to our station in the Press bldg., Besides say- ing 15% youlllke the clean fresh appearance. of your clothes -all mended, ready I to wear. .M# _, Dial 21816 11