rA ( I S Iqc TI IL MICHIGAN DAIT-.Y WN'D\ESDAY, \OVLi4IBMR, 25, 1925) t ! _ / ' _ 1 -. 'v. '{ < T A - .. .... .... At r ys a k y f1I 'i YOST Y TEST EFE NlVE TEA 0 YEAR SURD P NCE INENIE SEASON Opponents Held fTo Four First Downs y wolverines In Last Three ( amnes This Year GOAL LINE UNCROSSED By Joseph Kruger With the enthusiasm and excite- ment that attends the collegiate grid- iron season somewhat dulled now that the Western Conference schedules have been completed, a rather sober estimate of the true value of the de- fensive strength of the Michigan team may be accomplished. Michigan teams have always boast- ed strong lines, and the relatively simple attack of the Wolverines has always depended upon a powerful line for its proper execution. But this year the Michigan forward wall has undoubtedly -proven itself to be the greatest that has ever represented the Maize and Blue, and that is closely akin to saying that this year's Michi- gan line is the greatest that has ever represented any school in the history of modern football. This year's Michigan team is the greatest ever coached by Coach Yost, according to the veteran coach's state- ment the other night, and the brilliant success of the eleven is largely due to the work of the line. But the line alone was not Michi- gan's great defensive strength, for the backfield proved to be almost as great defensively as the line. The defensive fullback, Bo Molenda, was a tower of strength on the defensive, both in backing up the line, and in snaring forward passes. In the Illi- nois game alone, Molenda intercepted five passes. Gregory and Gilbert were both above the average in their defensive ability. Both men were quick to come up to the line of scrimmage to tackle men trying to turn our ends, and both were adept at covering their terri- tories when forward passes came their way. Ben Friedman proved to be a great safety man, although he was rarely called upon to prove his ability. With a line at ldeserves only su- perlatives, and a backfield that stands out defensively as the greatest of the season, it cai rdily be seen that the 1925 Wolverine eleven was the great- est defensive team of the season, if not of all time. And the facts bear out the seemingly sweeping statement. But four first downs were chalked up against the olverines in the final three games 6 the season, and all three opponeit's boasted powerful teams, although the Northwestern game was played under adverse con- ditions. Not once during the entire season did a rival player cross the Michigan goal line, and Lewis' place kick in the early minutes of the Purple con- test stands as the only three points to mar an otherwise perfect record. Twed~y-three first downs were gain- ed against Michigan by all eight op- ponents by rushing the ball, while but 12 first downs were made by means of the forward pass. Minnesota's great passing attack failed completely, with 10 passes tried, none completed and four intercepted. Perhaps the greatest defensive rec- ord of the Wolverines came in the last two games of the season, when the Ohio State eleven never gained possession of the ball past midfield, never getting beyond her own 46 yard line, while the Minnesota team, which boasted a great offense, found them- selves in possession of the ball in Michigan territory only twice, having the ball on Michigan's 42 yard line on two occasions in the closing five min- utes of play. CROSS COUTNTRY 3IANAGEIR WILL BE ELECTED TODAY Cross country managers for ! next year will be elected at a meeting this afternoon, but the election must be approved by the Board in Control of Athlet- ics before the official result is announced, according to Robert D. Buick, '26E, retiring Varsity manager.. Griddrs Will Turn Energies IliF~iTIJ IPHfIDS, in o ther Sport annelsi With the football season scarcelylattention principally to the discus. GCTION' over, several members of Michigan's Herrnstein has been a member of the championship squad are planning on ?track team for the last two years as! RgfT e Commissioner Says Average; devoting their talents to other sports, a quarter-miler, ranking second only oy Would llve Foliowed Same some of the men will start training ast year, and he is expected to do Course As "Red"I almost iine-lately.latyaadhisepcdtoo amost mmda ey otraa even better this year. He was the Sammy Babcok, Brue Gregory, and fastest man on the football squad. SPEAKS OF BIG MONEY Fremyullerwklbregwrkngo an Wrestling has been chosen by sev-- with the wakelhail squad next eek eral of the linemen as a conditioning ELGIN, III., Nov. 24.-The present' sot Grinnell McIntye Palmerli, atu aeali mrc n smk Molenda andOo:erbaan also intend rsorn.Grin nfelMcntyrea a lerolage of professionalism is killing am- to go out t or'the basebzall team later Nickersons, ShonedadG lwl on -ini the year. Tserill go out for all make bids for berths on the squad.a ina n basketball or track if le comes Gabel will not report for a while due ing deep inroads into football, in the tsroegtall of his mid-semester exami- to a weakened leg ligament. opinion of Major lohn L. - Griffith,, ntiong safe>. sBob Brown may report for baseball commisioner of athletics in the Big but is not certain as yet. Ten Conference. Captai benny Friedman will not go j "I cannot blame 'Red' Grange for l out for basetball havil agai re- joining with the "professionals," de- INESS rasclared Major Griffith to the Associated on Coach Fisher's nine in the capacity ? (RIl) C(OAC1 TO WiTNESS Press, "but I am sorry that he did of an outfieldelr last year. Freddy I CORNEfJAJ-PENN CONTEST Iso. It will certainly hurt the amatuer Parker, Puckolwartz, and Gilbert will -- sport, just as I am confident, it will also be among the men who will re- j Fielding H. Yost, director of sp j help the professional game. port to Coach Fisher next spring.! Iathletics, and coach of the Wol- "I would rather have seen 'Red' Puckolwartz was a regualr outfielder erme football team, left last take the advice of George Huff and last year, and Parker was out for the nigt for the East where he finish school Then he could have squad two seasons ago. This will be !(will attend the Cornell-Pennsyl- capitalized on his athletic ability, or Gilbert's first ye. adelphia Thanks gi at Phil better yet, could have followed some Coach Fiarel f texpectg an arrayI Coach Yost will s;ak to well-founded business proposition. Ij of eight men from the football squad Older Boys' conference at E- personnally know of cne offer that he and one quarter-miler. harryHaw- Olde- had Oat $15,000 a pear for a five-year kins, Lovette, Oade, Thisted, and I ia, N. Y., and be the guest ofn y! contract, at the end of which time Herrnstcm will report to Coach Far- ionor at a dinner given by NewI he would have been well established roll before the Christmas holidays. F o city newspaper nen while in business. Hawkins will throw the hammer, Lo- in. the East.- "Still, you take the average Am- vette will specialize in the shot, while erican boy and give him the oppor- Oade and Thisted will devote their tunity to make $25.000 in a short timeI PRO'OFFES. MADE TOAMA9TEUR STARS, Eddie Tyron, Swede Oberlander, And Wycoff Urged To Join Ranks Of Professional Eleven WOULD PLAY IN MIAMI The hand of professional football which already has received "Red" Grange, reached out in the East and South with overtures to Eddie Tyron of Colgate, "Swede" Oberlander of Dartmouth and Douglas Wycoff of Georgia Tech, according to the As- sociated Press.1 Representing real estate interests of Miami, Fla., Tim Callahan, former Yale football captain, has launched a blanket campaign to sign a team of outstanding players. Seven players of the Tyron, Ober- lander, Wycoff type augmented by seven recruited from the ranks of Florida talent, will be assembled by Callahan fof a series of six games, the first to be played on Christmas, day at Miami Beach against a team, Callahan claimed, would be captained by "Red" Grange. Callahan stated that he had not yet signed any players of prominence for the Miami team but he admitted that attractive offers would be madel to several stars. 'Tyron has admitted that he has received several professional offers, but he added that he intends to try out for the Maroon basketball and track teams after the football season closes, and therefore will not enter- tain any offer in which his amateur 'status is involved. Oberlander and Wycoff refused to make any comment refering all in- 'quiries to Callahan. DETROIT.-The Detroit News today quotes C. Harold Wills, president of Wills Sainte Clair, Inc., motorcar makers, as saying that Harold "Red" Grange, Illinois football star, appear- ed at the main offices of the company at Marysville, Mich., last June and de- manded an automobile, "to square" the use of Grange's name in a series of advertisements. AFINALS TE AYTU lU YOST WRITES FOR i M In the speedball games played yes-! terday afternoon the freshman liter- ary students defeated the sophomres of the same college, by a 3-0 score, in a league championship game, and the sophomores engineers defeated the juniors, 7-4, for the championship of the engineering colloge. The School of Education team forfeited to the Medical school in the finals of the! professional league. The members of the winning teams' will receive numerals. On Monday the sophomore engineers will meet the freshman literary team in the semi-finals of the campus champion- ship, the winner meeting the Medical school on Tuesday. The bampus champions will be awarded jerseys in addition to numerals. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. LSH NEWS SINDUITE Coach Fiblding H. Yost, director of athletics and head football coach here for the last 25 years, has written a series of articles for the Christy Walsh syndicate entitled, "My Thirty Years in Football," which is now ap- pearing in several prominent papers. The story will appear in daily in- stallments, the exact number of which has not been determined but which will probably total more than 50. The articles will cover all of the activ- ities of Michigan's coach during his long career as a gridiron mentor, in- cluding his experiences as coach in the East, Middle West, and the Paci- fic ocast. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTON NOW. I' I Kassel Will Lead I Mini Next Year CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 24.-Charles Kassel, of Melrose Park, Ill., was elected to captain the 1926 University of Illinois football team at the foot- ball banquet held in honor of Red Grange, here last night. Kassel has been a regular end on the Illini eleven for the past two sea- sons, Rokusek, a flankman led thej team in 1924. BA SKE TBA LL All basketball teams wishing to se- cure Waterman gymnasium for prac-, tice on any of the first four nights! of each week should sign up now at the intramural office. Starting De- cember 1, the gymnasium will be open for the use of those teams that de- sire to use it. The record made in these last two encounters is perhaps the most un- usual defensive record in the history of the game, for major elevens usually manage to get within scoring distance during the course of a 60 minute con- test. RBESU E PLAYS IN TENNIS TOURNAMENTTHIS WEEKI Weather conditions permitting, the remaining matches on th-e tennis schedule which were not finished last spring will be played within the next few weeks. In the singles there are ten un- defeated players who will match strokes. In the fourth round Shermer, 6574, meets Gross, 9217, while Brody, 3317, plays Davey, 8752. The winner of the former contest will play Slith, J36 Law club, and Garber, 4447, will play the winner of the other match in the fifth round. Smith, 6367, will also meet Harnish, 8994, in this round. IFinkleman has already won the right to enter the sixth round by virtue of a win over Utley. Only three matches remain to be played in the doubles. The lower bracket championship was won by the team of Dunakin and Gilbert, who will clash with the winner of the Boxer- Greenspan, 8871, vs. Brown-Utley, 7901, for the campus title. The win- ning team in the final match will re- ceive cups while the losers will re- ceive medals. Every man who earned his way into the semi"finals will re- ceive numerals. and you will find very few that would turn it down. - Many of those who' have censured Grange for becoming a professional football player andl quitting school would be among the! first to accept the $25,000 if given a , chance."I Major Griffith expressed the opinion i that Grange would "cut loose" in the professional game just as he set the world on fire while a college grid star. IOWA City, Ia.-Iowa will lose sev- en football players through gradua- tion, Griffen, Fry, Romey, Schirmer, Graham, Dauber, and Krasuski play-1 ing their last game for the Black and Gold on the Pacific coast against the! University of Southern California lastI Saturday.1 / f61wear i e Ale'xander shoes~ may be had in patent and dull leathers for. Tuxedo wear State Street Ober Calkins' A 01 AB6I~n9D111 UAISgtAYIN g COR.FOYNFQURTH.TEE NEW YORK Our Representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER ,. . z . ' <' !t'Y_; ' _i d 'A ! , (7 J it !' 7 ' f , , ray, , ,., " ,i r' 4 f y ! ('' '; Vr r. $ r r. - ;. 1 ' "Wets" and "Drys" Agree on Sawyer's Slickers!! More surprising still, Sophs and Freshmen are unanimoes on one thing-thatra 1ro Prand Slicker is TU I,,' thing for rainy x' eather. No need to run for the nearest doorway, no occasion to borrow umbrellas with broken ribs; the best policy is-get inside a Frog Praigi Slicker and grin at the rain. Too, a Frog Brand Slicker is worth tons of cough andl coldI remedies for it fore- stalls innumerable minor ailments attend- ant to wet, drizzly weather. Dad will never criticize expenditures when he rec- ognizes the wisdo ndisplayed in the pur- chase of a Frog Brand Slicker. The price is low, and you should have one. Most of your classmates have Frog Brand Slickers. Detroit w Today, November 25 with Samples of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Fall '. LITTLE BUILDING TRIRMOT COR. SOQYLSTOK PALS BEACH PLAZA BUILDING Co u N T R, o A a N EWPO RT, AUO1RAllN SWL~4G 220 8'u.LcvUa AwvNUr Genuine Oiled Slickers Sawyer's "Frog Brand" are genuine oiled slickers, the product of 85 years experi ence. In two colors for men-yellow and olive, and four colors for women--red, green, blue and coral. I f All progressive college clothiers carry Iron Brand Slickers. if your dealer is not yet suplied send his nam,, to H1. iM. Sawyer & son, IEast Cambridge, 1ass. - i TY G rIi11' '"b ' 'i Of Vlue I OVERCOAT SPECIAL FOR TODAY ONLY E^ $27.50O= We are closing out four lots of Overcoats, formerly valued to $45.00. You must come early if you want the best M selections. you wear a size 36 suit, here's a real bargain for you. Two-pants suits at $36.00-Values to $55. c Slteasonfor this is that we are overstocked with this size. = Youbenefit by our being overstocked, if you are a _ perfect 36. A Complete Line of Equipment for Every Sport