N OVE,.MB ),,] 'L 251, V)-25 THE MICHIGAN. DAILY WEDNESDAY, N0VEMBI~R 25, 1925 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY FOH. COE" RENC Stith, '26, And Laltowe, 126, Start To-1 WIJ JU illstALIAf lJ z lI^a if v ' oa itp In IN ew York WILL OPEN FRIDAY I Councimen lpeavie Today Jackston 84tIi, "yip, and P'hilip JiaRome, '26, delegates of the to the natioral conference to be held in New York on Friday and Satuirday, will leave Ann Arbor1 for the lEast today.j NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-The interfra- i ternity conference, annual gathering! of Greek-letter fraternity men fromt ;American2 colleges and universities, will be he:ld at the Hotel Pennsylvania here on Friday and Saturday of this1 week. More than 50 fraternities, 100 institutions' of learning andl 500,000 fraternity men will be represented.; M1ore than 300 delegates will attend.1 A number of tprominent educators,' including several college presidents, 1 will be present at the' conference to[ confer on college problems with thej official: of American fraternities and , with 50 undergraduates representingt as many college councils. Every' an-; gle-student, alumni, and fptulty, will . be available. The keynote address of the confer- ence is to be delivered by Dr. George E. Vincent, president of the Rockefel- 7 er Foundation.. The Interfraternity council was es-1I tablished at Chicago in 1909 through 3 the. efforts of Pres. W. H. P. Faunce 1 of Brown, Hamilton Yright Mabie and others, to make fraternities ap-, preciative of their common ideals andl tasks. Through the efforts of the conference, jealousies and rivalries_ have been_ diminished and a concep- 1 'Research Papers COUNCIL GRANATS 'PERMISSION T'OMichiganVan Is I To. Be Presented B US COM:1PANY FO CONSOLIDA TION Author Of Story By Instructors , _ /~At a meetin)g of the ("ity cot acil, ;ellt by the four lines, although the; McCready Huston, a former special 1Paper a on physical research, writ- called to consid1er the poioll., ofifth ward an([ the district in the vie- student on the Michigan campus, is, tenby nstuctrs f te Uivesit, IthePeoles Moor oac copan iinity 01 Geddes and Miller avenues the author of a short story that will ' il en by esinstuct the mUtnivesitf the Pole"illrCoc eman:~ be left without transportation appear in Scribner's magazine for wilb rsneda h etngorh o'a re-routing of their liriCs to- facilities. December. The title of the story is American Physical society to be held'a snCiaoo o.2 n 8 gether with a chang;e in tariff, it as The four routes in operation now "M\'rs. Arnold's Smile," and it is the Tefrtpprb Mihgni-decided that the company be Pean-arse the Packard~esat?--Huron, Broadway- Second story of Huston's to appear in FScribner's reently. Harpers, Red structors deals with the K series emr- tedl to consolidate two of its jlve and i Washtenaw, Burns Park-Hospitals, joladteStudyEeigPs ission spectra for elements from at- operate over three instea d of the Ia oslae ie.TeBoda-; aealcridsoiswitnb omicnubr50t 83. It will be present four rou tes. Approval of the in oslae.ie.Th rawy hv l aridsoiswitnb gvnoFrday morning by Prof. J. proposed tarIff revision was withhe~lld. ?Washtenaw line is to be eliminated,! him. IIorth past five years Hso a ~M. Cork of the physics depart ment, Action was taken by the council' with the new Consolidated line serv- benaFdioolwrtro the usuh and B. R. Stephetnson. after T. 1. Pinchard, pros-looeat; of! ing most of its territory. beendTineoilwe andthe vo s ery The same" morning a paper will be! the motor bus company, at a nweeting Fflhe railway committee, to whom !edTiueadh rvosy5r 'given on the shot-effect of electrons a week ago, declared1 that hi., om- Ithe matter was refered by the mcoun- led in the same capacity on the Piths-w produced by impact ionization, writ- panry was losing $5.O0() a, month, aond cil last week, :made its reconimenda- bugaeteTms ten by Prof. N. H1.'Williams of this that further operation dependced uipona lions Monwday night after a careful physics department, and Albert W. route and tariff changes, study of the present routes,I LONDON,-The British government' 'Hull. Atomic spectra groups will be The three routes over which the!F inois nava contrlt euctionaW discussed on Saturday morning by company will operate, beginnain g oiia l AVANA.-Special agents have been inC idgemaacn sttiontherousemW. Prof.,IR. A. Sawyer of the physics dc- Monday, Nov. 30, will cover ino t o i;or t o theBprovince ofaCamagneyhtoHCommons parmen; nd hepapr o R he1~iF et tte aproveortCthatuar tomillons prmn;adtepprofR V. htertrben coeeftpr:1 ivsiaearprthtsgrml!Zumstein, national research fellowbigOOeCI Pp o ner aesvrdri omtia will be read concerning the absorp- fenback of° the physics dc'psrT-Eient, Lownswihvesevredtailommutretn-jN tion spectrum of manganese vapor. aiid W .-5, Kimb' .l. ng; food shortage.1 Distribution of potential in low . voltage will be treated Saturday aft-________________________________ Irving Warmohts,D S.C CH~IROPODIST AND ORTHOPEDIST 707 N. University Ave._ Phone 21212 Read the Want Alds Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners Served at - BOULEVARD INN Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road, from noon till midnight. Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. RUBLE FEATURE AND STAGE. NOVELTY . IDE"TROIT THEATRES i T THIS WEEK I W OW LaayetteNighyeeat tShelby Bargain Mat., Thursday, best seats, a. Sat. Mat., 5oc to $2.50 Tel, Cadillac, 8705F 111h WEEKC The STUDENT PRINCE The Musical Triumph of a Generation Company of 160 CKEves. - 50c to $2.50, GARR.u.Mt50 o 15 Sth. Mat. 50c to $1.50F You'll Roar, Shriek, Howl at Funaniest Show on Earth!i I Meet Mr. Mutligan and Mr. Garrity_ iii Pi euseNights 75c to $a. I Mt.Bonslelle Plyho s ocad 5 Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792 The B1ONSiTELLIE CO. in a New American Comedy "THE WASHOUT" f ~By FRANK DAZEYt I All. Y Thanksgiving Day Turkey Dinner 1:00-2:30 I--ave you made your- reservation? 1' L112 T'he King of Noble Sires Unbridled and Untamed in a Startling .Picturization! TODAY IES _61 Phone 9646 205 S. State Written anid Directed by Hal Rach r-.-- AND S h-h-h-h! Don't Tell a Soul The Scandal Is Out-Its p ity as an adjunct of self-government at American colleges and universi- ties.t For every article for sale, there isf a buyer. Reach him thin Classifieds.! ,I I i tI i Ft x Natural Interest Holds - at the GRAYSTONE BALLROOM .nDETROIT- Detroit's smartest ballroom. Two - wonderful orchestras provide con- - tinuous dancing.- Graystone Dancing Nightly Except Monday JEAN GOLO.KETTIE'S VC TO ""R A1RTI T You don't lknow how good until, you hear them.; JiI t t11i11t911i1111lit111l1111911l111llI 91t114111i111 I LASTS" TIMES TODAY 4 2:00 3 :40) IOC 7:00) X3:40) 100 ALSO1 STAGE FEATURE plInL and KEN DIAMOND MEDGLEI "NOVELTY MfOXENTS ON TiI PIANO ANI) XYL4OPHIONES" y F "PRIVATE AFFAIRS" Everybody Knows Mrs. B-- Goes Riding With-And That AINT THE HALF OF IT!S j' ii ZC i 4 ' r. Ytl r L / 9 J l' _ . rZ y, r t r, *" t 3 " +. , i . r g!kR,- Y1, . , ' Y J_ . x t s ,F t' . * e << n '" 1 !a_ LT-x r :.... /// w . II7 j . i vt _ r 3 }',x First Call, Thursday N tne _______OR TNANKSI6ING ENTERTAINMENT FEAST OUR MOST LUXURIOUS HOLIDAY PROGRAM r The rontPageANOTHER The rontPage"CLASSMATESP' actI is e n' rtt~n tke ~ tX~e aa oire }t a~e ayr &slv fD.e'oepa ac cs ,to wit0 hetGWifS t x° III all I N Tonight-Hill Auditorium - i .dick '0 The Pactures Key i Vaudeville '; jfl- 2 OO WEEKAY MT-~ 1 x3 r INEE PRICES Complete Sheows including Stage Features i ,,25-5 I iN Guaraneed- ajes tic and 1000RME a71 wG in Keith Vaudebille Headliners : ?dg cr.. " 1 u ' : {o ':".;t '<+~ y 7j D xi y d :d r- Made with the Co-oweration of the 11r, S. Navy I. s .Plasters of Harmony STARTS oll'# F.j i! A A ew e siezi he Aliorll a Siinkist Syniicopators andt ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WEEK SUNDAY, NOV. 29th AND WE ARE GOING TO CROW ABOUT. OUR SHOW. INewa I A II I Ic 'A -' , . d Its . , ld ' k., o yr /ve'ss4f9 'Cojedly I i! WANNEEMMUM 11