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November 24, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-24

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. -_


Police Use Tear Bombs To Frustrate
Attempts Of Merry Makers To
Apply Torch To Old Stadium
CHICAGO, Nov. 23.-Northwestern
university students celebrating the
achievements of the Purple football
team, tonight set fire to an unoccupied
fraternity house, then engaged in a
pitched battle with firemen and po-'
licemen until tle police used tear
bombs to drive them back, then they
started for the old stadium intent on
applying the torch to it.
Gathering on the campus according
to a prearranged plan, about 1,000
men and women students waited until
9 o'clock when the old Phi Kappa Sig-
ma house, recently vacated, was fired.
The house is not on the campus
and as soon as the light of the flames
showed, the students rushed to it, and
began their celebration with a series
of "wildcat" yells.
Firemen were surrounded and their
hose taken from them and turned on
the fire fighters. Policemen headed
by Chief William A. Wiltderger, him-
self a college graduate, were given
an even hotter reception and reserves
were sent for.
The tear bombs were used with ef-
fectiveness, the handful of policemen
driving back the students until the
supply of bombs were exhausted. Then
the students again surrounded the of-
ficers and engaged in a pitched bat-
tle while another detachment of stu-
dents started for the old stadium con-
sisting mostly of tiers of wooden seats,
and announced that they expected to
fire it.
Meanwhile, the policemen detracted
the attention of the students, and fire-
men tried to save the fraternity house
which was to have been torn down.
Capacity for more than 300 addi-
tional beds will be made possible with
the reopening of the old University
hospital on Jan. 1, 1926, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Dr. Harley A.
Haynes, director. The old buildings
are to be used for convalescent pa-
tients. They will be complete units,
even supplying their own dining room
The reopening of these units will
provide the University hospital ser-
vice with more than 1,150 beds.
Class Dues Are
Payable Today
Class dues will be collected in all
classes of all schools and colleges of
the University today, following the
schedule arranged by the Student
council. Class treasurers may obtain
voucher and receipt books at 9 o'clock
this morning at the offices of the
council on the third floor of the Union.
Each class treasurer is expected to
make his own arrangements for plac-

ing a booth which is easily accessible
to members of his class. Freshman
law students will pay their dues to-
day, between 8:30 o'clock and 4:30
o'clock, at the desk near the freshman
law bulletin board, the treasurer an-
nounced last night.
Freshman literary students will find
their treasurer at a table inside the
main door of Angell hall; seniors o
the same college have arranged fox
another table in the same place.
Senior dues have been 'reduced fron
the customary $3.50 to $1.50.
If necessary, the work of collectinf
class due will be continued later ix
the week, the council announced las
right. Ticket applications for th
J-Hop and other class dances will no
be accepted by the committees ix
charge until class- dues have bee:
p .. - - -- -

Featuring a "Michigan night" pro-I
gram the University will broadcastj
through stations WJR and WCX on
a wave length of 516 meters at 9
o'clock tonight. Several speeches and
musical numbers are on the program.,
The University Symphony orchestra
will render "Norwegian Rhapsody" by
ISvendsen as the first number on the
program. This orchestra is an ama-
teur organization composed of 70j
pieces. Members of the School of
Music and of the University faculties,
and townspeople join in this com-
munity orchestra.
Nest on the program will be a lec-
ture by Dean Hugh Cabot of the.
Medical school on "The Making of
Following another selection by the
University Symphony orchestra, Sec-
ond and Third Movements From the
Ballet Suite, 'La Source'," by Delibes,
Prnf. F_ N Scott of the rhetoric de-

pupil with
tor of the
then give

Theodore Harrison, direc-
University Glee club, will
two solos, "Autumn", by

"MichiganNight" Program Will
Feature Broadcasting Tonight


Rogers, and "If You Would Love Me,"
by McDermid. He will be accom-
panied by Mrs. J. C. Bryce, organist
for Christ church.
"The Outposts of Science" will be
the subject of a lecture to be deliv-
ered by Prof. N. H. Williams, of the
physics department. Following this
talk the University Symphony orches-
tra will play "Elegy, in G Major For
Strings" by Tschaikovsky.
"The Michigan Co-operative Plan
for Community Center Service" will
then be discussed by Prof. W. D. Hen-
derson, director of the University Ex-
tension division.
The program will be brought to a
close with a piano solo by Albert
Lockwood, of the School of Music, ac-
companied by the University Sym-1
phony orchestra. The number which

Russian Authority


31ichigain Captain Is Leading Scorer
Of Conference With 52 Points;
Came Here From Glenville High

Recognized As Leading Authority
Field; Received Decorations
From Many Nations



Says 1925 Team Is Greatest That
lie Ever Coached; iPraIses
True Sportsmanship


Col. William N. Haskell, director of
the American relief administration in
Russia and recognized as a leading
authority on conditions in the Soviet,j
will give the fourth lecture of theI
Oratorical association season course

Cot l iihisin IN. laskeilI


partment will speak on "The Standard will be renderedis entitled Third at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. i
of American Speech" Movement From the Piano Concerto ,o . , .
0. 0. Patton, '29, who is a voice in F Minor," by Henselt. His subject will be' What is happen- a
ing in Russia." u
Colonel Haskell will take his hear-
ers into the heart of Russia as he
FAMOUS HUMORISTrelates his experiences in that coun- e mh
try. He will describe the titanic work Delegate Of Interparliamentary Union t
WLECTURE MONDA accomplished by America, and also Conference Arose From Banks
give an insight into present conditions To Present PitionC
- -in Russia, based upon three years of FATHER WAS MINER
A. A. U. W. To iPresent Will Rogers In Subject Will Be "In Search of the constant study and observation. OneT
Interests Of League Building; Unknown"; Lecture Proceeds For of the most impressive features of
Tickets Now On Sale I Chi1ren's BxeneAt his lecture will be the explanation of BULLETIN
how vitally the return of Russia to At an early hour this morning
QUARTETTE IS TO SING PICTURE TO BE USED the family of nations is destined to a communication was received
affect the world forms. fromi Morgan Jones, Labor mem-
Will Rogers, nationally famous hu- Corn. Donald B. MacMillan, Arctic Honored By Many Nations erfthale Bisnaltme, I 1
morist and for many years star of the explorer and lecturer, who will ap- Colonel Haskell has received honors
Zeisteld Folie nyiybersgpresented pear before an Ann Arbor audience from the foremost nations of theA is etoe t eak in Ann
"Zeigfeld Follies," is being preendilvlonday evening, Nov. 80, in Hill audi- world in recognition of his services r h
tomorrow evening in Hill auditorium I torium, has chosen for his subject "In to humanity. He holds the distin-
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor! Search of the Unknown." The lecture guished service medal voted by the Morgan Jones, member of the Brit- I
branch of the American Association of has been arranged by the Kiwanis United States; he is a commander of ish Parliament, will speak on "The
I.club who will use the proceeds to fur- the Crown of Roumania, and an officer British Labor Party in Action" in the |
University Women. Mr. Rogers will ther the work among the under- of the Legion of Honor of France. Natural Science auditorium at 4:15 |
offer a large number of satirical mon- privileged children of the University At the close of the war he was deoclock today. Mr. Jones was a dde- I
ologues, and it is understood, in ac- hospital. ( tailed as chief of the Allied Mission gate to the Interparliamentary Union -
cordance with his general practice, Like his previous lectures, Com- to Roumania, designed to relieve fam- conference of 38 nations which met
mander MacMillan will illustrate his mie conditions there. So successful inWashigton-the irst week in Octo-
;that he will itroduce a great many talk with motion pictures taken on was his work that he was selected by Wear. Heh as been a leader in the-
local allusions. his recent expedition into Greenland, the Allied Supreme council as high
The American Association of Uni1- an expedition planned under AlidStrmhoncl hge British Labor party for several years. t
versiy Wmen hassitin them iausxpe on nne nd the ' commissioner to Armenia for the pur- The lecture is sponsored by the Round f
versity Women have, during the last auspices of the Natonal Cographic I pose of administering relief measures, Table chub.
few years, brought a large number of society in co-operation with the Navy his appointment having been enorse lr. Morgan Jones was born in 1885
unusual attractions to Ann Arbor in department.. by the United States, Great Britain, of working class parents, and his
the interests of the proposed Women's Dr. Walter N. Koelz, of the bureau France, and Italy. In the neutral present political standing has been
league building, including such out- of fisheries, who accompanied Mac- zones of Caucasia, where no estab- wen entirely by his own efforts. Is
standing artists as Ruth Draper, Paul Millan on his last trip to the Polar lished authority was recognized, Colo- father was a coal miner and his f
Whtman, Thomas Wilfred and his regions, will introduce the explorer. ' ftheswaealoaexercisedis f
TT s rs icets tor the lectre w h hve nel apractically mother a farm servant. His family
Clavilux, the Marmein dancers, Mrs. I d ale at the book stores sovereign power. Under his direction, was in poor circumstances, but5
Richard Mansfield, widow of the fain- been iceIa355and7hento.es famine was relieved, agriculture re-an enough money was saved to send thea
ous American actor, in The Goose p established, and thousands of people boy
Hangs High," and the German feature - b eegvnepomn.Sple oy to the village elementary school Ir
HGwere given employment. Supplies to where he was able, by winning ac
film, "The Last Laugh." The pro- R eque ssFor the value of $21,000,000 were distrib- scholarship, to attend a secondary
ceeds for the Rogers' recital will also uted. Following these achievements, school. Five years later he attended 1
be donated to the Women's league Booths Should he was called to Washington where he Reading University college, being
fund. I ~ was appointed director of the Amer- graduated in 1907.
Mr. Rogers will be assisted by the Be d Today can relief administration for starving Upon his leaving co19e7e he tk ani
de Reske Singers, a quartet of pupils i B e ade oRussia. interest in public questions, municipal
of Jean de Reske, the famous Polish i Directs iluge Expenditures and national. HI became a member
teno an at ne imeranking artist' Alldapplicationseforca-I-aopeticket
tenor and at oneAll applications for J-H timhcketsFrom 1921 to 1923 Colonel Haskell of his municipal authority council and:
at the Metropolitan opera house and all requests for booth reservations directed the expenditure of more than acted in this capacity for 11 years.
" Tickets for the program are now not nthscpciyfr11yas
o Tsa1e at W h's Graham's d Sla-not turned in by tonight may be sub- $60,000,000 in Russia. Assisted by a When the World war broke out het
on sack atWrs,a ham's and s a - mitted only in the form of mail or- staff of 200 American coworkers and strenuously resisted the entrance of,
ter's bookstores, as well as at the ders and at a sacrifice of preference.! a number of Russians who volunteer- Great Britain into the conflict as heI
Schaeble music house on Main street. Organizations desiring booths must : ed their services, he superintended was a strong opponent of militarism I
The entire maIn floor is reserved and accompany their requests with $40. the distribution of a million tons of and war. Consequently he was im-
priced at $2, while the remainder of' The committee will be at the Union food, clothing, medical supplies, and
the foodriu clothinged Thmedicalsviesuppliesate
auditorium is unreserved. Thel for today only and the necessity of seeds for planting. More than 45,000 prised or hisgviews b w late.
entire first balcony is $1.50, the first' submitting the applications as soon as relief stations were established in an T e on the n f heas
eight rows of the second balcony $1, possible is stressed because all ac- area half as large as the United Two years after the war he was
and the remainder of the second bal- ceptances and regrets will be sent out States to facilitate this distribution. te a er ofsiamet
'Ioy 5cntRi tenetto ek was the first conscientious objector
cony 75 cents. in the next two weeks At one period 11,000,000 starving Rus- to enter that body after peace had
A complete selection of seats will No spectators will be allowed at the sians were fed daily.
werebeonfedetodaily.tmorowbeen signed. He joined the Labor
also be on sale today and tomorrow J-Hop Feb. 5, according to the rules At the beginning of his service in party and served as parliamentary1
in the Hill auditorium box office at recently adopted by the J-Hop com- Russia the country was not only in seprta r ea arliaentary.
10 o'clock. mittee which state that the only per- the midst of a famine but disease was secretary to the board of education.!
sonh endt.o amn utdsTs a He has served continuously as repre-~
sonsadmitted to the hall will be those prevalent. Typhus, smallpox, typhoid sentative or Caerphilly division in
J4.~4~P ngin erspossessing a ticket issued by the hop and other maladies were raging
Junior Engineers comc3everywhere For months Colonel parliament. C
Pick Colors For o'clock. In accordance with the policy Haskell and his assistants overcame
of the hop committee of previous difficulties and not only fed the starv - TAI
> ffiiCa aktl years, corsages at the affair are pro- difclisan.o nyfe h tr- STUDIENT PUBICAT1IONS
SJshibited. Decorations for both Water- ing millions of Russia, but also intro- ( SCHOLARSHIP PRIZESj
; -Its duced sanitation and fought disease. I__
man and Barbour gymnasiums for Has Remarkable Army Record
1 Junior engineers selected orange that night are to be entirely in the asRmralAmy Record Three prizes o f $20, $150) and
anblackras hen cors for tei oan- hand ofhae 3-I-op ub- itee of Agraduate of West Point, Colonel $100 respectively, are awarded
and black as the colors for their ofi- hands of the J-Hop sub-committee of Haskell entered the United States each year by the Board in Con-
tI jacket by a vote of 82 to 28 yes- which Kenneth aMichels chair- army as a lieutenant in 1901, was pro- trol of Student Publications, to
the corduroy coat, while the bottom ividual booths, for it is the aim- omoted to the rank of captain in 1916, the three students having the
the committee to have the decorations became a major in 1917, and a lieu- highest scholarship grades
belt of the jacket will be black. nifori tenant-colonel in 1920. He served for ( among those who have worked
belt of the
The voting yesterday reversed a u Taxicab rates are to be arranged by some time in the Philippine Islands, for at least four semesters on
f previous decision of official class ap- the hop committee, and all rates to where he gained distinction for his any of the student publications.
ring the first choice of blue and yellow and from the affair will be consistent. brilliant operations against the war- Summer school is equivalent to
g tha major t oeasotbteaned.yel1owAny overcharges will be reported to ring Moro tribes. Later he was t one-half a semester. This award
a majority vote _ws not obtained. the committee, and an investigation placed in charge of the United States of prizes is to be made before
ordered. In accordance with a resolu- wireless and aeronautic service. In the Christmas holidays.
g Dead Line Set For tion adopted at a recent meeting, 1918, when troops were mustere on g In order to aid the Board in
n drinking at the time of the hop is op- the Mexican border, he was given I canvassing the grades, it is re-
t , Dropping Courses posed by all committee members; of- command of the 69th New York, the quesed that every eligible stud
e fenders of this rule, and of any other famous Irish regiment, which he dt. whose grades are believed
Tomorrow is the last day that rule passed upon by the committee, transformed into one of the most ef- mI mto be such as to make such
n courses may be dropped legitimately shall be reported to the Student coun- licient regiments in the service. Dur- m r a ohsible candida _
nocoee s a ed cil advisory committee within 24 ing the World war he was given the I for any of these prizes, will
in the literary college, as announced hours. The rule reads: "Violations of important post of deputy chief of 1 fill out an application blank at 1
- by W. R. Humphreys, assistant dean the regulations governing the hop staff and chief of Operations of the I the Board office in the Pres b
Iof the literary college. After Thanks- tnaceable to any group, but not to in- second American army. building. Such blanks may be-
of thieayclee.Atr1-.,-,-11 +-'- i,n +, onl I had at the Board o'tice on re- {

Benjamin Friedman, '27, Varsity
uarterback land star forward passer, i
vas elected captain of next season's a
Volverine eleven at a special luncheon s
eld yesterday afternoon at the
Jnion, and the official announcement i
f the result of the election was made C
t the annual football banquet held i
ast night at the Union. n
The new football leader gained n-
ional prominence as a forward passer U
ast season, and this year his over- f
ead tosses played an unusual part in t
he Yost offense. Friedman is con-
idered the leading quarterbacq in the
ountry by most sport writers, and is
ne of the leading candidates for All- s
American honor,.t
John Denton, '27, has been ap- Ie
pointed Varsity football manager I
for the next season, it was an-
nounced by Glenn Donaldson, '26, s;
the retiring manager, after the w
football banquet last night at the I t
Union. He will be assisted by I
J4amies Hughey, '28, Frank I P
Wachter, '28, Chester Cave, '28, t
and Ray Humphrey, '28. Leonard h
Spooner, '28, will be the alter- a
nate. n
Friedman broke into Varsity com- h
petition in the Illinois game last year, t
when he was sent into the fray in t
he closing minutes. The next week h
found him in the starting lineup at t
halfback against Wisconsin, and his o
passing and running in that game 1
earned a regular Varsity berth fora
This year Friedman was switched to 1
ill the quarterback vacancy and hiss
generalship was of a high order all'
season. Friedman also developed into
an accurate place kicker, rarely miss-I
ng a goal after touchdown, and ac-s
counting for the only three points inI
the Illinois game with a pretty place
The new leader is the leading scor-t
or of the Conference with a total of
52 points.i
Friedman was a star player at
Glenville high school, Cleveland, be-
fore he matriculated at the Univer-
sity, but he did not confine his ac-f
tivities to football, playing basketball
and baseball. Friedman was a mem-
ber of last year's baseball Varsity, be-1
ing a substitute outfielder.
Sophomore Dies
A fter Being Hit
By Auto Sunday
Merlin L. Tews, '28, died at 11 o'clock
Sunday night at University hospital
of a fractured skull, suffered two
hours before when he was hit by an
automobile driven by Otto Yahnka of
Detroit. According to witnesses, Tews
stepped off a bus at Washtenaw ave-
nue and Hill street and walked
around in front of it, directly in the
path of the oncoming car. According
to a police report the car was not
driven at an excessive rate. Yahnka
was not held.
The parents of Tews, Mr. and Mrs.
William C. Tews of Chicago, arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday. The body
will be taken to Chicago for burial.
nDainri 3 3 nn "U nrr.UruPntl

Appealing to the members of Mich-
an's 1925 football team to decline
ny possible offers of affiliating them-
elves with professional elevens, Pres-
lent Clarence Cook Little, in his ad-
ress at the annual football banquet
n the assembly hall of the Union Iast
ight, stated that the' recent decision
f Harold "Red" Grange to turn pro-
essional in the near- future has given
ons of ammunition to the opponents
f intercollegiate football.
"If Grange is going to play profes-
ional football to repay his father for
me cost of his three and quarter
ears' education at the University of
linois and to put his brother through
ollege, it appears to me that Grange's
ducation has been mighty expensive
nd that his brother's will be the
ame when the tremendous sums he
fill receive are taken into considera-
ion," President Little remarked.
"Why could Grange have not post-
oned his action a year if he is de-
ermined to play professionally? To
eave his university at this time and
Iso admit it has pre'pared him to do
othing else than play football is an
njustice to that institution."
President Little said he sincerely
oped that members of Michigan's
eamn would not follow Grange this
inme "and stick close to him as they
ave done at times," but urged that
hey "let him travel the whole length
f the field alone from now on." In-
ercollegiate football has been pen-
aized half the length of the field by
-range's decision, he added, and now
t remains for colleges and univer-
ities to win it back.
Little Commends Yost
In. conclusion the president stated
ie had never enjoyed a football sea-
on as much as the one just closed
iere, and commended the work of
oach Fielding H. Yost to the greatest
legree. "Yost uses the football field
o work out the problems of life," he
aid, "and you men will realize that
n later years as you cannot possibly
o now."
Coach Yost, who followed President
[ittle on the speaker's program, open-
ed his address by declaring, "You are
members of the greatest football team
I have ever coached; in fact you are
the greatest football team I ever saw
in action. I am making this state-
ment cognizant of the wonderful rec-
ord of the 1901 team and the point-
a-minute teams that followed."
The past season, and the banquet
concluded Coach Yost's quarter-cen-
tury of service as Michigan's football
mentor. His statements were backed
by what he termed "facts" which be-
spoke of the team's accomplishments
this fall.
Yost Proud Of Team
"I am proud to have coached you,"
he exclaimed, "I am proud to say that t
every last one of you played the game
fro~m start to finish like a man and
a sportsman. You were undaunted
the one time when the scoreboard
showed you had lost, and you were
generous the seven times you over-
whelmed your opposition. You were
great in victory and great in defeat.
Michigan will profit enormously by
what you have done this year."
E. A. Batchelor, of the Detroit Sat-,
urday Night staff and the Detroit Ath-
letic Club News, who stated he had
been writing about Michigan football
teams for the past 20 years, spoke
on the "Press Slant On Football."
Press Handicapped
"The press is handicapped in its po-
sition at any football game," he said,
"and it is most difficult to be accurate
and do justice to every player. I am
going to ask you to be charitable and
considerate in your expressions of the
press and its work for this reason."
Prof. W. D. Henderson of the Uni-
Iversity extension service, who acted
as toastmaster, was introduced by-
IHugh Chalmers, '27, chairman of ban-


BERLIN, Nov. 24.-Chancellor Luth-
er defended the government's accept-
ance of the Locarno treaties in an im-
pressive speech in the Reichstag to-
day, and requested ratification of the
treaties on the ground that the res-
toration and conservation of genuine
peace in Europe was bound to re-'
bound to the political and economic

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