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November 22, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-22

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Ufniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
4itled to the use for republication of all news
dinpatchies credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lishied therein.:
,ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
n, ;;,stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
rira:ster General.
Subscr'iption by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
'Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
bard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 4925; businetss, 21214.
telephone 4925
Chairmoan, Editorial Board. . .Norman R. Thai
CiyEditor............ Robert S. Mansfield
Nlew s Editor............Manning IHousewortli
WVojmen's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor............. .Joseph Kruger}
Tel egraph Editor.......... William Waithour1
MNusic and Drama...Robert B Henderson
Night Editors
Sm.ith H. Cady Lcnard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
obert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
h-win Olian Frederick I3. Shillito

have resorted, according to repTorts to
ridiculous threats that failure to heed
their suggestion will lead to lgia
tion barring athletic activities ini ilhe
two academies, and may even affect.j
army and navy appropriations.
It is obviously true that the taxpa y--
ers of the 'West have a right equal to
that of the taxpayers of the Fast to
watch the Army and Ntavy tgridiron
teams in action, but geozgrajhic (condi-
tions render suchi a move i nipractic-
ablc. It was a great step when the
Navy came to Ann Arbor to mieet the
Wolverines; to require both eas im r
elevens to make the trip to pla.y Feach
other wouldl be foolish. 'Plie mi"',-West -2
has a perfect right to see tiny of the,
battleships that are built wc ith ov
ernment funds, but as yet none o'.
them have been seen on Lahke Mich-
igan. The justice of the case dloes not
always determine the result,
Complications are also suire to ri--
sult from the lack of a football stclW-
u m in th e 'W est c a p a loe o f .eo g p c at rcon~ z e :I ig
game financially pcssible. 'the C fat
Park stadium in Chlicago is cut of tho
question; continual efforts of Ch icago
officials and others to have that fkild
used for football' are misdiirecte~d. 7t
was not built for football, the num
of seats within a reasonable d'1iict nc
from the field arc comparatively fw
and the stadium goes on and on dlown
the lake front, far to the north anad
south of the goal posts. Such scats
are wore than useless. The playing
field itself is not equipped wihde-eni
turf and has no drainage sytremn. he
weather in the late fall, (. lodidte
when the Army-Navy game is pllyced,I
is more apt to be inclement ta
otherwise, and the slighte4,stpsrijil,
makes the Grant Park stadim ase
of mud. Two football teamus played
on that field the dlay of the Navy game
here; Ferry field was in excelbeit
shape, but the Chicago field was an-
kle-deep in water. Police ganv ;ira .
the logical attraction for Chico go1;c
"wonder stadium."

1°. iweso rd sinerailroad for
fare onil' ta ,,nyway, We are
vxel-y p1P<em, d, but we halve, a serlious
compillainlt. Tfhere seems to lie a con-
spira cy afoot. to prohibit the r~t rer
icr this (Ic 10 ftifleit fronm get tinug a
close -view; of any tonuchdownl or thr i l-
ing p1h{,Y. .l lIi s is a.ccolplish d, fir ,ti
by a weeing us pretty 'rot ten seats,
and lbhen skillfully finein the quar-
fers so that the gun goes off, wtII the
S1i1edf11dsS(of fate, wllcin'-4 er itap ar
lb at we are is (danger of Wit[, s lga
bot laly.
At firstd we took this performanice
toe be our bad luck, but our luck has
rot o alwvays 1)0011 5o Consistelt ly
b,,.d ; anc! lie quarters so c onist t-

bsy RCcruvrd Shaw iwdlt Julia :Arthuir
ini thle Whaitney theatler at 8 o'clock.
111110 lI 0 1' 'ti lT : 'lie Det roil
Synipliony orchlestrl, -iili Ossip la a
Jwilc wltscli as soloist inI Mill tiuditori-
urn at 1,1 oclock.

r -- lire 11-111iallow you $10O) for your old fountain pen on th~ purchise
of a new pen of any of tho following maknes:

,.I-. . . k




Graham's Book Stores
At Both Ends of she Diagonal Walk.



I THE * q* * j
A i'evie~v, by Robert IHenderson.
Twxo grea't eleven, contendinig for
the' highiest Don ors;on the W'estern!
c-onference gridiron, clashed yesterd~ay
afternoon tat Ferry field, and when the
final whistle blew, the brilliant Yost,
coached inuachin'e, risig to its greatest
beighlts, remained supreme in Big Ten
oirlr' i ho'.Y, * i~; J i v fnto Minesta



a ~.


If all fountain pens were

V (-2reat tic inl(ev(-ry f1oe1t1, game, 1111cleiTng 111}mlty uann-mib Hated byn
it is the same thing; on the verge ta eigcmlteya llltdb
of E V(_:1",v touchdown, a colne , tl!1'1atgiun, coe
1l(" " _, oft (-Oii(50 ;1e fl)U(hr wli 'n a Ye terday's 1)lrilliant vict oryendedl
be~n ua deon he ppoiteen l 1 Co'ach Yost's twenty-fifth season as
Or.i heldl. In thiatI(-aceIt 1never g eesi footfAll trainer of Michigan teams, a.
o 'V or hors.season marred only by Northwestern's
If this 1keep)5tipl next, year, we know 3 -2 victory in the sea of mud at Sol-
ju t what v-w' are goilg to dot. We planj dier's field. Yost himself is the finest
to coinplel ely ig;nor~e Messrs. Yost, (coach illi thel country this side of
'filet501, Fri~l1i a, ad 0it~ tlY.WeII<.- ugoer,' New H a ;pshire, and his
shal smpl is v'no lt ut on o Ihe earn yoster-day play ed its most keen
gaiesat ll 1 w lieltha w ~uIarid versatile game. And ohl, why
have~ to 'witn ess a football uiht cll, as Ct, I made a foot ball player!
wc I ( I 0gotoDot ro~t;or so mewlicre. I- a eve Bill sang well.
Thenuayethose old football ma2g-( JYCU
nalrte: ccw nit feel cheap?
* * T~he following Persons were admnit-

Getrtrude E. 'Bailey
WVilliam T. Barbour
Chamrlcs Behymer
W ,illiam lBreyer
Philip CG. Brooks
S-. 1t ilkinghanl
Edgl ar Carter
ia eton Chanpe
J-ugerne H. Gutekunut
Dougnlas Doubleday
Mary Dunnigan
JesT. Herald
Elizabeth S. Kennedy
".arion Kubik
Wa..!Lter H. Mack
Lou.is R. Mlatkus
Elris Merry
i" len Morrow

Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Evelyn Pratt
Marie Reed
Simon Rosenbaum
Ruth Rosenthal
Wilton A. Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtlapdl C. Smith
Stanley Steinko
Clarissa Tapson
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Chandler J. Whipple
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilszke



the repair men would starve to death.
One pen for a lifetime, with writing quali-
ties and ink capacity unepualled.


Telephone 21214
Aduortsin ..........J. J. Finn
Advertising .........T. D. Olmstd, Jr.
Advertising........Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising .................Wi. L. Mullin
Circulation .................. L. Newman
Publication............... Rudolph Bostela
Accounts. ...............Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving' F. A. Nordquist
George l. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
Jn I. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W. J. Cox Wm. C. Pushi
Marion A. Daniel Franklin . Raunr
laujes R. DePuy Joseph Ryan
I~argaret L. Funk M argaret Smith
Stan Gilbert Mane Solomon
T. Knneth Haven Thomas Sunderland
-,ppE Little Wi. J. Weinnan
I rank E. Mosher
Night Fdito "_-SMITI I. CADY, JR.
"Nearly 40 per cent of the ex-
penses of the National Govern-
mnent, 20 per cent of the expenses
of local government and 10 per
cent of the expenses of Stategov-
ernment are required to meet
the amortization and interest
charges on public debt. These
payments now require more than
$1,250,000,000 of the National bud-
get and $750,000,000 of the aggr-
gate budgets of our State and lo-
cal 'gm einments." -Report to
conference in New York held to
halt increases in state and local
Confronted by one of the finest
teams 't ie '-heo'ntry, Michigan yester-
dlay battled her way to the Conference
football championship for the third
time in the last four years. Scored
upon, but with her goal uncrossed, a
team which is in every way as good,
if not better, than the old "point-a-
minute" teams has overcome the na-
tion's best that Michigan might con-
tinue to rule the West.
Tloo much credit cannot be given to
the^ men who make up that team, and
S to the coaches who so skilfully train-
ed it. With a long, hard schedule, the
team was 'forced to reach a high point
of perfection early in the season, and
N to maintain that excellence through-
out the season.
Defeated by Northwestern with itsI
two hardest games ahead, the Wol-I
verines came back to defeat Ohio
;! te and rose to unbelievable heights
to overwhelm the powerful Minnesota
aggregation yesterday. Especially wast
11:1s true of the linemen, who through-
out the sea.,on have presentedl one of
the most impregnable walls known to
football history.
And Yost, the "grand old man of
football" has again demonstrated
that the "Old Guard" i, often far
ahead of the younger generation by
adlopting a style of play hitherto un-
known; and bewildering all opposition
with his brain-children. Yesterday's
'amne (-osed Yost's tweny-fifth year
as Michigan's gridiron nmento,'-few
mien are ale to point to a quarter-1
century filled with such achievement
and progress.
Yost; is still the "old man," the
"grand old man," and le continues to
uphold Michigan's banner as "Chain-

'That: is hot P a thireat. 01? d a p'miC
WVe twe in no mood t oe dallying.
SER101 V111
Pecrhaps thI is the sa rong pla1ce to
mention it, but it is oar liuulle
ojunion thlat; the prmict i(e of allowing
..r'opy?;;es to fly over the st anmds ofI
1' ~ swo dryI l.iW01)(own v Olopo 01som

ted to miembership in Comedy Club at
the tryouts held TFrida-y afternoon and
yest erday mnorning in the auditorium
of Ne wberry hiall:

The Illini gridiron at ("hamrpeaign is;"' '' ' ~''i W) apo' t'""c a, na i
a much more logic-al plac-e to s or or swerve off 1a e anglie, or'Dothr-
such a game, but t once thle probl em wis'Ve ry b1) (= cewd 'eii'oled,
oftransportation is brought inmt play. I r oit o Iupdol oc n o-
Thousands of Illini 'ho re tlum-it o .
their 01(1 college town t o see tlcir oaw nr 's:o al C toi l cnceV h
team in action wouldl not make the fat that pelanes - z i1 arcora ara-
trto see the Armny meet the Nov.y --trelv 'v' i'e, (etc, (-I, but they are by
antl the eastern schools woud b" i jn - Satsltl ihotdn~2
able to bring but few supl r.; with' and while there i; no particular harm
them. -Champaign anti Urbana aremuillying omer streets and(1citis, tiee
.not large -enough to (dope with Pila- vs qu:ite a lot of harmi in 1is'dnug Itle
delphia, Baltimore, andl New York. I ies of what would constitute the
But above all, the implications o population of at goodl Sied city.
Representatives Britten and MZa d d en I we once(- had the i eIisure oI sid,
that a refusal to heed their di-ands I ! that, in a stand at 'rYre~t lls s and
will result in action by CoremssTaro ' I at (II sd1> ldrfa~fll sI rzmilt toward
childish and1 absurd-i, anmd an rin ciit to {t u mnu ,)1)fet i-to
the dignity of that lbody ly'h i i':iof 11"""I"i : 'tarIe I i'e's ef aemot it i i;9
Sholding up necessary array and navy ~11S h hn i i
appropriations because tW)t()r fotb lOl -ro gird -es [bohom twny yards
teams won't play at CGmrantI arl, thi- I L 1 hks of1 Plce eai' i.t
cago, is one of tihe greate t gems c, our e to iiri~~tnatol;1)d
nmisdirected enthusiasm of the seao (n, I 'muinae what wuld Jhave happaenedt
Football is, after all, an ilmeoiseqil( _ I ad fthere bee no wind
tial pastime wheni it is broug lit, into
comparison with the work of the ,am-mv 11'~l'0, PCo ;Ii, Oj
and navy of the United States. 'Sir 'l)"J
_________________t__ send (Al to you for Av~laat it Is
--A'rLAS'-YNDDit h, I is le tter wb -ic[ (-amoto 1me(
the ar t lst s oer s oda- y from a mun who knows whreof
cited by press dispat ches tlng tof a 1-* spel~cil~xoe;Anol Gevemn, no
proposal made by England to Ii'i-n:- es eneo orradr a e
that Germany be admritted to the isember MXr. C even, wh;o is Elumerit us
Council of Ambassadors. In the( light IProfessor (ot Sideoburn echrnique. 110i
of the recent good xii whrichahas h( eniwshr nEi l l;svhnBr
inspired by the Loearno pctIaccg tt- 1nry waS a -emy amid not [Robbery, ,
ance of this proposal by thIl lis! and 'hen lanps were used in I le
powers seemns certain. I(ln-a; A ie mys a ig
Admisionof xermny o fh*, oon folrlowed a Itire t as 110 turally as
cil on par 'with other powers would d(h ins- - folowsrain
Imuch to bring to an end theo divisiomi I J S
which has existet bet ween luopirl(ali { Deoo-Prof. izz-'--
capitals since the wom'", on l~ei ne I t800103a. lemg cry bck to the!
side the allies, on the ther.Gota-re v- I'Ii liganmCollege olibbory wheure I
It would mean fthat he Alicles, asfor a I 7 ry c ,+r , ut ny l
separate gr'oup 'would no longer ('N i t t(ntion lis ust bieen (aled tto ,our
Ifor all nations would then inlcotat a I(oiiuua o i(e~ g 1)ai
11 common table ini the dimscurssion -of Zilch, and i feel 1 muist wrte.
common problems. T7h-ic were giants in those days;}
H'eretofore proposals made by 1tin' and Joseph Zilch wras one of tec'm.
ICouncil of Ambassadors itli -fce-emu 1How 1 i'cniembc Joe as a youngmiiom!
to Germany have been subjlect omitor I THe had jst taken hris M. 11i. dgrer'
subequnt pprval(It I-~eeionbyandwas an instructor in 2+ reslinanI
Berli, frquenly ot iling 1iiai;liil1-I- IClipping at am-niut Im. Amd 1h(1was
stadins ad ongticays Wth br-Ifull of energy. In 'adition to his
standingsigahdkeotgt Sli l down ('11 th
many represented on the council, thateahnh etaso ono h
Ibody could proceed with the alssu1.ran:e -M nS -ewikdo msivn os
that once the council had pa ssed upon l an wrote tirelessly on his D 1). 1
a measure, it wouldI not later be over- lThess. Ilie was witing onn "Wrist
thrown by action of tile home goen- ; BJhnce in the Performance of the11
mnit. At the same tiinge, piower-s all i te le" ielip- xh thJms
in thie war, through a great o reire c;<hh ill 1 recognition.r
sentation on the coumiil, coo Id dl tIlikie It say Ithis a out Joe: he had
provide protect ion fr theii r ov hetIi. rhve1( or wt
Iterests ; by out-vot ing (vi-iiiy, Iht.io 101i-' vr lil dJe
(ould retain the wip-han, if roc-es>. hl it' vit itIl( ; gcmilleessof.oe Zlth's
homf od n [111te ioughest Criri. Those
Admission of Germany to tie c(nIOrifTim01ul wo 1kmc'xv Kira111[ten felt sure
cil could not proj udircec !xld 1 ,,thaati' ",vetmli go far. To hv e died
ests it ouldc Tll "r~y attunacc ugiod inlAnn Ar-
Osts; itvi'iilt JOVOe ,,o ally a momre i( ilr(O'
promientI. poitron in XVI ii a K' li i'is a h It (ir rfaie I lioe1 ('everI
and1( it would uie cfor role iit hLI ct cl -vl.
IEuropean faiiiil y(of nationis -aiidi- Iraiiconllusion 'Will ii, 1(t1Iflel say
catin mof01a xwar 'at last md l. Oi-it I hopre you re elected Dican of
-Ithe C(olce of ob wry. In al my
The turn-out1.of1aroplanes at 1110 xya Or,1'. , e nt'mever kn own a manmwwo
genie sems to inidicaltole Ili-it ho was (ev(r-tr onl the (cheks than you
Daily's editorial policy has i-rit ated }a. I hail erly liopcoi that you woldI
the air pilot's--h-Ience an exhibition of evelop a master-y of the chin and
"flighty" indignation. Inck, batl(lieu, one an't le very-
- ___ ______-Ihi ug. IBesidecs, as 1' remulenbem- it,

f Aiargaret IEimich, '27; Mary Lois
('idah unst, '27; Camnille Ilacceine,
' 27; Dorothy Leeland, '29; Kenneth
K Iint,, '2S ; a-nd Art hur Farr-ll, '26..
"Ii t =.r 'I'oast naster -Gemtlenieii--
'XYou, too), Politicians: the Demoerats
arm the nniidle-cif-thec-road par-ty; tme1
Repubdlicanls are t1h( straddle-of-the-
i'oad part y; so I hereby inomna to
I feni-y Ford for Prmesident, and
j-christ en time part y the all--over--the-
road pa:rty!
M\ister Ford has m1adIe miore money
theam any ether muan in the 'world b~y
patying the lowest wages. ie Iias also
been tihe most: successful nmn in tme
world---that is thle(only thing that
'will defeat himl!. .. Why he is the
first mnim that ever- took a joke and~
itiede it liract ical. Maybe could( take
this count11ry acidi repeat!
"lhe cer'tainly doesn't mnanfifacture a
niecessity ; neither could you call it a
luxmury; I guess you would juist (-all it:
a nick-nick. Amnd lie, oughlt to be
0101tell: lie car-les two-thiirds of this
coomitry )low'. . .lfTle will take my
suggestion, he wvill ride on a, landslide
into the Whithouse ; if' line will make
this one p~roimise-"Voters, if I am
elected, I wvill change thle front on
'0k 1
Armoed with a mouthful of gum and
a tirity-foot lariat, his critics have
(-alled Wmin "enltertainer of the Prince
and prin-ce of entertainers"-the


3cans ;Skill and Quality
in Ouhr iolp.
,Sare a P~ollair or i'sior at the
617 Packard' Street PItoiio 7415.
(Where I). U. IL Stops at State St.)

Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
Served at -'
Two blocks, from city bas line on Jackson Road,
from noon till midnight.
Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
iatai aa~ aaaaalllaata aaaE aaataaaalttaaaltalalal'taaa '
IIi!!11111ittftt lti Elaionnvn~aaEEEin



No Classes
on Thursday
Why not stop in. and dance for- a
while Wednesday night before leaving
for home? Or if you are not going away
over Thanksgiving be sure and stop in
for a while. Your hardest mid-semes-
ters will probably be over and you will
need a little recreation.
Our Wednesday night dances are
Nvell known to most of the student body.
If you happen to never have attended
one we might say that the music and all
the "trimmings" are exactly the same as
on other nights. Dancing, 8-1



unique and emly Will R-ogers. As lie
says, all he knows is 'what he reads
inth newspaperis; his monologues
furnishm a wvhole broads.-ide of satire
against our Americana. His agemnts
imnsist thOat lit always am-ives a few
da,s imn adiveaneof each11engagement:
to assimmilate local color: if he only
had been ill town yesterday!
Mr. MchIntyre h11s5requested that
Lfme attention (If patrons be called to
the, fattthat tie, curain on the fir'st
at (of "Saint Joan"'ises promptilly at
eight o'clock tomlor'row eveninlg, (tie
to the unusual length of the play, andl
thiat no 011e will be seated during this
opening s1cne.I



- I I

'Navajo Chlinayo - Oaxaco
Burrell & Co.
339, 1hynard
()pposii eN ' !n'l s arcade
Genuine Arts and Crafts from
the g reat Southwest, including
Rugs, Turquoise Set Jewelry,
Baskets and Novelties.
The Chn'istmlas Gift
of, D sitit~i.


Tickets at


SLATER BOO0K Si-OP, and at


lo 16151511111111111111



. r

Compare the Arcade with other
eating establishments from the,
standpoint of foods, low prices'.
service, variety. You'll readily
see why such crowds come here'

Author of mhe

CA. . ,S.
greatest liday by a
dr1a mat ist.

It is unfortunate that the Symn-
h phiony conmcert should conflict with

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