THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1925 . . gym. ___________________---- I I { , Leads Bulgarians (~~k~ ThesN : a;.rl" X o.h . Dr. i Sy1Lv antis C. lire fThe> ('a negie t3Instution o \as r'fo, " llI{ iumn on Dec (i. .rp [il C ei fJ 1,11£I New'C ~ S~rld ':' ail q!t s f !ire1 ";') di31 n by Cortez, Ito j theIolsS0. iCal t3ints,1 vil Ihy ifl f MaIY"as','of om I. io]ev I speak, who IeI(( SIti /*. . 1'ala, ai (Iine e (r~ s I .. . ..~. me ans of whihiti ps i o ne (eneci .l Volkoff is emerging from their develop)TInei fei ot.: .,'tr E , prlys= be held at Wesleyan university in this dents ',,Nilli have the o1)Portmity of; city on Dec. 4, 5, 6. This conference friendly and jatimatea discussion withl is for the purpose of crystalizing stu- leading natilonal figured.i Flat Feet Remedied by Arches Made from Iniprescion of the IndiivAdual Foot. Louise M. O'Brie'n Pecat ie rweight Arch Supports Appointment by Telephone 21579 470 South Division ANN ARBOR, MICH. The other day I was talking with ADemure Me her of the , sf11'l tNjj4f rO DAY When The Majest A GreatShw- Well, Boys-__- 1 111IT! - - - - M- Wm V, ll III SHOWI1NG tic CLEAN- UP S Then IT*S TIME FOR Mme GLOOM! Look Over The Show We Guarantee! Fair and Warmer Se~x Who had Worrieda So much that She shoo k like a Charleston an~er. Ad all becaus~e She had bartered aijd a, few faithful Macedlonian divis- negisLJ aI 1 d, m. rmim1L1 is xpcte i to return today, after a three-day ten" trip to iionesville, Camden3, and Mont- goinery, Mich., where he inspected ;LPTIRIT.-Teu soldiers and civilians; the high schools. v4 :e loklled or wounded when a motor-I The Screen Favorite-- -- ho Nlever Over-Acts- 9- And - Her month's # AL Mrs proceeding from Beirut to Damas-I cns was attacked a few miles north-I east of the latter city. fA DRIAN-Basketball practice at Ad-I rian begins in earnest Monday when cr;stwIthIle football players report. Irving ar l ohs, )S -C ORTHO)P EIIST 707 N. Uniersity Ave. Phone 21212' Allowance For a Gift for He r Heavy Dater And now was afraid It wouldn't I 1 E SERVICE - In this shop, service is so important that all else is subordinated to it. You will appreciate that fact when you cop.,, here. , .. hZ h r ' ' . S aC u/ Get Away. NI.F THE ARCADE BARBER SHOP 6 NICKELS ,ARCADE - _ aft * .. When she showled it To Me, I had. to 'Tell her the 'Truth- It wouldn't. Could she discard it An~d get a new one?' Not in these dlay-s When a Permanent I -T 5TARTT ODAV 3- Shows -d-Ads )c sslo it 0 IS EERYMAN, VWOMAN AND CHILD A GAMBLER AT HEART *.. Lay, off your brother br We w'ant him for this job-, understand?" --A big Jirol her9 Lanib of t he 61hetl o, fighting a brother's battle agapinst the Ginter Woo---stumrbling the path to htappiniess wvith love's tarn to leani upon. Again Barthelmess makes his imprint on the time-sands of drama "The Beautiful City" Starts Today at y:30 3:21) 7:40 4:.,).' ; -111- IT) costs Twenty 4 .01 Dollars, And isn't so /r /, very 4 A 1 Permanent at that.. So sie Aked me to- 1 lKeith Vanileville Headliner', THOSE MASTERS OF HARMONY Warn all her Sister Co-eds to . I' . ' 1 i / , i ti y ,4 tilu "" _ Rte' s' ii i ,, .. -. DER - / - O i 4 ' ' d r \ @ti .. _. . y aR J lt 'Z__. . A ppearing Today at 4:30 9:0,S C'alifornia S iisit SJyncopators and Their fPeripatetic Piano n f'_____________________________ " Also a e 'civ Aesop Fable ' Cartoon a laions ~ s ~n ~ "HOT A.ND HIE A V Y " l e m d Comedy K in ogr .ns Pathe IRevdew Profit by her mistake And tell them that, If they must Get their Man AGift They should ask Burr, Patterson & Co. About itIt seems That these people IL You can 't go w rong o n that Iin-up-Just Come" Early REMEMBER o~naf' [ .-Sho v Strts at 1 :25-'e1tyof Room If JJJJRE C ii i'e P lhOre 'iw) ! ,k-mid the Show Is Ecllnjfo COMING TURKEY DAY SPECIAL Are more or less Expert In the matter of * *S* IGifts I' A ' a, F G '1.. 5ADDED WVEIITH FEATURES ~ ' " ~ ~ £ A t% A Ii in I