^PN-DAV, SEPTT77J! EM 7, 1925 Tt TF. MTCHTC, ANT r TT Y I"" 1Y11I1 l IZ%. SUNDAY, SEPTPJMBFJR 27, 1925 TI-IF MIOTIITrAM nAITV Va ML VAAVAM M =A VAM W-1-19 ,' FOREIGN WOMEN WIN DISTINCTION a I Seniors Dean To M'eet UHIOR PN On ThursdayDOMTROPN - . ....... [ 0 Mn n iCIP IA I RI University W omen Will M e Portia U il epry :roc i1et will holi versity women who live in private ]I~et frI e 7:8; 15 o m~es, who aeinterested In Intra- T" jo Discuss Plans Of 1TV1. C.~. (lc iis iithe Portia room n m1 'nural hockey, should report for prac- 1tI hefr,.)11 01'oolofAnlgell hall. 'Lice at. 4 o'clock tomorrow at Palm- Al ~ilf ii~'C111IlhO UhIIjidIlU ~~ .ui ciu , ".. ~ - or fvel '. Gymnasium suits or -kuick-' ifl i onliorc'iXfor 111i",o n ieI (i's my)11worn t Tienly-fivpeI1'< nitnbI rolled T'rig Nine 'New Aplpointees, lra h r r lal "ti I ttNE W W O M E N W E L C O M E D j Mvici:gan is f.lra'irging a name amsong the universitiesas an interifa- tional center. "Among the womcn71this is largely gdue 1to pe'rmn1tinstitu- tion-,, the PYartour scholarship~s," ,t at- G t sl x'iz , t l of the board of directors Al'_____ s~ni&'~6~iW riacordially invited U C A EF A E NT ju w a , notice in thie Daily will be theyf U C AEF A E NT onily inivitation. Th le Senior tea last year was one "Priscilla Birch Dormitory," the oi tie moteufi~tfl fuuctionrs of th'e most recent discovery on the' campus [all sason. TheC picture of the teal has been opened this fall to accommno- tabl1e, llresided over by the wives of, date women of the School of Music. jleans, at the end of the stately corni-iIn February, Mrs. A. S. Van Sickle,l (or, and the talk in the blue room of Ann Arbor, bought the old Lambda! I 7 1 t+ ] - 1 f 1 A s I t . c t f E c r 1 I " f f _" a f t 1 r7 egen women. "'The fact that the found- j aterwardsere things to be remiein- Clhi Alpha house, situated at 1511 er of the scholatrships past away in IberedA by senior women. Washitenaw Ave., and immediately set August of this year makdes us regard -- about remodelling and redecorating with a special interest the oriental wo- ir~n' nir hfl the housewa men, vwho in a measure have become ThisN fallrthe houseiwasrformally a memnorial of his lifte and work." ILLIUIU UU1 L opened as the Delta (Micron sorority The founder of the scholarships was Tfl nrin inr house and in addition to that as a the late Levi L. Barbour of Detroit, a TW O[fl F L ECTriURES dormitory for women registered in the graduate of the University of Michi-sco-_omsi.Evntalysh gan and for several years a member of nme fatv ebr f-et its governing board. Ilis friend, Presi- "Intelligenlce course, enabling womn Omicron becomes larger, the house dent Eimeritus Iutchins has explained eni to relate themselves to their own will be used exclusively as the Delta that "while traveling ini the Orient Mr. special interests" is the characteriza- Omicron national musical sorority Barbour recognized the need of scion- tion which the dlean of women gives house, but until that time, any woman t'fically and 'broadly trained women,l to tier series of lectures on campus registered in the University School of particularly of women so trained in organization. Whiat is offered here, Music is eligible to apply for admis- mnedicine. Returining, lie soon moade xwha~t tlle University expects of its WO- Sioni. provisions for the scholarships now of- men, what, our indtividual contribu- Accommodations are made in the fered." f tiolis nmay be, are some (4 the subjects house for 24 women. On the first The fund wais established in11917 and discussed. 'Gi entations .Lectures" is floor is the large living room and a since that time 5r; young1 women of the nainv' frequently giveni to kindred' mnusic room containing a Steinway Japan, Ch1ina, India, Korrea, the Phalip- lorsin. other pliacos. Graiid piano. No practicing will be pine Is;lands, anid llawaii have beep .Pbat'~ the course attained its end done in the house for quiet hours) holders of the scholarships, 25 of was attestedl last year by the interest must be observed in the dormitory as whom are enrolled this year. Of this in -tryouts for campus activities, in in other organized houses on campus. number nine are new appointees. cubm reportinug, in the intelligent re- The second and third floors contain Miss Chioy is a Korean woman grad- lotion which the women manifested seven bedrooms, each done in a dif- nate of the University of Hlawaii who toward campus affairs and~ activities," ferent color-among which are green, plans to take up educational atnd,'o- according to Miss Grace Richards, of red, orange anid black combination- cial service work. Miss Dinu from the office of the dleaii of women, I1re - and a dormitory. The roonis on the ingling Naning, China is a teacher wlolit comnients heard concerning the second floor are more properly speak- of history and .will specialize in heis- lectures wecre: "I should never have ing study rooms, the third floor being tory here., Miss Eu-Yanig is a gradii- known about it but for Miss 1-lamil- a large dormitory. atfe of the Shanghai college of Coin- Ite'n's lectures," "I wish we could have An increase in the registration of mTerce, called the "Southeastern Uiai- discussion gr'ouphs our sophomore year women at the school of music is be- versity", one of the national universi-_ like the fre liunen discussions follow- lieved by the Dean of the University ties of China., She is enrolled in the ing the lectures to entering women; School of Music to have been brought S~chool of Business Administration, there are lots of things I would like about 'in part by the new dormitory Alis Nyi, graduate of Smithz college, to talk about." for it has long been understood that holding her master's degree from the' All women who are on the campus the housing situation for University Iniversity. of Chicago, will specialize frtefrttm r eurdt t Women is an acute one. The new inl Sociology. Miss Tong of 1-ong i tefl~l the lectures. "It is excellent dormitory will be under the super- K ong, China was, graduated from the ecoHnmy for all entering women," vision of the Dean of Women of the Canton Christian college and is licrV conuiiented IMli s Ric'hards. "The University as are other houses and for history and education. Miss \Wang -;ctou rse is a purposeful effort to furth- dormitories on campus. Mrs. Evelyn who is a graduate of P1eking NationtalI er and socialize living." Scott of Grand Rapids is the social Teacher's college for woomen will take -__ --_ director in charge of the hlouse. fuirther work in chemistry. Miss Sak- W?~~~d F omenA p it a siwho to)ok her TI.A. (degree at League.p oit Wleacton collegec in June has conic Guests Of League Ba a rC ar e for advaniced work in Engli-h litera-B z a C ar e ture. Miss Iype, formerly of tie Wo- men's Christians college, MIadras, In- All freshmen and entering women In order to divide the responsibility riia lblip, bj T q o'vr, froin th lare cordially invited to attend the I+. nn 1n ymnhar ontt service or comniunit y service banach-; will undol~ubtedly adopt one s:iliilar to' es of the University Y. W. C. A.Tr ill ;last year's at o'ha' 'ine~la a Neilery Las t year they took; charge of h ie meetsale 'of tuberculosis seals among the hall to discuss tils 'sr's plan:. Miss ;f imdeiiats of the University, selling SDorothy Ketchumn, director of social t heir"eint ire quota,. 2500 seals, and] service in the university Ilospit al will": they assiste(d1ini teachinlg English tg present the opl)oi'tualities for" that the' forei'gn students in five different typ ofwok a t~e O~)t'1 ! ward schools and also to . somee at! typeof orkat te fimmtaland ex o011,10,Tey co-oJaerat 4cd with tile coin- plain just; what it involves. i munity a ssociations of Ann Arbor, as-! The committee for social service! sisting them especially with clerical includes Ann Arnold, '27, chairnian ; work. A call has already been mnade; E ,lizabeth Stone, '26, Esther Austin,; this year to 11e11p(on the lareliniinary '26, Anne Louise Buck, '26, Louise conmunity drive which comes in No- Turner, '27, D oi'othby Allison, '27, andE veinber. Last year they also got, thle lKatharine Wilcox, '2(6. names, of p~oor~ families from the fain- Three distinct types of work areI ily welfare agency and arraniged dkith taken (care of under' thleir supervision,I the frat emit ies, soirorities, and dormui- teaching in thae hospital, oecupat ionlal tories to entertain tire children and therapy, and the Chir stmnas workshop.; sent hrm skets of food aiid clothing to, The occupational thmerap~y work di- the families. vides5 into two sect ionis, 0o1e an actual) In general, according to Miss Ruth 'class on Saturday mornings where Deemer, secret ary of tile University; craft work and Ilaand work is ta ught, Y. W. C". A., tis comimittee stands in anid the othler is pactical zapplicationa readiness to help with any'conmunityj of tils knowledge throughout tihe' serv'ice or philanat ropic work. week.j"'There is room for mniy more wo- The work shop wvill open within! men in this fiel(d this year," stated' the iicxt few vweeks to dress dollis andl Miss lDeemer, "17ecause of the con- make scrap b~oobs to 1)e given thle .s'ant ~ly increasing activity, and also< chiilren itime hospital for Chri t inas.' becau e of tihe new hloshital. Anyone Tile commllunity seirvice ('011111ii tee. inter'estcdlshiouild conic to thle nmeeta' headed b~y Charlene Shilandt~, '27, and iii,; Tuesday, sign up for work with including Edwina I logadoiie. '28, amid the colulm itteos, and learn in a more Dorothy Curry, '27, has not definitely detailed fashion of their plans." fiIhAMPIOO)ING, AIR DRESS ING, MANICURING >C A I? 'AND EACh LT'I 'RE'ATMENTS 1'.XP'ERT MARCELLING ,'"I 112 Sze: or 17ni- ez°, znay e.worn. I 11 Phone 9616 5Nick-cls Arcade tI j. 1 Toh! I 1 9: aIiC Nights, ;>o(* to$'.l StI'Mrday Ma. 50)C to' $2.00) _ v .i . __ _ . w ..:..._. , . 1 1 F amnous Laugh Producer Univecrsity of Chicago, has encrolled in the School of Medicine, as has Miss Rutth Chan from the University of f hawaii. Besides the Barbour scholars, there ar=e nine oriental women who have come to Michigan independently. "It 'is mutually good that these wo- men have come to us," commented Miss Richards. "They are here withi definite purposes, are strIving for definite ends which they expect the University of Michigan to fur'ther. In turn they bring us muchi. Their per-4 sonalities and points of view are un- lik7-e ours. The exchange( offers us allj .,n opportunity for broader living. WeV welcome thlem andl it."! first Women's League party at 8 o'- clock oii Friday, Oct. 2, at Barbour gymnasiunm. Juniors who have been I assigned as advisors for freshmen are urged. to, at tenid with them. Hlowever, tihe fireshmnan women are asked to at- tend, even though their respective adlvisors are unable to call for them. Cath erine Kelder, '27, social chair- man and- Mary White, '28, are commit- tee inemibers for the year. The pat- ronesses include Dean Jean Ilamil- toni, Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd, Dr. Margar- et Bell, Mriis E. L. Whitman, Mrs. Clarence C. Little, and Norma Dick- el,'26. pointed this year for the bazaar to be given by the Women's League. Trhe women chosenr are Lillian Wetzel '26' and Catherinle Kelder, '27. The ba- zaar this year as in the past will be managed in conjunction with corn-! Emittees from tihe various churches of the city. SUBSCRIBE 'TODAY FOR DAILY! ANNE NICHOLS' MAGINETIC 22d Weed. Ar0I E'S 1 S A Universal Favorite SE IT Classes To Hold .0 Ii_ Athletic Staff Archery Tourney~ A dds Four A/ames lExperience is not necessary in ty trng fr a place in the archery tourna-. mooit of tl)is season. Miss Janet Cum- Four new instructors have been added to the staff of the women 's ,minig of the physical education de- aient, who conducted archery physical education departmenit this r last year, will have charge of the! year. Miss Laurie Campbell, who } practicc4 and the tournament for thisj comes here from Sarg°ent, will have ,,e s wl.Ata opsdo charge of the interclashockey tqur- veal' asjuvior.aeamorcomposedsof nam~ent. The tennis tournam ent will bohinnior nd1.seior w somenofwas be under the cdirectAion of Miss; Ruth tewne n12 ihasoeo 7 F'igge, 'a Minnesota graduate. wo )ii5 Practice will be 11e1(1-at 41 conmes hrie from the Margery Webster o (cl1ck on Mlondays and Wednesdays. school of Physical edcation. Miss Pauline ilodgson is oi'ganmizing thve hous-e teams for hockey this year, whlile iss > Annis 1?al l will take charge of the organizatoion of elective E PE T HI rinle practice. T~re archery tournament will be sup- And special attention is g ervised bly MssJanet (umming, who L organized this as a team sport at this. New Students, try us-tb' University last year. Required work ini 1a , isP °l eduication is distributed E CALL FOR amongis all the instructors. Cons'ulting Costunier Gowns of beauty and charm made to your order. I I Revealed by a Trip Through H utz l'3 SEATSNOW TIlS AND NEXT WEEK 222 Nickels Arcade 4882 HOSE In Smart Tits ! 'S Paler but .Withz lhosic ry tin~ts. ~iig"in slicer' $t85and"j'2.50). rosy cast, are the Autumn Ouer'owen brand ''Rubly C'hiffoin aid service w( .4. kLND WORK given to all student work. ie old ones are convinced. AND DELIVER. I JEWELS Dec idc'dlp Newci fhturi tllil O, 't i tt so 1( of, gh;isteTiiiig stonles- blue, S oamlthyst , quait, i eckiacecs of t aticl )l iiiw;ithll 'dalliomms remimis(ent ofold '-u (i ays., These ame the iew and~ s>ni ?l3 j01 jwery. To Stress FormI In:Canoe Classes! hnstr'uct io iI norm vwill be the chief', eheeidi in the canoeing class hcl are beiirg oi'gaxmized by 'biss ami CapelandaMissPal Inc H odgson, of the phlysicall ed u :atlir (ldcElma t12nnt H Theo techique mof Ihrulce' lauings w, ill also he elilpilacsizedl. Tills ('ourseo of six lesons is elctive" andl no cre(dit t giveir foi' it toward( the ri'redi~i %,ork in phiysicalt education. All won n who are inferost+,d should I THE MOE LAUNDRY , 11- .. BIRD BROS. SCARFS 1U A-Fluter I :,mm ,i ling Autumini leavyes, tawny, ruddy or (hisl en, floa.t i hazily in A litulmji winds-- that' wlmat these scamrf oscalble! GOOD USED CARS I It II 1~Iin.. 1 101t~lil'c 10 111mi t lt UIIY j)UjJz, ItL(fl xLite; use; _______________