PAGE FOUR TI-IF MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 21, 1x25 a l l l...I i f 11 c.I 1 1 1, _ Y 1 - AA al It &. & a& . Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dli patches credited to it or not otherwise cr(-dited in this paper and the local news pub- lised citherein.- E ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, 'I ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate ni p ostage granted by Third Assistant Post- mia-te"r General. Subscription by carrier, '$3.50; by mail, Off'ices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mard Street. .Phones : Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925i MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board... Norman R. Thai City Editor.......... .Robert S. Mansfield Ne-ws Editor ........... Manning Hlouseworth Wlomen's Editor ........... Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor............ .Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor.........Wi.lliam Walthouri Music and Drama...Robert B Henderson Night Editors Smith II. Cady Lecnard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka i obert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Ir-win Olian Frederick H. Shillito I Assistants 3 Gertrude 1 . Bailey Nilliam T. Barbour t: iiarles IBehymer William Breyer 1' i-p 3nC.Brooks L~. Iucinghain "dar Carter CAn lcton Champe i-mugene 1-. Gutekunst ])ouglas Doubleday J a ry Dunnigan L ~es T. Herald lizabeth S. Kennedy M!aion Kubik Walter 11. Mack Louais R. Markus 1Ellis Merry Hlelen Morrow Margaret Parker Stanford N. Phelps Evelyn Pratt Marie Reed Simon Rosenbaum Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtlan'l C. Smith Stanley Steinko Clarissa Tapson Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Chandler J. Whipple Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilszke It I BIUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising............... .. .. J.3. Finn Adv -rtising..............T.1). Olmsted, Jr.1 .Adv er tising.............. Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Adviertising............ .....Wmn. L. Mullin Circulation.............. H. L. Newman Publication ....... ....... Rudolph Bostehrian Accounts.................... Paul Wi. Arnold Assistants 'Ingred M. Alving F._ A. Nordquist George 1E. Annable, Jr. Loicta G. Parker Vi. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow John H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss 'V.IJ. Cox Vim. C. Pusch JMprion A. Daniel FIranklin J. Rauner James R. DePuy Joseph Ryan Margaret L. Funk Margaret Smith :>an iHilbert Mance Solomon T. Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland E. ithe Whe Vm. 3. Weinman SATURDAY, NOVE~MBER 21, 1925 Night Editor-WILLARD B. CROSBY reduced to a minimum by Janet ~Te's~____ actions. Frantic efforts to avoidI pub- licity have 'so long been accepted as evidence of guilt that suchI efforts on the part of the state parole commis- {111111111 BRWN N sion can have but one. meaning in floe 1114 O minds of the people. I1f the conrm> ~-- LOE '1I E slon can support its policy of fre~u iel ospseeeybd i l criminals right and left, i, is about - e ",pooev~yod sal time that some state official too: it (x'Xit (51aout 0It°lieoi'. 're g hs upon himself to acqn aip t th people Tw .* r( pintd ant the now is oX of the state with these reasons. the' field (;o reort s ao!, to(;stand s) so A new interpretation of alpublic i all whe Lha;e t> say' is that may the bestl servant's duty to his state iflty 1W t cam win; bhit if t he best, tam isn'tc foitnd in the report ed answer of Alihigln -well thamt's a (rligrrat'df Commissioner Janet te when ash e d I so-y why the Sept ember and( Oct ober' e- Ikst night at tie pep meetng held ordis of his office have been withheld. aI Wrh1 ictdi houe, leruse it is ur- "You'll get nothing fronme;flI1 don'titem from thle IAaj and other vuner- want t seyo gan.Dn' oncable pio~t saout Itown, the teram was i back. I'll give out n)othing," ,he n- given a big sendI off on its long trii formed newspaper r eport ers. I to Bart on h ills, near Ann Arbor,r If the parole commission is actingg Michigan, where the game will aket for the good of the state, it can tlasa' place hi a ft enoon. 1>1) meetingsf nothing to fear from newspaper pub- are wnerfl thns in their way,e licity. If it is not acting for the ood bllnt we still are dubious abot their l of the state, proper action shoudbe .'exact purpose. Not that we doubtli started at once to force it to atipt: a fhit tiy lhavet one, bt we canh't seemt sane attithide on the subject, to throw o id out just what it is. open its records, and to alcknowledg-e x* a-* the fact that no ele(-t d emiployee of It; nusen pointed out that in caseil a democratic state can defy the peo- cf rain or snow during the past few ple of that state,-from whom hie (d- day b, erry fieldi would bie nsal rives his authority, his office, and iris well nantd.1 salary.** -311,1411, SN() P 1hN;1'j'R ACTI.Ti-, WOJITIIY 1?1'111:x, 6x1 g , ;l's i'iERi ISSION TOtI Though the proposal cf founding a '9 11'I'1 VOR C (EM ",Y CLUB $5,500,000 university to honr tie \9It memory of America's war-time leader, Woodrow Wilson, has failed to receive a Fna e i'an i c=Coed rcehesS Ie the approval of the late Pres.ident s 1( l ogi '') w]iow and of others in cdose touchdir Iec Clk:!c with his family,, those supporting th Jtr Lca (Itts plan are still eager for its consmma- tion. Mrs. Wilson's reusal to give NULL9,1 OT JIA 11111s her support alone could not be con- sidered a condemnation of the pro- Ann Arbor, Mih., Nov. 21, 1025.-- posal, for she has opposed 'all lre- \i~y ,:111o e'., lN) norp, uner.aduatei; vious plans for commiemorating hlieu grl studeint at the l'niersit of iic-1 illustrious husban's work. But the igaffrtl today tried out for about everya plan has other objections, even meore I oicty to which she is eligible. Comedy; weighty. Club tryots weie hld iii the aftr- To be a true memorial, one which nlon, and( Miss Sfopirecitd( the Old; would prove a lasting t ribute to the kA timivtt o Te bible as her piece. President's work, a sumn fir geater It spite 01 te~ shortness of her s-I than that proposed would b)e meca- led m,Eflic xwas nabe to giapical- sary, Five millions of dollars wuld y preent her ciot ional large ness t scarcely provide the physical equip- and the bignies of her personality. ment which a university such as t, A tiugh 110 reports ha 'e been is- proposed 'Wilson university, to I see as to those elected to nefnlir-1r built on the Virginia bank of thle lil), it is quite crtini tht Mss Potomac,, would 1)e expected to have. $Slorp, or EIic, as her intiates allt If such an institution were to e a er, will lac taen in, as the laugh; true memorial, it would be expected ( wnii sre got were token enough of ~to assunje' and bold a place of leader- he(ri populrity among the membes,i rghi ff.tze field of Aneicant educes- even thouh they had never seen her tridh . And yet, experience shows that before.; age, traditions, vast equipment , and aI In a statement issuedi to the A~ffiiat-, faculty which includes it hin its ed ress lat night, Aliss Snorp stated1 ranks leaders in the field of edrcaction, tr-tder0((no1( circunst ances would&i are necessary for any such instittion se C cept nhonoary membeshipt rightly to assume an influential place.~ to 1\iie. Not only wouldI vast sinus be neces- 1 ,ot be a copykv-cat," she is re-e sary to pr'ovide a propier physical homeiul to have said. "If DorotlyI plant, but sums proportionately arge(" A ons wants to join that society, in the for-mnof salar-ls, Nold be no- thatt's her business,55 not hnine.' cessary to attract leaders in the \it'i lked xhtior she would have various realms of scholarshrip. joined had she t en ofereI a mrn- Beyond question;,_ Woorow W4 ilso~n h Q'shi bte re MisStone, she replied was one of America's great resident (A intheafirmat ie. and it is fitting that his wog. be iial- "1\ies is a t good thing'," she said. ed by a lasting monument, blest until a When askecd whether she would try I meoilworthy of the man can be for th e Opera, [.fne declared very dei-I The building of such a t ribuktary Can a aihig that while sheo Inilht not best he left, to another genera ion a ndI11c eI lhe voice se('certainly had theic for a newer date, when Anierica hiar bu'~id fr (Grand Opera. come to a fuller appreciation of Wil- Aliss 1norp weigs 357 pounds, son's work. c'i'(iiSanat iie ___________________________1lTIC)1N. ' ________ A fat oficer of the law EDIT RIALCOMM NT dcnnltealthy specimens ______0________(b hat we (by courtesy)1 HIARVARD INi DFEAI' X 'aIIult r~'! ?aIxng a innholet (The Manchester (Nlass.) Union)( Ot of a publicii it is a blessing to 1tle Cause Nf 'fhn.ogfara.1j American education that. I'Li rarc can her'i; le defeated in football with compara-- Similarr triangles tive ease. It is a blessing to the Are all alike. cause of education thaat Harvard, Yale, * * " Princeton, on1ce the only foot ball in-' An uatnnus wvit Ii lotsa degrees stitutions in tihe country, long; the in- At tendmed the ga;ines at his ease vincible foothall colleges, can now lie jSaying; "I wa nt n1 ~o mar defeated by very much smaller insti- Than julst two feet by four tut ions. On the fifty yard line, if you please.," It is lucky for the country that the 0 Thitti mi S. earliest colleges to develop foot ball * * a were the ones that did it. For it is ,We, haver heard many wier(1 stories plain to even those who neither ruon of boot)legI( ng tricks, lbnt the scalping nor read that though Hlarvard is mitiwI gamew right, here in Ann Arbor has f rather inconspicious as a foot bail in- t(l'itt all b)eat. stitution, it has not. stepped down One, foxy gentleman, for instance, from its th1rone as liae great; muot her ,bad his tickets very neatly displayedl of American edticaation. oit the b)1east pocket (of his coat and Ihad somie univrsity 1(c155 s uae in was selling mumns. The tickets we its p)osit ion been a thie Iirst great ex- OI'eane wenat with each mum, and ponent of football and then h1 ad bet ra I Imese rarest of all flowers at football deposed, the effect; would have been ainessold for uplwardIs of five (dollars unfortunate, For the popualarstn-01 c, depending on the time of day ard of measurement of a imivtlmrsit. y:arid the appezaance of the customer. excellence would have been it;;~ prowess iln athletics.. The smaller' A loca ati iOspahi('i' ran a contest re- colleges, whenl surffering a pet',, ?of ci(eltly for th1e( two most beauti fil girls eclip~se iii athiilet ics, woul(d lax t lia i Ann Arbor to appeartl as lbridlesmaids ittle benefit in asse't ing j; e h, Iin "Abie's Iriish Rose'' xwhich hats taken scholastic wor-th. fTe public is neat over the, Whitnrey for the next decade conversant with suc'l matters. or so. But just as it knows without lied- I 'Ill(, necessaary qualifications, ap- tonal in vestigation, taking it oil tri-st, parently are to be beaautiful liut(dumub. hrat it is twventy-five thousand 1117il:s it** arotund the w orld, it know s that. ' .\Vhich is about. a para pihra sing ofta d i gr t sc o s ic l y r af ,, " h e 'E u t on nd C n n r e w II AND DRAMA rjO(I\J(~Iir: The Gheee('tb Concert ini l1ll11 anditor-iiiium at7 :0o'clock. ,ni' ; I'(lt': 'Desire Uder te )flms" by Eugene O'Neill in the i. lh('rt-l)et roi Opra houtse m'It 8 :5 "ABlE'S II S11I ROSiE" A review, by Robert Ilendcrson. --And yet, "Aie's Irish Rose" is, after all, a good play. In this man- ner-: Its plct is puerile, stupid ; its actin in the main-the piiest, the Cohen, the Irishman, the two bridesmaids forty-seven apiece-ridiculous and conventional ; its situaLtions are a long line of gags -hoary with Plaut us and; its piathocs is the bathos of "ast Lynine." S3olomon Levy is choked with eimot ion at tile mietionl of his wife: to0 muted violins off-stage. Little Rosy M urpby conniotes Ireland with thec godls(of Saint Patrick. Ms. Cohen stalks to tihe wedding with the brass knuckles of a lady of the evening. Anti worse, there is a conversion between a rabbi and a priest--the moral of the piece-as soft and as nauseating as a plate0 of pancakes. Conversely, there is the occasional- ly adroit acting of the boy and the ir, Mrs. Cohan andt the rabbi. And there is the very beautiful interpretation, even subtle and convincing, of Joseph Greenwald as the father. But more than these, more tan the appecal of thle Irish-ebracht compllix, More thian the oddly pat lines or the soft sentimlent, it the old warorse situations, as venerable as Aristo- phonles and the commedia dell' arte, as constant in Jonson as in Sheridan and in Shaw, that have turned the ti'ick of this homely farce. The tra- gedly of Mr. and Mrs. Cohan is only the comedy that you will see i l io- berg's "Beggarman" later in the year and -call the pinnacle of broad art; the slapstick of the Irishman aid the1 Jew is only retold in Bernard Shaw's "Glreat Catherine"; and the unfortu- nate lovers forced to the ruse of mis- taken identity is as ancient as Aios- to's "Supposes" andl Farnar's Beaux Stratagem". When you aug1h at Solomon Levy making a dive at Pat- rieik Murphy you are not, compliment- ing Miss Nichols;lit Fletcher ad( Mlasters andl the whole gallery of im- miortelles enshrined to the dusty a rchives of untivesity scholars, and re-applauding the obvious nonsense ofI their rowdy genius. Somleone, in fimal anathema, has calledl "Abl's Irish Rose" as bad as "Uncle TCon's Cabin." But then "Uncle 'Tom's Cabin" is a good play too. "'THE SI'A N" Fin 'l arrangemlent s have just been!I comlpetedI to present Jessie lon- 'Ateilei's produict ion of "'The Swan"i' by Ferene Molnar in tie Whitney theater Monday afternoon, November .10, at 2:15 o'clock. The entire production will bo brought to Ainn Arbor, and theI (cast will include Mliss Ponstele in the part of the Queen Mother and Jessie 'Rloyce Landis inl the role of the prin- cess, played by Eva LeGalienne il New York. And to at tone, for the infuos heresy at the top o1'tie columni may I repeat that "Saint Joan" to appear at the Whitney theater M~onday evening, is one of the most over-whelnming plays 1 have ever seen : in every sefise it stands alone. Save for suih produc-, tions as "The Miracle" and "Cyrano de Berg~erac,'' "The Cherriy Orchard" and1( "Children of the Moon," New York has seen no more brilliant: and amaz- ing performance than this master- piece v.'itllin the generation. { 3.t a +I Si Joan in "Saint Joan" While it has not becen pointedl ot t n the criticisms, the thesis is an at- ack on the -author-ity of Rome amnd theI «vr-lords of the world. Joan, in ;nwsown words, is a protestant aimut in the Catholic church, and SMAN N'S ~I FACTORY MADE - 'lea m'sI ill ammd 1 Quality s in Our Shop. S.ea 1Dollar or M~ore A tlime FACTORY HAT STORE 61l7 1'achiard Street. Phone 7415. (Whmere I). 11. IL' Stops at State St.}) THE SHOP Specia Footba Hot Lunches If1:00-2:00 5 :00-7 :30 Varner Liberty aund Maynard Sunday Evening Lunch 4:30-11 :00 i We m-ill allow yoiu $1.0J) for your old fonntain pen on tile urease of a. new pen of imy of t~i followiing malkes: PARKERDSHEAFFER At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. " PLEASE DONT PATHS p - For Cont inuied (rood hlmthI Coinsider G~onad Ihome Cooled Foods EsNseniaml and Conte to Johlfs Dining Rooms 714 Monroe St. One IBlock +.Sotllof(Camaps ~Just Off ,a mte Tables for I'orhlen as Well a s Students. Bwi rd by Ielinthy or Week Vnder -New i~ag entent Service fo tl Guests )r Natural Interest Holds i ~at thew fGRAYSTONE BALLROO 0M DETROIT 1A. I Detroit's smartest ballroom. Two wonderful orchestras provide con- tinuous dancing. j Graystone Dancing 'Nightly Except Monday iJE AN GOL'Df KETTFE'S VICTOR ARTIST 1= You don't know howv good until you hear them. Advertise in "The Daily" i-. ' w C1I1AMPIONSHIIPS Two Conference championships will be determined in Ann Arbor today: this morning teams representing eight Conference and three non-Conference schools will race over the new Varsity course for the Big Ten cross country C,_amp1ionshiip; this afternoon Minnie- sota and Michigan will meet on Ferry field to decide the Conference football cham~pionship. Michigan welcomes to Ann Arbor harriers from Illionis, Indiana, Iowa, T.i ,nnesota, Northwestern, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Notre 'Dame, Michigan State, and Marquette. The University is justly proud of the privilege of en- tertaining these men, who, in a larger sense, may be said, to represent the highest type of athlete. Michigan also welcomes the hosts of Minnesota, who have traveled far in the hope of returning to Minneapolis with the traditional. Little Brown Jug and the football crown of the West. This will be the sixteenth meeting of thme two schools on the gridiron, Mi11chigan having won eleven and tied oe of the previous contests. Though today's contest means much to the supporters of both teams, it is safe to say that neither teamn will ]'retany excuse after the game is *; the teams are two of the finest that have ever repr'esented their re- spective institutions. One team must lsyet there need be no shame, no, humbingof the spirits, for the sup- 1; rters of that team. Tiwo teams will meet on Ferry field this afternoon to decide the Confer- ence championship. The victors are to be cn gratulated, and we trust that the losers muay be even more highly comImended~ for their display of spirit wnd sportsmanship. JAN~fT]DEFIES THE STATE 'There is an old fable regarding the self-implortan1t fly, who wvalkyd up 'and "gdared defiance" at the elephant. The acinof. Fred E. Janette, paroled c:): ltis'Mon~er of tl~e state of Michi-I gan, who refused to make public thme recorols of his office on requmest, and 'wh lo failed to offer even -a pretense b' a reason for such action, is strange- 1v reminiscent of the fable. The pub- ! , 1 1 !c i c i t i r , r f' I ( i ] c3 U ! I r (' C 1 .ra C I . sic 'which Commissioner Janette re- i9 fu1ses to consider is the agent which ;t] pa-ys his salary and elects the admin- ititrationz which he represents. On the fact of the matter, it seems evident. that the pa'role commission isI IV; it.s pti msuit oft'r uth , rneaerini. ts IiMeet '' forty of thought.** Cv', J: 7