0 FRIDAY, NOVE~MBER 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'AGJD SEVLN CLOSES CLASSIFI AT P9 ,DVER TISTNGA 3P WANTED POSITION wanted as cools in Frater- nity House, foruteen years experi- ence. Mrs. Ada Pursedl. 2954 Grand River. Detroit, Mich. 51-52-53. MAGAZINE men, crew managers.,cdis- trict managers, organizers experi- Senced on two pay plan, also special offers.. Write or wire today for real .proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. LOST 11 i j # I 'ia +e WANTED LOST-Will the gentleman Who found the luncheon clotg at the. Michigan Union on Nov.. 9, please call 21678, or write Box 28 'Daily. Cloth is personally valued as a gift. tf. LOST-Between University Hall and ' Washtenaw pair of .dark tortoise shell-rimmed _glasses. Please re- turn to.IVM. L. Putnam, 1501 Wa hte- naw. 50-51'-52. LOST-Parker black duo-fold pen, inI Farmer's & Mechanics Bank. Initial I]. 3. M. on stem. Call E. J. Messard I 6664. 52-53-54. LOST-Bracelet, diambnca and saphire *link. Reward. Call 8977. Ly las .Hayes. 52-53-54. LOST-White gold wrist watch, set with sapphires. Substantial reward. *Virginia Harris, Betsy Blarboulr House. 21716. 'WANTED-=Two Minnesota tickets. Phone 21476. Ask for J. T. Engle. 50-51-52. sWANTED-Desirable single room near Law building for balance of semester. Phone Robinson, 9217. I 50-51-52. WANTED-Competent instructor in JuJit~u. Address, Box 3. 50-51-52. EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering' entire district.I- Full co-operation and protection.; Send $1.00' for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, I Ohio. tf. FOR~ RENT A'TTRACTIVE suite for students, business people, or young couple. Also room mate wanted. Steam heat. Plenty of hot water. Quiet house. Phone 8544. 422 E Wash- ington. 51-52-53-54-55-56 "OTICE N TAILORING Students Tailoring Poe84 Cor. N. University and Thayer .HEN'S SUITS CLEANED. AND PRESSED, $1.25 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPEVIAL!'Y ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES WVork Called For And Delivered f tt. TYPEWRITING & mIMEOGRAPHING Promptly an~d neatly done, by compe- tent operators at- moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- " teen years. WANTED-Dress suit or coat. Call _Wenger' 5517. 51-52-53. WANTED-Twro tickets for Minnesotaj Igame. -Call 5375 Thursday and Fri-I .day between 1 and 2. 51-52': WANTED TO RENT-Piano in private home somewhere near Oxford aid Hill,* between hours of 1 and 2 or 4 and 5. lox 29. 51-52-53. IWANTED-Two upper class or grad- uate girls to 'eat with small group at 816 E. Washington St. 52-53-54 { I i ti__ A Desirable single room near Law Building for balance of semester. Phone Robinson at 2006 Wash-tenaw. ilal 9217. 50-51-52. FOR RENT-Room ini private family for girl. Call 9362. 50-51-52. FOR RENT-Near Campus, four ~oom furnished apartment. Newly dlecorated. In private family. Laundry privilege. Call 4377. 54- 51-52. FURNISHED room in Apartment. Call 8619. Wash ten aw 52. WANTED-Two Minnesota tickets; ad- jacent. Phone 3944. E. WV. Davis. 52. WANTED TO RENT-Microscope. Call 8842. 52-53. WANTED--Two or four tickets for Minnesota' game. Call Frater at 7667, after 4 p. m. '52. WANTED-Two to fouur,{ tickets for ( Minnesota game. Call Frank Zinn, 4147 Lawyer's Club. 52. FOR RENT-A very nice room for one Iboy for $2.50 per week. Inquire at {410 North State St. 52-53. FOR SALE fFOR SALE-1919 Ford Roadster in fgood condition. Call Thompson, 555 So. Division, Dial 8072, or Univer- sity 204. tf. ONE full dress suit size 37 and one Tuxedo size 37. Both like new and Ireasonable. Phone 21695. 52-53. FORD Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- erator, side curtains, demountable rims with good tires. Call J. TD.I Intereted In Literary Stu ies Adler TtIeg TilmurrtoeI fit of Igrrssng VI1 .lcs:se Lynch William-, present hold- MAemnbers of the honors course in er of the fellowship ill creative artslEnglish met the playwright last Mon - .A~i¢'( C will meet students interested in tma the homeue -lu Campbell andplnar under coiisidl drama or, any other phase of litera- (oration for further informal meetings. 1tore by appointment, according to iJ'r. Williams wishes to offer all pos- A ~ T Wb SProf. Oscar J. Campbell of the Fm' Bible assistance to those who' have a,-=.A Wv ardrobe tLo a ProuUd Of. lish department, who will arrange thin genuine interest in the literature, par- = ,'meetings. Mr. Williams has' indicated titularly in the short story, novel and oa nn u~r~ " " - cussions rather than formal lecturer. ___________ WATDBURGESS. I1.-The husking chain-! wh ere 'alrn and Quality M eet ________ WA____ E)_________- - pionship of the corn belt is the prize - FOR SALE-Two tickets for the Mich-. for" which 10 farmers, the best husk- ; .:A t igan-Minnesota game. Together in erg in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, lMinne i.Ar Y u . North stand. Phone 6798 after 5 sota andI Nebraska were to compete 4 - . h1TJ p. mn.51-52. today. r1_ -vWoflu,,r iflg .. ..........:::.. -Where You m Will Get =IIte o h in .........