FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rIva0 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1925 TI-IF. MICHICAN DAILY PAGE FIVE I oi lv VAN - zs-"-z - T CONFERENCE OPENS AT HOCKEY SPREAD1 Delegates Will Be Met At Train Board Reibers Of Athletic Association By TO HOLD OPEN MEETING Delegates to the Athletic Conference of American College Women to be held here this week-end will be met rV j- t Y'> S 55 t V : gg N at the train this afternoon by mem- bers of the W. A. A. board, and taken to the hockey spread given at 6 o'clock tonight at Barbour gymnasium. Six hundred and forty-three women will attend the banquet, and it is urged that women will be prompt in arriving, as the music will start, and the doors will be opened at 6 o'clock. Elizabeth Tompkins, '26, will be toastmistress at the banquet, and speeches will be given by Myra Fins- terwald, '27Ed, president of W. A. A., by Dr. Margaret Bell, and by Miss Laurie Campbell, of the physical edu- cation department. Movies of women's sports last spring and this fall will be shown.' Following the banquet an open meet- ing ofthe W. A. A. will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, at which all old members of the W. A. A. are required to be present.i Twenty- three women will be initiated into W. A. A. Reports of the fall sports will be given by the managers, and Louise Roberts, '26Ed, will explain the W. A. A. point system. An open meeting of the A. C. A. C. W. will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday morning in Sarah Caswell j Angell hall. Dr. Margaret Bell will! speak on the National Amateur Ath-' Y W.C.A. Secretary Talks On I D T Letters Sent To Chinese30 omen To " Poltical Situation - Aid Scholarshup Outlining the present political sit- !the present court system. Under the TS IfIrtZAi h oa rhp Misse ! ctin sytemthe nglsh ae puish I T furherthe campaign for thelt nation in China, Miss Katherine Crane, a g ssm, the English are punish- Iestablishment of the Charlotte Alice gnrascetary of the Ann Arbor= ed in English courts, the Americans Commiitiee ilanis T'i' (ive 1turistic Blagdon scholarship fund, the Wom- Y. W. C. A. spoke to the nembers of are punished in American courts, and Atmosphere In Coloring en's league has sent letters to the Y.~~~~~~~~ w.Ch.sok otemmbr fxlen a crime occurs that involves'te the leadership commission of the Uni- both a foreigner and a Chinese citizen And Odd Shapes 300 women in her class asking them versity association at 3 o'clock yes- the trial takes place in a mixed court. to contribute. terday in Newberry hall. "Another problem that comes upj TO DECORATE CEILINGS The letter contained a statement of "At present," said Miss Crane, is the racial problem. We are very s the general slan of the fund, which "There ais to establish a scholarship to benefit "Thereis a conference in session at unfortunate that the first Chinese we Colorful decorations consisting Of Michigan women who need financial Peking, the capital of China, to d'e- knew in America were snubbed, large I cide what shall be done about the numbers of them were cowed into brilliant shades of crepe paper andI aid to continue their studies. Only tariff situation, whether is shall re- small quarters, and almost forced into bunting arranged so as to present odd i junior and senior women who have at- main e fist' tainedl certain qualifications in schol- main in the hands of foreigners or crime. It is too bad that the first shapes, giving a futuristic atmosphere, arship, personality, and campus activ- be put under Chinese control, and Chinese we knew aren't those we are to he the decorations for the Wo ities will be granted loans, these whether it shall be raised or remain know now, the student group." Miss mnen's league and Interchurch bazaar qualifications will be exacted by Miss the same. Crane concluded. Jean Hamilton, dean of women, and a' "There is in Peking one group in- this year, so it has been announced trse inhvgitrie, Mis Miss Crane has been in China II1 committee of student women. Ltoans terested in having it raised,Miss years altogether, leaving the first by Margaret Barnum, '26, chairman up to $250 will be made. Crane continued, "And i opposition time in the interests of Tsing Hua,i of the decorations committee. Miss The league has already raised $250 1 to them arc the nationalists who, most and returning again under the Amer- Barnum is being assisted in the work by personal contributions from the of them are possessed with a noble ican board mission. by Elnora Hawn, '26. women on the campus. patriotic feeling, but who are posi- Following Miss Crane's talk, Rensis Wide stripes of peach color and The last paragraph of the letter ively seething to think that the for- Likert, '26, president of the S. C. A. block, stretched diagonally along the states something of the character of eigners are in control ofaddressed the leadership commission back of the wall under the race track the woman who left the inspiration Feeliesgedashexpressedhin themgroup Feeling was expressed ig tet that groupif groups of entering women on student in Barbour gymnasium will form the for this scholarship. thediss e oldng assea tht con- problems in Europe. background for the decorations. Above "She constantly embodied the the Chinese should assume the con this, on the outside of the track, there ideals and aspirations of a trol right now, instead of ten years D tewill be a mixture of various widths truely Michigan woman," it reads. hence,tywou b tO r Wand colors of crepe paper. Panels of "More than that she endeared herself out a stable government, and the Tick tsF B ll plain color to which the lights will to the hearts of many because she headlines q the Detroit papers last JCt S Lor ta be extended will alternate at regular represented true womanhood, spirit- night show that they have already intervals with the splashes of bril- ually, and mentally. A scholarship in won the tariff point. Tickets for the Pan-Hellenic ball liant color produced by this effect. her name will symbolize to future "Not only is there this tariff prob- will be distributed from 3 to 5 o'clock The lanterns which were used for the Michigan women ideal womanhood. lem," continued Miss Crane, "But a today through the honor council at architects ball last year are to be second conference has been promised the table at the foot of the stairs in used for lighting. Many of the otherDf on the abolition of extra territoriality, Barbour gymnasium. Women not re- decorations are also contributed byI D eks u®"uards ceiving tickets at this time should the architects. To Be Sold Today letic Federation, and Irene Field, '27, call Dorothy Dick, '26, or Jeanne God-1 The ceiling of the gymnasium is to will give a talk on A. C. A. C. W. dard, '28. Sorority women may re- be decorated with strips of crepe Public sale of the yellow and blue Following the speeches Miss Finster- ceive their allotment by sending a paper giving the suggestion of odd playing cards which are being sold by wald will conduct a discussion group delegate, to call for the sorority al- shaped figures. The paper is to be the Ann Arbor branch of the Americ- on W. A. A. membership, and Miss lotment and should make full payment stretched from the top of the railing an Association of University women, Roberts one on the point system. at that time. around the race track. THE GREY SHOP Corner Liberty and Maynard Special S Football -- -- E-- r-1 Guests Hot Lunches is to be conducted today. The deck cost $1 a piece and are (decorated hi a blue and gold color scheme with gilt edges. The sale will be conducted at the following places: The State street bookstores, Quarry's drug store, both nds of the arcade, in front of the nien, at both ends of the diagonal, the Library,, Lantern shop and Mack and company. For every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. 11:00-2:00 5:00-7:30 ervice for Sunday Evening Lunch 4:30-11:00 ,I ~~--~-GER and the DeReszke Singers HILL AUDITORIUM Wednesday, Nov. 25 8:15 P. M. TRY KINNEY'S FIRST t M sb. s Y G . i . .a'4 >, ,P P' J 9 ' r - . l r'rt- " 1 t , r"3 at vidR 2.1: .kt, !:. L ., i ; ;S' ' : a r Will Rogers, the prince of entertainers and the. entertainer of the Prince 'The 1926 Wall Papers Are here, and they are decidedly novel in effect of smartness that will surely Will Rogers, the unofficial ambassador of America Don't miss this rare treat. appeal to the lover of the modern. must see them to be convinced. You Have Tickets 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, at Wahr's, Graham's, Slater's. and Schaeberle & Son Music House PEPPY STYLES The Kind That Appeal ;i SATINS' - PATENTS VELVETS 498 COUNTESS GAITERS AND GALOSHES () o you seen our pretty new pictures all framed complete? Prices ranging from 50c to $5.00 are sure to suit your purse. We also have a fine line of art materials, stencils, transfers, etc. Entire Main Floor Reserved. 0- ---- - 11 The Ann Arbor Floral News II a I C. H. MAJOR & CO. Dial 9313 203 East Washington St. .. .....r 117 S. Main Street -i III I I III IN FA 4 I I .AM THE EVENING MODE For Winter Glows with Color The exquisite new gowns for formal wear are more brilliant than in many a season. Chiffons of mistily radiant color, crepes in pastel and bright tones, georgettes and exquisitely shaded velvets fash- ion the evening gowns. New arrivals aid you in select- ing the best for the Pan-Hel- lenic Ball. DRESS SALE 11 I 11 11 I $15.1 $ Clever JI combine ular s t most poi a remark $19. $ Velvet. gan. Fr appeal f occasion their st3 nomical $25. $ Satin. I meen. women these. cl ioderatE that are 75 Frocks $29.75 Fro 10.75 $25.0( rVelvet. Charme erseys. T h e y i.Criiain the most pop- - 'n.Cminto thl e sandthefull flares and pular clr at_ metallic touceh colylow ric? vivid trimmingj ably low price these frocks att 75 Frocks $35.00 Fr 15.75 $29.7 Satin. Baibrig- Charmeen. Satin ocks that will Wear one of th or any daytime be assured of because of smartly attired! yling and eco- ite styles and c price! $37.50 to $ 00 Frocks Frocks 19.75 $35.0 11 i cks 0 en. Sat- s. Shil- pleats, ,es, and1 gmake ractive! ocks 5 n. Crepe. ese and I being Favor- olors' 42.50 11 VOL. 1. No. 40. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co. Being the only florist in the city growing all The Q u enour own flowers, we are in a position to offer you the best. We have worked up a biAu tu m nbusness in Ann Arbor and surrounding towns of the best reputation; a business that The Chrysanthemum is glorious now. Regal, employs thirty people and four trucks going stately,.dazzling, magnificent-queen of au- all the time. We have done this without tumn. Golden with the sun of Indian sum- arraying the public with crepe chasers and mer-white with the whitest white that the student body with windy solicitors. The nature vows. And in a score of various auengrowth of our business is not artificial, but hues. .rtreal; built on quality, service, and prices that A single chrysanthemum to wear is mag- stn u . .i sol orabxo u nificent. A vase of them in the living room stand out. If it is only for a lox of cut brings golden autumn indoors. Chrysanthe- flowers, a dinner decoration, or a real elab- mums are glorious-now. Enjoy them. orate framed affair, Ann Arbor Co. is sure Flowers to all the world with the speed of to please. Our equipment and faculties are complete and our experts are at your light. W e will Telegraph flowers service on short notice. for you anywhere any. time. How about your folks at home for Thanks- W hy P giving? oDn't you think you should send them a few flowers? If not convenient for There are no better nor more fragrant flow- you to come down and talk to us, just -give ers grown anywhere today than what we us a ring day or night. Your credit is always are producing right here in Ann Arbor. good. ; We Are The Telegraph Florists of A nn Arbor Store: 122 East Liberty Street Greenhouses: 1021 Maiden Lane Phone 6215 Phone 21715 X 0) U H $29.75 and $39.75 Flannel. Char- Tweed. Smart will approve ever styles in e priced dresses differnt! Silk frocks that feature all the distinctive touch- es of Paris frocks. Em- bodying beauty and charming grace at un- usually low price! - - /- i ..U . U I 'U 11 ! I li I 11 it