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November 20, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-20

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~iwc _a___I
Published every morning except Monday
dwring- the lT niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
the Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
sard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 4925

Chairman, Editorial Board... Norman R. Thai
Ciiy Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
Netis Editor............ Manning Ilouseworth
Women's Editor......... .Helen S. Ramsay
Sports I.ditor..............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Music and Drama...Robert B Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady f ecnard C. Hlal
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H3. Shillito
Certrude t. Bailey Margaret Parker
SVi llian T- arhqur Stanford N. Phelps
f ih:,rltcs Behymer Evelyn Pratt
Wl iam lreyer Marie Reed
Ph!ilip; C. Brooks Simon Roscnbaum
L. L'uckinglim truth Rosenthal
EarCarter Wilton A. Simpson
Catrleton Champe Janet Sinclair
.Eugene 1-. Gutekunt Courtlairi C. Smith
lDouglas Doubleday Stanley Steinko
Malry Dunnigan Cla rissa Tapson
);ones T. Herald Henry Thurnau
,~izah!eth S. Kennedy David C. Vokes
i aon Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
W alter II. Mack Cassam A. Wilson
Louis R. Markuis Thomas~ C. Winter
Ellis MTkerry Marguerite Ziiszke
1-1elen :Morrow
Telephone 21214
Adlvertising.................. J. J. Finn
A Ivertising.............T. D. Olmstp'd, Jr.
Advertising..............Frank R.IDentz, Jr.
Advertising .................Win. L. Mullin
Ci: eulation..............H. L. Newman
Publication...............Rudolph Bostelinan
Accounts......"........... Paul W. Arnold


Ingred M. Alvingv F. A. Nordquist
George Ii. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Batuer Julius C. Pliskow
John H.. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W. J. Cox Win. C. Pusch
Nlarion A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner
' ams R. DePuy Joseph Ryan~
1lraeL. Funk MaareteSoon
Stan GilbertMacSomn
T. Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland
IE. Little Wmn. J. Weinman
rakE. Mosher
"Whereve~r I addressed German-
-Americans,' the halls were al-
ways decorated with the old im-
perial colors. When the name of
Von Hindenburg was mentioned,
my hearers rose spontaneously,,
and cheered and applauded, so me-
tinics for minutes on end. These
people want to know nothing
about the revolution, or its al-
leged blessings. That is why the
election of, Von Hindenburg was
greeted with such joy. Hle is re-
gade over there as a great per-
sonality who incorporates both
tibe best and proudest of the past,
and represents guarantees for a
better future for the old home-
land. German-Americans have no-
us . for democracy, at least as it
functions in Germany, and wor-
ship devotedly, at the shrine of
Bismarck."-Dr. Fritz Mittel-
mannl, a deputy of the People's
party, who has just returned to
lBerlin from America.
Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris, who
+1lved deep into the realm of soci-
ology in the speeches he has given iI
Ann Arbor this week, is what the
sociological 'world would call a "par-
ticularist." Grasping what seems to
him to be the most powerful influence
leading to crime, the decadence of the
American home, he gives that as the
whole cause, ignoring a large number
of other causes, including sub)-
normality, which Clarence Darrow
coliders as a leading -influence. .Such
generalities are dangerous in any field,
and particularly so in the discussion
of sociological problems.
No great decline or rise in any phase
of a nation's life can be definitely as-
cribed to one source. One may seem
to overshadow all others on superti-
cial examination, while a study of the
uneling facts may show that a,
combination of many influences, de-1
pen ding upon changing en virorrmnen t,
diff ?erehrfity, and other factors,)
enters into the case.
Ti-t evscn ,_ould the increase in the
cime wve be attrib~uted to one influ-
ececc, it is doubtful if the decadence
of the American home could be held
responsib'le. After all, the "pioneer"
home, to which1 Senator Ferris refers
as an ideal, had many disadvantages.I
* If the laxity, ultra-freedom, and lack
of obedience that admittedly pare char-1
acteristic of too many American

straint, the inevitable "wildness" as
followed. But it is unjust to char-
'acterize "the American hoe" in such
a way. In the belief of stuents of'
the subject, American home life isI
much as it has been in the past ; the
abundance of exceptios that seem to
exist is due to the fact tht glaing
examples receive an unlimited amount
of newspaper pubicity. The real
"American home," pursuing t he even
tenor of its ways, is never hard of,
but nevertheless exists.
The ideal home life would be a
happy medium between the strict
autocracy of the Punritan household
and the modern demoratic freedomn
of the home where father lives at the
club, mother spends the aft ernoonr at
bridge, and the chidren are eft to
their own devices. And suh ideal
homes are, in larger andl larger nun-
bers, becoming realitie.' The pendu-
lum will never swing all the way hak
Sto Puritanism, but it wil swing back
to normalcy.
Crime is the result of many compli-
cated influences, some of which ar
Sundoubtedly connectedl with the home',
but many more of which are due to
standards of the neighborhood, the
state, and the nation. Environments
outside of the Dome in great cities
are not exactly conducive to-norality.
The "particularist" dos not. cover
his field. Senator Frris mlight well
investigate the situation that uder-
lies crime before lie unceremoiously
fixes all the responsibility on the "(1-
cadence" of "the American home."
These Scots (10 not take their c!ol-
lege politics seriously. Not seriously,
however, in the usual American tin-
derstanding which seems otten to im-
ply less expenditure of energy to-
wards ends figuratively o less dor-
ous. For the eggs they throe in the
celebrations (during a retorial elec-
tion at the University of Glasgow .ire
quite old, andl the other mhissiles em-
ployed splatter one's face with a sesa
just as agreeable.
The institution in quest ion has
elected as its Lord Rector, Air.Anastin
Chtlamberlai, a Conservative. The
most interesting part of the event
however, was the traditional "a,
the like of which no Englishman can
hardly know elsewhere.
The "rag," whatever that may be,
seems to extend over several (ays,
culminating on the day* of the election
in a- pitched battle which makes the
class games here look like a church
sociable. The conflict, fought a cord--
ing to well establihedl rules which
are scrupulou sly adhered to, bein a
at 9 o'clock on the dlay the polling
opens and is apt to le eled ay time.
One group, composd of members of,
one or another of the major politicl
parties, guards the entrance to the
place in which the ballots are to be
cast, determined to admit no one, andu
are quickly enough opposed by the
other parties striving to dspos ess
them. The iwaponis omplyed consist
of an ingenious variety of il-smelling
projectiles, including- rot ten gg, the
garbage of fish and vegetables mrm-k
ets, soot, andl all matter of filh. After
furiously uelting their opponenutsthre
attackers valiantly carge in an effort
to dislodge theum fromt their solidiy.
In the course of things, several mmmc-
hers of both sides are taken to th' in-
Why a muere elction should arouse
such enthusiasm is inonceiv able to
the American mid-one of the mys-
teries of the Scottish unergra~uat e
psychology. Why risk a neck to win
an election when all one ha; to do is
Ito smile, offer a (cigar, andect husia;-
tically ;-ake Lands? or i f 1t1e>wor;t.

conles to worst, every Ivan 111x, 1a
price. But this elect ion wvas in So
land., andl besides, everybody Ito a ly
If it were a joke, it wals takeni
rather seriously--perhaps a ,Scottishl
joke. At any- rate it il lust rated well
the interest takenl in politics by these
young Scots. Such anl interest it wouldI
be well to emulate-a bit more mildly.
"A small bronze t ablet will be
placedl on the front of Betsy Iarbour
house," a news story says, "in tribtute
to Levi L. Bar'hour, '63, '65f,, of Deo-'
troit, who has given vas3t sums to ti he
University, cspecially in the intere csts
of women, donating, anmeng other
things, a scholarship, and thei two'
buildings on the campIus xwihichi now
bear his name,"
Such a Iplaqtue will lbe 1)bf i t. a 104
mlemorial to the maIn 1 who l,a-, "Jg11-
erously given to the -au1se cf od i (--
tion ; andl yet, it wVill typiify the piri
which dwelt in the bes of til au
The plaque will be bot an oat w::rid
sign of the posit ionl wh ickh !.I' ni Iin
the hearts anad in nd of, those born;

41, :;~ ciie' *i-'d'nIS ta le a sert of!
byi S'IVIisl! h mil roghstail
41 mmmv y hot ce{mtr"iatiomus that weI
eon! n' ue lient tim llin :a weer. It also
?pp )~trs that tihe Moral sense of the=
('0IIIIHity has taken aunew lease of
lfe. jusxte readthi:


tryouts il the auiditorium of
berry bal at 2wo'lock.
TONIGH1T: "Desire Under
Elmst"lby Eug;ene O'Neillill nthe
Bert-Detroit Opera- }louse at
o'cl och.

'New -


I =- "t


IITA 31 BOIj R1 N E"


Imm"'I'MIMI, I


Dea-.r Sir': Last evening the entire opera was
I host en to inform you that the un- pieced Itogether, orchestra, cast and
iilovoh,,, l tta(k upon t he character cou; to make wxhat we wil sayj
of time late Deanl Joseph Zilch will nzot must be the finest opera . . . ever!
go upunshed A iP~utie andot~ And this is what they wrote three
g ouli~l~ms ed A ignfid ad ofi- years ago (they were press agents in
(J-a .1movement has been put uinder those (lays! ) - ''Complete rehearsal
way which should serve to renovate of the Union Opera, which was held
the reputation of izchignmfs l-est- "last night at the Mimes theater, proved'
lniiowu 0,and best-100ed Deani and ron- the prophecy of the prodlucers, for
(der that reputation oncee more as clean. this show is more splendid and hotter
as a co's tooth. by far than any at tempted by M~imes
For the fir:ttimhae since thle death heretofore." The cast an!d(chorus5
of 'Dean Zilch there was held last were thoroughly drilled in their p~arts,
nigh inTi-janwak hal ameeingand ftsnah irregularities andl mistakes
of thle faculty of thez Cola.llege zofi 131 -wore completely absent in last night's
bev y. At that meeting the insult to performance.
"Thecmdbfte rdcini
the lalte Dean's memory was discussed' cmey o h rdcini
touchingly and with proper indigna_ light and refineshing, both farceurs
L iomn by someo of the most loquaciousj putting zest and humor into theIr
members of' our eloquent body. { at. Next to the comedy, probably
A larieolpapr o Cetai Quli-the dancing of the show (deserves see -
ties oosse yCrorntn oe nd mention, and then thle character
wasPosessd b Crboundmn one Iparts have a finished touch which is
aspostpnoned unltil the noxt meeting
in ordecr that this pressing matter noe in amateur produtctions.
iim~'h li dcit ilh. Een he eso "The plot itself is cleverly worked,
littionz in Protest Against the FacialI out, being munch more in evidenceI
Chaactrisic ofa Cin-ai Gelog Ithan in any opera of recent years. Notj
Profsso wa sul~zc sed or he unethe least of the attractions of the opera
bProfessUor nwas sup ressed for tht ime } ;a-re the costum es. Mr-. Lester in com-
be... Upo1 n hich, th fa ul ty ro ment-ing upon them said that never
It was the opinion of Professor before . .
Jtl'OI Lahe ti~t ile5i oa io cold And last night, with all the novel-
he estbadie b t~e ppontentoftics that are being introduced-the
,ndn tis rignalsuges-xylophone number, the (lance with
commitee,:maks, the comedian that weighs two
t ion was hail1ed with "mch acclaim
hundred andl fifty pouznds-we were
tha th (hirin unat f ethism-all repeating Mr. Barnum: "The finest
asim, appointed not one commit tee,
batf six. All six went into sessionopr.. ev."Zt
iunodiat ely, in the same room 1in
wiceh oar meeting was held, thus E 3MWCIWAN ARTIST
$hrowimmg the room into) turmoil. Trho Ames-Lionel and Mike-is appear-
Chai rman, however, facedl this howvl- ing this week in his neuter gentler at
in-g mob without turning a hair-, and Chicago's leading vaudleville theater,
tIre balance of the meeting was con- the Majestic. The cartoonist of the
ductedl uvithm the aid of a loud speaker- Chicago Tribune, some agent informs
furnished through the courtesy of us, rated his act next to the feature:
'WilliamIfl I~oksbaw, Keeper of thme and that imeans . .-
Ann Arbor Musey Kows.***
Prof. Trojanowski, Resident Lectur- (M;) ll
er and TDirect or of the Clinic, proposed The annual fall t ryouts for Comedy
the f'ollowing Iresolution with relation Cluae being held this aftem-noon at
to lDean /zilch's (departure from this 2:00 o'clock in the auditorium of New-
life: berry hall. All students on the campus

M AN N'S c F_

t aatt tu mansa n t


Ive iwill illol you $1.0for your old fointal p enl onl the purchlase
ci a inewwlenm of any of tliA iollo-wimg makes:
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

rrr rrrurirrro

IMeaimsSkill and Quality
iii ,our Slat011.
Same a Ilo lar or More at the
617 Maack-ard Street. Ilhouw ,7115.
(Where 1). UT. R. Stops at State St,)

Attend the Michigan Glee Club Concert
at H-ill Auditorium, Saturday Night,




I; j


Ybaa is tettt tnit

%C RAN(;j!14' AM E

isIaaaI ,

t1111I1111111111 -



Ml q

Warm up for the game with a hand-made Navajo or
Chimayo blanket robe. Novelties from the Squthwest for
lifts-turquoise, wampum, silver jewelry.

WHil 1'I'AS, there has been tak~en aren eligib~le for mere
frOM our midstoile who posscee tryout is ex.pected
thne very ac'me of ham-ba mian (qualitiles, withi a portion of a
a i~oct nof Dlext erit y, lMaster of ferably imemorizedl.
Mo saieand und~isted conquleror*
of quili5 amt id ise-crack:s, lDean Tsell: 4A rlNE
,1 wseph I%. Zilch.,).I);Ah.M. ; aut hor- A review, iy Est]
oif '' ladm-l'f, Its Plalce in time A prog;ram of musi
ii home," "Tihe Priniciple of Ii ydral he i that its nembers
Elevat ion,''" "fow to Play la y live wNhole must be
lilina,'' and numerous scientific art- B ard for contrast,
icl('- ptublished in Strop and Mlug; and they enhanmce eachc
?Pou.derl and Deanm of thle ('llege of Musicale, then, i
Bohibemy at thle ITnivxersit y of Mlichui Wdeonslay aft ern o(
n, i. lcreforelie it.iin grey. It mintai,
3 hESOVi.'LlD. that, we in faculty as- in;numtber a tone
senidpublicly lamenit his (lelartI- was qjuit e umstfir
m-o and expr'ess our undying gra- imo aics have tempoi
lit ufi( to his imimory and our faithI tepid : until Frederi
inl the lrilici ies of ('ourtesy, scm-v- accom paniedl by Ai
ice ,amid ba'mless gossip for Which -'(c0lis(.0, iilayed the
he, stood, and h e it furthler D) minumor. It was sl
I' EI.,A' E P, that weo all plan to formed the high 1)0
Emu>llate h lis suirgical skill, hris (lean- Point-of the conce-
in ers, anmd h1is, industr-y. l~ld1)0it, It was rat her an
fu r Iiem'deuce that the Mfoz
taI:I-' H ; VE, lb at wAe all look for-I major wxas on the s.
w:r( to seeiuig him again some fiat- lteL~ ocro
urday night where lie stands, pure, 'noim~tsers ci-e of
stl erile, ant iseptic, mjinister~'ig tothethey share certain

mbership, and each
to come prepared
play or poem, lire-
lin Merrick.
sicto is like a. mosaic-,
to form an attrac-
chosen with a re-
andl s0 placeOd that
other. The Matinee
in its program
,o, was a, mlosaic-G
imied until the clos-
of neutrality that
mulat in g. And ifI
erature, then it wa~s
ick Lewis, : pianist,
iss Ora Lart hard,
eLalo Concerto in
splendidly dlone and
mit--and only high
1unhappy coninucl-
:art Qtuartet in 1)
sanme program with
fotr although their
(different schools,
umannerisins, that

Under New
Our Slogan-
Quality and Seri-ie
-at Lowest Prices
Served at All Hours
110 rain.- p.m. d%, 5:30-S p.m1.
Varsity Inn
5I12 la t it-.i
Whitney Theater
AsW4WtEmire c' Garric'.Theatr s NY.
Si;:'lT NOW~
13Wil:IMA L



t-dIII4l1011111111E _______________bIIIIIIEElIIEI~11IIIII~lE~;
Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
-- Served at
Two blocks from city buts line on Jackson Road,
- from noon till midnight.-
- Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.



It has been said that the only
way to make real money in the
used car business is to sell them
"as is". That may be a good
way to make money-for a short
time-but it is not a good way
to make friends. We figure that
if we get the friends, the profit
will take care of itself.
R. H. AL33erq
206 WE~ST IurzlN EST.

Txkveix'c Tribes of Israel, at time First
Cha Iir Of H eaven.''
IThlis resolution having been adopt-
ed, thlere war", we felt, no mom-e to sa'y.f
IThe Chinirnman properly imsist-ed thmat
I lie meeting should close with rover-
one-. 'When time motion to adjoumrn was
limt, the nih irna live teaim won by a
socore of 9 to0 (i. Announcomnent -was
made tivbt thme a ppointed0( committees
Would report.at thme next meeting, lbut
this announcement wa's(mat (if order.
Soonme thmen obljected'( to the use of
IlIie w-ord "next'' except in its techinical
amid professionrl sense. When T left
the matter had not, yet. beeni settled.
Very respoct fully yours,
Oala Sizze r Bill.
Now that, Dorothmy Stones is a Mimes
pledlge, her feilow membniers just can't
wa it, for thme initialtion banquet.
t-ced Stoeowxas .bt. lmade a mem-
her of Mkasques, accor-ding to a late
v izre.

p lresentted together, contributed to the
effect 010sam. ees which detracted
fron th interest thtroughout, the pro-
grant. The material available for a
concert of Chtamber 'Music is not too)I
extensive at its best, and even in its
most grateful setting a variety is an
absolute necessity.
'rhe quaint "Der Nussbaumn" of
Schumnan was charmingly interpret-
ed by Mvrs. George A. Flastreiter in a
group of songs which included three
Brahms numbers, all sting to a self-
accompaniment. It was the general
consensus of opinion that had Mrs.
H-astreiter bieen accompanied, al-
though the vocal and instrumentalI
were united with ease and grace, the
effect would have bieen enhanced.
The Mozart Quartet, with Mr. andh
Airs. Sanmuel LoAckwood, violins, Pau-
line Kaiser, viola, and Ora Lsathard,
viol incello, was extremely well donoe,
but its inclusion iii this particular pro-
gram was unfortunate. Surrounded
by numbers of a contrasting type it
would have appeared to much greater
It should be explained that the
larger part of the Will Rogers' pro-
grain is by Mr. Rogers hinmself, al-
though in actual print his two mono-
logues, twenty minutes each with,

Every Patron
Quickly .Served,
Treated, and
Better Satisfied
: -at-

- -. Natural Interest Holds
M atthe
= Detroit's. smartest ballroom. Two
wonderful orchestras provide "con- .:~
-tinuous dancing. r'
Graystone Dancing Nightly Except Monday
2 --T X -1 SP"

! i a ll - tie jUt'Upie'£)t o,; inlgo","*i*2
and(1time st ude(nts a of tie I itiA-(i-5jt Y. naecrany9;,n hi n
There his greatest nme-oi Al will l)ae(-mI£ny amii tmi n
builtamid it will Itale f ite rm lor ImII~ l~ hsed s
inspiiration to othemrs to rmiv toward,: Sir Toby Tiffin.

time ideals for wih I r. rbis
life is a living se-mon.
As was saidl of him at the imemno.m- tl
[service held in lila Honor'u i~

Any one of three entities may lie out
trmial in 'Washington---Colonel1 Mitchell,
th lne ar dep irtument , and I anne J ust-

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