AY, NOVEMBER 19, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN I a LAS.II sorguaCOLU M AT 3 P .;CCLOSEM C 3 . AT 3 P.M AVERTISING T lh Jardine Pleased By Farm Outlook i yar NM News From Other Colleges be It it in of LOST LOST---Win the gentleman who found. Ihe luncheon cloth at the Michigan Onion on Nov. 9, please call 21678, or write Box 28 Daily. Cloth is personally valued as a gift. tf. LOST-Copy of Browning's Complete v.rks-student edition. Phone1 3671. Reward. 51. TAKEN by mistake from Delta Clii House Saturday night, new blue grey overcoat. Label A. P. Cook on inside pocket. Valuable keys in pocket. Please return to 1502 Hill St. or call H. M. Mapes, 8617 after ,, and exchange for coat left. 50-51. LOST--Black fountain lien with gold band and clip. Name on pen Cecil Ellis, Jr. Please return to 210 S. Ingalls or call 7538. Reward. 50-51. LOST-Between Univermity Hall and Washtenaw pair of dark tortoise shell-rimmed glasses. Please re- turn to M. L. Putnam, 1501 Washte- naw. 50-51-52. NOTICE TAILORING Students Tailoring N Phone 8040 (Jor. N. Univorsity and Thayer tEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND, COATS - . REASONABLE PRICES 1Work Called For And Delivered tf. ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial, 4404. tf. FOUNTAIN PEN INK We profit by your satisfaction. The, ink we recommend is first a record ink. It is the best flowing ink and will not clog the delicate nechan- ism of your pen. Ask At Rider's Pen Shop 302 State Street t., th., stn. tf. SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of musical instruments. It pays to trade here. th., f., sat., tf. WANTED POSITION wanted as cook in Frater- nity House, foruteen years experi- ence. Mrs. Ada Pursell. 2954 Grand River. Detroit, Mich. 51-52-53. ATTRACTIVE suite for students, business people, or young couple. Also room mate wanted. Steam heat. Plenty of hot water. Quiet house. Phone 8544. 422 E Wash- ington. 51-52-53-54-55-56 MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. FO1 RENT A Desirable single room near Law buildingfor balance of semester. Phone Robinson at 2006 Washtenaw. Dial 9217. 50-51-52. FOR RENT-Room in private family for girl. Call 9362. 50-51-52. FOR RENT-Near Campus, four room furnished apartment. Newly decorated. In private family. Laundry privilege. Call 4377. 50-51-52. FORD Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- erator, side curtains, demountable rims with good tires. Call J. D. Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell Pl. Saturday morning. tf. FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, Nov. 1923. Fine condition. Will trade for open car. 1303 Wilmot St. Phone 4829. 51. FOR SALE-Two tickets for the Mich- igan-Minnesota game. Together in North stand. Phone 6798 after 5 p.M. 51-52. FOR SALE FOR SALE-1919 Ford Roadster in good condition. Call Thompson, 555 So. Division, Dial 8072, or Univer- sity 204. tf. Baylor University.-- As a protest against a ruling made recently by the dean of women against cvening au- tomobile riding b womennin te un- iversity, 40 men and women held an evening buggy ride here. Columbia. - Cornelius Vermont. tackle on the Columbia football team, has the largest feet in Americo. Vermont wears a 13 1-2 Thoe. Co - umbia authorities are having foot -ii shoes made especially for him as no shoe manufacturer ordimarily makes shoes of such dimensions. Illinois.-The new library will ready for use early in the spring. ' will acimodate 1, 200 students -.'reading room, which is an ct re)e o 935 over the number (chairs in the present building. tis ' Green Tree In Luncheon Dinner -~ - 130--I1:3? r - 5-30-=7:0) PCNTIAC.- The city commission has authorized nrchase of traffic control lights for nine principal street intersectios in the downtown section to cost $-13,000. FLINT. - Circuit Judge James S. Parker today declared unconstitu- tional the act passed by the last leg- islature requiring registration of all, f fearms. c clrEics.t A-: r't:;;cr-,ctf Phone 9646 205 S. State California.- football ganes the University Before all important a song day is held at of California. It is a Read The Daily "Classified" Columns William Jardine, secretary of agri- culture, is pleased over the farm out- look, as you see. He keeps in trim for his responsibilities in Washington by long daily walks. Forest Property Data Is bathered In order to get first hand data for his articles on the forest properties of the University, Arthur W. Stace of the Grand Rapids Press recently visited Ann Arbor. He secured pic- tures and descriptions of the Sagi- naw forest and the Stinchfield woods, properties of the forestry department. Mr. Stace has written newspaper articles on Michigan's forests and on the fish and game preserves which have been published by a well known chain of newspapers in the state. custom on this day to sing the school song in every class. George Washington.- Experiments conducted recently at George Wash- ington university confirmed the the- ory that loss of sleep results in no loss of mental powers. The students who took the test went without sleep for from 60 to 80 hours. Harvard.-In answer to a recent assertion of the Lampoon that "the test of looking in a mirror is the only one a Radcliffe college girl can't pass," Radcliffe retorted, in the recent "crime" columnn of the Hlarvard Crlinl- son, that there were three things a Harvard man could not pass-a foot- ball, a bargain counter, and out. Purdue.-Eta Kappa Nu, nationial i honorary electrical engineering fra- ternity, held its 21st annual meeting here with representatives from 19; chapters present. SOvercoats Designed oderately- ~ Priced $35 andup ~l] II* LUTZ CLOTHING STORE (Downtown) k -------------^^^^^^ PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION iNOW. ChriM as Ureeti ng Cards Sample books of Personal Cards now ready and at your service. Leave your order early. SUNIVERSITY BOOK ST ORE I' 1 Read the Want Ads NOTICE We pay best prices for men's us clothing. Dial 8040. Students' Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer t., th., sate tf. ed !ILet The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. r FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING We skillfully repair your pen the same day you bring it. Why send it away and wait. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State Street t., th., sun. If. J NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten,. by experienced operators at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t., th., sat. tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- ery. t.,,tllh. tf. FOUNTAIN PENS All the better makes including the famous Rider "Masterpen." Why not get our skilled service with the -pen you buy at the same cost. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State Street t., th., sun. tf. WANTED WANTED-Two Minnesota tickets. Phone 21476. Ask for J. T. Engle. WANTED-Desirable single room near Law building for balance of semester. Phone Robinson, 9217. 50-51-52. - WANTED Fifty. men to earn good money at home Christmas and Easter vacations. Steady summer work under a guaranteed" salary for those who make .good. Phone Docheray at 4147. 50451. WANTED-Family and student laun- dry. Call for and delived. Work guaranteed. Call 21668. . 50=51.k WANTED-Competent instructor in JuJitsu. Address, Box 3. 0-51-52. EXPERIENCEP two payment men to open oflice covering entire district.' Full co-operation and " .protection. Send $1.0J for supplies and coim- plete inkormation. Clyde c A. Ra- sey, 25.27 Opera Place,- Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. WANTED WANTED--Dress suit or coat. Call , Wenger 5517. - 51-52-53. WANTED-'Two tickets for Minnesota, game. Calt 5375 Thursday and Fri- day between 1 and 2. 51-52. W ANTED-Two Minnesota tickets. - 2 . wwll C~lv ndil1 ono Thiiaia a x 1, t !i:co 4 C&O el., 00 0 a 0.1 I.J." 10 a 0.0 10-014.111 GO cl P, 041, BEFORE and AFTER -Shaving. Before shaving, an application of Miffin Alkoholwill soften your beard and remove the skin oils and greases which defy or- dinary lather and water. Then, after shaving, Mifflin Alkohol is soothing and refreshing; it relieves the dryness and drawn feeling; it makes for soft, smooth, glowing skin! And Miflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! After bathing, a Miffin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After'exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." Miffin Alkohol is denatured by a formula Which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. C -q i; .. . * . L. hen it's Thanksgiving-and the teams are drawn up for battle on the gridiron-when the first touchdown goes over and the grandstands rock with frenzy -have a Camel! . 4 Y WHEN the- rival bands are playing to make your blood tingle. And the cheers and answer- ing songs sweep back and forth between the. opposing thousands of rooters. When, follow- ing that tense hush, a swift player darts out from the flashing formations on the gridiron and races across the goal for the first touchdown -oh, man, or superman, when the taste of joy is too keen to endure-have a Camel! For Camel is the boon companion of your joys. Roam as far as you will from the prosaic things of every day, Camel will be the truest smoke friend you ever had. Not a tired taste, not a cigaretty after-taste, not a regret in a million Camels! Just full and fragrant smoke contentment, just added zest in living. So when your own college's team tears through for its first smashing goal this Thanks- giving Day-when life seems fullest of the frenzy of happiness-joyfully apply the fire and taste the smoke that's loved by millions. Have a Camel! , m f r g,. (Vifilin Chemical Corporation I PHILADELPHIA, PA. f kts Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE e CO., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney . Wellington ~~3 - ~ -- a X1'11 ' -N ido e Our highest wish, if you do not yet know Camel quality, is that;you try S.1 . . - ** into the making of this one cigarette goes all of the ability of the world's largest organization of expert tobacco men. Nothing is too good for Camels. The choicest Turk;sh an dmesti toaccos.The most